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Jul 6th, 2014
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  1. 04:37] <tk808> Hello, I'm T.k. From Coins Source and i'd like to have a brief chat about Uro
  2. [04:37] <thesherpa> hello T.k.
  3. [04:37] <tm2013> thesherpa: I will elaborate on an idea of mine...
  4. [04:37] <tm2013> hello T.K.
  5. [04:37] <thesherpa> ok lets talk after tm2013
  6. [04:37] <tk808> How are you guys today?
  7. [04:37] <tm2013> fine, you?
  8. [04:37] <thesherpa> we are excited
  9. [04:37] <thesherpa> (i am)
  10. [04:37] <tk808> I'm good, very hot here in California.
  11. [04:38] <tm2013> same here in Florida
  12. [04:38] * b4LSi (~b4LSi@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  13. [04:38] <thesherpa> was hot here yesterday in VT
  14. [04:38] <tk808> Major heat wave hitting U.S. again
  15. [04:38] <tk808> Anyways, so i'm here to ultimately clear some stuff up regarding Uro and Urea
  16. [04:38] <davisgreen> wow- just withdrew from bittrex to wallet- its lightning fast :)
  17. [04:39] <tm2013> Alright, shoot.
  18. [04:39] <@true-asset> Thanks for coming tk808
  19. [04:39] <tk808> Thank you for responding True :)
  20. [04:39] <tk808> Before we begin, may i know exactly who i'm talking to. Your positions in Uro?
  21. [04:40] <@true-asset> My name is Bohan Huang, I am one of the members of the development team which itself is part of the Uro Foundation
  22. [04:40] <tm2013> I am Tim, just a member of the community who is trying to add some technical ideas.
  23. [04:41] <@true-asset> The rest of the Uro Foundation is composed of positions held by the Urea industry
  24. [04:41] <thesherpa> Jason, community member
  25. [04:41] <tk808> Nice to meet you all! I'm t.k. Or Tarek :)
  26. [04:42] <tk808> Where you contracted by a Urea company, specifically NIER
  27. [04:42] <tk808> ?
  28. [04:42] <@true-asset> Somebody should go on tweeter and let people know that his "interview" is happening now
  29. [04:42] <tk808> To create Uro
  30. [04:42] <tk808> I notified Coins Source's chat, i'll tweet it out aswell. I will also post the IRC logs up later tonight.
  31. [04:43] <@true-asset> Uro's development is independent in the sense that NO finacial funding has been input from the industry in anyway
  32. [04:43] * john____ (ca9c0bf9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #URO
  33. [04:43] <@true-asset> I so have a position on GES Australia - However GES AU is not invovlved directly with GES global commodities operations
  34. [04:44] <@true-asset> When your company operates in 10 nations and uses JV structures its hard to remain completely separated from other firms
  35. [04:44] <thesherpa> NIER is national import export representative which are the type of companies involved with the foundation
  36. [04:44] * phmadoredotcom ( has joined #URO
  37. [04:45] <tk808> Understandable, does the URO foundation contain any members from the industry? Or is it strictly limited to the development team?
  38. [04:45] <@true-asset> specifically Green Earth Systems Limited ratified the Uro Protocol
  39. [04:45] <tk808> And do you have documentations signed by Green Earth's Systems?
  40. [04:46] <earth> wtf?
  41. [04:46] <earth> >not affiliated with green earth
  42. [04:46] <@true-asset> Uro Foundation has a NIER board position for each company that has ratified the Uro Protocol. At the moment there are 4 companies
  43. [04:47] * iarsenaux (70c65257@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #URO
  44. [04:47] <@true-asset> This is one of the Uro Protocol Instruments of Ratification:
  45. [04:47] <tk808> Okay, there is a Uro Protocol, has anyone officially signed it or mentioned it? So we can directly link evidence with URO and Urea.
  46. [04:47] * earth (59f01cc0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left #URO
  47. [04:47] <tk808> I've read the document, it cotains nothing specific.
  48. [04:47] <@true-asset> Signed by common seal as required under Hong Kong law
  49. [04:47] * fishfishfish (b4d813e6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #URO
  50. [04:47] <tk808> And where is this proof?
