
Midnight Highway

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. >It's almost midnight.
  2. >You're driving home from work on the highway.
  3. >You got off from work at 9, but you decided to ride around town for a bit.
  4. >Stopping at various locations and enjoying the views.
  5. >Mixing up the mundane is always refreshing.
  6. >Helps keep the crippling sadness away.
  7. >Last girlfriend you had treated you like shit.
  8. >That was years ago now.
  9. >Your friends aren't people you can share your deepest secrets with either.
  10. >So you've been emotionally alone for a while.
  11. >Life has been pretty shitty.
  13. >You've always been an emotional kind of guy.
  14. >It never helped when a girl would show any form of kindness and for days you'd wonder if it was interest or not.
  15. >It's a quality you wish you never had, because it just makes life harder.
  16. >Gaining small attachments to lady friends is like putting a piece of you in every decent girl you meet.
  17. >That piece is at the mercy of their decisions, so usually, you end up losing a part of you.
  18. >Metaphorically of course, what a world it would be if people were constantly flinging themselves at people.
  19. >If the 'things' were ethereal, involuntary and people could observe them, maybe the world would be a more compassionate place.
  20. >But enough philosophy and existentialism.
  21. >The task at hand is still afoot.
  22. >Driving home.
  24. >As one of your favorite calming songs comes to an end, you turn the stereo off in your car.
  25. >Who knew arranging songs and burning CDs could bring about such relaxing emotion?
  26. >Ahead of you, the rolling hills of asphalt and yellow paint fly by as you speed along towards your highway exit.
  27. >You look into the oncoming lane, admiring the yellow orbs that float past in the night.
  28. >But, two seem to be following a different path than the others.
  29. >As the orb's container billows through the shrubbery separating the separate lanes, realization courses through you.
  30. >You swerve hard to avoid the advancing aluminum box but your fate has already been decided.
  31. >You hear a loud crash just before everything goes black.
  33. >Are you dead?
  34. >You question your continued ability to process thought.
  35. >Well, logic states that you must be alive to process thought.
  36. >So, alive you are.
  37. >After a small moment, your lack of visual processing is interrupted by sudden visual processing.
  38. >A blinding light pierces your pupils.
  39. >You crash onto something hard.
  40. >Something cold.
  41. >Something...
  42. >Marble.
  43. >You're laying face down.
  44. >You push yourself off of the surface and take a look.
  45. >A look that you can finally comprehend.
  46. >The floor is made out of tiled marble.
  47. >Wait.
  48. >No.
  49. >This can't be...
  51. >Your attention is stolen by a commotion in the distance.
  52. >"Be ready for anything!" someone screams.
  53. >Your eyes dart around the tile while you try to figure out the situation.
  54. >Oh, it must be because of you.
  55. >You're obviously an intruder in this-
  56. >You lose train of thought as you begin to take in your surroundings.
  57. >You're in a castle, it seems.
  58. >Cartoony tapestries hang from the ceilings and trace regally across the walls.
  59. >To your right, a large staircase decorated with a red carpet stands proud.
  60. >The carpet carves a path through the room you currently occupy.
  61. >It splits in four directions, one being the stairs you followed the carpet's path from.
  62. >A large yellow star embedded in the embroidery of the carpet resides in the middle of the room.
  63. >No.
  64. >This shouldn't be possible.
  65. >There is no explanation for these events.
  66. >It hits you.
  67. >There's one.
  68. >You remember before you awoke.
  69. >The crash.
  70. >Gears turning in your head grind slowly.
  71. >Galloping of hooves can be heard closing distance.
  72. >It's true it seems.
  73. >Or is it just a figment of your dying imagination?
  74. >A Valhalla that can be revoked harshly from your pleading hands at any moment?
  76. >The galloping stops ahead of you.
  77. >You look up and lock eyes with the being that came to a stop.
  78. >You stare in disbelief as a brown, cartoon-like pony in golden armor stares back at you with ferocity.
  79. >"Found it!", the pony yells, tilting its head back towards where it entered, while still maintaining eye contact.
  80. >It's real.
  81. >The gears in your head finally come to a smooth stop.
  82. >You're here.
  83. >You're actually here.
  84. >But, for how long?
  85. >How long can a dying brain hallucinate for?
  86. >And how long will that translate to time spent here?
  87. >Your eyes glaze over as your head collides hard with the floor.
  88. >"He's incapacitated!"
  90. >Are you dead?
  91. >No, not yet.
  92. >Relief washes over you.
  93. >Maybe...
  94. >Maybe, if you've regained consciousness again, you aren't actually dying.
  95. >Or maybe, regaining consciousness just reinforces that sad truth.
  96. >You open your eyes and look up at the ceiling.
  97. >Taking up the majority of your vision, is a massive white unicorn, garbed in royal regalia, standing next to you.
  98. >On closer inspection, she possesses wings neatly folded to her side.
  99. >Her mane, flowing in an ethereal fashion, suspends itself just as mysteriously.
  100. >As you look to her eyes, hers respond in kind.
  101. >Your vision clouds with refracting light.
  102. >Tears stream down your cheeks.
  103. >You jump up and wrap your arms around the royal ponies neck.
  104. >Startled, she lets out a very appropriate horse noise.
  105. >She asks, "What is wrong, strange being?"
  106. >Your tear's flow is only increased by the feeling of soft hair caressing your face as you cry into the winged unicorn's chest.
  107. >You sniffle and prepare to speak through your current emotion.
  108. "I'm...I'm..."
  109. "I'm just so happy."
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