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Oct 11th, 2012
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  1. [13:02] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 *****PnP Group 7 Session 32 Begins*****
  2. [13:05] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 We last left our stalwart group of heroes (at least they hope they are anyways) at the end of the seige of Gutterville. The raiders, for the most part, proved no match for the skills and firepower posessed by the group. However, the town did lose some of its guards in the assault, as well as a number of civilians. A single, revenge driven raider champion by the name of Dagger went on a killing spree in pursuit of revenge
  3. 07[13:06] * @Wraith` is not the hero the Wasteland wants...
  4. 15[13:06] * +Karina is the hero the wasteland deserves.
  5. 07[13:07] * +Fire_Lily is not really a hero at all. She just wants a decent life where she doesn't regret.
  6. 04[13:07] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 His posessions hinted that the raider boss may have been born in a Stable, forced out by circumstances unknown and driven into a hard, dangerous life. Ultiamtely, the group will never know his full story, as Karina blew his head off to try and save the hostages in Gutterville Inn
  7. 15[13:08] * +Karina is proud of that shot.
  8. [13:09] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The join our heroes now the morning after the assault, in Gardenia's Clinic. Cap, Bottle, and a number of other civilians who would be dead but for the quick work of Keen and Lily, were all brought here to rest after being assaulted. The party wass invited to spend the night as well
  9. 07[13:10] * +Fire_Lily most likely had a restless night.
  10. [13:12] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks tired, having stayed up the whole night herself, tending to Bottle, Cap and the others. Twerp and the surviving guards are on patrol, making sure that every last dreg of the raiders is mopped.
  11. [13:12] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 mopped up*
  12. 15[13:12] * +Karina probably stayed up as long as she could, just waiting for Spanner to regain conciousness.
  13. 07[13:12] * @Wraith` didn't sleep, he choose to spend his time nursing a bottle of whiskey over the night, promptly finishing it in the morning.
  14. [13:12] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner did not wake until the following morning, the bound raider boss occupying a cot in the clinic with a reasonable berth around him
  15. 04[13:14] * @Wraith` just stares eeriely with a milky eyed expression of deadly intent, sitting near the raider in silence. This was Karina's show now.
  16. 15[13:15] * +Karina would've slept there, then. She rolls over and looks at him when she wakes up, then jumps up off the bed when she sees he's awake.
  17. 07[13:15] * +Primer spent the night looking after Lily and the new orphan, having learned what happened to him/her during Daggers killing spree from a townspony.
  18. 07[13:15] * +Keen hasn't slept. His head is in his hooves, his mind dulled with the effort of thinking all night.
  19. 07[13:17] * @Wraith` is silently also grateful that they spent a week actually sleeping and such, because his non-ghoul companions sure didn't like to sleep on a normal basis!
  20. 04[13:18] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner doesn't move for a few minutes, taking stock of where he's ended up and how he got there. He glances down and remembers his missing leg, and promptly empties his stomach over the side of the cot. Gardenia comes over with a mop to clean it up. Spanner looks up to Karina; "So, public execution then? Seems a bit dramatic, after everything else."
  21. 15[13:19] * +Karina has better things to do then sleep. She walks over to Spanner and stands 'over' him... which will be hard unless the beds are really low to the ground. She grimaces a bit and avoids the puke. "Public execution? Please... more practical to turn you into glue. But more importantly, who are you?"
  22. 07[13:20] * +Keen doesn't respond to that. He's been rather solitary for a very long time.
  23. [13:21] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner shrugs; "Name's Spanner. Mine was one of the bands Dagger roped into his little war."
  24. 07[13:23] * @Wraith` snorts.
  25. 15[13:23] * +Karina "And how did one raider rat manage to do that?"
  26. 07[13:24] * +Fire_Lily is half-awake, not quite aware yet. She's also pretty tired still, because she had some trouble sleeping.
  27. [13:26] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner shakes his head; "Dagger was no rat. The little fucker was born in a Stable. Not many raiders know that, but not many raiders have more than two brain-cells to rub together. I have at least half a brain's worth anyways. He was also a killing machine. Don't know if that came from the Stable or the Wasteland, but he was dangerous."
  28. 15[13:28] * +Karina nods. "Right... so how did he get you all down for attacking a guarded town? You actually thought you could win a pitched fight?"
  29. 06[13:28] * Sagittis (vtwcvxpwlhohi@Pony-l5e.l3t.144.147.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  30. [13:28] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The young orphan colt had a fitful, restless sleep, and spent most of the night clinging to Primer like one would a stuffed animal or parent when scared
  31. 07[13:29] * +Primer wakes up slowly and turns, looking over to Fire_Lily. Well, they both made it. She then looks down at the colt. "Poor thing." She decided not to move unless anyone wanted her to help with anything, so the kids could get some sleep.
  32. [13:30] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner laughs; "He'd come to Gutterville before with just his own posse. His main mare and half his flunkies got killed by the one in the Mare-do-Well costume. He wasn't expecting the town to have a whole legion of super ponies at its disposal, just the one. Promised those who would help a share of the loot from ransacking the town, just so long as he got to kill the Mare do Well."
  33. [13:32] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia finishes her clean up and goes about her rounds, eventually coming to Primer; "Um, miss? I didn't want to disturb you or the foals while they were sleeping, but I haven't had the chance to check you yet, and there are a number of bullet holes in your armour."
  34. 15[13:32] * +Karina "So he just promised that you could kill a bunch of ponies and take their stuff? Why would you do that, to think you're tough?"
  35. 07[13:32] * +Primer nods slowly and gets to her hooves slowly, trying to not disturb the foals sleep.
  36. [13:35] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner chuckles; "You don't know much about raiders do you? Killing is about the least of our usual depravity. There would have been money in it for us, as well as other loot and... 'prizes'. The alternative was being cut to ribbons by Dagger and then having my band forcibly recruited anyways, so I figured I'd take my chances
  37. [13:36] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The colt seems distressed as he loses his grip on Primer, and frantically grabs with his hooves, eventually pulling Lily in close.
  38. 07[13:36] * +Primer then makes her way to Gardenias examination table, shedding her armor and clothing as she does.
  39. [13:37] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia flinches for a moment as she sees the full extent of Primer's cybernetics for the first time. She doesn't comment though, and sets to work checking Primer for injuries and damage.
  40. 07[13:37] * +Keen gets up and leaves the clinic. He didn't quite know where his body was taking him, but it seemed like it was back towards the apartment.
  41. 07[13:37] * @Wraith` blinks and hears Gardenia, taking note of the fact she was offering healing services. Looking down at his own bullet wounds and such, he hoped that the mare will be so generous in aiding his own recovery. Hearing the raider speak about, 'prizes' makes him give a fairly quiet low growl to himself. He didn't care much for these ponies, but nopony deserved raider treatment.
