
Arisu Yokamoto: Life Story

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. Name: Arisu Yokamoto
  2. Birth Sex: Female
  3. Gender: Agendered
  4. Hair: Black*
  5. Eyes: Hazel*
  6. Blood Type: AB*
  7. Those facts marked with an asterisk (*) may be changed or made irrelevant by Arisu's adoption of a Synthetic Body
  9. Born to rich Japanese parents in 2140, Arisu seemed set for a life of luxury to those who knew little about her parents. Those who did know them almost pitied the girl, for her parents had made their money not by financial trickery or clever invention, but by back-breaking labour. Believers in the old Japanese way of humble disposition, strict rules, and endless toil, They signed her into the best schools money could buy. Arisu was an ideal student for a time, until she reached the age of 15. Falling in with the "Wrong Crowd", Arisu was introduced to a world of self-indulgence and hedonism. Barely keeping her grades high enough to get into a university like her parents wanted, she threw herself into drugs. She went through three interventions and 6 years of University before graduating with a degree in marketing. It looked for all the world like she would be forced to leave her parties behind her and go live a life of drudgery working for her parent's company. Fortunately for the lifestyle, her parents died in a plane crash.
  11. Left with a massive inheritance, she spent the next 80-odd years in a drug-induced haze, blowing through custom-grown bodies as she sought bigger and better highs. Finally, with all her money spent and the ultimate burnout, she was forced to adopt a synthetic body and take a job with a repo corporation in order to make ends meet. At the office, she encountered the new professional atmosphere. Corporate backstabbing, liars, swindlers, and even mobsters were embedded into the very system, all looking for a piece of the newbie. And she loved every minute of it. Sex and Drugs had long since lost their appeal, but this tense atmosphere was where it was AT. And it never got old. Still, Arisu couldn't help but chase the bigger thrills. When she realized that the danger was greater and the thrills bigger after her first promotion, she (now "They") had a goal. Rise to the top and taste the apex of thrills, the ultimate high.
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