
AWA2016 Recap PastebinMonday

Oct 3rd, 2016
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  1. Post AWA 2016 Pastebin
  3. I'm so sad that its over already. the weekend was really fun but it flew by. I wish there were more anime conventions I could go to. I always have such a good time. Heres some things:
  5. Best Cosplay: Clownpiece (
  6. Best Booth: Retro-Saikou (
  7. Best Yoko: This one because she was super nice and pointed out my phone background, phone case, and shirt (all yoko related) as awesome (
  8. Best Honk: @bananasPLS (
  9. Best Purchase: Maki Nesoberi (
  10. Biggest Disappointment: The arcade at AWA
  11. 2nd Biggest Disappointment: Not enough Yoko cosplays
  12. Funniest spontaneous moment: Tie between Night of (Car) Fire and Two Waffle Houses
  14. I really hope that I can start going to more conventions. Momo-con in may is definitely on my radar, and possibly a return to AX. I REALLY want to cosplay as something but im not sure what yet. Anime land has a pretty funny meme group cosplay idea and we can even bring more people into it but somehow i think it probably wont happen. Either way I'm gonna cosplay at my next convention so hmu if you want to join. also anyone who cosplays as yoko is awesome (even if you dont want to take pictures with me because youre trying to find your friend) and if you cosplay as yoko with the Adai Village outfit which is literally the freest cosplay of ALL TIME you get infinite bonus points and I will love you forever. that is all.
  16. also songs:
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