  42. [13:38] <@Wraith`> Nopony decent at least.
  43. 07[13:39] * +Fire_Lily is a little surprised at the sudden deathgrip from the colt, but soon relaxes. She closes her eyes for a little more rest.
  44. 15[13:40] * +Karina tilts her head at Spanner. "What kind of... prizes?" She knows, she just wants to hear him say it.
  45. [13:40] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia pulls out a healing potion for Primer; "The good news is nothing seems to be broken or ruptured. You can probably thank your mechanical bits for that. Now, drink this and let me see if it works out. It's a little harder for me to tell with your skin."
  46. 07[13:41] * +Primer nods and takes the proffered potion in her mechanical grip. "Thanks, Gardenia." She downs the contents.
  47. [13:42] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner actually chuckles; "Wow, you guys are naive. Spoils of war. Playthings, mares, entertainment, plus whatever food and booze was left in the place."
  48. 07[13:44] * @Wraith` growls and says bitterly, "Spoils of war... You... fucking... you wouldn't know what an actual 'war' is."
  49. 15[13:45] * +Karina sighs. "Uh-huh... Now say we let you free, what sort of things for yourself in the future would you see?"
  50. 04[13:46] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner looks at the ghoul; "Life is war in the wasteland. Old fuck like you ought to have been around long enough to see that." He looks to Karina; "Well, you killed all the ponies who worked for me presumably, so I've got pretty much nothing left. Might as well finish the job yourselves."
  51. 15[13:48] * +Karina blinks. "Really? That was all you've got? Running around, raping, and getting shot?"
  52. 07[13:50] * +Primer sighs in relief as the majority of the damage is dealt with and she stretches to get some of the kinks out of her remaining joints. "Got another one? I could use another." She glances at her pipbuck to confirm. "Jup, another potion would take care of things."
  53. 07[13:50] * @Wraith` squints and remains silent. There was a truth to his words, but no... it wasn't the same. Not exactly.
  54. [13:50] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner shakes his head; "Not me personally so much. I got to be a leader of a raider band by knowing how to keep their shit from breaking so much. Not like I can do much of anything now though, considering you blew my leg off."
  55. 15[13:51] * +Karina "Since when did you need a hindleg to fix things?"
  56. [13:51] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods; "Sorry, I just wasn't sure if you'd need more than one, and I don't have much to spare right now." She offers the other potion
  57. 07[13:53] * +Primer drinks the second potion and is in tip top condition. Just some denting amd bullet scoring on her mechanical joints to deal with now.
  58. [13:54] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner chuckles; "Ain't about fixing things. It's about scrapping what's already broken. You killed the mooks I had, the one mare in the group that wasn't crazy is either dead or run off, and I'm crippled."
  59. 07[13:56] * @Wraith` snorts and says out, "My heart's breaking. You're useless before and still useless what a fucking shame."
  60. [13:57] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner glares at Wraith`; "Then do me a favour and finish the job nice and quick. I don't doubt you're going to anyways."
  61. 15[13:57] * +Karina nods to Spanner. "She's run off to go help ponies instead of hurting them. Which is something I don't think anyone would condemn."
  62. [13:58] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner smirks; "Good for her. Now are you gonna keep blabbing on all day? If I could shoot myself I would to spare myself having to listen to you anymore."
  63. 13[13:59] * Sagittis (vtwcvxpwlhohi@Pony-l5e.l3t.144.147.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  64. [13:59] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia drapes a blanket over Fire_Lily and the colt. She sighs when she looks at him; "Poor thing. I knew his mother. Dandelion. She didn't deserve that."
  65. 07[14:00] * +Fire_Lily squirms slightly to get more comfortable with the blanket.
  66. [14:00] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The colt seems to relax just slightly in his sleep, loosening his grip on Lily
  67. 15[14:02] * +Karina shakes her head and reaches into her bandoleer and pulls out her 1911. She looks up at Wraith`. "Anything?"
  68. [14:02] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks to Primer; "I'll look after him for now, see if anypony is willing to take him in."
  69. 07[14:02] * +Primer slides off the table and walks up to her armor, shaking the dirt from it and whiping off any dried blood with a rag. "Well, shit happens... at least the majority got off cleanly." She looks over at the two foals. "Still, I wish it didn't happen."
  70. [14:04] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia sighs and shakes her head; "I wish it hadn't happened either, but sadly it did." She then looks to Primer; "Actually, I have a small favour to ask of you and the others."
  71. 04[14:05] * @Wraith` looks at the raider for a moment and then turns to Karina saying, "Naw. Just kill him already, I'm done looking at his worthless hide." the ghoul gets up from his seat and cracks his neck, waiting for the zebra mare to do her deed.
  72. 15[14:06] * +Karina snorts and puts the gun away for a second so she can speak clearly. "Kill him? No. Rapist's punishment then hoof him to the families to finish the job, though."
  73. 07[14:07] * +Primer looks up as she pulls on her underbarding. "Oh? What would that be?"
  74. 07[14:10] * @Wraith` smirks and gives a grim chuckle saying, "Yeah... afterall." he trots right infront of Spanner's face and says in a low tone, "Life is war right? Gotta enjoy the 'spoils' afterall." the ghoul then whips out Dagger's stileto and flips the stallion on his back and begins to /slowly/ saw off his... unmentionable.
  75. [14:10] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Spanner chuckles; "And this makes you better than me, how exactly?"
  76. 15[14:11] * +Karina steps back to let Wraith` work. "Njia moja ya ku'anya hi'yo..." (One way to do it...)
  77. 04[14:12] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia rounds on Karina when Spanner starts screaming; "Hey! This is a place of healing!"
  78. [14:14] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia trots up to Wraith and slaps him across the face with a hoof, presumably knocking the dagger away as well.
  79. 07[14:14] * @Wraith` stops and looks at Gardenia and says, "Oh, alright." then grabs Spanner by his mane and begins to drag him outside, then proceeds to finish the job. Persumably once he's done, he wipes the blood from the stiletto on the raiders clothes that wasn't already bloodied and says to him, "I never said I was better."
  80. [14:16] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia pre-empts Wraith` doing that, glaring at him; "There has been enough suffering today. Get out."
  81. [14:17] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The orphan colt abruptly awakes at the sound of the scream and looks around, clearly frightened
  82. 07[14:17] * @Wraith` growls and gets up looking into Gardenia's eyes and saying angrily in a quiet voice, "You fucking touch me again and there won't be enough guards." the ghoul picks up the stiletto, then does what he was going to do, minus the comments to Spanner, as he was incredibly pissed at that point now.
  83. 07[14:18] * +Fire_Lily probably wakes up as well. If not from the screaming, then from the colt's sudden movement. She's not quite as distressed by it though.
  84. [14:18] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia just glares at him, unflinching; "This is a clinic, not a slaughter house. Now get out." She then goes about attempting to repair the damage.
