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pugna drama with shitflame

a guest
Jan 5th, 2015
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  1. [23:46] <bape> dflame has a vac ban
  2. [23:46] <bape> ban him too
  3. [23:47] <]km[smaka> show me the page
  4. [23:47] <bape> sec
  5. [23:47] <bape>
  6. [23:47] <bape>
  7. [23:47] <bape> thats his alt
  8. [23:47] <bape> 2 month old vac ban
  9. [23:47] <bape> confirmed by enigma
  10. [23:48] <]km[smaka> asking e
  11. [23:48] <]km[smaka> if he says yes
  12. [23:48] <Kizzy> @_@
  13. [23:48] <]km[smaka> he gon' go bye bye
  14. [23:49] <bape> yep enigma told me that was his tftv alt
  15. [23:49] <bape> feel free
  16. [23:49] <bape> thats one of 14
  17. [23:50] <dflame_> That's stoperr hacking on an alt in csgo but alright
  18. [23:52] <bape> yea and my vac ban that doesnt exist is from me modding plants vs zombies
  19. [23:52] <bape> and my friend did it
  20. [23:52] <bape> whoops!
  22. -------------
  24. [00:12] <]km[smaka> !stats insom
  25. [00:12] <]km[smaka> !stats insom`
  26. [00:12] <TF2Pug-Bot> insom* has 420 games played: 65% scout, 4% soldier, 27% demo, 1% medic, 47% captain, 2% roamer, 0% pocket
  27. [00:12] <TF2Pug-Bot> There are no records of the user insom`
  28. [00:12] <]km[smaka> !stats insom_
  29. [00:12] <TF2Pug-Bot> insom_* has 5 games played: 40% scout, 60% demo
  30. [00:12] <Kizzy> 420 :D
  31. [00:12] <]km[smaka> !restrict insom 105d
  32. [00:12] <TF2Pug-Bot> insom has been restricted for 3 mos 15 days.
  33. [00:12] <]km[smaka> !restrict insom_ 105d
  34. [00:12] <TF2Pug-Bot> insom_ has been restricted for 3 mos 15 days.
  35. [00:13] <]km[smaka> !restrict dflame_ 299d
  36. [00:13] <TF2Pug-Bot> dflame_ has been restricted for 9 mos 29 days.
  37. [00:13] <bape> todays a good day
  38. [00:13] <dflame_> cool
  39. [00:13] <Lunacide> RIP
  40. [00:13] <Antwan_> rip
  41. [00:13] <justinisokay> rofl
  42. [00:13] <defy> rip
  43. [00:13] <Kizzy> @_@
  44. [00:13] <]km[smaka> your second chance starts a year post ban
  45. [00:13] <oh> what'd they do?
  46. [00:13] <]km[smaka> vac bans
  47. [00:13] <oh> ah
  48. [00:13] <dflame_> stoperr hacked on an alt that bape gave to me over a year ago so im getting banned for it
  49. [00:14] <Lunacide> i bet you a lot of players who play here have vac bans
  50. [00:14] <defy> im clean as a whistle
  51. [00:14] <bape> solid excuse lmao
  52. [00:14] <]km[smaka> if you provide me evidence of it, they'll get banned too
  53. [00:14] <defy> alt accounts are for pussies
  54. [00:14] <oh> dont we only play on VAC servers anyway?
  55. [00:14] <]km[smaka> cheating is for faggots
  56. [00:14] <oh> so they couldnt join
  57. [00:14] <]km[smaka> alts
  58. [00:14] <dflame_> bape also has alts lol
  59. [00:14] <oh> oh
  60. [00:14] <dflame_> my alts, are bapes
  61. [00:14] <bape> ????
  62. [00:14] <bape> keep it comin bro
  63. [00:14] <bape> shits gold
  64. [00:14] <bape> !add combat
  65. [00:15] <TF2Pug-Bot> 16 users added: kier, Lunacide, Kizzy, cozen, eulogy_:c, mang, Antwan_, alder, Vand, Spirit, justinisokay, bm, icTus:c, oh, rick__, bape
  66. [00:15] <eulogy_> later insom
  67. [00:15] <]km[smaka> i mean i don't care about the reasons or excuses
  68. [00:15] <]km[smaka> but you're possessing a vac banned account
  69. [00:15] <eulogy_> cheat in cs get banned in pugna
  70. [00:15] <]km[smaka> which has connected to game servers with your ip
  71. [00:15] <]km[smaka> ....
  72. [00:15] <Vand> .
  73. [00:15] <bape> !need
  74. [00:15] <TF2Pug-Bot> Required classes: 2 medic
  75. [00:15] <defy> cheater cheater pumpkin eater
  76. [00:15] <eulogy_> lol
  77. [00:15] == Cole [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  78. [00:15] <oh> !help
  79. [00:15] <eulogy_> this logic is fabulous
  80. [00:15] <Antwan_> ^
  81. [00:16] <defy> eulogay endorses hackers confirmed
  82. [00:16] <Lunacide> if they havent cheated in tf2 why ban them in pugna?