  51. [04:48] <@true-asset> This is the one for Crown Team Corp:
  52. [04:48] <@true-asset> you can find the rest on
  53. [04:48] <@true-asset> This is the Uro Protocol:
  54. [04:48] <tk808> Excellent, i was unable to locate that document.
  55. [04:48] <Kyle589> Really?
  56. [04:48] <tk808> I read the protocol.
  57. [04:48] <Kyle589> Its right in the ANN thread
  58. [04:49] <tk808> I must of overlooked it. Moving on.
  59. [04:49] <tk808> Do you currently own any Urea tonnes?
  60. [04:49] <@true-asset> In simple terms the protocol binds signatories to being merchants that commit to accepting Uro for payment
  61. [04:49] <fishfishfish> true-asset, last i looked, pilly group ratification still had teh spelling errors.
  62. [04:49] <fishfishfish> pilly vs pillay
  63. [04:49] <@true-asset> Specifically in the fixed ratio 1 Uro == 1 metric tonne Urea
  64. [04:50] <fishfishfish> and teh dividson vs davidson error as well.
  65. [04:50] <@true-asset> fishfishfish: the has been fixed. Someone will upload on Monday
  66. [04:50] <tk808> Yes, so its a comittment by this company, to fulfill their order if URO is accepted? Is this correct?
  67. [04:50] <tk808> There is no Urea held by the URO team currently, or by the foundation.
  68. [04:50] <@true-asset> yes - the companies commit to sell a 12,500 MT shipment of Urea for 12,500 URO
  69. 04:51] <tk808> Committed, but its not 100%
  70. [04:51] <@true-asset> No, we don;t hole cargo ships full of volatile chemicals :)
  71. [04:51] <tm2013> Think of it as a cryptocurrency derivative
  72. [04:51] <thesherpa> but your signatories are in business of providing urea for local currency or USD normally
  73. [04:52] <thesherpa> in our case theyd be accepting URO at the specified rate
  74. [04:52] <tk808> Yes understandable, but when a company comitts to something it doesn't necessarily mean you own it.
  75. [04:52] <@true-asset> This is how a Urea trade normally happens
  76. [04:52] <@true-asset> 1. Buyer negotiates with seller
  77. [04:52] <tk808> A temporay holding.
  78. [04:53] * blue_ (43ac4f2e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  79. [04:53] <@true-asset> 2. (Context: you cannot transfer millions of cash internationally - normally) Buyer issues a SBLC, LC or BG
  80. [04:53] <@true-asset> 3. Contracts and finalized, and seller organizes a Urea orer with the factory/plant
  81. [04:54] <tk808> And they've comitted to 12,500 Urea
  82. [04:54] <@true-asset> 4. In the meantime the banks fight amongst themselves until they manage to get the funds transferred
  83. [04:54] <tk808> amogst the 4 other companies, how does that amount to 1 Uro to 1 Urea?
  84. [04:54] <@true-asset> 5. Urea delivered
  85. [04:54] <xmaersk> wow, sure would be easier to send payment over a crypto network then have to deal with letter of credit fees and bank hassle
  86. [04:54] <@true-asset> They are not commited to just a single order of 12,500 MT
  87. [04:54] <tk808> Its definitely interesting.
  88. [04:55] <@true-asset> They are commited to selling shipments of Urea for Uro for the next 10 years
  89. [04:55] <@true-asset> the 12,500MT is a minimum order because that is the smallest cargo ship size
  90. [04:55] <thesherpa> if you can provide 12,500 uro they will obtain from the factories 12,500 urea
  91. [04:55] <@true-asset> and these companies only know how to deal in ships
  92. 04:56] <tk808> Yes understandable, but there is some type of disconnect here.
  93. [04:56] <@true-asset> But as time moves own we sill reach into lower quantities through wholesalers in each nation
  94. [04:56] <@true-asset> Please describe the disconnect
  95. [04:57] <tm2013> And correct me if I'm wrong, but there will be smaller distributors in various regions over time.
  96. [04:57] <tk808> The disconnect between the developement of Uro vs companies interest in Urea.
  97. [04:57] <tk808> Crypto-currencies woulden't be of high value to them, and as someone mentioned there is internation headachs.