  85. 15[14:19] * +Karina sighs. "Wraith, c'mon. Let's leave."
  86. 06[14:20] * Hedge ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  87. 15[14:20] * +Karina "And bring Spanner to the families."
  88. 07[14:21] * @Wraith` stops Gardenia and says, "He's ours. Don't piss me off any further." he then drags the buck outside, or attempts too.
  89. 06[14:21] * Hedge_ ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  90. [14:21] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia stamps a hoof in front of Wraith`; "He is wounded and until such time as he is otherwise, he's my patient. He stays here."
  91. 04[14:22] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia glares at Karina and Wraith`; "You don't get to decide what happens to him. This is our town, and we will decide what is fit. Now get out."
  92. 13[14:23] * Hedge ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Hedge_!
  93. 06[14:23] * Hedge_ is now known as Hedge
  94. 04[14:23] * @Wraith` expression goes cold. Dropping the raider and putting the stiletto in his hoof, he responds in an all too-familiar dark tone that Karina would recognize as him ready to do something drastic and says, "You going to stop me?"
  95. 06[14:23] * Hedge is now known as Pony_19059
  96. 06[14:24] * Pony_19059 is now known as Hedge
  97. [14:24] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia glares right back at Wraith`; "Perhaps Cure could instead. Shall I tell her what you've been doing?"
  98. 13[14:24] * +Keen ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  99. 15[14:24] * +Karina rolls her eyes and sighs, finally looking back at Wraith`. "At this point? Yes. Just so we can get out of here and not cause any more stress."
  100. 07[14:25] * +Primer finishes putting on her armor and battle saddle, kicking the reload levers and making sure the ordinary ammo is in her gast gun.
  101. 07[14:27] * @Wraith` clenches his jaw at those words. Without saying another word he forces his way past the nurse and trots outside, heading his way to the front gate.
  102. 07[14:27] * @Wraith` drops the stallion while he's at tit.
  103. [14:27] <@Wraith`> IT!Q
  104. [14:27] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks relieved, then goes back to trying to fix Spanner
  105. 06[14:28] * Keen ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  106. 07[14:28] * +Fire_Lily gives the colt a slight nudge to try to help calm him down. She's not really sure what to do, though.
  107. 04[14:28] * +Primer sighs. "Well, that was sure what we needed right now." She then looks at Karina and says quite calmly. "Next time, can we dispence with the gelding?"
  108. [14:29] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The blue earth pony colt just starts crying.
  109. 04[14:30] * +Primer looks back at Lily and the blue orphan. "You know, nevermind." She turns away from Karina and takes off her battle saddle as she climbs into bed with the two foals and curls up around them.
  110. 15[14:31] * +Karina sighs. "Sorry." Would've gone much better if she'd realized she was in a clinic... She turns around to follow Wraith` out.
  111. [14:31] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The colt sniffles and huddles in close to Primer and Lily.
  112. 06[14:31] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +v Keen
  113. [14:32] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia is now too busy trying to undo Wriath`s handiwork to finish asking Primer a favour.
  114. 07[14:33] * +Fire_Lily frowns slightly and gives the traumatized colt a hug.
  115. 06[14:34] * Sedgewick ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  116. [14:36] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The colt sniffles and hugs Lily back. "Momma... she's gone, isn't she?"
  117. 07[14:37] * @Wraith` is a silent in his fury. His expression, though angry, is reserved considering how actually upset he was. The embittered and nearly soulless ex-soldier makes his way to the entrance they had guarded, then pulls out a cigarette from his already opened pack and begins to light it with his scratched steel lighter, taking a puff, then putting said lighter away.
  118. 07[14:39] * +Primer nuzzles the two, but mostly the colt. "I'm sorry... but yes." She then rests her head on the orphans side.
  119. 15[14:39] * +Karina "Should've left the clinic, first. Would've been fine."
  120. [14:41] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The colt looks saddened, but also somewhat accepting to hear it confirmed. "She protected me from the bad pony." He sniffles; "She was a good mommy."
  121. 07[14:42] * +Fire_Lily doesn't really say anything. She thinks of her own parents... and how much she really misses them.
  122. 07[14:44] * @Wraith` drags on his cigarette then lets out a plume of smoke and doesn't say anything. He was planning if anything. Just had to wait.
  123. [14:45] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The blue colt looks to Lily; "I'm Jingle. What's your name? Is your mommy gone too?"
  124. 15[14:46] * +Karina lays down on the ground, well under the smoke from Wraith`'s cigarette. She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.
  125. 07[14:47] * +Fire_Lily hesitates slightly. "I'm Lily... I... left home on my own."
  126. 07[14:47] * @Wraith` says in an angry tone, "That fucking shit is going to live... he said it himself, doesn't have any clue how to do better.
  127. [14:47] <@Wraith`> "
  128. 15[14:49] * +Karina "Nooo... he's not..."
  129. 04[14:50] * @Wraith` looks to Karina saying, "No. He's not."
  130. [14:50] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle nods slowly; "Why? Did your mommy yell at you or try to make you eat broccoli or something?"
  131. 07[14:51] * +Primer sighs and smiles softly as she listens to the foals banter.
  132. 15[14:51] * +Karina is just looking straight ahead, her chin on the ground. "If he wanted to stop... let him live. Otherwise... his life isn't something you just forgive."
  133. 07[14:53] * +Fire_Lily slowly shakes her head. "I... did something very bad..."
  134. [14:54] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle looks concerned for his new friend; "Did you break a lamp? Mommy yelled at me once when I did that. Told me to be more careful in the future."
  135. 07[14:55] * +Fire_Lily just shakes her head. She doesn't elaborate.
  136. 06[14:55] * Hedge is now known as Lyckliga_Slut
  137. 06[14:57] * Shadow ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  138. 07[14:58] * @Wraith` drags on his cigarette again and looks back towards the various ruins beyond the walls of Gutterville, blowing out the plume of smoke. "This... fucking place.. it pisses me off." Shaking his head he says, "They act all high and mighty, yet they thought that me and Cure were going to eat them at any fucking second.. bunch of... fucking bigotted... hypocrites."
  139. 15[14:59] * +Karina blinks. "They did?"
  140. [15:01] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle hugs Lily; "I'm sure your mommy would be happy to see you again. I'm not going to be able to see my mommy again for a long time."
  141. 07[15:01] * @Wraith` nods without looking and says, "Yeah. When me and Cure came to this place, they gave us the second-class treatment. Stares, whispering... Cure had to keep tellin em that we were safe." next he does a very poor job in imitating Bottles' voice, "Just gotta keep my customers safe is all.." now in his normal voice, "Yeah, but do you do that to all the fucking ponies?"
  142. 07[15:02] * +Fire_Lily returns his hug. She whispers, "Yeah... she would..."
