
Infinite Recursion

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. * conceptualCosmogony has joined the memo!
  2. <conceptualCosmogony> Hello. I don't usually come here, but I was looking for someone?
  3. * tenaciousTheseus began responding to the memo
  4. <conceptualCosmogony> Hello.
  5. <conceptualCosmogony> As mentioned previously, I don't generally come here, but I'm searching for someone.
  6. * nectarinePsalms has connected to the memo
  7. <nectarinePsalms> hello
  8. <conceptualCosmogony> Hi.
  9. <tenaciousTheseus> Ah
  10. <tenaciousTheseus> Well, that's what we're here for
  11. <tenaciousTheseus> Among other reasons
  12. <conceptualCosmogony> Does it just work if you put their name in?
  13. <tenaciousTheseus> Who're you looking for?
  14. <conceptualCosmogony> lucidChthonia
  15. <tenaciousTheseus> Well, you tell us the name, and we'll -
  16. <tenaciousTheseus> Oh. Aelf
  17. <nectarinePsalms> congrat', you pinged her
  18. <tenaciousTheseus> Aelf comes here from time to time
  19. <conceptualCosmogony> So she /did/ run off here when we -
  20. <tenaciousTheseus> Although not lately
  21. <conceptualCosmogony> 'not lately'?
  22. <tenaciousTheseus> When you what?
  23. <conceptualCosmogony> I'm a blogger. From PrototypeTowers.
  24. <tenaciousTheseus> And what do you want with Aelf?
  25. <conceptualCosmogony> I don't think the aggregate will care to apologize for what happened there after - well, you probably know if you've got her real name - but I wanted to.
  26. <conceptualCosmogony> Like her actions or no, I enjoyed talking to her before this happened.
  27. * lucidChthonia has joined the memo!
  28. <lucidChthonia> Is it important?
  29. <nectarinePsalms> apparently 'omeone'' apologi'ing to you
  30. <conceptualCosmogony> Lucid!
  31. <lucidChthonia> ...Coco what the /hell/ are you doing here
  32. <conceptualCosmogony> Attempting to re-forge a connection, duh.
  33. * nectarinePsalms PMs tenaciousTheseus : ( "o, what'' going on here? )
  34. <conceptualCosmogony> What /else/ was I supposed to do? Delicately tell the Pulse to fuck off?
  35. <lucidChthonia> [...]
  36. <lucidChthonia> [...]
  37. <lucidChthonia> [....................]
  38. <lucidChthonia> [Nope.]
  39. * lucidChthonia has disconnected from the server!
  40. <nectarinePsalms> well that went well
  41. <conceptualCosmogony> ...
  42. * tenaciousTheseus PMs "Therme" (Luccth was was a notable blogger before shit hit the fan and she had a Folly that ended up killing everyone else in her session. Pits exploded and she got a river of flame in her inbox)
  43. <nectarinePsalms> and i thought i wa' bad with frien'hip'
  44. <tenaciousTheseus> Welp.
  45. <tenaciousTheseus> Can't say I'm too surprised
  46. * nectarinePsalms PMs tenaciousTheseus : ( Ooh, Pit' drama )
  47. * tenaciousTheseus PMs "Therme" (Mmhm)
  48. <conceptualCosmogony> Fuck. Um. Plan B: how /do/ you know her?
  49. <conceptualCosmogony> And how is she doing?
  50. <tenaciousTheseus> I was her coplayer
  51. <tenaciousTheseus> My fourteenth, her ninth
  52. <tenaciousTheseus> She's my friend
  53. <tenaciousTheseus> And
  54. <tenaciousTheseus> I'm not sure how she's doing
  55. <tenaciousTheseus> She's rarely on
  56. <conceptualCosmogony> Oh. Well, I /wanted/ to at least wish her well, or similar.
  57. <conceptualCosmogony> If she isn't on, then that means she isn't doing well.
  58. <nectarinePsalms> you kinda made it 'ound like you were only doing it becau'e of the pul'e
  59. <conceptualCosmogony> Sort of? Except not, really.
  60. <conceptualCosmogony> Can I call her again if I put her name in again, or will she know who pinged her? I mean, is there some sort of Caller ID for username pings?
  61. <nectarinePsalms> no caller ID
  62. <nectarinePsalms> but unle'' 'he'' an idiot, i doubt 'he'll come running back on immediately and /not/ think it wa' you
  64. <luccht|offline> [> Aelf: Have your curiosity and your terror battle it out.]
  65. <luccht|offline> [Curiosity wins.]
  67. * luccht|online PMs conceptualCosmogony (What?)
  68. * conceptualCosmogony PMs lucidChthonia (Um, mostly, I wanted to apologize for my conduct and behavior in - in recent and somewhat less recent events.)
  69. * luccht|online PMs "Coco" (You could've just apologized.)