  98. [04:57] <@true-asset> Yes but this will improve over time - with promotion
  99. [04:57] <tk808> But Crypto-currencies legality isn't accepted world-wide or regulated
  100. [04:58] * blue_ (43ac4f2e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #URO
  101. [04:58] <davisgreen> thats why overstock is accepting bitcoins- yes
  102. [04:58] <tk808> You understand the point, a half a billion, most likely billion dollar industry getting into an unregulated space.
  103. [04:58] <tk808> Bitcoin yes, in the united states
  104. [04:58] <@true-asset> Our legal team believes that as long as we do not deal with fiat we can avoid those issue for now.
  105. [04:58] <tk808> Urea is worldwide
  106. [04:59] <tk808> Understandable.
  107. [04:59] <@true-asset> tk808 I can promise you that SBLCs, LCs and BGs are more shady then any cryptocurrency has ever been
  108. [04:59] <tm2013> The cryptocurrency will be accepted as the main payment, avoiding the headaches associated with the banks.
  109. [04:59] <@true-asset> For example: SWIFT - the defacto communication channel between banks - is run by a cartel
  110. [05:00] <tk808> You are essentially helping me understand the process of Urea, many questions that several people may have.
  111. [05:00] <@true-asset> and SBLCs, LCs, and BGs are transfferred on SWIFT at the moment
  112. [05:00] <@true-asset> SWIFT membership is ~2 million USD per bank per year
  113. [05:00] <thesherpa> +1 thank you for taking the time to help us understand
  114. [05:01] <tk808> So let me re-cap quickly. Urea foundation consisted of the Uro Protocol, and the companies are legally bound by the hong kong
  115. [05:01] <@true-asset> Each SLBC, LC, BG transferred over SWIFT costs ~50K in SWIFT fees
  116. [05:01] <davisgreen> most of us here already got most of our questions answered in last 7 weeks- u are new- please dont leave any stone unturned- thanks
  117. [05:01] <tk808> To fulfill the orders of Urea, per Uro.
  118. [05:01] <@true-asset> The banks also make there margin - so end up paying 100K plus for each deal in bank fees
  119. [05:02] <thesherpa> on a minimul $3 million USD order
  120. [05:02] <@true-asset> Uro Foundation organised the Uro Protocol
  121. [05:02] <@true-asset> Corporations have signed a ratified the protocol to provide market confidence
  122. [05:02] <@true-asset> To proof they will accept Uro for payment
  123. [05:03] <tk808> How did you guys negotitate the price of Uro, the total supply of Uro vs 1 tonne of urea?
  124. [05:03] <tk808> With the Urea companies, if yourselves have had no contact with them?
  125. [05:03] <@true-asset> corporations intend to accept Uro anyway
  126. [05:03] <@true-asset> I do have some contact of course
  127. [05:03] <tm2013> So are they lawfully and contractually bound to deliver under the governance of Hong Kong?
  128. [05:04] <@true-asset> we had to negotiate and setup the how project
  129. [05:04] <@true-asset> *whole project
  130. [05:04] <tk808> So you yourself have contacted the Urea industries through your connections?
  131. [05:04] <tk808> And negotiated this currency and Protocol
  132. [05:04] <@true-asset> Each member is bound by their local laws when they signed the Statement of Ratification in their home nation
  133. [05:05] <tm2013> Ok, so they have to deliver by law under their jurisdiction. Good.
  134. [05:05] <@true-asset> So I have a position in GES Australia, which is connected to GES Limited HK - that is where the connect starts
  135. [05:05] <john____> is uro scam
  136. [05:06] <tk808> Do you have proof of your position in GES australia?
  137. [05:06] <john____>
  138. [05:06] <buneko_afk> john____ Wait until they finish the interview please.
  139. [05:06] <john____> scambust said uro is scam
  140. [05:06] * allhas (6d7c9478@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  141. [05:06] <@true-asset> I will raise this issue with GES - they will post something officially on their website
  142. [05:06] <tm2013> john____:, please refrain from interrupting
  143. [05:07] <@true-asset> However even if I don;t exist - the Uro Protocol and the Ratifications still stand
  144. [05:07] <tk808> Do you have a timeframe for this posting?
