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- param(
- [string[]]$ClassNames,
- [switch]$Help
- )
- if (-not $ClassNames -and -not $help){
- Write-Error "Необходимо указать параметр $ClassNames"
- $Help = $true
- }
- if ($help){
- Write-Host "SCOM MP Class Visualizer script, version 0.1"
- Write-Host ""
- Write-Host "Параметры: "
- Write-Host " -Help : вывод справочной информации "
- Write-Host " -ClassNames <[string[]]> : необходимо указать массив классов,"
- Write-Host " по которым будет строиться дерево классов`n"
- Write-Host "Примеры использования:"
- Write-Host "1) .\SCOMDrawClassTree.ps1 -ClassNames ""Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.AD.DomainControllerRole"", ""Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.AD.DC.KDC"""
- Write-Host "`n2) .\SCOMDrawClassTree.ps1 -ClassNames ""Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.AD.DomainControllerRole"""
- Write-Host "`n3) `$classNames = Get-SCOMClass -ManagementPack (Get-ScomManagementPack -Name ""Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.Library"") | foreach {`$_.Name}"
- Write-Host " .\SCOMDrawClassTree.ps1 -ClassNames `$classNames"
- exit
- }
- if (-not (Get-Module OperationsManager)){
- Import-Module OperationsManager
- }
- [hashtable]$classes = @{}
- [hashtable]$shapes = @{}
- #Const VisSectionIndices
- $visSectionObject = 1
- $visSectionParagraph = 4
- $visSectionProp = 243
- #Const VisRowIndices
- $visRowXFormOut = 1
- $visRowTextXForm = 12
- $visRowPageLayout = 24
- $visRowLast = -2
- $visRowFill = 3
- #Const
- $visXFormPinX = 0
- $visXFormPinY = 1
- $visXFormWidth = 2
- $visPLOPlaceStyle = 8
- $visPLORouteStyle = 9
- $visPLOLineRouteExt = 29
- $visCustPropsLabel = 2
- $visCustPropsType = 5
- $visCustPropsValue = 0
- $visFillForegnd = 0
- $visFillBkgnd = 1
- $visTagDefault = 0
- $visLayoutIncrSpace = 2
- $visLayoutHorzAlignNone = 0
- $visLayoutVertAlignNone = 0
- $visMillimeters = 70
- function VisioResizeShape($shape){
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowXFormOut, 2).FormulaU = "10 mm"
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowXFormOut, 3).FormulaU = "10 mm"
- }
- function VisioSetConStyle($con){
- $con.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,2,0).FormulaU = "0.25 pt"
- $con.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,23,19).FormulaU = "0"
- }
- function VisioSetText($shape, $text){
- $chars = $shape.Characters
- $chars.Begin = 0
- $chars.Begin = 0
- $chars.Text = $text
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,11,4).FormulaU = "0"
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionParagraph,0,6).FormulaU = "0"
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,$visRowTextXForm,$visXFormWidth).FormulaU = "5"
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,$visRowTextXForm,$visXFormPinX).FormulaU = "3"
- #$shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,$visRowTextXForm,$visXFormPinY).FormulaU = "Height*0.5"
- #$shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,$visRowTextXForm, 4).FormulaU = "-1"
- #$shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject,$visRowTextXForm, 5).FormulaU = "TxtHeight*2"
- }
- function VisioAddDataRow($shape, $Name, $Value){
- $row = $shape.AddRow($visSectionProp, $visRowLast, $visTagDefault)
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionProp, $row, $visCustPropsLabel).FormulaU = """$Name"""
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionProp, $row, $visCustPropsType).FormulaU = "0"
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionProp, $row, $visCustPropsValue).FormulaU = """$Value"""
- }
- function VisioRearIcons(){
- $page.PageSheet.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowPageLayout, $visPLOPlaceStyle).FormulaForceU = "7"
- $page.PageSheet.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowPageLayout, $visPLORouteStyle).FormulaForceU = "3"
- $page.Layout()
