
i need better titles for these

Nov 18th, 2015
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  1. [11/16/2015 10:30:43 AM] Zora Sexbang: ...oooh yeeeeah i dont think i mentioned kerenza's role in the vampire fun yet, now that i'm reading back
  2. [11/16/2015 10:30:44 AM] Zora Sexbang: heh heh
  3. [11/16/2015 10:30:49 AM] Sans: oh boy
  4. [11/16/2015 10:31:01 AM] Zora Sexbang: she's the representative of the artsy fartsy clan
  5. [11/16/2015 10:31:07 AM] Zora Sexbang: so she's a bit of a big-shot
  6. [11/16/2015 10:31:14 AM] Sans: oh man
  7. [11/16/2015 10:31:43 AM] Zora Sexbang: her sire, back in the 1800s, was an outlaw known by the name of esmeralda ainsley
  8. [11/16/2015 10:32:07 AM] Sans: OOOOOOOH HER
  9. [11/16/2015 10:33:20 AM] Zora Sexbang: the emerald jewel of the west, they called her. it was her calling card at any bank she robbed, was to leave behind something shiny and green
  10. [11/16/2015 10:34:18 AM] Zora Sexbang: every clan gets three powers. the artsy fartsy clan gets super-speed, aura sight and a power that makes people unable to attack or even question them
  11. [11/16/2015 10:34:33 AM] Zora Sexbang: so robbing old-timey banks?
  12. [11/16/2015 10:34:39 AM] Zora Sexbang: easy shit for one of them
  13. [11/16/2015 10:34:42 AM] Sans: YES
  14. [11/16/2015 10:35:39 AM] Zora Sexbang: one day though, esmeralda happened upon a young, red-headed orphan with quite a fire to her. a beautiful young woman, she was, only 17.
  15. [11/16/2015 10:36:03 AM] Zora Sexbang: she decided she was going to take this young fireball in and teach her the ways of the old west.
  16. [11/16/2015 10:36:21 AM] Zora Sexbang: she didn't turn her yet, though.
  17. [11/16/2015 10:36:49 AM] Zora Sexbang: kerenza never did question just why they only operated at night, considering they were outlaws
  18. [11/16/2015 10:37:21 AM] Zora Sexbang: she did however, wonder why her mentor never seemed to eat
  19. [11/16/2015 10:37:53 AM] Zora Sexbang: this went on for five years. they began to think of each other as mother and child.
  20. [11/16/2015 10:38:56 AM] Zora Sexbang: until the day kerenza finally thought to ask just what esmeralda was. when asked, she just smiled and said she had been waiting for the day that she cottoned on
  21. [11/16/2015 10:39:03 AM] Zora Sexbang: and that was the night she was turned
  22. [11/16/2015 10:39:15 AM] Sans: ah
  23. [11/16/2015 10:39:50 AM] Zora Sexbang: but their outlaw career? didn't end for a while after that.
  24. [11/16/2015 10:40:07 AM] Zora Sexbang: and being a famous outlaw gives you a certain set of skills
  25. [11/16/2015 10:40:19 AM] Zora Sexbang: basically: kerenza knows how to hijack trains.
  26. [11/16/2015 10:41:07 AM] Sans: PERFECT
  27. [11/16/2015 10:43:14 AM] Zora Sexbang: i'm still looking for a way to use this power somewhere.
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