  145. [05:07] * courtneyfollower (dea410e4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #URO
  146. [05:07] <tk808> The problem i'm trying to address is Uros connection with Urea
  147. [05:07] <@true-asset> Early next week - Monday or Tuesday
  148. [05:08] <tk808> I will be looking foward to that essential evidence.
  149. [05:08] <@true-asset> In the meantime I am sure someone here can point you to a photo with me and some other more important people - if you dig around the jgsaw fits together
  150. [05:08] <@true-asset> if you are too busy to do that wait for update next week
  151. [05:09] <davisgreen> i say bitcoin is a scam john____ - sell everything and go live in a cave please- thanks
  152. [05:09] <tk808> I would appreciate all evidence you can supply us with, then we can ultimately help us promote you guys and assist with getting the word out.
  153. [05:10] <tk808> Feel free to email me at
  154. [05:10] <@true-asset> actually not need to wait if its just my connection you are after:
  155. [05:10] * dccfcf (42af5f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #URO
  156. [05:11] <tm2013> When you request delivery of urea, with whom will a contract of agreement be made: the uro foundation or a a NIER?
  157. [05:11] <@true-asset> the CEO of GES Limited HK is on the far left, I am on the far right - and the other members's identities are waiting on their approval to be publiched
  158. [05:11] <@true-asset> which will happen early next week
  159. [05:12] <buneko_afk> tk808
  160. [05:12] <thesherpa> tm id say you contact your local nier who has agreed to and signed to be a part of the protocol/foundation
  161. [05:12] <@true-asset> You can contact the the companies directly or contact the Uro Foundation who will direct you to the right supplier based on your location
  162. [05:12] * wwf ( has joined #URO
  163. [05:12] <tm2013> good point. So the NIER's act like a bitpay, except the end product is urea, not fiat currency.
  164. [05:13] <tk808> I appreciate that evidence, Bohan
  165. [05:13] <buneko_afk> tk808 I have true-asset's Google Plus profile, he has Nilesh Nair on his profile.
  166. [05:13] <Kyle589> TK I can tell you the members of these companies have been very forthcoming. I emailed a random member if GES just the other night and emailed me right back asking questions and concerns.
  167. [05:13] <buneko_afk> Not sure if this helps in ayway
  168. [05:13] <@true-asset> Like bitcoin its open soruce and open platform so everybosy can choose to accept Uro. Foundation NIERs are just guaranteed to accept Uro
  169. [05:13] <tk808> Yes, definitely. All bits of evidence helps.
  170. [05:13] * b4LSi (~b4LSi@ has joined #URO
  171. [05:14] <buneko_afk> Oh, and I hope I could link your profile true-asset
  172. [05:14] <tk808> I believe the idenities to be true, but i will await publication
  173. [05:14] <thesherpa> fiat > btc > uro >urea or fiat > banks > fees > madness > urea ;)
  174. [05:14] * b4LSi (~b4LSi@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  175. [05:14] <tm2013> true-asset, do you have a professional linkedn profile to be listed?
  176. [05:15] <@true-asset> Okay here is the go - we didn't see the need to post full details because with other clients they did not care - since most deals involve some sort of face to face meeting in the past to establish relations
  177. [05:15] <dccfcf> true-asset, why is wealth being distributed in this way?
  178. [05:15] <dccfcf> why are you so generous?
  179. [05:15] <@true-asset> obviously this is a different world - so we adapt
  180. [05:16] <@true-asset> dccfcf: what other ways are there?
  181. [05:16] <tk808> I'd like to touch upon the urea to uro assets with a few more questions.
  182. [05:16] * albertdros ( Quit (Quit: albertdros)
  183. [05:16] * whywefight (~whywefigh@unaffiliated/whywefight) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  184. [05:16] <tk808> Then i will be finished with this interview.
  185. [05:16] * dccfcf (42af5f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  186. [05:16] <@true-asset> The legally of IPOs are very sketchy - in many countries the law may be interpreted in a way that can incriminate the devs of IPO coins
  187. [05:17] <tk808> \Yes
  188. [05:17] <@true-asset> okay tk808 lets talk Urea
  189. [05:17] * Kaliber1 (~kaliber1@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  190. [05:17] <tk808> But you ultimately had miners mine to obtain Uro
  191. [05:18] <tk808> The distribution process of Uro does not fit accordinly with the cost of Urea's current commodity price
  192. [05:18] <@true-asset> Of course I mined
  193. [05:18] <@true-asset> Its a basic confirmation of my personal believe in Uro at the least
  194. [05:18] <tk808> So essentially, anyone who partook in the mining process is entitled to a mark-up of over 1000% wealth on immediately obtaining Uro.
