
Rough Telurran Timeline (To be updated)

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. Y 0- Golden Age- the height of the Saldannian Empire
  2. Y 100- Magical discovery- the first magi arise
  3. Y 300- Colonization- elven colonies established in Alyssia
  4. Y 600- Empire falls- the fall of the Saldannian Empire
  5. Y 800- Powerful religion rises- rise of Khadon worship among dwarves
  6. Y 1400- Empire rises- first Alyssian empire rises, the Empire of Athenia
  7. Y 1500- Legendary hero
  8. Y 2100- Golden Age
  9. Y 2500- Migrations- the once-elven humans migrate out from Athenia and throughout the continent
  10. Y 2600- Disastrous flood
  11. Y 2630- Conquest
  12. Y 2680- Colonization
  13. Y 2760- Rebellion
  14. Y 2810- Intrigue
  15. Y 2850- Kingdom/empire falls into decline
  16. Y 2890- Volcano eruption
  17. Y 2990- Divine cataclysm
  18. Y 3090- Scandal
  19. Y 3120- Decadence
  20. Y 3140- Invasion
  21. Y 3160- Technological discovery- discovery of magitech
  22. Y 3210- Magical cataclysm
  23. Y 3260- Man-made cataclysm
  24. Y 3290- Kingdom/empire declines in power- decline of Lodrea
  25. Y 3310- Legendary hero
  26. Y 3350- Border skirmishes/raids
  27. Y 3410- Prosperity
  28. Y 3419- Important dignitary abdicates
  29. Y 3429- Trading pact
  30. Y 3433- Feud
  31. Y 3438- Ruler grows stronger- Oslarian king becomes the first emperor
  32. Y 3441- Kingdom/empire grows stronger- Oslaria officially recognized as an empire
  33. Y 3447- Exploration
  34. Y 3450- Rebellion
  35. Y 3452- Monstrous incursions
  36. Y 3461- New alliance formed
  37. Y 3467- Present day
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