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Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. # This file contains boot-up definitions and configuration for ubiboot-02.
  2. # The usual stuff applies, if you do not understand what a setting means tweaking it might well
  3. # make your device unbootable. This is a friendly warning to ya.
  4. #
  6. # The name of the archive containing the loadable part of ubiboot FS.
  7. # This is a cpio file located in the same directory as this file.
  8. #
  9. G_UBIBOOT_ARCHIVE="ubiboot-02.menus.cpio"
  11. # The version of this file. It's important that the versions of the kernel, config and cpio
  12. # are compatible or else you will run into no end of trouble.
  13. #
  16. # Enable timeout for the main boot menu. If this is set to 0 then we will wait forever
  17. # for user interaction in the menu... propably not a wise selection.
  18. # If timeout is set to 1 the device will wait for 10 seconds in the main menu for user
  19. # interaction. If nothing is input, the default OS & kernel are booted.
  20. #
  23. # Exported partitions if USB is connected.
  24. # Even if you set this to (none), you can export these manually when you telnet to the device.
  25. # Exporting them all is handy for backup purposes as you can then tar off everything on a partition
  26. # to external computer. Note that windows computers cannot normally mount ext2 partitions...
  27. # This could be thought as a minor security breach, but then again, same thing can always be accomplished
  28. # using flasher and maintanace boot so I do not see this as an additional high risk...
  29. #
  30. G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0" # This exports all partitons of the device
  31. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p1" # this exports just the Mydocs partiton
  32. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p2" # this exports just the root partition
  33. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p3" # this exports just the home partiton
  34. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p4" # this exports just the nemo partition
  35. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p5" # some people have more than 4 partitions
  36. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p6" # some people have more than 5 partitions
  37. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="/dev/mmcblk0p7" # this is the last supported partition I guess
  38. #G_EXPORTED_PARTITONS="" # this turns off partition exporting
  40. # The IP address configured to the device for telnet/ssh access.
  41. # Usually default is fine, except if you have conflict of address space with your LAN addressing.
  42. #
  43. G_IP_ADDRESS=""
  45. # Settings for the DHCP server in the device.
  46. # when G_START_DHCP_SERVERS is set to 1, start DHCP server on the USB to give address for a host.
  47. # If set to 0, you must ifconfig the interface yourself to access the device.
  48. # G_DHCP_ADDRESS defines the address that DHCP server offers to the host computer on the USB.
  49. # Usually default is fine, except if you have conflict of address space with your LAN addressing.
  50. #
  54. # Enable telnet server on the device.
  55. # If the USB is connected when the device boots, no menu will be shown and instead you may login
  56. # to the device for maintanance purposes.
  57. # This could be thought as a minor security breach, since no password is required.
  58. # However, same thing can always be accomplished using flasher and maintanace boot so I do not see
  59. # this as an additional high risk...
  60. #
  63. # Enable SSH server on the device.
  64. # If the USB is connected when the device boots, no menu will be shown and instead you may login
  65. # to the device for maintanance purposes.
  66. # This is better than telnet as connection is secure and can be done over insecure media like public LAN's.
  67. # To use SSH access, you need to first generate a host key and identity keypair to go.
  68. # You can generate the host key by command "ssh-keygen -f ssh_host_rsa_key -t rsa". Copy the generated private
  69. # key to the G_SSH_HOST_KEY, replacing the one below.
  70. # You can generate the identity keypair by command "ssh-keygen -f my_n9_identity -t rsa". Copy the generated
  71. # public key to the G_SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS, replacing the one below. Keep the generated private key safe.