  195. [05:19] <thesherpa> the distribution process of XC did not fit with the cost of XC once the anon and atc's skillset came to light
  196. [05:19] <tk808> 1k-3k % profit market up on Uro
  197. [05:19] <@true-asset> Thats assuming the price stays low tk
  198. [05:19] <tk808> No XC is not backed by a commodity
  199. [05:19] <courtneyfollower> uro has huge potential
  200. [05:19] <@true-asset> Uro hashrate increases every day
  201. 05:19] <tk808> From my knowledge in investing in markets and experience with alternative coins
  202. [05:19] <thesherpa> but it say 1000% form being just a coin to a coin with anon support by someone who knows what tehir doing
  203. [05:20] <@true-asset> it is harder each day to mine Urocoin
  204. [05:20] <thesherpa> (cant type)
  205. [05:20] <tk808> I don't believe that is the case
  206. [05:20] <tm2013> All uro is doing is solving the problem that btc can't: It is making producers accept a cryptocurrency for the end product.
  207. [05:20] <tk808> Coins rise and fall daily, and drastically.
  208. [05:20] <Kyle589> Coins backed by air
  209. [05:21] <@true-asset> Those coin fall because there is nothing backing them
  210. [05:21] * jdanks ( has joined #URO
  211. [05:21] <tk808> There doesn't need to be anything backing crypto-currencies.
  212. [05:21] <@true-asset> But we already have a best coin backed by by pure confidence - its bbitcoin
  213. [05:21] <tk808> It acquires value from people.
  214. [05:21] <Kyle589> Well this is a crypto-commodity
  215. [05:21] <tk808> Crypto Commodity on Bittrex exchange
  216. [05:22] <tk808> Its marketed in the same way as all other crypto-currencies
  217. [05:22] <@true-asset> There are lots of coins which are innovative - they are there as a necessary test for future technologies
  218. [05:22] <tk808> Its undergoing several of the same processes/stages
  219. [05:22] <@true-asset> There are coins that have not reason to be their - like country coins
  220. [05:22] <tk808> Woulden't it have been better off marketing URO to industry specific companies?
  221. [05:22] <tm2013> futures are backed and given value by a promise and a contract to deliver a commodity; So is this.
  222. [05:23] <@true-asset> then there are coins like Uro and PTS - that are about market creation
  223. [05:23] <tk808> Yes, its a comittment. Not a full-fledged agreement.
  224. [05:23] <tk808> Anyways, we are going back to square one now.
  225. [05:23] <@true-asset> So many altcoins have a place - and many don't
  226. [05:23] <@true-asset> okay
  227. [05:23] <tk808> I understand this, i have a vast knowledge of alternative currencies and trends.
  228. [05:23] <tm2013> true-asset just stated that they are backed by an actual contract: not just a commitment
  229. [05:24] <tk808> No, it was initially stated as a comittment.
  230. [05:24] <tk808> [18:49] <@true-asset> In simple terms the protocol binds signatories to being merchants that commit to accepting Uro for payment [18:49] <fishfishfish> true-asset, last i looked, pilly group ratification still had teh spelling errors.
  231. [05:24] <tk808> Comit, not agreed upon.
  232. [05:24] <tk808> commit*
  233. [05:25] <tk808> Meaning at any point in time, they are able to back out of all orders.
  234. [05:25] <davisgreen> u only make an agreement when u get the funds
  235. [05:25] * Kaliber1 (~kaliber1@ has joined #URO
  236. [05:25] <@true-asset> a commitment manifested in the ratification of legal documents that enforce the sale of Urea for Uro under the terms of a standard embedded contract within the protocol itself
  237. [05:25] <tk808> In Hong Kong
  238. [05:26] <@true-asset> tk: The Uro Protocol binds members for next 10 years
  239. [05:26] <tk808> they comitted to that agreement
  240. [05:26] <tk808> But they do not have to send you 1 tonne.
