
What if The Duke of Derpy left us?

Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. What if The Duke of Derpy left us?
  2. ()()()()()()()()()
  4. >It finally happened. You finally convinced the Duke of Derpy to leave the threads forever.
  5. >It was all thanks to your houndings, they will make you a hero.
  6. >Oh no! The Duke of Derpy is god's gift to the Earth after all!
  7. >He’s finally gone, and now I finally have time to read the stories the other writers write.
  8. One Week Later
  9. >It’s been a week without Duke’s influence in the thread, and they have gotten better.
  10. >There's no shitposting whatsoever anymore
  11. >or /soc/-ing.
  12. >just one troll
  13. >Duke must be hiding behind the Anonymous tag.
  14. >So I told him to go again.
  15. >I know it was him, he was always the one to start the shit posting.
  16. >More new writers have been flocking to AiE, unburdened by The Duke of Derpy's bullshit
  17. Two Weeks Later
  18. >The rate of stories has severely increased
  19. >The troll is still there though
  20. >It has to be Duke. He's been causing drama on skype lately
  21. >I know it’s him. I has to be.
  22. >I was right.
  23. >The Duke of Derpy got fucking told that night
  24. >he probably cried himself to McDonalds
  26. One Month Later.
  27. >Stories
  28. >So many stories
  29. >It’s impossible.
  30. >Shinobi and Nether have written 4 new stories. What interesting and prolific writers!
  31. >Betty is Betty, posting shorts and silly stories
  32. Three Months Later
  33. >Duke must have a Trojan on my computer.
  34. >Everywhere, every thread I go to, I can see him, the lone troll, shitposting anonymously.
  35. >He has hundreds of different flavors of autism, he must be eating several different vaginal creams at once to pull it off.
  36. >I told the thread. They already seem to know
  37. >Everyone knows it’s him.
  38. >Pale and Wuten have moved in together and had a child. Chronicler and Aether are...*gulp* best friends!?
  39. >Everything is awesome except that lonely troll
  40. >Well... he's always got Moose
  42. Six Months Later
  43. >This cannot be happening.
  44. >They're giving me the nobel peace prize for warding off The Duke of Derpy
  45. >After that, I needed to finish my work.
  46. >Duke had to be told.
  47. >I cornered him down an alley in San Francisco.
  48. >For the “King of Gore”, he seemed almost scared when I discovered him sucking cock in an alleyway.
  49. >His cries for help made it all the better.
  50. >I handed him a piece of paper that said: "ur a fagit"
  51. >Spaghetti shot out of his nipples and he burst into treats
  52. >I never saw The Duke of Derpy in person again.
  54. 12 Months Later
  55. >I went to the current AiE thread, still holding strong.
  56. >It was accompanied by a link to a website called “Reddit”
  57. >I follow the link, and what comes up almost shocks me to death.
  58. >The homepage was a subreddit dedicated to AiE.
  59. >There was a list of writers.
  60. >Names I remembered.
  61. >Aether, Chronicler, Sherminator, Wuten.
  62. >They were all here.
  63. >And they were all writing.
  64. >But at the very bottom, last on the list of favorite writers, was a picture of a familiar wall eyed grey mary sue Pegasus, and a name under it.
  65. >”Duke of Derpy”
  66. >Even Reddit thinks he's a fag.
  68. The End
  70. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()
  72. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()
  73. What follows is the unaltered egomaniac trip that was the original story this is parodying:
  74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  76. Duke, please go (One Shot)
  77. By: The Duke of Derpy
  79. >It finally happened. You finally convinced the Duke of Derpy to leave the threads forever.
  80. >It was all thanks to your houndings, they will make you a hero.
  81. >When he said goodbye, there were posts that said that they would miss him.
  82. >They were lying. They had to be. Just sparing his feelings .
  83. >He’s finally gone, and now I finally have time to read the stories the other writers write.
  84. One Week Later
  85. >It’s been a week without Duke’s influence in the thread, and they have gotten better.
  86. >I mean, there is still shit posting.
  87. >And /soc/-ing.
  88. >And trolls.
  89. >But Duke must be hiding behind the Anonymous tag.
  90. >So I told him to go again.
  91. >I know it was him, he was always the one to start the shit posting.
  92. >Some of the shit-tier writers have left now. Said that the crap was too much.
  93. >Good riddance, I say. More space for the good ones.
  94. Two Weeks Later
  95. >Okay, so the rate of stories has severely decreased.
  96. >More /soc/. More trolls.
  97. >It has to be Duke. Even if some of the writers say he hasn’t been on Skype.
  98. >I know it’s him. I has to be.
