
Voice x Pinkie OTP

May 14th, 2013
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  1. Arriving home from school, Voicerader goes straight to his room, not saying much to any family that may be there, or even caring if anyone is there at all. Instead, he goes and gets on his computer, to play some video games while listening to dubstep, as per usual. He starts munching on some Spicy Nacho Doritos, and after a while of playing his current favorite MMO, he gets a message over Skype, a link. He clicks it without thinking, and a .gif of Pinkie Pie with swirly hypno eyes pops up on the screen. Unamused by the lack of porn, he goes to exit out, but his cursor isn't moving. He tries Ctrl + Alt + Del to no avail, and his computer won't turn off no matter how long he holds the power button. After finally giving in and unplugging his computer, he looks back at the screen to still see the Pinkie Pie .gif.
  3. He blinks, and the clock that read 4:00pm now reads 5:30pm. Rubbing his eyes, he sees that his computer monitor is now off. Figuring he must have dozed off, he bends down to plug his computer back in, just to come face-to-face with Pinkie Pie. She's just staring at him, grinning. Stunned into silence, he just stares back, not even sure if he's awake or asleep. Finally, he mutters, "...Oh. Um, hi?" Pinkie Pie grins even wider, and screams, "HI!" right into his face, making him fall back. She starts to bounce in place, grinning ear-to-ear, while Voice recomposes himself. "So, Pinkie..." Voice starts, "...what did you break in order to get here?" "Hehehe, I can't tell you that, silly~!" Pinkie replies, and puts her two front hooves onto his lap and leans really close to his face, "But I CAN tell you why I'm here!"
  6. "Well this sounds too good to be true," Voice said, "but I sure as hell am not going to argue. Getting to have sex with Pinkie Pie to make a half human half Pinkie master race sounds like the best idea ever. But, why me?" Giggling, Pinkie says back to him, "Because it's what the author wants, silly!" Voice can barely manage to say "Huh?" before Pinkie starts to unbutton his shirt with her mouth, while making him lean back onto his bed. He helps her by taking his shirt all the way off and taking off his belt, and she begins to work on his zipper. How she manages to do so with hooves is unknown, but she soon enough slips his pants off to reveal Voice's erection, which she immediatly fellates. Looking down at her, he makes eye contact with Pinkie that does not break for at least 6 minutes, until he smells Pinkie's sweet juices fill the air and decides it's time he finds out if she really tastes like cotton candy.
  8. She does, and the combination of taste and smell is driving him wild, so he instinctavely rolls her over onto he back and shoves his cock into her pony poon, thrusting wildly as Pinkie laughs and yells about how ticklish she is down there. He climaxes some time later, but still not completely spent he takes her dogg--- pony-style too. He collapses on top of her, panting at the physical exertion of it all. He snuggles up to Pinkie, and dozes off.
  10. "Aww, Voice, not again!" He wakes up to his mother's voice, as she stands over him with a dissapointed scold on her face. Looking down, he sees the Pinkie Pie plushie he bought with a hole ripped in the plot area and drenched in semen. Next to him is a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos, which expired two years ago and were covered in some kind of mold. "How many times am I going to have to sew up this thing and wash it? This is the third time this month! And stop eating expired junk food, it's bad enough for you when it's fresh! Now, go take a shower and go to bed, you've got school tomorrow!" "Okay, Mom..." Voice says with a sigh, as he goes and takes a shower.
  12. After she hear's the water start to run, his mother let's out a giggle, and unzips her human-suit to reveal that it is actually Pinkie Pie underneath. "Hehehe, he's so silly, but that's why I love him! And also why I killed his meany old mother and wear her skin, I'm a much better mommy than she could ever be..."
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