  241. [05:26] <@true-asset> For a company to get out it takes at least 60 days of notice
  242. [05:27] * john____ (ca9c0bf9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  243. [05:27] <courtneyfollower> during the 60 days of notice, we can still buy their urea?
  244. [05:27] <@true-asset> Yes
  245. [05:27] <courtneyfollower> if they want to get out
  246. [05:27] * guest565578 (b6ed9c17@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  247. [05:27] <tk808> If there is anything else anyone wants to add that i may have missed go right ahead.
  248. [05:27] <courtneyfollower> so it is quite safe
  249. [05:27] <@true-asset> tk: the logistics of send 1 tonne are not economical
  250. [05:28] <@true-asset> it would be follish to promise that can happen right away
  251. [05:28] <tk808> Yes i understand, but there has to be some protection for investors.
  252. [05:28] <@true-asset> it would be an irresponsible hype device
  253. [05:28] <tm2013> To quote true-asset about how they are bound: "Each member is bound by their local laws when they signed the Statement of Ratification in their home nation"
  254. [05:28] <davisgreen> its 12500 mt- so u need 12500 uro to place an order and the community has already pooled in those uro to place and order to see if it is for real
  255. [05:29] <tm2013> meaning not just in Hong Kong, but by local laws.
  256. [05:29] <tk808> There is no internation enforcements
  257. [05:29] <tk808> For copywright infringements, let alone comitts.
  258. [05:29] <courtneyfollower> someone should try to take delivery of these 12.5k tons of uro
  259. [05:29] <thesherpa> the national import export representatives who signed the protocoll agree to source urea in an ammount of 12,500 Metric tonnes or more in direct exchange for 12,500 Uro or more in a 1MTurea==1Uro starting the 9th until the 9th 10 years from now :D
  260. [05:30] <courtneyfollower> to see whether they fulfill the promise
  261. [05:30] <@true-asset> tk: valid point - but who can provide this enforcement?
  262. [05:30] <tm2013> technically the world trade organization?
  263. [05:30] <tk808> There is no enforcements internationally.
  264. [05:30] <tk808> For a comittment.
  265. [05:31] <courtneyfollower> impossible to enforce internationally
  266. [05:31] <thesherpa> so commitment vs agreement is the impasse?
  267. [05:31] <@true-asset> tk: the point is that the companies want to use Uro - these documents are just a way of communication this "want" to the greater community
  268. [05:31] <tk808> Yes i understand, but there is a risk.
  269. [05:31] <@true-asset> Yes - and we welcome advice to reduce this perceived risk
  270. [05:31] <tm2013> true-asset: is this a contract or a commitment? Black and White difference. No grey area.
  271. [05:32] <tk808> Its a commitment.
  272. [05:32] <darkpill> +6
  273. [05:32] <@true-asset> What would you call the Kyoto Protocol?
  274. [05:32] <@true-asset> Now compare with Uro Protocol
  275. [05:32] * kingslayer999 (b6ed9c17@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #URO
  276. [05:32] <tk808> This is enforced by the united nations.
  277. [05:32] <Kyle589> read the protocol. Its an irrevocabal contract
  278. [05:32] <davisgreen> but how can you have a contract without paying anything- m sure once you place an order the contract will happen then
  279. [05:33] <tm2013> The Kyoto Protocol is COMPLETELY different
  280. [05:33] <tk808> Comittment in business is much different.
  281. [05:33] <@true-asset> Okay, but when was the last time the UN prevented a war by deciding agaisnt it?
  282. [05:34] <@true-asset> when was the last time the UN successfully implements a regulation that was unpopular with members?
  283. [05:34] <tm2013> What does this have to do with anything? By joining the UN, each member agrees to do what is decided upon by vote.
  284. [05:35] <tk808> I truly appreciate your time and this interview Bohan. Is there anything else you'd like to add about Uro?
  285. [05:35] <tk808> or anything stated here?
  286. [05:35] <@true-asset> Yes - I believe we deserve a lot more attention - both negative and possible - and welcome participation by all.
