
Stables - Fragments

Oct 6th, 2014
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  1. Another fragment, because dammit THESE PEOPLE LIVE IN HERE NOW.
  3. >Be Anonymous, several weeks after what *some* people call the "FU Affair"
  4. >School is, well, school.
  5. >You managed to get the paper for History done.
  6. >You're discovering you have some skills in Trig. Maybe even in explaining Trig.
  7. >Hell, even Skippy gets it.
  8. >(That long skinny chick he hangs out with had it months ago, of course).
  9. >Settling into something you haven't had for ... for ever.
  10. >A predictable life pattern.
  11. >So THIS is what "normal" feels like, huh?
  13. >Home late.
  14. >Some talk with "Professor Snape" about earning some teaching credits before you graduate.
  15. >Gotta talk with Sunset about that since *she* was the one who actually *wants* to teach, maybe.
  16. >Leftover pot roast (Thanks, Meg!)
  17. >On the couch, watching TV, with Sunset.
  18. >Really getting to be a habit.
  20. >"Oh, Anon... I saw Ashley today."
  21. >Clench level: 20%.
  22. "Oh?"
  23. >Good job not choking on your own spit, pal.
  24. >"He was driving ... I guess to the drugstore, and I was coming back because we needed... some things. And he saw me."
  25. >Clench level: 30% and rising
  26. >Hackles: activate
  27. "Mkay? What happened?"
  28. >She stretches. Clearly nothing really horrible.
  29. >She hasn't had any serious PTS moments since you showed her the stars. But you can never be sure.
  30. >"He slowed down... and we made eye contact."
  32. "... okay..."
  33. >"And then I pulled your pipe wrench out of my purse!"
  34. >You stop staring at the TV and stare at her. She has the biggest grin on her face.
  35. >"I held it up and smiled really big... and then I waved the wrench a little - like this!"
  36. >She pantomimes waving a 14" pipe wrench in an entirely friendly, terrifying way.
  37. >The way that says "Hi neighbor! Youuuu're next! o/`"
  38. "And ... THEN what happened?"
  39. >"He left skid marks!"
  40. >She flops back onto the couch, looking entirely too pleased with herself.
  42. "Pssshhh.... wow."
  43. >You tilt your head to look at her in profile. She's still grinning.
  44. >More TV occurs.
  45. >"... Anon?"
  46. "mmmyes?"
  47. >"Where did you get that wrench? I think I want one for my own."
  48. >"Maybe with FLAMES on it!"
  50. >From elsewhere in the living room, "Gonna want t' put tape on the handle if you're gonna use it for -"
  52. >Just another night at the Stables.
  54. ---
  56. Several weeks after the last one...
  57. >"Oh my Goddess I am so sorry!"
  58. "it's ok."
  59. >"Oh my GODDESS I am so sorry!"
  60. "it's o...k."
  61. >"Oh my GODDESS I AM SO SORRY!!"
  62. "Seriously, it's ok. i'll be fine..."
  63. >"I didn't MEAN to kick you in the back!"
  64. "To be fair, you just slammed your heels into my back.... I'll be fine in a minute."
  65. >"But when you did that thing with your tongue..."
  66. "... Just glad you liked that."
  67. >"How did you LEARN that?"
  68. "... Made it up. There's only so many things you can do - listen... I'll be fine in a little while. Let's just agree not to tell anyone about this for a few years"
  69. >"That's .. A good idea. It would raise too,many questions,"
  70. "like the time Pinkie showed use her nipple ring. How did she get anyone to DO that to an underage girl?"
  71. >"Oh, she did THAT herself..."
  72. "Wat."
  73. >"It was a sleepover and she got bored and..."
  74. "... I want to know, and I don't want to know."
  75. >"SHE thought it was hilarious!"
  76. "Unique person, our Pinkamina... Say, would you ever thing about getting - "
  77. >”Considering what happens when you touch them NOW? Are you crazy?"
  78. "... Just asking..."
  80. - mook
  82. "Ya know, they have ones that just slip on with a little loop-"
  83. >"NO."
  85. ---
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