  99. >Some of the okay writers have left now. Lovely and Aanon and the rest.
  100. >I was disappointed but I know it will work out.
  101. >More room for Sherm’s return.
  103. One Month Later.
  104. >/soc/
  105. >So much /soc/
  106. >There is more crap then there are stories.
  107. >It’s impossible.
  108. >How could Duke be doing this? It was almost impossible for him to be able post all this shit at once.
  109. >Shinobi and Nether have left. They were too weak.
  110. >Betty has said goodbye. He must be in denial of everything, he was delirious enough to say he was on good terms with Duke.
  111. Three Months Later
  112. >Duke must have a Trojan on my computer.
  113. >Every board, every thread I go to, I can see him shit posting.
  114. >He has hundreds of different trips, he must be working at several computers to pull it off.
  115. >I tried telling the thread. They passed it off as another troll post, some even telling me to go see a shrink.
  116. >I know it’s him.
  117. >Pale and Wuten have left. He must have gotten to them too. I must save Chronicler and Aether.
  118. >I can be a hero to them.
  119. >and then, when they are so grateful for my bravery, they will write stories for me.
  120. >Only me.
  121. >For I take their stories seriously, unlike others.
  123. >Five Months Later
  124. >I…I was too late…
  125. >I couldn’t stop his reach.
  126. >Aether…and Chronicler…
  127. >They both quit writing for AiE.
  128. >It is impossible.
  129. >With them gone, all that’s left is Anone Moose and his stupid one shits.
  130. >I can’t handle this anymore.
  131. >Duke has ruined this for good.
  132. >He is everywhere.
  133. >He is on 4chan.
  134. >He’s on Facebook
  135. >He’s on Youtube.
  136. >I couldn’t stop it.
  137. >I destroyed my computer, piece by piece.
  138. >I must do something immediately.
  139. Six Months Later
  140. >This cannot be happening.
  141. >They locked me up in a padded room somewhere.
  142. >They say I lost my mind, but they won’t listen when I explain it.
  143. >After everyone left the threads, I had to follow.
  144. >They needed to return.
  145. >And to do that, I need to remove the catalyst who started this.
  146. >Duke had to die.
  147. >I cornered him down an alley in Brooklyn.
  148. >For the “King of Gore”, he seemed almost scared when I attacked.
  149. >His cries for help made it all the better.
  150. >Every swing of the hammer sprayed the walls, and my face, with blood.
  151. >I left his body in an alley way, and it was over.
  152. >But a week later, he appeared again.
  153. >No, it wasn’t the same guy, but it had to be Duke.
  154. >When I tortured him, he screamed ignorance.
  155. >That Mary Sue creating ass was strong enough to never drop the act.
  156. >But a new one sprang up.
  157. >And again.
  158. >And again.
  159. >By the time they threw me in here, I killed 8 Dukes.
  160. >But now… now I was stuck here, alone.
  162. 12 Months Later
  163. >They told me I could use the computer today, but I didn’t know where to go.
  164. >As I lurked, I stumbled on a familiar page.
  165. >AiE Thread 947…
  166. >After all this time, it still lived.
  167. >Full of /soc/ and trolls.
  168. >But there was something else.
  169. >A person said he wanted to start writing stories about Anon in Equestria
  170. >I immediately typed a reply about how he should leave now, but someone replies first.
  171. >”Hey. Go here if you like.”
  172. >It was accompanied by a link to a website called “Illuminati’s Anon”
  173. >I follow the link, and what comes up almost shocks me to death.
  174. >The homepage was simple, but it had large avatars with names under them.
  175. >Names I remembered.
  176. >Aether, Chronicler, Sherminator, Wuten.
  177. >They were all here.
  178. >And they were all writing.
  179. >But near the top, 4th on the list of favourite writers, was a picture of a familiar wall eyed grey Pegasus, and a name under it.
  180. >”Duke of Derpy”
  181. >No…
  182. >NO!
  183. >I killed him!
  184. >He should be gone.
  185. >I type quickly, telling him to leave, when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
  186. >’Time to go back to your room.’ Said the doctor.
  187. >No, I needed more time, I said. I pleaded for 5 more minutes, but he was insistent.
  188. >I thrashed and screamed that Duke needed to leave, one of my kicks knocking the computer tower over.
  189. >It toppled over, and the screen went black.
  190. >Noooo! I screamed at them to let me go, but they threw me back into my padded cell.
  191. >I’m not allowed to use the computers anymore.
  192. >After all this time.
  193. >I knew where they were.
  194. >I had the time.
  195. >It isn’t fair…
  196. >It’s just not fair!
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