  72. # To connect to the device via ssh, use command "ssh -i my_n9_identity root@"
  73. #
  76. MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAwIe/imD+2GzZ9B+y7uEfmVyBPo/qwam0pY6t03eWNeohCYIZ
  77. 21bBvyG0aZL0nAudgRjokvDvi2Y3mXz57CVj/yESez/fASemd2sJFjDB6kR4FBqD
  78. M0zxxffWY7i25Ryrtv5aPRbqkgRlucxmlS4V7XBDBJoG0FImLaklAWlCCwV5tWbZ
  79. c6iEc6pkKSJBCE5e6KKDeJl5BIpiJGeUlqLgPeoE+EcV6Hiun9slSnWz8ZMLZgTs
  80. DLrIszdypwJIvS53lcIrlI5prknknluL5Nt1uiOmLfvQGH1/kCJEYMvMtVnqPvMG
  81. 6s8BTvgf0jJrhSLYhKEXeBPlX9gtVAwQesDOMwIDAQABAoIBAB32QjmvxJk7v2N9
  82. d2Qzhq5gNgDddsQyu9kz7htFtgun5wJKy+lVhAtRnHj9lLGgIR/RF4ielDjWbHqn
  83. d2FnpDs1E2I422Sbng1hi+V3KwZhJ2rBgX9/TvTnD+cu/M+E+bgdtz9gjJqysn4K
  84. sEAxDtqHqPZTXhIXZreeZhLlJZD/QO3s3geHB6qujcaqrXwk8rkz5DaTB00fBbCD
  85. 3JBDzJ603lJ8DDOqdElbnIbUlXhatGCCtOIi0KZxHzgMLARmz6GDdhmI3IzKTPq/
  86. 7JbOuUs+xLYSyMOOWeEOkJ/1PqEUWlQwsATXzpfc7jndAlEhuXTJHihe2yTpezov
  87. cWBZXIECgYEA6x2ExwNbZWi5waz4/FsWn4t5sXTqT9RhlgBCYAORA4L7Oc2N2Ur3
  88. vni/faVpdRgVQuCHb8XxEBU8GKvBme9FkVrrtZ38YXX5L+jbo/ZT3HToj1YpvLFz
  89. gbQsUVMHKa7JBwJJz+6F1OVhh1q+iuYGlhCrWfTMv/h+JApWEX91acECgYEA0aHa
  90. ZHULM9VLb9OgA9JHw9P4Q/vsDs3B3XJx74UUZngT8Q9N9xGm/dzDTdL0MRIp9FEA
  91. wE2FwR6nGP30Jlf3gctqD7qbN34y5Gx8FQtJePEXpf7DnzqVSdpxjWI1n+FEXv5v
  92. urmF2wUSnWqlPt7QfdP0dio4kyyM9jHfrIGwbPMCgYEAjrcTUs452zuPjf2WAXC1
  93. MdEy5EHovN5ZAflUUP25N515K6QXV2/HJEodSoJumhItTbQG4hUP98g7+2m+kdcI
  94. rmu3Kj4k5W/7+1XohQVP8EDSrbcKjKxWRcP9Jrw0W9vp0KRV866AdDNsWQH/KUbp
  95. dovVxzvuURTgVLYlemeY+MECgYBjFEuDVWqBChvIc85aYAW5QbNCdowghxFM1+2P
  96. 1mdI8xIBykkAMGCr9a59VupBUyNvLOXc/gbsus8hWc4OXV9HAlxTqM/5z3TAT6Hp
  97. 1FbaiaCyvRG6bVbn/A3VVAiiUzccasdmCo+AcApXSnNlnqwN/KK7QsNQlCrfpbzg
  98. 7L71DwKBgQCU1g2ygxZWiWBKJUhPpjwMEkB5DYlfwW3sCV2CTDaXAI+Ij4LHWXty
  99. SF+NzR7y43AVnXyR7GIw+U4J40QsYFHNDAeFV210fXw08Rf9XX+y1E7QkvKaAswO
  100. QZDTFizPIJwuomyOTdLc+nLFFoX0ukuaJ25qm1m/l1KjeSB6ToctlQ==
  101. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
  102. G_SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC58sL7gJJwQn1POPUi5ffy14ZxKrGjDOWQ4mNvgAtF1S6RzQsuubfTrPnt3XlxRq1LjWXHjFUjKzy+diPihzTOTzLkPot0gZf0KOwGrv9YnIgArSvvR4JAuvd8aa+Cpv9qF/2YkX13p+JVAiLrsEt1S8G+G1IUvyW9i3Guh7e2MGmh/QMpJe27nigMNxtZpg6cJRp2VE97BdlWnXicJyqzB91UK7YnmZKimeNop31Ki6zfk0SEvTKxjCAUgAZHOp5EM1aGENJY0dFKkVUV8mjcyrgP1RIYEKvbWdZ9QvHjRQAqs46QChRLX7dKeMi5DTELwI3kch4lwgaASZAUIG9x juice@osiris"
  104. # Settings related to device powerup in special modes.
  105. # Set mode to 0 if you do not want device to power up in default OS if waking up due to event.
  106. # In order for these to work correctly, you need to have G_DEFAULT_OS and G_DEFAULT_KERNEL set to something
  107. # sensible, preferrably to Harmattan & default kernel.
  108. #
  112. # Init scripts for different OS'es. Make sure that you have these in place, or else booting will fail.