  143. 13[15:02] * +Keen ( Quit (Quit: Bye)
  144. 06[15:02] * Keen ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  145. 06[15:02] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +v Keen
  146. [15:03] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 If Bottle were conscious and in range of hearing that, she might remark about how most of her customers aren't radioactive
  147. [15:03] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 but she isn't, so she doesn't
  148. 15[15:03] * +Karina gives a bit of an exasperated sigh. "That's... just..."
  149. 07[15:05] * +Keen finally comes back with the same grim expression on his muzzle, heading towards the clinic for what would seem to be the last time. He would've appreciated the irony more if he could still feel joviality.
  150. [15:05] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle hugs Lily closer; "You should go see your mommy if you can. I wish I could see mine, even if she can still see me from heaven."
  151. 07[15:07] * @Wraith` shakes his head and says, "Whatever." finishing his cigarette he drops it to the ground then stomps it adding, "Let's just get the fuck out of here when we can, I don't seriously give a shit anymore at this point."
  152. 07[15:07] * +Keen tries to look for Primer right now. He looked at Jingle and Lily, just frowning at the injustice. His mom brought a life into this world. You took four hundred, seventeen lives away. Who should've seen the edge of that knife?
  153. [15:08] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle lets go of Lily and sighs.
  154. 07[15:08] * +Primer sighs again and nuzzles both Jingle and Lily, before looking up at Keen. "Yes?"
  155. 15[15:09] * +Karina "Go back to Shantyshod and sell all this stuff... Then go to the factory and pay for that gun, the profit should be more than enough."
  156. 07[15:09] * +Fire_Lily stays quiet. She has to do a lot of thinking.
  157. [15:10] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle pulls the blanket back up and closes his eyes, trying to get some real sleep this time
  158. 07[15:10] * +Keen silently produced a crystal, orange in hue, slightly glowing with some gold colored plates attached to it. The necklace was far gone.
  159. 07[15:11] * +Primer nods and slowly leaves Jingleto his sleep. She walks away from the bed... thing, and looks at Keen and his talisman thing. "So, is that what I think it is?"
  160. 07[15:12] * +Keen 's muzzle twitches, giving the appearance of a smile that was oppressed back into a frown. It was.
  161. 13[15:15] * @TenMihara|GM ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  162. 07[15:15] * +Primer gives Keen an exasperated look. Was the frown nessessary? "Well, don't just clam up on me. Elaborate."
  163. 06[15:16] * TenMihara|GM ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  164. 06[15:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TenMihara|GM
  165. 07[15:18] * +Keen seemed to crack a bit, eyes going glassy. "I didn't want this to..." He regained his grim composure. "... Yes, it's an implant for your heart. Hopefully, it will simulate the sense of touch in your limbs. Do you want to go through with this while still we have access to this hospital?"
  166. [15:20] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia is only just finishing her work on Spanner.
  167. 07[15:21] * +Keen looks over at... "... What happened to..." He interrupted himself when he realized that was something he didn't want to know.
  168. 07[15:22] * +Primer looks at the amulet. "Well, proper touch would be neat... but right now I need some work on my legs... I think a bullet is caught in my knee."
  169. [15:23] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia turns to look as Keen asks; "Your ghoul friend decided he was the authority in this town on what would happen to this stallion. In my clinic. You can tell him when next you see him that he is not to step one hoof in here again. Ever."
  170. [15:26] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia adds; "He had the gall to threaten -me- for calling him on his cruelty."
  171. 07[15:29] * +Keen 's features grow long and lean upon hearing that. Damnit, he didn't want to know. With a sigh, he wove a wing to another operating table, gesturing to her to lie down. "I'll keep that in mind, Gardenia. Just please keep in mind that we're all very, very tired after all this business." He wanted to go home. Real home. Cloudsdale, more than ever. He wanted to take Primer up there and just...
  172. 07[15:29] * +Keen ...sleep off the rest of his life. He looked at the orphan foal, cracked up inside. "... I'm sorry. I did my best." He whispered to somepony that he suspected wouldn't listen, even if he could hear him.
  173. [15:29] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Jingle is asleep again now
  174. 07[15:30] * +Primer walks over and sits down on the operating table. "Again, tell me what exactly you're going to do."
  175. [15:31] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia moves Spanner to a separate cot after cleaning him off. "Ghouls don't sleep. It's not your fault Keen, I'm just glad there's a good pony like you to reign in that brute."
  176. 07[15:31] * +Fire_Lily sits with Jingle, still thinking about her parents.
  177. 07[15:37] * @Wraith` pulls out his last remaining healing potion and looks at it. He didn't want their help anymore at this point. Uncapping the cork, he uncovers his mouth wrappings and chugs the potion.
  178. 07[15:37] * +Keen considers Primer's question for a moment, trying to consider how best to word it. "I'm going to anesthetize you, then I'm going to repair your limbs and plug this into the pacemaker in your heart. This thing is enchanted to modify your inherent spell matrix and 'fool' your brain into believing that you still have nerve endings there." It was a butchery of what was going to happen and what...
  179. 07[15:38] * +Keen ...the crystal did, but it was close enough.
  180. 06[15:39] * Lycklig__ ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  181. 07[15:41] * +Primer nods. The end result she could kind off understand. "Oh, okay. Seems... easy enough..." She begun to shed her armor and clothing and piled them on a nearby chair. "Guh, I need a wash first."
  182. 13[15:42] * Lyckliga_Slut ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  183. 06[15:42] * Lycklig__ is now known as Lycklig_Slut
  184. 15[15:42] * +Karina doesn't lift her head up, but just watches Wraith` out of the corner of her eye. "Can't you just... splash a puddle?"
  185. 06[15:42] * Lycklig_Slut is now known as Lyckliga_Slut
  186. 13[15:43] * Sedgewick ( Quit (Quit: Aloha everyone!)
  187. 04[15:44] * @Wraith` looks at Karina and asks, "What do ya mean?" thinking on it he adds, "Oh.. you mean like soak up some rads?"
  188. 15[15:46] * +Karina nods. "Yeah."
  189. 07[15:47] * +Keen waves a hoof and gets his tools out and sterilized. He looked at Fire_Lily and Jingle. He wished that he could explain things to them, what was going on in his head. Tell them that it would be alright in the end. He put on his clean latex socks, raising and nonverbally asking Gardenia if it was alright to use a particular sterilization agent.
  190. [15:48] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods, but doesn't say anything, still looking annoyed
  191. 07[15:49] * @Wraith` turns his mummfied head away from the zebra mare, speaking with thought, "I could... Just kind of dangerous... fuck it." he sets off from the settlement to locate a nice pocket of radiation to mull in and recover his wounds.
  192. 07[15:49] * +Primer returns from the bathroom, newly washed-ish. "Lets just get this over with, then we can go back to cleaning up Gutterville." She crawls up on the operating table and lays down.
