
(5) Gaynon almost dies (but he doesn't)

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >I woke up in the hospital
  2. >Welp, better than waking up in Heaven
  3. >Or was it
  4. >I've always been pretty religious, even if I was gay
  5. >Gone to church for a while, after I moved to Canterlot, I mainly had to go to school most of the time
  6. >I should really start going back
  7. >And I'm out again
  8. >And I'm back again
  9. >They wouldn't mind if I was gay right? If I went back
  10. >Most churches are actually pretty tolerant
  11. >They try to love everybody, just like the Bible says
  12. >Wait, but I kissed Applejack
  13. >Am I straight now
  14. >And I'm out again
  15. >And I'm awake again
  16. >I can't really worry about my orientation right now, I got bigger things to worry about.
  17. >My vision is blurry
  18. >Somethings poking me in the arm
  19. >Owwww
  20. >I think I said that out loud
  21. >But it probably sounded like "ugggghhhhh"
  22. >Whatever is in that IV it's making me....
  23. >And I'm out again
  24. >I wake up
  25. >This time I'm not tired
  26. >My vision's not blurred
  27. >But man am I in pain
  28. >My head hurts
  29. >My left arm and left leg are screaming
  30. >My right side, surprisingly just cuts
  31. >But my left side was covered in blue and black spots
  32. >Funny, I don't have vitiligo
  33. >But seriously though
  34. >I guess it looks like my reckless driving has finally landed me in the hospital
  35. >I look on a nearby nightstand
  36. >There's cards, flowers, a teddy bear, balloons, all kinds of stuff
  37. >In rushes a nurse
  38. >And my parents
  39. >"Alright, he's a wake, just be gentle with him....
  40. >"ANON!!!" My mom practically taclkes me. "Ohhh my poor baby! Why did you do this to yourself?!?!"
  41. >My dad came over
  42. >"Glad to see you're still kicking champ."
  43. ---
  44. >After all the formalities, you know, the matter being that I haven't seen my parents in a year, I remember my friends
  45. >Look at the nightstand
  46. >I turn to the nurse
  47. "Do you know where my phone is?"
  48. >"We have all your personal belongings in storage, they've been in there since the accident."
  49. "How long have I been here"
  50. >"Not long, about a week. You're extremely lucky you aren't comatose. A drunk driver hit you pretty hard. They were coming into the intersection going 40. In a Super Duty pickup."
  51. >My mom looks on the verge of tears
  52. >I smile at her
  53. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry"
  54. >She just came over and hugged me
  55. >After a few hours of just talking my parents left.
  56. >They actually left some presents with me
  57. >My mom got me one of those huge novelty cards. This thing was at least 2 feet.
  58. >My dad got me some booze (not in front of my mom of course). Some Don tequila. He knew I was quite the alcohol connisuer
  59. >Maybe that's a polite name for an alcoholic
  60. >Is getting drunk half the time considered alcoholism?
  61. >Whatever
  62. >The nurse comes back in
  63. "Oh, uh, nurse. Does the school know that I'm taking a sick day?"
  64. >She gives me a smile
  65. >"They already know and have agreed to hold onto your schoolwork until you recovered."
  66. >Great
  67. >The schoolyear is almost over and now you have about a week's worth of work piled up.
  68. >Probably more, I'm not in any condition to leave yet
  69. >The nurse injects me with more morphine
  70. >Oh yeah, this could easily replace the alcohol and weed.
  71. >I feel like I can fly
  72. >The bandages on my arm and leg says otherwise though.
  73. >If the school knows that I'm bedridden, the girls must've caught wind that I almost died
  74. >Not to mention my other group of friends
  75. >But they were teenage guys, they would be scared, but they knew I did stupid stuff like this
  76. >I wish I could talk to the girls though
  77. >I see one of the cards on the table
  78. ---
  79. >It's signed by every one of the girls
  80. >Twilight
  81. >Fluttershy
  82. >Pinkie PIe (in BIG letters)
  83. >Rainbow Dash
  84. >Rarity
  85. >Sunset Shimmer
  86. >And Applejack
  87. >With a heart
  88. >Dawww, dats cute
  89. >I ended up staying in the hospital for about a month or so
  90. >Turns out my arm and leg were broken on impact, I got severe whiplash, and my head hit the console of the car so hard it broke the plastic.
  91. >Not what I would call healthy for the body
  92. >I left and stayed at home for a couple days
  93. >I tried to stay away from the booze, I think the painkillers still have an effect on me.
  94. >I'd probably try to jump off the roof and almost die again.
  95. >I just hung around the house a couple of days
  96. >I remembered to check my phone
  97. >Ewwwww
  98. >That's a nasty crack
  99. >And there is blood all over the casing
  100. >How did I survive again?
  101. >Oh right, seatbelt
  102. >But it was a side impact....
  103. >Anyways, I go to check email
  104. >Not much, just ads, schoolwork, stuff from the guys at work, etc.
  105. >Then text messages
  106. >4 unread messages
  107. >1 from twilight: hey anon, did you get home safe?
  108. >Maybe I should reply with: I don't know, why don't you tell me?
  109. >1 from Rainbow Dash: Hey Anon it's not like you to not respond, call back as soon as you can
  110. >1 from Fluttershy: Hey anon, please call back soon as possible. That is if you don't mind
  111. >1 from Applejack: call back soon hon'. We're worried about you.
  112. >Great. Nothing since before the accident.
  113. >Come to think of it, I haven't really gotten any phone calls or texts since then
  114. >Not including that card
  115. >No one asking if I was out of the hospital
  116. >No one asking how I was
  117. >I checked my facebook®
  118. >There were a few notifications
  119. >People writing on my wall
  120. >The girls, a couple of my other friends, even one of my teachers?
  121. >Why is my teacher my friend on facebook?
  122. >That's lame
  123. >It was all just like "get well soon, get better anon, etc."
  124. >All the normal crap
  125. >But now it's back to the old grind
  126. >And time to face all my stupid problems again.
  127. ---
  128. >Alright, I'm extremley lucky for surviving a full on tackle from a 5 ton vehicle doing 40
  129. >But it turns out I'm not completely unscathed from the accident
  130. >I was walking to the bathroom, and all of a sudden I felt my leg literally crack from my own body weight
  131. >I cried out
  132. "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"
  133. >Wait, I don't have life alert
  134. >Better call 911
  135. >"911: what's your emergen-"
  136. "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
  137. >So I'm whisked away to the hospital, and turns out the fracture on my leg is actually pretty bad
  138. >It needs a metal rod implanted in it to keep steady
  139. >Oh and here's the kicker: I'll never walk the same or be able to do anything really strenuous.
  140. >Ever
  141. >I can't go back to work
  142. >I can't support myself
  143. >I have no car anymore
  144. >No source of income
  145. >Was that yellow light really worth it?
  146. >These are the deep questions, man.
  147. >If I have no income, my car is totaled, and I'm graduating in the next few months, what do I do?
  148. >The doctor suggests moving back in with my parents in Baltimare
  149. >I'd have some money to live off of, a place to sleep, transportation, food.
  150. >Or I could just have them send me money
  151. >No, no. That was stupid, my income needed to support me is at least around $2k a month, they can't support me like that. It'd be easier to just move back with them
  152. >But what about all my friends?
  153. >What about the girls?
  154. >I can't just move away like that
  155. >What if I found a job where I didn't have to do manual labor
  156. >Something matching my skill set
  157. >My skills?
  158. >Well I can do basic math
  159. >And uhhhh... I know a lot about liquor and weed
  160. >I could always become a bartender
  161. >If I was 21
  162. >Awww crap, looks like my options are limited
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