  113. # Note that you have to escape the forward slashes here as this is a substituting expression in sedscript...
  114. #
  115. G_OS1_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/preinit_nitdroid"
  116. G_OS2_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/preinit_harmattan"
  117. G_OS3_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/init"
  118. G_OS4_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/preinit_firefox"
  119. G_OS5_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/init"
  120. G_OS6_INITSCRIPT="\/sbin\/init"
  122. # Boot command line substitution for different OS'es.
  123. # This is something you normally don't want to change unless there's some specific need.
  124. # Even then you usually want to change the appendable parameters and not use the command line file method.
  125. # Appendable parameters are added to the kernel command line, but the file parameters replace your command
  126. # line totally. You have been warned!
  127. #
  132. G_OS3_INIT_CMDLINE_APPENDS="vram=6m omapfb.vram=0:6M"
  141. # Log file creation.
  142. # Normally ubiboot-02 creates two log files which are appended to at every boot.
  143. # The ubiboot.dmesg log contains the kernel log and ubiboot.log contains the userspace log.
  144. # The default setting, "partition_1/boot/" places the log files in the Harmattan's "/home/user/MyDocs/boot",
  145. # the same directory that your ubiboot-02 config and cpio normally are located.
  146. # Of course you can place them also in the traditional "partition_2:/var/log", for example.
  147. #
  149. G_LOGFILE_DIRECTORY="/boot"
  151. # Now follow the bootable OS'es and kernels on the device, this is the structure of the 2nd level menu.
  152. # Due to screen resolution issues, the maximum length of the kernel label is 30 characters.
  153. #
  154. # - Each OS has 6 slots for kernels, but all need not be defined. Each used slot needs a G_OS<x>_<n>_LABEL
  155. # that defines the text shown on the menu line and G_OS<x>_<n>_FILE which defines the kernel-to-boot, path
  156. # is relative to the ubiboot FS.
  157. # - The G_OS<x>_NUM parameter defines the number of kernel lines shown on the 2nd level menu.
  158. # Be careful to NOT give values in this variable exceeding the number of your used slots.
  159. # - The G_OS<x>_AUTOBOOT defines the slot that is used to boot automatically, user does not need to press
  160. # the kernel line to boot this selection. Useful only if you have just one kernel line defined for an OS.
  161. # Setting this variable to zero disables the autoboot on the OS entry.
  162. # - The G_OS<x>_PARTITION and G_OS<x>_NAME define the partiton number and link name that the kernels reside on.
  163. # This is necessarily not the same location that the OS is installed, though, just the kernel loading location.
  164. #
  166. # The first OS is usually Nitdroid.
  167. # This section lists the Nitdroid specific switches and kernels
  168. G_OS1_NUM=3
  169. G_OS1_AUTOBOOT=0
  170. G_OS1_PARTITION=2
  171. G_OS1_NAME="Nitdroid"
  172. G_OS1_1_LABEL="Eyes zImage.pr13 kernel"
  173. G_OS1_1_FILE="/boot/Nitdroid/boot/zImage.pr13"
  174. G_OS1_2_LABEL="E-yes's L2Fix Nitdroid image"
  175. G_OS1_2_FILE="/boot/Nitdroid/boot/zImage_e-yes_nitdroid+l2fix"
  176. G_OS1_3_LABEL="E-yes Kernel with ADB/USB"
  177. G_OS1_3_FILE="/boot/Nitdroid/boot/zImage_adb_usb"
  178. G_OS1_4_LABEL=""
  179. G_OS1_4_FILE=""
  180. G_OS1_5_LABEL=""
  181. G_OS1_5_FILE=""
  182. G_OS1_6_LABEL=""
  183. G_OS1_6_FILE=""
  185. # The second OS is usually Harmattan.
  186. # This section lists the Harmattan specific switches and kernels
  187. G_OS2_NUM=5
  188. G_OS2_AUTOBOOT=0
  189. G_OS2_PARTITION=2
  190. G_OS2_NAME="Harmattan"
  191. G_OS2_1_LABEL=" + fbconsole"
  192. G_OS2_1_FILE="/boot/Harmattan/boot/Image-"
  193. G_OS2_2_LABEL=" Nemo backport"
  194. G_OS2_2_FILE="/boot/Harmattan/boot/zImage-"
  195. G_OS2_3_LABEL="Nitdroid pr13 kernel"
  196. G_OS2_3_FILE="/boot/Harmattan/boot/zImage.pr13"
  197. G_OS2_4_LABEL="Openmode + L2fix"
  198. G_OS2_4_FILE="/boot/Harmattan/boot/zImage_2.6.32.54-openmode_l2fix"
  199. G_OS2_5_LABEL=" kernel+xxx"
  200. G_OS2_5_FILE="/boot/Harmattan/boot/zImage_2.6.32.59-plus_nat_extfat-20121301"
  201. G_OS2_6_LABEL=""
  202. G_OS2_6_FILE=""
  204. # The third OS is usually Nemo.