  70. * conceptualCosmogony PMs "Lucid" ('re completely right, I could have 'just' apologized.)
  71. * conceptualCosmogony PMs "Lucid" (Shall I apologize, then?)
  72. * luccht|online PMs "Coco" (do whatever the fuck you want)
  73. * conceptualCosmogony PMs "Lucid" (Um. Is there a less unwieldy way of doing this than the PM window?)
  74. * luccht|online PMs "Coco" ( #yousayyouwantanapology )
  76. [#yousayyouwantanapology]
  77. <conceptualCosmogony> Well, yeah, of course, certainly, I'm sorry for my relative lack of regard for what /you/ actually felt about the entire affair, because I got swept up in the popular sentiment zeitgeist and didn't actually think about it.
  78. <conceptualCosmogony> [Oh god that's a lot of interjections.]
  79. <luccht|online> ...okay...?
  80. <conceptualCosmogony> So what I want to do for you is - well, I don't /know/ what would actually benefit you if something was in fact done for you, because I have no idea how much it'd help if, say, I gave you an IOU for a kinetic sculpture or -
  81. <luccht|online> [Sigh. This, at least, is recognizably Claire. Or more specifically Claire-realizing-she-made-a-mistake.]
  82. <luccht|online> [She wasn't /this/ wordy in blog comments, though.]
  83. <conceptualCosmogony> Um.
  84. <conceptualCosmogony> I just wanted to apologize for my unseemly behavior after your Tactician's Folly and attempt to make it up to you along any reasonable dimension possible.
  85. <luccht|online> There's not really much you can do for me at this point.
  86. <luccht|online> It's not like I care what you think.
  87. <conceptualCosmogony> That's a lie and you know it.
  88. <conceptualCosmogony> Otherwise would you really be conversing with me?
  89. <conceptualCosmogony> You wanted this, too.
  90. <luccht|online> You - or everyone else, at least - said I /wanted/ everyone to die, too.
  91. <luccht|online> No.
  92. <conceptualCosmogony> Wait -
  93. <conceptualCosmogony> I
  94. <conceptualCosmogony> No, that's not something /I/ said, I just - it was, it was like we'd just discovered someone who was evil in our midst, you know how people are with in-groups and out-groups I've seen some of your public Pits reading list -
  95. <luccht|online> Well, if you've seen some of my public Pits reading list you might also want to quit using dashes like Emily Dickinson.
  96. <conceptualCosmogony> I think I wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't say anything different when everyone turned against you, because I thought that so many people couldn't be wrong.
  97. <conceptualCosmogony> This /still/ isn't something you can say in public, there.
  98. <conceptualCosmogony> Far as Pits knows I'm not /this/ heterodox.
  99. <luccht|online> I believe in WYSIWYG public personas now. I'm me, in public, and if they don't like that then there's something wrong with /me/, not the way I'm presenting myself.
  100. <luccht|online> So thank you, but no.
  101. <luccht|online> I don't need someone to run optics for me.
  102. <conceptualCosmogony> I may be a Dreams player and not a Sight player, but even I'm not stupid enough to believe you don't maintain a public persona - or don't need one.
  103. <luccht|online> I'm /tired/ of maintaining a public persona is what I am.
  104. <luccht|online> I did that for so many years. I kept a blog, curated, queued, reliable, persona, /everything/ you're supposed to have for a blog and a community and what did it get me?
  105. <luccht|online> Jack. Shit.
  106. <luccht|online> Because you are all so /prejudiced/ against an honest mistake perpetuated by a terrified young woman who had a particularly disastrous Tactician's Folly that somehow transgressed your fucked-up idea of what was an "acceptable" Folly.
  107. <conceptualCosmogony> Well, maybe you can change that like you did with the Endless Climb.
  108. <luccht|online> That was ten years ago, Coco.
  109. <conceptualCosmogony> Was our friendship also ten years ago?
  110. <conceptualCosmogony> I seem to recall that I /liked/ talking with you, even, on a regular basis.
  111. <luccht|online> I'm not who I was then, Coco, and I'm not who everyone on Pits thinks I'm supposed to be, and I'm dead tired of changing myself and changing everything I know every few years because of the current of public opinion flowing on, riverlike, eroding at everything I can hold on to.
  112. <conceptualCosmogony> What was the quote you used as header between timestamps 15 and 22?
  113. <luccht|online> "That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
  114. <luccht|online> Okay, cool. You can have my old mask, the one called Lucid the Mindblogger, and you can keep it polished on a shelf and everything if you like, but I'm not going to start writing Infinite Recursion again just because you want it to be all better with one apology.
  115. <luccht|online> That's beyond the scope of what one apology can do.
  116. <conceptualCosmogony> I understand that.