  193. [15:49] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Wriath finds a nice puddle of radioactive sludge next to a crashed, century and a half old skywagon
  194. 07[15:50] * @Wraith` looks for something to drag that he could sit on in the puddle.
  195. [15:51] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith will get nothing and like it
  196. 07[15:51] * @Wraith` frowns and stands in the puddle. He should've scavenged for a book.
  197. 15[15:54] * +Karina looks over at Wraith` and giggles a little bit.
  198. [15:54] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith finds a couple of bottle caps in the back of the wagon, along with empty Sparkle~Cola bottles
  199. 04[15:56] * @Wraith` scoops up the bottle caps and looks at the sparkle cola bottles. Oh they were empty. Wonderful. He could scoop up the dirty water with them he guesses. Couldn't remember the last time he was actually ever sick. Hearing a giggle, he looks over at Karina and asks, "What's so funny?"
  200. 15[15:57] * +Karina smirks faintly. "You. Just standing there. Nothing to do."
  201. 07[15:57] * +Keen smacks his lips. She looked beautiful when she was clean. He looked at his surgical tools and gave them a quick clean before going to work.
  202. [15:58] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The surgery goes off without a hitch
  203. 07[15:59] * @Wraith` blinks as he just looks at the tiny zebra mare for a moment. Holding up a bottle, he looks at it and from his perspective, the mare looked as small as the empty Sparkle-Cola bottle. Smiling slightly, he has the silliest vision of the mare being as big as the bottle and laughs softly to himself, then shakes his head.
  204. 15[16:00] * +Karina blinks. "What?"
  205. 07[16:01] * @Wraith` filling the empty sparkle-cola bottles with the water, he shakes his head and says, "Nothing."
  206. 15[16:02] * +Karina "Saaaawa..." (Oooookay...)
  207. 06[16:03] * Hobo ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  208. 06[16:08] * Lyckliga_Slut is now known as Hedge
  209. 07[16:09] * +Keen gave her a quick anesthetizing agent. After thirty minutes passed, he managed to peel back synthetic skin and hook the experimental talisman into her heart. Do you really trust yourself, Keen? With a slight grimace, he spent a little time stitching her back up, thinking that he had to move onto her limbs later. He took a short break to clean the bloodstains off of her recently clean body......
  210. 07[16:09] * +Keen ...And then he heard a weird 'clinking' sound when he came back from the washroom.
  211. 07[16:12] * +Keen looked down... And then to her leg. Wait. What?
  212. 07[16:13] * +Keen waited until she got up to explain... Things.
  213. [16:16] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Primer wakes up when the anesthetic wears off. She might have been a little achey, but one of the talismans other functiosn was pain relief
  214. 07[16:16] * @Wraith` sighs slightly and stretches his neck- OW fuck! Okay maybe that was a bad idea. Rubbing his neck, he says, "So... what's the plan now? After this... shit."
  215. 07[16:17] * +Fire_Lily tries to read one of her books, but she can't really concentrate on it that well.
  216. 15[16:17] * +Karina rolls over onto her back and rests the top of her head on the ground. "Like I said... sell loot at Shantyshod. Maybe head back to Oasis and figure out what happened there now that I can't be detected... Get back to work on the stable..."
  217. 07[16:20] * +Primer opens her eyes blearily. "Mrrr... already?" Well, her chest hurt, but that was not surprising. She spends some time booting up and looks around when she could move her neck.
  218. [16:21] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Primer's EFS flashes with an alert. 'Augmentation Detectected. Auto-Repair process upgraded.'
  219. 07[16:22] * +Keen looks rather distressed, his hooves were steepled on the top of his nose. "... Good morning, sweetie."
  220. 04[16:22] * @Wraith` blinks and looks at Karina rolling all over the ground. Silly zebra. The ghoul nods and asks, "We have an idea what to do about the whole, tree dying situation?"
  221. 07[16:23] * +Primer blinkblinks. "Dafuq?" She laboriusly lifts her pipbuck to her eyes and noses through the menues, coming to the medical pages. "Morning Keen."
  222. 15[16:25] * +Karina "Keen's special talent is light... so as long as we are able to just focus on it, we should be alright."
  223. 07[16:25] * +Keen simply placed a bent and battered slug in front of her and proceeds to lean back. "I think I screwed something up. In... Maybe a good way."
  224. 07[16:26] * +Primer looks at her medical outline page. (the one with a siluette of herself) "Oh..." Her tone was guarded, but not accusing.
  225. 07[16:28] * +Keen shifted uncomfortably. "... This popped out of you. I never did any work on your limbs. And I didn't know what I did would do this."
  226. 07[16:30] * +Primer shows Keen the medical siluette on her pipbuck, all limbs are at 100% "Things seem... to be good."
  227. 07[16:31] * +Keen blinks. Okay. Um... Wow. Things usually do not go this well. Keen proceeded to cautiously poke one of Primer's cyberlimbs.
  228. 07[16:32] * +Primer feels the poke, not as the resistance to the workings of her artificial muscles, but as actual touch on her metal skin. "Woah, that's freaky."
  229. 06[16:33] * Hobo is now known as Hobo_Shool
  230. 06[16:34] * Pony_13423 ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  231. 07[16:35] * @Wraith` nods and says, "Alright... sounds like a plan then."
  232. 07[16:35] * +Primer is still laying down, rather tired from the aftereffects of the talisman, but feeling better as time passes. Well Keen, it was a healing amulet when you started... so I'm frankly not that surprised at it fixing me up."
  233. 07[16:36] * +Keen gawks for a little bit. "... I don't know how I did this." He placed the back of his hoof on his forehead. "Um. Did-did you feel that?"
  234. 15[16:36] * +Karina nods as well, then a bit later asks Wraith`, "You don't sleep... any idea what's taking them so long?"
  235. 07[16:36] * +Primer nods. "Sure, I felt it."
  236. 07[16:39] * +Keen blinks and... Hugs her. Hugs her and just turns into a weeping puddle of barely constrained emotion.
  237. 07[16:39] * @Wraith` takes a small breath and cocks his head, looking skyward replying in a listless tone, "Ehhh... knowing preachy, no doubt he's joining in with that bitch about how I'm such a horrible pony... Primer and Lily are doing whatever together. And... shit... where the fuck is Storm? Probably raiding a fancy buck snack cake factory... granted if it sprouts wings and flies to her."
  238. 07[16:41] * +Primer blinks and returns the hug. Took him long enough to turn on the waterworks. It's been needed for quite a while. Primer begins to gently stroke Keen's mane. "Sssshhh, it's okay." She continues to mumble nonsense words for a while.
  239. 06[16:42] * Pony_13423 is now known as kashin
  240. 15[16:42] * +Karina "Don't know, don't care... got her rifle, anything else about her is just a trifle." She sighs and closes her eyes. She then opens her eyes, shuts off EFS, and closes them again.