  205. # This section lists the Nemo specific switches and kernels
  206. G_OS3_NUM=2
  207. G_OS3_AUTOBOOT=0
  208. G_OS3_PARTITION=4
  209. G_OS3_NAME="Nemo"
  210. G_OS3_1_LABEL="Latest 2.6.32"
  211. G_OS3_1_FILE="/boot/Nemo/boot/bzImage"
  212. G_OS3_2_LABEL="Unstable 3.5.3 SabreTSq"
  213. G_OS3_2_FILE="/boot/Nemo/altboot/vmlinuz-3.5.3-juice"
  214. G_OS3_3_LABEL=""
  215. G_OS3_3_FILE=""
  216. G_OS3_4_LABEL=""
  217. G_OS3_4_FILE=""
  218. G_OS3_5_LABEL=""
  219. G_OS3_5_FILE=""
  220. G_OS3_6_LABEL=""
  221. G_OS3_6_FILE=""
  223. # The fourth OS is usually FirefoxOS.
  224. # This section lists the FirefoxOS specific switches and kernels
  225. G_OS4_NUM=1
  226. G_OS4_AUTOBOOT=0
  227. G_OS4_PARTITION=2
  228. G_OS4_NAME="Firefox"
  229. G_OS4_1_LABEL="FFOS with Nitdroid kernel"
  230. G_OS4_1_FILE="/boot/Firefox/boot/zImage_e-yes_nitdroid+l2fix"
  231. G_OS4_2_LABEL=""
  232. G_OS4_2_FILE=""
  233. G_OS4_3_LABEL=""
  234. G_OS4_3_FILE=""
  235. G_OS4_4_LABEL=""
  236. G_OS4_4_FILE=""
  237. G_OS4_5_LABEL=""
  238. G_OS4_5_FILE=""
  239. G_OS4_6_LABEL=""
  240. G_OS4_6_FILE=""
  242. # The fifth OS is usually Ubuntu.
  243. # This section lists the Ubuntu specific switches and kernels
  244. G_OS5_NUM=0
  245. G_OS5_AUTOBOOT=0
  246. G_OS5_PARTITION=2
  247. G_OS5_NAME="Ubuntu"
  248. G_OS5_1_LABEL=""
  249. G_OS5_1_FILE=""
  250. G_OS5_2_LABEL=""
  251. G_OS5_2_FILE=""
  252. G_OS5_3_LABEL=""
  253. G_OS5_3_FILE=""
  254. G_OS5_4_LABEL=""
  255. G_OS5_4_FILE=""
  256. G_OS5_5_LABEL=""
  257. G_OS5_5_FILE=""
  258. G_OS5_6_LABEL=""
  259. G_OS5_6_FILE=""
  261. # The sixth OS is usually SailfishOS.
  262. # This section lists the OS6OS specific switches and kernels
  263. G_OS6_NUM=0
  264. G_OS6_AUTOBOOT=0
  265. G_OS6_PARTITION=2
  266. G_OS6_NAME="Sailfish"
  267. G_OS6_1_LABEL=""
  268. G_OS6_1_FILE=""
  269. G_OS6_2_LABEL=""
  270. G_OS6_2_FILE=""
  271. G_OS6_3_LABEL=""
  272. G_OS6_3_FILE=""
  273. G_OS6_4_LABEL=""
  274. G_OS6_4_FILE=""
  275. G_OS6_5_LABEL=""
  276. G_OS6_5_FILE=""
  277. G_OS6_6_LABEL=""
  278. G_OS6_6_FILE=""
  280. # Default boot kernel
  281. # If timeout is reached before user interaction this is booted.
  282. # This is also the kernel that gets booted if the device wakes up due to RTC alarm or USB event.
  283. #
  284. G_DEFAULT_OS="OS2"
  285. G_DEFAULT_KERNEL="/boot/Harmattan/boot/zImage_2.6.32.54-openmode_l2fix"
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