
2019-03-21 Grammar: participial adjectives

Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 152 exercise 3 - Complete the paragraph with adjectives in the correct order.
  6. 2 really useful (intensifier + opinion)
  7. 3 bright purple flannel (modifier + color + material)
  8. 4 pretty new French (opinion + age + origin)
  9. 5 original plastic (age/condition + material)
  10. 6 incredibly ugly, useless antique / useless, incredibly ugly antique (opinion + opinion + age)
  11. 7 plenty of expensive brand-new brightly colored European
  12. (determiner + price + age + color + origin)
  13. 8 over-crowded little dark bedroom (opinion + size + “color” + noun modifier)
  14. 9 nice handmade Italian (opinion + origin 1 + origin 2)
  15. 10 nice new (opinion + age)
  16. 11 poor old (opinion + age)
  17. 12 terrible frightening / frightening terrible (opinion + opinion)
  18. ---
  19. Sometimes an adjective that looks like it belongs in an “earlier” category is actually more fundamental to what we’re talking about
  20. “North American black bear” and “European black bear”
  21. - The type of animal is a black bear. There is a North American and a European variety.
  22. ---
  23. Participles as adjectives
  24. ---
  25. The teacher is bored because the students aren’t interesting.
  26. The teacher is boring so the students aren’t interested.
  28. For many pairs like this:
  29. - past participle form is a feeling (bored, surprised, interested, tired, confused)
  30. - present participle form (ing) is the cause (boring, surprising, interesting, tiring, confusing)
  32. More generally:
  33. - past partciple form is for the (passive) receiver of an action (stolen car, cooked steak, burnt toast)
  34. - present participle form is for the (active) agent of an action (burning sun, loving mother, managing dir.)
  35. ---
  36. We can modify participles with the same words we can use with the original verbs:
  37. A well-known actor is known well (known by many people).
  38. A dangerous-looking animal looks dangerous.
  39. ---
  40. p. 155 exercise 6 - Complete the sentences with the correct participle forms.
  41. 1 a confused
  42. b confusing
  43. 2 a disappointing
  44. b disappointed
  45. 3 a Frightened
  46. b Frightening
  47. 4 a satisfying
  48. b sadisfied
  49. 5 a interested
  50. b interesting
  51. ---
  52. - “frightening children” could mean children who are frightening OR could mean the action of scaring children
  53. “Frightening children live in the forest.” - the children are scary
  54. “Frigthening children isn’t a nice thing to do.” - the action isn’t nice
  55. - “was frightening” could mean there was a frightening thing in the past OR could be past continuous
  56. “That movie was frightening. I didn’t like it.” - it was a frightening movie (adjective)
  57. “That movie was frightening the kids, so I turned it off.” - past continuous
  58. - Some -ing verbs are also simple nouns:
  59. “This word has a difficult spelling.”
  60. ---
  61. Homework (optional): exercise 7 and 8 (before trying 8 you should read p. 157 focus 5)
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