  241. 06[16:44] * Hedge_ ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  242. 13[16:45] * Hedge ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Hedge_!
  243. 06[16:45] * Hedge_ is now known as Hedge
  244. 07[16:46] * +Keen 's tone is high-pitched and from a worn throat. "I don't fucking know anymore. I try, I try to do the right thing, and every s-single time, I see myself become a monster in the end. And I-I can't take that anymore. I can't take the good guy-bad guy thing. I can't take this unexpected shit. I don't know what to do and..." He just sobs some more, growing more desperate and traumatized. This...
  245. 07[16:46] * +Keen ...really was a long time coming.
  246. 07[16:50] * +Primer smiles softly and continues to pet Keen's mane. "You expect too much out of yourself, you always do. And you want everything to always go the way you want them... never expecting that things can turn out alright even if they didn't go the way you anticipated." She sighs and turns off her EFS.
  247. 06[16:50] * kashin is now known as Turtledove
  248. 06[16:52] * Turtledove is now known as Turtledude
  249. 07[16:54] * +Fire_Lily is still trying to read. It's slow going.
  250. 07[16:56] * @Wraith` pulls out Dagger's stilleto and examines it... damn... this this was... pretty nice considering it belonged to some raider shithead. Or Stable fuck, turned into a raider. What the fuck ever.
  251. 07[16:57] * +Keen shudders. He felt weak for all of a sudden just losing it like this. Over a successful operation? Why? "I have t-to. If things don't go as I-I anticipated, then bad things happen. I didn't anticipate the inn happening, Primer. I didn't want it to end that way. If I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, then how would I trust myself to do any sort of medical stuff? How could I trust...
  252. 07[16:57] * +Keen ...myself that I won't end up doing something wrong??"
  253. 07[16:59] * +Primer sighs and bonks Keen's head gently. "Keen, do you realise that what you just said is completly mad? Yes, things will got awry, but more often than not, things turn out fine. Now, help me off this thing, I dislike medical tables."
  254. 07[17:04] * +Keen sniffles. "Not around men... You can't have expected much else. I told you I was just some old stallion-foal who doesn't know right from wrong. And if I didn't, I've done you a disservice." He felt... Well, okay, he didn't feel better. But he felt purged, at least. He helped her down, still looking very weak and unnerved.
  255. [17:04] <+Keen> me*
  256. 07[17:09] * +Fire_Lily has made up her mind. She puts her book away, and goes to talk to Primer.
  257. 06[17:10] * Satin is now known as Zeph|Shower
  258. 07[17:10] * +Keen silently turns towards Fire_Lily, eyes still stinging with tears.
  259. 07[17:10] * +Primer rolls off the table and sets her hooves on the floor one by one. "Ooohh, that feels good." She tested the feel of her hooves by slowly laying weight on then, one by one. "I know Keen, it's just that... well, sometimes I feel as if I don't reach you, that no matter what I say you act on your own schedule of change... I don't know..." She looks over to Lily as she foal walks up. "Hey sis."
  260. 07[17:15] * +Fire_Lily is a little teary-eyed. She looks up at Primer and whispers, "I... want to go home..."
  261. 07[17:17] * +Fire_Lily adds, "I want to make sure they're okay..."
  262. 04[17:18] * @Wraith` flips the stiletto over then puts it away after he's done examining it. Once done, he looks over to Karina and asks, "You think about what you're going to do, if we're actually successful in... making a new settlement or whatever."
  263. 07[17:18] * +Primer sits down and pulls Lily close. "Aww okay, sis." She nuzzles Lily and huggs her close. "Sure, we can do that." She looks up at Keen, a silent question in her eyes.
  264. 15[17:19] * +Karina opens an eye to look at Wraith`. "I don't know... It'll take a long time to do, so I'm not too woried about it though. Maybe... Eventually I'd like to go back home, but not now and that'll probably never happen."
  265. 07[17:20] * +Keen shakes his head. "I don't know. I just feel like, I-I would just fall into the air and never come down if it weren't for you. And... Ugh. I-" He realized now was probably the best time to stop complaining. It was Lily's turn. He half-succeeded at getting himself together. "Okay. Okay, yes, that sounds good. And... Um, we have to finish up our business here, though. Is that alright?"
  266. 07[17:21] * @Wraith` shifts slightly in the puddle.. yeech... Making squishing sounds as he does, not from his body either, and asks, "Where is your home?"
  267. 15[17:22] * +Karina answers Wraith` simply, "Just outside of Roam."
  268. 07[17:23] * +Fire_Lily returns the hug. All of this business here with Jingle... it made her really start to miss her family. She nods at Keen slightly. "I can wait, for anything important..."
  269. 04[17:23] * @Wraith` tilts his head and gauges Karina for a moment, lost in thought as he asks, "I thought you were scared of other zebras hunting you down for your star touchedness?"
  270. 07[17:24] * +Keen frowns. "... We need to set Jingle up with some loving parents. And we need to find out what to do about Twerp. And what to do about this town."
  271. 07[17:24] * +Primer nussles Lily's widdle ears and noses down the side of her widdle face. "It won't take us long to finish up buisness here. Don't worry."
  272. 15[17:24] * +Karina closes her eye and nods at Wraith`. "Which is why I said it'd probably never happen."
  273. 07[17:26] * @Wraith` scrunches his face slightly and continues to question in curiousity, "How... can they exactly like... know where you're at? I know you guys have magical items and stuff... is that how they would track you?"
  274. [17:28] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia comes over to Keen and Primer at that moment; "Actually, that reminds of the favour I was going to ask before that ghoul brute started playing butcher."
  275. 15[17:29] * +Karina sighs. "Empathic..." She points at her starmetal knife, "They can feel this... they can probably feel my glyphmark too... It's not like... tracking magic... just some sort of innate... I don't know exactly."
  276. 07[17:30] * +Primer looks up. "hmm?"
  277. 07[17:30] * +Keen tried to work up his gall again. "What is it?" He said, voice low and scratchy.
  278. 07[17:31] * @TenMihara|GM looks between Primer and Keen; "Would you mind taking Twerp along with you for a little while? People are upset about everything that happened, and while most of them are seeing reason, the ones that lost people not so much. They're hurt and angry and looking forsomeone to blame. I just think he could do with a bit of time away while thigns cool off."
  279. [17:31] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 *Gardenia does that
  280. 13[17:32] * Waak ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
  281. 07[17:32] * +Keen grimaces slightly. "... Then who will protect the town?" You? Look what you brought upon it.
  282. [17:35] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia shakes her head; "I don't think we'll have to worry about being attacked for a while, especially not on that scale. Based on the number of raiders you fought, there's probably a lot less danger in this whole area now." She points a hoof at Spanner; "I'm also gonna put that bastard to work fixing things whether he likes it or not."