  287. [05:36] <coinpirate> negative and positive
  288. [05:36] <thesherpa> crypto commodity trend begins in 4 days
  289. [05:36] <@true-asset> We believe this is a great opportunity for newcomers to leanr about how markets work, how they are created, how they evolve
  290. [05:36] <tk808> :) I 100% agree with you
  291. [05:36] <@true-asset> Its is also a great opportunity to learn about commodities
  292. [05:37] <davisgreen> and coming years- farmers can sleep peacefully knowing they have enough fertilizers for the next season
  293. [05:37] <tm2013> +1
  294. [05:37] <tk808> It was really nice interviewing you, your team and all the input from the enthusiastic individuals in this chat!
  295. [05:37] <@true-asset> No body is forcing you to buy Uro - just come and talk - learn - criticise - be the voice of the people
  296. [05:37] <thesherpa> thanks for coming, questioning, and listening tk
  297. [05:37] <@true-asset> Thanks you for coming on board so promptly tk808 - and we really respect your publication
  298. [05:38] <tm2013> thanks for coming out, T.K., it was a pleasure talking to you.
  299. [05:38] <tk808> Definitely, you've helped me understand URO, i'll modify the review to reflect this chat.
  300. [05:38] <@true-asset> sites like yours are helping the cryptocurrency community greatly
  301. [05:38] <tk808> Not a problem, look for updates soon for Uro :)
  302. [05:38] <davisgreen> thanks tk - that was a thorough session
  303. [05:38] <tk808> Have a wonderful day / evening!
  304. [05:39] <xmaersk> so wait
  305. [05:39] <courtneyfollower> tk808 what is your site name
  306. [05:39] <@true-asset> We have linked CoinSource on the ANN, will tweet about this interview and follow CoinSource for updates
  307. [05:39] <tk808>
  308. [05:39] <tm2013> tk, before you go, could you give us your personal opinion on uro? Your outlook?
  309. [05:40] <@true-asset> tk: if you ever decided to to video interviews we are interested
  310. [05:40] <tk808> Definitely, we may be able to scheduele a skype session
  311. [05:40] <tk808> My personal opinion on URO, this is not reflecting the views of Coins Source.
  312. [05:41] <@true-asset> Okay lets us know when you the time comes:
  313. [05:41] <tk808> Since i've done this interview, a lot has cleared up and i'd feel a little easier investing in URO knowing
  314. a team is ready to back up their claims.
  315. [05:41] <coinpirate> +1000
  316. [05:41] <tk808> That's a major step, especially in the current climate for crypto-currencies.
  317. [05:42] <tk808> But, i feel that there is some uncertainty that remains for the price of Uro and the commodities that back it up on the markets.
  318. [05:42] <xmaersk> what is the group accepting 12500 for 12500kt
  319. [05:42] <davisgreen> i never say that- but if this helps the poor farmers in India- where i belong- god bless you @true-asset
  320. [05:43] <xmaersk> is it a procurement group
  321. [05:43] <xmaersk> or multiple companies or what
  322. [05:43] <tk808> Since all markets are heavily influenced by psychology movements, and pursuasions.
  323. [05:43] <davisgreen> to the moon then :)
  324. [05:43] <thesherpa> the groups are groups who get it every day.. they are just accepting uro instead of cash more or less
  325. [05:43] <tk808> URO IN MY OPINION, will not reflect the value of 1 Urea tonne.
  326. [05:43] <@true-asset> Thanks again tk: we know Uro is hard to get one's ahead around - but some difficult things are worth pursuing
  327. [05:43] <thesherpa> @ xmaersk
  328. [05:43] <iarsenaux> we are also looking forward to this. This is also a big help for the farmers in my country. - support from Philippines.
  329. [05:43] <xmaersk> no i mean the signatorie(s)
  330. [05:44] <xmaersk> so far
  331. [05:44] <tk808> Not a problem, thanks for having me stop by and answeing tough questions. Take care everyone!
  332. [05:44] <tk808> answering*
  333. [05:44] <tm2013> agreed +100 tk, things will get much better once we make a first order :)
  334. [05:44] <Kyle589> Later TK
  335. [05:44] <tk808> :)
  336. [05:44] <tm2013> Bye tk
  337. [05:44] * tk808 (475e8b10@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
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