
Epic's Roleplay guide.(or Acs's)

Apr 29th, 2012
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  2.                         Epic's Roleplay guide.(or Acs's)
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  4. 1.Decide what type of Roleplay your good at.
  6. Although it seems very simple,it's required first.It's like your this: -.- .Every body else is ^_^.I haven't decided which kind i'm good at,but it doesn't mean you can't.
  8. 2.Can I do this?
  10. When you start to roleplay,ask yourself this:Can I do this?Is it hard for me?Trust me I am a Elite roleplayer.I just don't roleplay on PMC.Roleplaying is a skill,and people want you to make the best application that you can.
  12. 3.Meta-gaming
  14. This is a big no-no.Meta-gaming is like 'Jaws was hidden well under the sea.He was hidden by seaweed,muck,and sunken boats.' 'Drake throws a grenade under the water,he knows Jaws is well hidden under it.' Do not do this,when I do this,it will be when i'm taken hostage,with a bomb strapped to my back,and when a gun is stuck in my intestine.
  16. 4.Double posting
  18. You could also call it spamming.It takes mostly the fun out of roleplays.Example:'Sigh,I am such a loser!Jason though,he couldn't even score a date with Roxxy.' 'Hm... Jason though.If I could kill Jake,it would be over with!'
  20. 5.A good roleplay application.
  21. This is more for the roleplay makers.Don't make something to complicated,unless you have to.Something simple:
  22. Name:
  23. Age:(How old they are)
  24. Gender:(Male or female?)
  25. Bio:(Just about their life.One paragraph would be great!)
  26. Personality:(What they act like,e.g:kind)
  27. Apperance:(What they look like,pictures are great!)
  29. Example for roleplayers:
  31. Name:Den Thrisk
  32. Age:19
  33. Gender:Male
  34. Bio:Den's life was always a pain.His father always smoked,drank,and abused him.His mother was the only light in his life,until... One day,when Den came home his mom was on the floor.Not moving at all,a bullet hole was in her head.
  35. "Noo!" Den said and started to cry.He knew his father did this,he always wanted to toughen him up,and make him angry.One day,while his dad was sleep,he got his dad's gun and shot him with it.Though Den was never charged for it,he always cried.But not for his dad,for his mom.She was gone,from his life until he die.
  36. Personality:Kind,loving,trustworthy.
  37. Apperance:
  38. See how I removed the parentheses?Always do it.
  40. 6.Good Roleplay name
  42. So,your roleplay might be a army based roleplay,but you should call it something more intresting.Instead of 'The Army Roleplay Application' Try, '{{Elites of the Force}} {Application Thread}
  44. 7.Why is nobody joining?
  46. This happens alot.Sometimes the genre for the roleplay doesn't make people want to play.Example: 'Roleplay about boring people.'
  48. 8.Good happy Roleplaying!
  49. Good luck roleplaying,I didn't touch every single subject,just the mostly important ones.
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