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Apr 10th, 2013
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  1. First time writing in here in to respond to the Guest Post regarding Matt Mitrione. I'm a social worker, and I think its accurate to say that a person that lived as a man for 30 years then takes up beating on women is sociopathic as well as narcissistic.
  3. I really didn't need an LCSW-C to tell you that; most people would tell you it's common sense. I think Fallen should be treated just like the Nazi that fought on the Strikeforce card, and kept out of the sport I love. Sexuality don't mean a thing when you possess a power disparity physically and hurt others with no guilt. I work with lots of female victims of assault as well as rape. Did you know that 1 in 4 women suffer a sexual assault in the United States? I think that number is even bigger, but much of it goes unreported.
  5. Violence against women from men persists, and I really think you guys aren't looking at the big picture. In many respects, I believe supporting Fallon Fox is essentially supporting men to perpetrate violence against women in the name of political correctness. This is not an issue of bigotry, but an issue of protecting our mothers, sisters, and daughters.
  7. You all need to do some soul searching, and think about what you stand for. Standing with Fallon Fox the MMA fighter is standing with men who assault women, and it makes me sick. Supporting the LGBT lifestyle is great, but it's quite another to support violence against women. I'm really disappointed in you guys.
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