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Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. Procedures
  2. Speed
  3. 1) Build unit on Grass Hills.
  4. 2) When unit emerges from garrison, start timing at the edge of the castle gates.
  5. 3) Command unit to walk all the way to the opponent's castle gates.
  6. 4) Stop timing when the unit reaches the opponent's castle gates.
  7. 5) Repeat 1-4 2 more times.
  8. Damage (base attack)
  9. 1) Build unit.
  10. 2) Count the number of hits it takes for unit to kill an unupgraded enslaved giant (right click repeatedly to anim cancel the giant).
  11. Map length
  12. 1) Build swordwrath on map.
  13. 2) When swordwrath emerges from garrison, start timing at the edge of the castle gates.
  14. 3) Command swordwrath to walk all the way to the opponent's castle gates.
  15. 4) Stop timing when the swordwrath reaches the opponent's castle gates.
  16. 5) Repeat 1-4.
  18. Data
  19. Miner
  20. Mining rate
  21. Procedure
  22. 1) Build X miners, letting then mine as they come out of garrison. No splitting.
  23. 2) When the last miner has reached its assigned gold mine, log the time.
  24. 3) 5 minutes later, log the time again.
  25. 4) Wait 1 minute.
  26. 5) Repeat 2 and 3 2 more times.
  27. Data (error = +- 0.25 * X)
  28. Miners Trial 1 T1 T2 G1 G2
  29. 1 3.5 g/s 76.5 376.5 725 1775
  30. 2 6.75 g/s 139 439 1325 3350
  31. Speed
  32. Trial Time taken (s)
  33. 1 93.70
  34. 2 94.00
  35. 3 94.15
  36. Avg 93.95
  37. Speed (hustle)
  38. Trial Time taken (s)
  39. 1 73.14
  40. 2 72.85
  41. 3 72.08
  42. Avg 72.69
  43. Damage
  44. Trial Hits
  45. 1 134
  46. 2 134
  47. Swordwrath
  48. Speed
  49. Trial Time taken (s)
  50. 1 48.39
  51. 2 48.51
  52. 3 47.66
  53. Avg 48.19
  54. Speed (rage)
  55. Trial Time taken(s)
  56. 1 34.01
  57. 2 34.45
  58. 3 34.46
  59. Avg 34.31
  60. Damage
  61. Trial Hits
  62. 1 54
  63. 2 54
  64. 3 54
  65. Damage remains the same when rage is used.
  66. Archidon
  67. Speed
  68. Trial Time taken(s)
  69. 1 48.83
  70. 2 48.57
  71. 3 48.51
  72. Avg 48.64
  73. Damage
  74. Trial Hits
  75. 1 89
  76. 2 89
  77. Meric
  78. Speed
  79. Trial Time taken(s)
  80. 1 78.72
  81. 2 78.82
  82. 3 77.08
  83. Avg 78.20
  84. Magikill
  85. Speed
  86. Trial Time taken (s)
  87. 1 77.21
  88. 2 76.95
  89. 3 77.61
  90. Avg 77.26
  91. Spearton
  92. Speed
  93. Trial Time taken(s)
  94. 1 43.35
  95. 2 43.81
  96. 3 32.39
  97. Avg 39.85
  98. Damage
  99. Trial Hits
  100. 1 67
  101. 2 67
  102. Shadowrath
  103. Speed
  104. Trial Time taken(s)
  105. 1 30.84
  106. 2 31.40
  107. 3 31.32
  108. Avg 31.19
  109. Damage
  110. Trial Hits
  111. 1 23
  112. 2 23
  113. Albowtross
  114. Speed
  115. Trial Time taken(s)
  116. 1 58.32
  117. 2 58.35
  118. 3 58.16
  119. Avg 58.28
  120. Damage
  121. Trial Hits
  122. 1 48
  123. 2 48
  124. Damage (blazing)
  125. Trial Hits
  126. 1 28
  127. 2 29
  128. Avg 28.5
  129. Enslaved Giant
  130. Speed
  131. Trial Time taken(s)
  132. 1 77.35
  133. 2 78.08
  134. 3 77.47
  135. Avg 77.63
  136. Damage
  137. Trial Hits
  138. 1 15
  139. 2 15
  140. Map length
  141. Swamp lands
  142. Trial Time taken(s)
  143. 1 22.78
  144. 2 22.82
  145. 3 22.37
  146. Avg 22.66
  147. Gates
  148. Trial Time taken(s)
  149. 1 33.66
  150. 2 32.70
  151. 3 32.97
  152. Avg 33.11
  153. Castle
  154. Trial Time taken(s)
  155. 1 19.52
  156. 2 19.12
  157. 3 19.41
  158. Avg 19.35
  159. Halloween
  160. Trial Time taken(s)
  161. 1 22.72
  162. 2 22.32
  163. 3 22.76
  164. Avg 22.60
  165. Ice World
  166. Trial Time taken(s)
  167. 1 32.76
  168. 2 33.01
  169. 3 32.94
  170. Avg 32.90
  171. Desert
  172. Trial Time taken(s)
  173. 1 26.09
  174. 2 26.35
  175. 3 26.13
  176. Avg 26.19
  177. Forest
  178. Trial Time taken(s)
  179. 1 32.95
  180. 2 32.92
  181. 3 33.03
  182. Avg 32.97
  183. Replay archive of tests:
  184. 1) (miner w/o hustle, sw, sw w/ rage - speed)
  185. 2) (ar, meric, miner w/ hustle, shadowrath - speed)
  186. 3) (spearton, albowtross, magikill - speed, attempts at dmg tests)
  187. 4) ----------------------------------------------------------- (enslaved giant - speed, sw, sw w/ rage - damage)
  188. 5) (miner, shadowrath w/ fixate stacking, albowtross w/o blazing - damage)
  189. 6) (albowtross w/ blazing, spearton, giant - damage)
  190. 7) (archidon - damage)
  192. Interpretation of data
  193. Using the data collected, we can come up with fairly accurate approximations of Order unit stat values.
  195. Speed
  196. Assume that Grass Hills is 100m in length. Based on that assumption, we can say that each unit's speed ~= v = m/s = 100m / measured time.
  198. Damage
  199. Assume that unupgraded Enslaved Giant has 100hp. Based on that assumption, we can say that each unit's damage = 100hp / hitcount.
  201. Map length
  202. Assume that Grass Hills is 100m in length. Based on that assumption, the lengths of all other maps ~= m/s * s = speed of swordwrath * time taken for swordwrath to run across the map.
  204. Using the above formulas, the stats for the Order units are as follows:
  205. Unit Speed (m/s) Damage (hp)
  206. Miner 1.06 0.75
  207. (hustle) 1.38 --
  208. Swordwrath 2.08 1.85
  209. (rage) 2.91 1.85
  210. Archidon 2.06 1.12
  211. Meric 1.28 --
  212. Magikill 1.29 --
  213. Spearton 2.51 1.49
  214. Shadowrath 3.21 4.35 (with fixate stacking)
  215. Albowtross 1.72 2.08
  216. (blazing) -- 3.51
  217. Giant 1.29 6.67
  219. And the lengths of the maps are as follows:
  220. Map Length (m)
  221. Swamp Lands 47.13
  222. Gates 68.87
  223. Castle 40.25
  224. Halloween 47.01
  225. Ice World 64.43
  226. Desert 54.48
  227. Forest 68.58
  228. Grass Hills 100.00
  230. (no map lengths)
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