  283. 07[17:36] * +Primer smirks a bit. "Well, a three legged pony cant run very far." That fit her right nicely.
  284. 07[17:37] * @Wraith` blinks and says, "Oh... right." strange... shifting again.. squish squish... he muses outloud with a hint of irritation, "I wonder what they're all doing..."
  285. 07[17:38] * +Keen frowns and stares at Primer. "There's really been enough. Did you manage to, um. Un-fix him?"
  286. [17:38] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods; "It wouldn't have to be for too long, just enough for thigns to settle."
  287. 07[17:38] * +Primer gets to her hooves and begins dressing. "Right, lets get things cleaned up." The less fun part of war.
  288. 07[17:40] * +Primer wobbles slightly as she walks and moves, but the anasthetic slowly clears and she gets surer on her hoof as time moves on.
  289. 15[17:41] * +Karina "Probably sex."
  290. [17:42] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 As Primer and Keen head towards the exit to the clinic, Twerp shows up in his Mare-do-Well outfit. He smiles as he passes them by and moves quickly to Gardenia. He gives her a nuzzle and then they begin to talk
  291. 07[17:42] * +Fire_Lily stays close to Primer. A little closer than usual, even.
  292. 04[17:44] * @Wraith` blinks and looks at Karina raising an a rotted eyebrow saying, "What they make up?"
  293. 07[17:44] * +Primer cuts the middlemare and hoists Lily up on her back. Flamer turret filly FTW
  294. 15[17:44] * +Karina shakes her head. "Not that I know. I can't think of anything else that would take this long, though."
  295. 07[17:46] * +Fire_Lily hugs Primer and rests on her back.
  296. 06[17:47] * Zeph|Shower is now known as Zeph
  297. 04[17:49] * +Primer wonders where Karina and Wraith are... and spends some time searching for them together with Keen.
  298. 07[17:49] * @Wraith` hmphs, then says, "Well at least I should be healing up nicely." he examines his wounds.
  299. 15[17:49] * +Karina is laying on her back with her eyes closed out by the front gate. "Let's hope so."
  300. 04[17:50] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith` and Karina are by the gate, and are eventually found near the town's north gate.
  301. [17:50] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 *found by the other three
  302. 04[17:52] * +Primer trotts up to Kar and Wraith. "Hey guys, what's up?"
  303. 07[17:53] * @Wraith` examines his wounds... standing in his radioactive sludge puddle, as he looks at Primer and responds, "Waiting. Y'all ready to set out?"
  304. 15[17:53] * +Karina "Relaxing."
  305. 07[17:54] * +Primer looks around. "Huh, did you guys collect all the weaponry or something?" She didn't think they had... but she had spent the night consoling the poor colt.
  306. 07[17:55] * +Keen looks at Gardenia. "Good. Keep him a short leash, but don't kill him. You're above that. You really are a better pony than I am." He looked at Jingle and frowned. "... I don't know what to do about him. I'm tempted to take him home and leave him with Jeeves to take care of him while we're away. But that wouldn't be fair to him."
  307. 15[17:55] * +Karina "Uh, yeah. They had a bunch of stuff." She points off in... a nearby direction that has a saddle-mounted LMG! "There's a saddle and some grenades you might want."
  308. 04[17:55] * @Wraith` nods, thinking of the auto-axe and the various weapons he had to repair that they were going to sell saying, "Yeah. Pretty productive night." Looking at Karina he smirks and says, "Guess you were wrong about the sex guess."
  309. 15[17:56] * +Karina shrugs. "Eh."
  310. 07[17:57] * +Primer blinks. "Sex? Right, whatever."She looks off in the direction of the LMG and grens. "oooh." And promptly trotts off to have a better look.
  311. 15[17:58] <+Karina> It's a saddle LMG and three ME grenades
  312. 07[18:00] * +Primer examines the saddle LMG and puts the precious grens in her pack. "Hmm, looks beat up. I hope we can fix it..."
  313. [18:03] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia responds to Keen; "I intend to. You might want to keep that ghoul on a shorter leash. He seemed to think it was appropriate to attempt to Geld a bound, defenseless, crippled pony inside a -clinic-. Raider or not, he had no right."
  314. 07[18:06] * +Keen grimaces. "Yes, what he did was absolutely wrong. But I don't believe in bad ponies, really." Otherwise, you'd have to see yourself as bad. "I believe that there are simply ponies who have not had the right sort of guidance." Pff. Your parents were better than you are. What's your excuse?
  315. 07[18:07] * +Keen nods at her then lets his gaze wander to Jingle. "... What's going to happen to him?"
  316. 07[18:07] * @Wraith` feels restored and invigorated. Ahhh... it didn't look like much, but that pit did wonders. Squishy sludging out of the puddle, he does his best to wipe the gunk from his hoofs on nearby rubble and says, "Yeah I might be able to do something later. For now, we need to get outta here... Where's Keen?"
  317. 07[18:11] * +Fire_Lily is quite apprehensive, thinking about the trip she'll soon be making home. What will her parents think? What will they say? She has no idea.
  318. 07[18:13] * +Primer points to the Clinic. "He and Gardenia are having a quick chat." She lifts the LMG by the carrying handle and trotts over to Wraith. "So, think you could beat this thing into shape?" She asks once she's layd it down on the ground.
  319. [18:14] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks to Jingle forlornly; "I'll look after him for now. Maybe ask around and see who would be willing to take him in." She looks to Twerp, who smiles and trots up to Keen. "I protected Gutterville well. Now I'm going to help protect Queen Keen and friends and mean ghoul for a while."
  320. 07[18:15] * +Keen sighs. "That's all we really can do, isn't it?" He looked at Twerp, then without a word, trots out of the clinic to meet the others.
  321. [18:16] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Twerp follows Keen without hesitation
  322. 15[18:19] * +Karina is still laying on her back over by Wraith`'s puddle.
  323. 04[18:19] * @Wraith` rolls his eyes and looks at Karina saying, "Yeah, I can already hear it. Probably bitching up a storm about what I did."
  324. 07[18:20] * +Keen sighs as he reaches the others, Twerp probably in tow. "... Well. Lily. Where are we going?"
  325. 07[18:20] * +Primer tinkers with the LMG, waiting for Wraith's input.
  326. 04[18:21] * +Primer looks over to Karina. "Did we get any ammo out of the deal?"
  327. 15[18:21] * +Karina nods, eyes still closed, and recites off the various ammo they had scavenged.
  328. 07[18:21] * @Wraith` had already said he'd look at it when he had the chance, but he'll repeat himself, "Yeah, I'll check it out, Find me a workbench and I'll work /my/ magic."
  329. 07[18:23] * +Primer nods. "Right, lets haul this stuff over to Caps, and I'll se how much I can squeeze him for."
  330. 15[18:23] * +Karina "I carry a workbench everywhere."
