
Not to be continued - Always Good

Mar 27th, 2016
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  1. >[YouTube] Meghan Trainor Ft John Legend Like I'm Gonna Lose You Lyrics
  2. >Here we are again Anon, another lonely night driving aimlessly to god knows where
  3. >Listening to an artist you hate, on repeat, because it fits the mood
  4. >Reality loves a metaphor though, and rain falls onto your car, obscuring the universe
  5. >The city lights go by a little too fast
  6. >Your phone sits in the cup holder, Gatsby's green light fails to flash at you
  7. >All the better, because the last message you received is burned into your soul for eternity
  8. >"you're so sweet Anon, I'd be happy to hang out sometime, just as friends tho [smiley emoji] -RD"
  9. >Your face had fallen then and there, maybe forever
  10. >The calluses on your hands threaten to tear as you grip the steering wheel in a stupor
  11. >Months, you slaved over a barbell, around a track, in front of mirrors, using motivation from all assortment of places to keep at it
  12. >All for her, because she was always there with you
  13. >Always good for a laugh
  14. >Always good for a spot
  15. >Always good for a bit of tomboyish trashtalk
  16. >Between her face and your own autism, you made yourself into a machine
  17. >And that wasn't enough, even after all those months
  18. >Let it out boy, let out that frustration
  19. "Fuck."
  20. >You don't scream, screaming would require rage
  21. >This is just...emptiness
  22. >All you have left is knurled steel and mirrors, and that's where you're headed
  23. >This time, you'll spot yourself, because she's out with another guy right now
  24. >Some twink-looking fucker from out of the country
  25. >In the back of your mind, /pol/ laughs at the concept of racemixing, as well as you being a cuck
  26. >You drive faster
  27. >Tonight, you'll set some PR's
  28. >Either that, or you'll just load up 7 plates and drop the bar on your chest
  29. >The song keeps playing, rain keeps falling, the ride never ends
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