- $visio.ActiveWindow.SelectAll()
- $visio.ActiveWindow.Selection.LayoutIncremental($visLayoutIncrSpace,
- $visLayoutHorzAlignNone, $visLayoutVertAlignNone, 70, 8, $visMillimeters)
- $page.Shapes.ItemFromID(0).CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowPageLayout, $visPLOLineRouteExt).FormulaU = "2"
- }
- function PopulateClassTree($ClassID){
- while ($ClassID){
- $obj = Get-SCOMClass -Id $ClassID
- if ($obj){
- $ClassID = $obj.Base.Id
- $obj | add-member -Name ParentID -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ClassID
- $classes[$obj.Id] = $obj
- if (-not $ClassID){
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function PopulateAttr($Shape, $ClassObj){
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "::::::::Class Properties::::" -Value ":::::::::::::::"
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Abstract" -Value $classObj.Abstract
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Accessibility" -Value $classObj.Accessibility
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Extension" -Value $classObj.Extension
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Hosted" -Value $classObj.Hosted
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Singleton" -Value $classObj.Singleton
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "Description" -Value $classObj.Description
- if ($ClassObj.PropertyCollection.Count -gt 0){
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name "::::::::Attributes::::" -Value ":::::::::::::::"
- $ClassObj.PropertyCollection | sort Name | foreach {
- if ($_.Key -eq $true) { $isKey = "Key" } else { $isKey=$null }
- if ($_.Required -eq $true) { $Required = "Mandatory" } else { $Required = "Optional"}
- $propVal = [string]::Join(",", @($_.SystemType, "Min: $($_.MinLength)", "Max: $($_.MaxLength)", $Required, $isKey))
- VisioAddDataRow -shape $Shape -Name $_.Name -Value $propVal
- }
- }
- }
- $initVisio = {
- Write-Host "Создание приложения Visio"
- $visio = New-Object -ComObject Visio.Application
- $visio.Visible = $false
- $visio.Documents.Add("BASICD_M.VST") | Out-Null
- $doc = $visio.Documents.Item(1)
- $page = $doc.Pages.Item(1)
- $Stensils = $visio.Documents.Item("BASIC_M.VSS")
- $pentagon = $Stensils.Masters.ItemU("Pentagon")
- $dyncon = $Stensils.Masters.ItemU("Dynamic connector")
- }
- $unInitVisio = {
- $visio.Visible = $true
- Write-Host "Переключитесь в Visio и сохраните сформированный документ."
- $visio.quit()
- $page = $null
- $doc = $null
- $visio = $null
- }
- . $initVisio
- foreach ($className in $ClassNames){
- Write-Host "Обрабатываем класс $className"
- $classObj = Get-SCOMClass -Name $className
- Write-Host "Заполняем дерево классов"
- PopulateClassTree -ClassID $classObj.ID
- }
- Write-Host "Отрисовка объектов"
- $classes.Keys | foreach {
- $shape = $page.Drop($pentagon, 1,1)
- $shape.Name = $classes[$_].Name
- if ($classes[$_].Singleton -eq $true){
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowFill, $visFillBkgnd).FormulaU = "THEMEGUARD(MSOTINT(THEME(""LineColor""),80))"
- }
- elseif ($classes[$_].Abstract -eq $false){
- $shape.CellsSRC($visSectionObject, $visRowFill, $visFillBkgnd).FormulaU = "THEMEGUARD(MSOTINT(THEME(""AccentColor4""),40))"
- }
- VisioResizeShape -shape $shape
- VisioSetText -shape $shape -text ("$($classes[$_].Name)`n$($classes[$_].DisplayName)`n$($classes[$_].ManagementPackName)")
- PopulateAttr -shape $shape -ClassObj $classes[$_]
- $shapes[$_] = $shape
- }
- foreach ($class in $classes.Keys){
- if (-not $classes[$class].ParentID){
- continue
- }
- $con = $page.Drop($dyncon, 1,1)
- $shapeTo = $shapes[$class]
- $shapeFrom = $shapes[$classes[$class].ParentID]
- $con.CellsU("BeginX").GlueTo($shapeFrom.CellsSRC(7,0,0))
- $con.CellsU("EndX").GlueTo($shapeTo.CellsSRC(7,5,0))
- VisioSetConStyle -con $con
- }
- VisioRearIcons
- Write-Host "Отрисовка объектов закончена"
- . $unInitVisio
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