
Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped"

Jul 18th, 2014
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  2. wolfblitzzer0
  3. Thursday, June 19, 2014
  5. israeli mossad chief predicted(perpetrated) kidnaping of teens ......involved in 9/11,sandy hook,boston marathon
  6. israeli mossad chief predicted(perpetrated) kidnaping of teens ......involved in 9/11,sandy hook,boston marathon
  9. and right from the Zionists' ;who run Veterans Today:own mouth as well as Israel's Haaretz newspaper......
  14. Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped” one week before it happened
  19. Tamir Pardo, Chief of the Israeli Mossad
  23. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
  24. Every time the Israeli government finds itself in a jam, its enemies rush in to save it. Or so we are supposed to believe.
  25. The pattern is unmistakeable: The US is leaning on Israel to freeze or dismantle settlements…and suddenly a suicide bomb goes off. The international community has Israel up against a wall…another bomb goes off. Argentina’s Jewish community starts turning anti-Zionist…and the Israeli embassy and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires get blown up.
  26. Today, the whole world is recognizing and applauding Palestine’s new coalition government featuring the newly-reconciled PLA and Hamas. Israel is going crazy, screaming about the “evil Hamas terrorists.” Suddenly three Israeli teens are allegedly kidnapped. Israel blames Hamas, and initiates a brutal crackdown in the West Bank.
  27. But Hamas had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from pulling off this kind of kidnapping. The only beneficiary is Israel, which wants to delegitimize the Palestinian coalition government. The situation fairly screams “false flag!”
  28. Now it has emerged that the head of the Israeli Mossad actually “called” the kidnapping a week in advance!Haaretz just reported:
  29. Mossad chief’s chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy
  30. Ten days ago, Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario that was spookily similar to the kidnapping of three teens missing in the West Bank since Thursday.
  31. By Barak Ravid
  32. Ten days ago, at a security cabinet meeting, Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario spookily similar tothe kidnapping of the three Israeli teens missing since Thursday night… “What will you do if in a week three 14-year-old girls will be kidnapped from one of the settlements?,” he asked. “Will you say there is a law, and we don’t release terrorists?”
  33. So Tamir Pardo has just won a place for himself in the False Flag prognosticators’ Hall of Fame alongside:
  34. *Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Cambone, Cohen, Kagan, Kristol, Libby, Rosen, Shulsky, and other PNAC-ers who called for a New Pearl Harbor in September, 2000 and got it exactly one year later.
  35. *Philip Zelikow, who published a 1998 article in Foreign Affairs speculating on the psychological, political and cultural consequences of a massive Pearl Harbor style attack on America such as the destruction of the World Trade Center.
  36. *Nick Rockefeller, who prior to 9/11 told Aaron Russo “there’s going to be an event” that would send America to war and usher in a National Security State of Emergency.
  37. *Peter Power, the head of Visor Consultants, who confessed that the 7/7 London bombings perfectly mimicked a terror exercise that envisioned bombs going off in the four exact same locations at the exact same times that the real bombs went off.
  38. *The Hollywood folks behind these 9/11 foreshadowings from “The Lone Gunman” and “The Simpsons”:
  40. YouTube - Veterans Today -
  43. Tony Ryals at 10:41 PM
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