  117. <conceptualCosmogony> I'm not asking you to put on your Recursion face again, not if you don't want to. I want to know /you/ again, because at your best you're /sharp/ and /incisive/ and damn near always right and I am pretty sure people can't /pretend/ to be smart or write smarter than they actually are.
  118. <luccht|online> What if I said that my best was all an act anyway?
  119. <conceptualCosmogony> I'd be surprised, but I'd let you explain how you think it's an act and where it came from.
  120. <luccht|online> I've had a shiny that didn't regrow properly since an accident of presumably Voidy genesis in my second session.
  121. <luccht|online> I've had an overwhelming abnormal guilt response since my /first/.
  122. <luccht|online> I've had a slick of Knight Syndrome that reinforced all my worst habits and fears and anxieties since my sixth, due to a second shiny accident by the one person that ever demonstrated any loyalty to me.
  123. <luccht|online> I attempted to fix this by preventing my emotional centers from building up emotion to any significant degree.
  124. <luccht|online> Instead, I permanently crippled the emotion nodes' ability to /process/ emotion. The Knight Syndrome moved in in its stead.
  125. <luccht|online> I can no longer feel like a normal person. I can no longer actually, legitimately, be happy at anything approaching the intensity of normal feeling.
  126. <luccht|online> Unless you can fix that (which you can't, not even /Dad/ can fix it, he's had seven rerolls and can't think of anything), I don't think I should subject you to the rest of me.
  127. <luccht|online> Please just let me peter away into insignificance, because I like insignificance a lot better.
  128. <luccht|online> Insignificance doesn't demand anything of me.
  129. <conceptualCosmogony> ...and you're Heart, currently.
  130. <conceptualCosmogony> Why did you give up?
  131. <conceptualCosmogony> What - what /made/ you like this I'm so sorry I /knew/ about most of this but -
  132. <conceptualCosmogony> [> Claire: Struggle to find the words.]
  133. <luccht|online> I said I had Knight Syndrome instead of emotions. Did you actually listen?
  134. <conceptualCosmogony> Yes but that doesn't mean I agree with you when you say you can't be saved!
  135. <luccht|online> Well, I can't.
  136. <conceptualCosmogony> (Who's this 'Dad' you speak of, by the way?)
  137. <luccht|online> (ventricularPipefitter, whose Knight Syndrome I still carry, all these years later. Damn shitty souvenir to have of that roll, if you ask me.)
  138. <conceptualCosmogony> (Oh, right. Him. Yes.)
  139. <luccht|online> And why would someone who occasionally made comments on some conceptual framework I was working out want to help me out of a situation that is as close to inescapable as anything gets in the Game?
  140. <conceptualCosmogony> Because you're still better at theorizing than I ever was. Than most of /them/ were.
  141. <conceptualCosmogony> Because you say exactly what you mean and mean exactly what you say and leave it at that, without dancing around the point for five hours.
  142. <conceptualCosmogony> There is a /reason/ Infinite Recursion's concepts - the shared-memory explanation of Carapace "telepathy", the time-braid theory of timetrav-user convergence, the "least possible loops" theory of self-causal Time player interactions - are still in even the newest FAQs, even though they refuse to use your /name/.
  143. <conceptualCosmogony> It is because they are /right/.
  144. <conceptualCosmogony> Or, as you like to say, much closer to right than anything else we've ever had.
  145. <luccht|online> ...Heir? Of Blood?
  146. <conceptualCosmogony> You're being reductionist again.
  147. <conceptualCosmogony> I am not my title, and neither are you.
  148. <conceptualCosmogony> It is /I/ that cares, not some - not some abstract sympathetic magic that prevents me from doing anything else.
  149. <conceptualCosmogony> You could've spurned me and that would have made things worse for me; you retain that power, if for some reason you want to use it at this point.
  150. <conceptualCosmogony> Though I can't imagine why.
  151. <luccht|online> I can.
  152. <conceptualCosmogony> I'm sorry.
  153. <conceptualCosmogony> What can I do about that?
  154. <luccht|online> Nothing.
  155. <conceptualCosmogony> ...well, if you think of something, you know what my handle is, and where to find something, I guess?
  156. <conceptualCosmogony> I don't even know, I just think there would be /something/ that I could do to fix this or cause it to be fixed for you, because, well, honestly, I don't know what I can do but there must be a way.
  157. <luccht|online> If there was, I'm smart enough to have figured it out by now.
  158. <luccht|online> And since I haven't, there isn't.
  159. <luccht|online> Thank you for the offer, though.
  160. <conceptualCosmogony> [...Okay. She thanked you. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead.]
  161. <conceptualCosmogony> I'll be back on when I can.
  162. * conceptualCosmogony has disconnected from the server!
  163. <luccht|online> [> Aelf: Curl back up and ignore everything again.]
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