  83. [00:16] <eulogy_> some ppl were like 10 and playing cs when they got vacd
  84. [00:16] <]km[smaka> why do i want to play with someone who cheats in any game
  85. [00:16] <oh> how do i view the players of the open games that !need the medic
  86. [00:16] <eulogy_> who fucking cares
  87. [00:16] <eulogy_> we play with them enough here to know whats what
  88. [00:16] <dflame_> Because the ban is in csog
  89. [00:16] <SenorAlberto> !add scout soldier
  90. [00:16] <dflame_> ...
  91. [00:16] <TF2Pug-Bot> 17 users added: kier, Lunacide, Kizzy, cozen, eulogy_:c, mang, Antwan_, alder, Vand, Spirit, justinisokay, bm, icTus:c, oh, rick__, bape, SenorAlberto
  92. [00:16] <dflame_> and I didn't do it
  93. [00:16] <eulogy_> sorry i dont bandwagon
  94. [00:16] <eulogy_> ?
  95. [00:16] <Kizzy> my head hurts
  96. [00:16] <mausy> doesnt cheat at the game, gets banned
  97. [00:17] <Spirit> once a cheater always a cheater xd
  98. [00:17] <Lunacide> does anyone seriously think that dflame and insom cheat in tf2
  99. [00:17] <Lunacide> i mean really
  100. [00:17] <mausy> no
  101. [00:17] <dflame_> ^
  102. [00:17] <eulogy_> ban me i used sam to get achievements
  103. [00:17] <eulogy_> im a cheater
  104. [00:17] <defy> what explains the vac ban alts though?
  105. [00:17] <dflame_> like seriously. I've never actually hacked in tf2 let alone csgo.
  106. [00:17] <bape> u can dflame cry himself into getting unbanned
  107. [00:17] <bape> this night
  108. [00:17] <bape> on pugna
  109. [00:17] <defy> are they just magically vac banned? was it a ghost?
  110. [00:17] == Bdonski [~Bdonski@24.130.ri.vr] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
  111. [00:17] == Bdonski_ [~Bdonski@24.130.ri.vr] has joined
  112. [00:17] <eulogy_> i have alts no1 knows of that are vac banned
  113. [00:17] <eulogy_> from 1.5
  114. [00:18] <dflame_> The alt is banned because STOPERR hacked on csgo usingit
  115. [00:18] <defy> why though
  116. [00:18] <defy> why cheat at all
  117. [00:18] <goldfish> eulogy is next
  118. [00:18] <defy> please explain
  119. [00:18] <eulogy_> my dreams are dead
  120. [00:18] <goldfish> shouldnt of told him about this alts from 1.5 man
  121. [00:18] <alder> lol
  122. [00:18] <dflame_> I don't cheat so I wouldn't know.
  123. [00:18] <justinisokay> incoming eulogy ban
  124. [00:18] <dflame_> Ask stoperr
  125. [00:18] <eulogy_> xmas ruined
  126. [00:18] <Spirit> nice knowing u eulogy
  127. [00:18] <mausy> lol
  128. [00:18] <eulogy_> add up to mix.. problem solved
  129. [00:18] <Spirit> ban inc
  130. [00:18] <defy> put him on the chopping block
  131. [00:19] <oh> which IRC client you guys prefer for pugna
  132. [00:19] <bape> dflame i heard there are some low level pugs over at #tf2mix
  133. [00:19] <bape> im sure u will fit right in
  134. [00:19] <oh> using mIRC
  135. [00:19] <eulogy_> i cheated in spanish class
  136. [00:19] <eulogy_> pls dont ban
  137. [00:19] <defy> spanish class? arent you already spanish
  138. [00:19] <Kizzy> I cheated on my french vocab tests
  139. [00:19] <]km[smaka> zzz
  140. [00:19] <Kizzy> fuck french
  141. [00:19] <defy> relearn your native tongue
  142. [00:19] <eulogy_> no im not spanish
  143. [00:20] <dflame_> bape
  144. [00:20] <eulogy_> im just saying if they play in esea (cheat proof to the max...) then who cares what they did on other engines
  145. [00:20] <blindsight> I use kvirc
  146. [00:20] <bape> why did u link those i dont get it
  147. [00:20] <icTus> Whats the point of linking that log?
  148. [00:20] <justinisokay> when you dont like someone do you just collect logs until you get to use them
  149. [00:21] <dflame_> @_@
  150. [00:21] <dflame_> @_@
  151. [00:21] <bape> ??? ur insane
  152. [00:21] <SenorAlberto> can we play videogames
  153. [00:21] == dingew [] has joined
  154. [00:21] <justinisokay> ^
  155. [00:21] <]km[smaka> i don't have the power to ban them from esea
  156. [00:21] <justinisokay> !need
  157. [00:21] <TF2Pug-Bot> Required classes: 1 medic
  158. [00:21] <]km[smaka> i'll let esea handle that
  159. [00:21] <]km[smaka> but you know what
  160. [00:21] == dingew [] has quit [Client Quit]
  161. [00:21] <mausy> lol
  162. [00:21] <dflame_> lol
  163. [00:21] <]km[smaka> I don't like playing cheaters in cs
  164. [00:21] <]km[smaka> and I don't like playing cheaters in tf2
  165. [00:21] <dflame_> this is honestly hilarious
  166. [00:21] <Vand> .
  167. [00:21] <bape> no its not funny ur crying tonight
  168. [00:22] <dflame_> I'm laughing right now
  169. [00:22] <dflame_> so hard
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