

Mar 26th, 2012
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  1. [Commie]
  2. **00:15+00:17 - Overinterpretation/Scriptwritinng / See notes
  3. *00:41 - Scriptwriting(arguable) / "paid in" was not really in the script or in context with 00:15 line. It does happen later, but it's an unintended spoiler.
  4. *04:03 - Misinterpretation(arguable) / This line is more of a "You'll fail if you try too hard", or "moderation in all things" with liberal TL. It means it's fine to be nervous, but you'll mess up if you're overanxious.
  5. *07:07 - Context / "So this is what concerts are like!"
  6. *07:29 - Not too sure about engineering terms, but I don't think "suppression" is "safety mechanism"/"buffer".
  7. 07:34 - Error(negligible) / "no, {OR I mean,}" not "and".
  8. *14:17 - Error(unimportant line) / "It seemed hungry."
  9. *14:29 - Context (minor) / "... is half to blame"
  10. **15:07 - Error / "I couldn't even get a glimpse of her."
  11. **15:33 - Error / "...greatest disaster in history."
  12. 18:18 - Context (negligible) / "It's a fact."
  13. **18:35 - Mishearing (recurring) / "Come on, Limited Edition CDs come with amazing bonus materials."
  14. **20:00 - Mishearing / "We got further away from the shelter."
  16. [GetWet]
  17. **00:15 - Context and sentence structure. / See notes
  18. 07:34 - Error(negligible) / "no, {OR I mean,}" not "and"
  19. *08:30 - Literal Error (minor) / I know their weapons resemble those two, but "carrying a spear and a sword" sounds silly. It simply means "armed/equipped with weapons".
  20. *12:02 - Nuance(minor) / "just" is pretty bad there. Could remove or go with "I wanted to [...] one day."
  21. *14:29 - Context (minor) / No context, "... is half to blame"
  22. **15:07 - Literal Error / "I couldn't even get a glimpse of her."
  23. **18:39 - Context / "Wouldn't they sell out then?"
  25. [gg], Ep2
  26. **##:## - Detail / No song translation for musical style dialogue. Rest are w/e, but the first 2 lines were kind of relevant.
  27. *00:17 - Context(minor) / "What the hell is going on?"
  28. *06:03 - Detail(minor) / +"your actions and communication will be restricted"
  29. **07:24+07:40 - Error / "Don't bother acting friendly." "Smiles are not needed where we're going."
  30. *12:10 - Liberal(minor) / "Suit" -> "Gear", SymphoGEAR.
  31. *13:04 - Error(minor) / "person of interest" -> "material witness"
  32. **13:20 - Error(recurring) / "appear to be any permanent damage!" -> "I don't see too many things wrong with you"
  33. *21:43 - Error(minor) / "I may only drag you down now, [...]"
  35. [Ayako], Ep2
  36. *##:## - Errors(minor) / A lot of songs were questionable or had small errors, but it's probably not possible to get everything with audio alone.
  37. *7:44 - Literal(minor) / "Welcome to humanity's last line of defense."
  38. *9:29 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Once again..." {OR "Like I've been saying..."}
  39. *17:36 - Liberal(minor) / "solid carbon" -> "Charcoal", "Ashes". "Solid carbon" is an unnecesary liberal twist. afaik, people are made of carbon from beginning. Solid carbon fiber wouldn't crumble too.
  40. *19:09 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Only Symphogears have the power to defeat Noise, right?", Symphogears don't fight on their own.
  43. [gg], Ep2
  44. **##:## - Detail / No song translation for musical style dialogue. Rest are w/e, but the first 2 lines were kind of relevant.
  45. *00:17 - Context(minor) / "What the hell is going on?"
  46. *06:03 - Detail(minor) / +"your actions and communication will be partially restricted"
  47. **07:24+07:40 - Error / "Don't bother acting friendly." "Smiles are not needed where we're going."
  48. *12:10 - Liberal(minor) / "Suit" -> "Gear", SymphoGEAR.
  49. *13:04 - Error(minor) / "person of interest" -> "material witness"
  50. **13:20 - Error(recurring) / "appear to be any permanent damage!" -> "I don't see too many things wrong with you"
  51. *21:43 - Error(minor) / "I may only drag you down now, [...]"
  53. [Ayako], Ep2
  54. *7:44 - Literal(minor) / "Welcome to humanity's last line of defense."
  55. *9:29 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Once again..." {OR "Like I've been saying..."}
  56. *17:36 - Liberal(minor) / "solid carbon" -> "Charcoal", "Ashes". "Solid carbon" is an unnecesary liberal twist, and afaik, people are made of carbon from beginning. Solid carbon fiber would be too hard to crumble too.
  57. *19:09 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Only Symphogears have the power to defeat Noise, right?", Symphogears don't fight on their own.
  60. Notes:
  62. 「八千八声 啼いて血を吐くホトトギス」 literally translates to "Eight thousand cries in eight voices, the cuckoo chirped as it coughed up blood."
  63. The first part is in yojijukugo format, which is typically divided into 2 kanji. The pronunciation confirms it as "8000" and "8 voices" combined. The obvious interpretation of this is "shouting 8000 times in 8 voices", which in context with cuckoo is "Endless
  64. shrills (sounding differently)".
  66. It's also used to describe how often cuckoos cry in a day, but that's clearely out of context here.
  68. Apparently, this whole line is from a Chinese fable where an emperor died and his soul was reincarnated as a cuckoo to help his people by informing them when to farm. Legend has it, the cuckoo cried until it coughed up blood when the country he ruled got invaded.
  69. Some say this is why Cuculus poliocephalus' beaks were red.
  70. Cuckoo is considered to be a bird that has close relationship with the spiritual world.
  72. The interpretation of this line in context of Ep1 should be something similar to "The cuckoo(Kanade) sacrificed itself{OR coughed blood} to sing the eternal song."
  73. Liberal translation for this line is appropriate because poems are untranslatable without losing meanings, and the "coughed up blood" part was explained in the next scene.
  75. More TL;DR:
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