  331. 15[18:23] * +Karina "Cap is still in the clinic."
  332. 07[18:24] * +Fire_Lily was only barely paying attention. She quietly explains to Primer the vague area where her home is.
  333. 07[18:26] * +Fire_Lily whispers that to Keen, I mean.
  334. 07[18:26] * +Primer curses. "Right, well, where's the next spot we can sell? those ghouls on the overpass? Or..." She listens attentively to Fire_Lily's explanation and brings up her pipbuck map.
  335. [18:26] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 It should be noted that Lily's home settlement is in the opposite direction of Shantyshod from Gutterville.
  336. 13[18:26] * Zeph ( Quit (Connection closed)
  337. 06[18:26] * Mirage is now known as Zzzzzzzz
  338. 15[18:28] * +Karina "Figured Shantyshod, pay off the debt while we're there."
  339. 07[18:28] * @Wraith` blinks at Twerp and speaks, "The fuck? It's coming with us too?"
  340. 07[18:29] * +Keen shrugs. "I guess he needs to get out of town, too."
  341. 07[18:29] * +Primer hmms. "Well, owing somepony is always bad..." She looks up at Lily. "That sounds okay with you Lily?"
  342. 06[18:29] * Hedge ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  343. [18:30] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Twerp doesn't seem to acknowledge Wraith`, although he keeps glancing in his direction. he then looks to Keen; "Gardenia told me ponies in town are safe, but sad, so I should go away for a little while until they need savign again."
  344. 07[18:31] * @Wraith` blinks and furrows his brow asking Keen, "Why?"
  345. 07[18:31] * +Keen flops his legs to the side. "Gardenia's request."
  346. 07[18:32] * @Wraith` frowns and growls out, "Why?"
  347. 07[18:33] * +Fire_Lily nods slightly. "I can wait a little bit..."
  348. 07[18:34] * +Primer gets to her hooves and then sighs as she sees this next fracka brewing.
  349. 15[18:34] * +Karina sighs. "Twerp killed like 10 raiders yesterday. I don't see the issue of him coming with us if Gutterville doesn't allow him to stay."
  350. 04[18:35] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Twerp looks to Karina; "Still allowed, just upsetting right now. I think of it like vacation."
  351. 15[18:36] * +Karina shrugs.
  352. 04[18:36] * @Wraith` derps, Twerp answered his question. Looking at the changeling he speaks, "So they're fucking..." blaming him... looking at Karina he says, "Honestly I don't really care too much, as long as he just does what we tell him. But it doesn't sit right with me that they're doing this to him. He helped saved their fucking lives... "
  353. 15[18:36] * +Karina "I think they're being stupid, but what can we do about it?"
  354. [18:37] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Twerp responds again without looking at Wraith`; "Hive is greatful that I helped save them. But did not save everyone. Pony that I did not stop wanted me. My fault, sort of. So I stay away for a little while, let them cry."
  355. 07[18:38] * @Wraith` growls and shakes in visible anger. Turning away he starts trotting towards Shantyshod's general direction, using his pipbuck as a guide. He wanted to yell very loudly, but something tells him it would just cause further trouble... somehow getting back to Cure. So pissed, he doesn't even respond back to Twerp, he just trots, kicking various rubble in his rage.
  356. 07[18:39] * +Primer nods, both to Lily and to the argument Twerp put forth. "Well, Shantyshod it is, then we make sure Lily gets home."
  357. 15[18:40] * +Karina blinks her eyes open finally. "Taking Lily home?"
  358. 04[18:40] * +Primer nods to Karina. "Lily wants to make sure her parents are fine."
  359. 15[18:41] * +Karina looks between Lily and Primer. "She going to stay?"
  360. 07[18:41] * +Primer looks up at Fire_Lily. "Up to her."
  361. [18:42] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Twerp keeps his gaze fixed on Wraith` when the ghoul isn't looking. Gardenia had warned him that the ghoul had the potential to be an evildoer if he wasn't looked after.
  362. 07[18:43] * +Keen breathes through his nose. He remembered that he had some ulterior motives to going to Shantyshod, anyway. The sunlight spell, the last seen place of those ponies that made it out of the Stable. He had to find something there. Right?
  363. 07[18:43] * +Keen follows Wraith out of Gutterville. It would live without him. Probably even better.
  364. 07[18:44] * +Fire_Lily doesn't really have an answer.
  365. 15[18:44] * +Karina "Huh." She rolls over to her hooves and stands back up. "Anything else here?"
  366. 04[18:45] * +Primer does not press for one. "Well, no." She answers Karina. "Lets get the haul and lug it over to Shantyshod." She lifts the LMG in her mouth and looks at the others expectantly.
  367. 15[18:46] * +Karina has already got the rest of her loot in her hammerspace pockets. "Got it, just left that out for you." She turns to follow Wraith` and Keen.
  368. 07[18:47] * +Primer follows the others. "Mff." (Okay.)
  369. [18:48] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The group proceeds to Shantyshod entirely without incident. In fact, a large portion of the area between Shantyshod and Gutterville, most of which looks like decrepit buildings and raider hideouts, seems to be a good deal emptier.
  370. 07[18:50] * +Keen checks the radio along the way. Maybe the DJ would have something for him.
  371. [18:51] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The DJ's news mostly seems to be on the Seige of Gutterville, and how much safer the Streets of Manehattan are now thanks to the routing of the raider army, and death of the infamous Raider Champion known as Dagger, along with an umber of other whole gangs
  372. [18:54] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The broadcast also seems to take a warning tone towards other raiders in the city, suggesting that their days might be numbered, given the hit they took collectively
  373. 07[18:57] * +Keen quiets out his Pipbuck. He just... Couldn't take thinking of this as a good thing.
  374. 15[18:57] * +Karina walks along with a bit of a smug look on her face. She had no issue thinking of it as a good thing.
  375. 07[18:58] * @Wraith` was just pissed. Utterly mad. That city could fucking rot at this point.
  376. [18:59] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 The Town of Gutterville has done nothing wrong, Wraith` is just bitchy
  377. 15[18:59] * +Karina thinks the town of Gutterville had done plenty of things wrong.
  378. 06[18:59] * Primer is now known as DancingOnTheAshes
  379. 04[18:59] <@TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina can think what she likes
  380. 07[19:00] * @Wraith` knows they've done lots of wrong. Placing blame on one of their protectors is a very shitty thing to do.
  381. <@TenMihara|GM> With the Town of Gutterville safe and recovering, the 'heroes' depart. Interesting that the one who actually sent Twerp away was the one pony who cared about him the most, so as to prevent his ostracizing. Meanwhile, Wraith` really isn't in a good position to comment on what's right and wrong, while Keen might be starting on a path to mental recovery after finally letting loose a flood of emotions.
  382. <@TenMihara|GM> *****Session Ends*****
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