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a guest
Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. acpi
  2. acpi-support-base
  3. acpid
  4. acyl-icons
  5. adduser
  6. adobereader-enu:i386
  7. akonadi-backend-mysql
  8. akonadi-server
  9. alacarte
  10. alsamixergui
  11. amd64-microcode
  12. angband
  13. animals
  14. apache2
  15. apache2-mpm-prefork
  16. apache2-utils
  17. apache2.2-bin
  18. appmenu-qt
  19. apt
  20. apt-build
  21. apt-listchanges
  22. apt-move
  23. apt-utils
  24. aptitude
  25. aptitude-common
  26. aqemu
  27. aqualung
  28. ardour
  29. arora
  30. at
  31. audacious
  32. audacity
  33. automake
  34. autopoint
  35. autotools-dev
  36. awesfx
  37. baobab
  38. base-files
  39. base-passwd
  40. bash
  41. bash-completion
  42. basket
  43. battery-stats
  44. bb
  45. bc
  46. berusky
  47. bind9-host
  48. brackets
  49. browser-plugin-vlc
  50. bsd-mailx
  51. bsdmainutils
  52. bsdutils
  53. bsh-gcj
  54. busybox
  55. byobu
  56. bzip2
  57. bzr
  58. cairo-dock
  59. calf-plugins
  60. cdbs
  61. cgdb
  62. cgminer
  63. checkinstall
  64. chromium
  65. chromium-browser-l10n
  66. clamav
  67. cmake
  68. cnetworkmanager
  69. compiz
  70. compiz-dev
  71. compiz-fusion-bcop
  72. compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
  73. compiz-fusion-plugins-main
  74. compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported
  75. compizconfig-settings-manager
  76. conky
  77. conky-std
  78. console-setup
  79. coreutils
  80. cowsay
  81. cpio
  82. cpufreqd
  83. crack-md5
  84. cron
  85. csound
  86. csoundqt
  87. dash
  88. davfs2
  89. db5.1-util
  90. dc
  91. dconf-tools
  92. deadbeef-static
  93. debconf
  94. debconf-i18n
  95. debian-archive-keyring
  96. debian-faq
  97. debianutils
  98. decibel-audio-player
  99. devilspie
  100. dia
  101. diffutils
  102. dillo
  103. discover
  104. djview4
  105. dl10n
  106. dmidecode
  107. dnsutils
  108. doc-debian
  109. dolphin
  110. doublecmd-gtk
  111. dpkg
  112. dtach
  113. dvdisaster
  114. dzen2
  115. e17
  116. e17-data
  117. e2fslibs
  118. e2fsprogs
  119. eaglemode
  120. eject
  121. electricsheep
  122. elinks
  123. emacs
  124. evtest
  125. exim4
  126. exim4-base
  127. exim4-config
  128. exim4-daemon-light
  129. extremetuxracer
  130. extundelete
  131. fakeroot
  132. fbi
  133. fbreader
  134. feh
  135. festival
  136. ffmpeg
  137. fglrx-atieventsd
  138. fglrx-modules-dkms
  139. figlet
  140. file
  141. findutils
  142. firestarter
  143. firmware-linux-nonfree
  144. flac
  145. fonts-sil-gentium-basic
  146. freedesktop-sound-theme
  147. freemind
  148. freespacenotifier
  149. ftp
  150. fvwm
  151. fvwm-crystal
  152. g++-4.7
  153. gajim
  154. gawk
  155. gcc-4.7-base
  156. gedit
  157. geeqie
  158. gettext
  159. gettext-base
  160. gifsicle
  161. gimp
  162. gir1.2-clutter-gst-1.0
  163. gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0
  164. gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-0.10
  165. gir1.2-panelapplet-4.0
  166. gir1.2-webkit-3.0
  167. git
  168. git-man
  169. gitg
  170. gksu
  171. glue-sprite
  172. glx-alternative-fglrx
  173. glx-alternative-mesa
  174. glx-diversions
  175. gmidimonitor
  176. gmorgan
  177. gmpc
  178. gmrun
  179. gnome-applets
  180. gnome-applets-data
  181. gnome-audio
  182. gnome-media
  183. gnome-mime-data
  184. gnome-panel
  185. gnome-panel-data
  186. gnome-phone-manager
  187. gnome-ppp
  188. gnome-session-canberra
  189. gnome-system-monitor
  190. gnome-tweak-tool
  191. gnupg
  192. gozerbot
  193. gpgv
  194. gpick
  195. gpm
  196. grep
  197. grilo-plugins-0.1
  198. groff-base
  199. grub-common
  200. grub-pc
  201. gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  202. gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3
  203. gtk-redshift
  204. gtk2-engines-aurora
  205. gtk2-engines-pixbuf
  206. gtk2-engines-xfce
  207. guake
  208. gucharmap
  209. gxmessage
  210. gxmms2
  211. gzip
  212. hasciicam
  213. hddtemp
  214. hexer
  215. host
  216. hostname
  217. html2text
  218. htop
  219. i2p
  220. icebreaker
  221. icedove
  222. icedove-l10n-ru
  223. icedtea-7-plugin
  224. idesk
  225. ifupdown
  226. imagemagick
  227. indicator-applet
  228. indicator-applet-appmenu
  229. indicator-application
  230. info
  231. initramfs-tools
  232. initscripts
  233. inkscape
  234. insserv
  235. install-info
  236. installation-report
  237. intltool
  238. iproute
  239. iproute2
  240. iptables
  241. iputils-ping
  242. ipxe-qemu
  243. isc-dhcp-client
  244. isc-dhcp-common
  245. joe
  246. jp2a
  247. k3b
  248. kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins
  249. kdenlive
  250. kdepim-runtime
  251. kdepimlibs-kio-plugins
  252. keyboard-configuration
  253. kfind
  254. kinfocenter
  255. kmenuedit
  256. kmod
  257. konqueror
  258. krb5-locales
  259. kruler
  260. krusader
  261. ksysguard
  262. ksysguardd
  263. ktorrent
  264. kupfer
  265. kwrite
  266. ladspa-sdk
  267. lame
  268. laptop-detect
  269. laptop-mode-tools
  270. lastfm-scrobbler
  271. less
  272. libacl1
  273. libadplug-2.2.1-0
  274. libakonadi-kabc4
  275. libakonadi-kcal4
  276. libakonadi-kde4
  277. libakonadi-kmime4
  278. libakonadiprotocolinternals1
  279. libalut0
  280. libapache2-mod-php5
  281. libappindicator-dev
  282. libappindicator1
  283. libapr1
  284. libaprutil1
  285. libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3
  286. libaprutil1-ldap
  287. libapt-inst1.5
  288. libapt-pkg4.12
  289. libarchive12
  290. libasound2-dev
  291. libattica0
  292. libattr1
  293. libav-tools
  294. libavcodec-dev
  295. libavformat-dev
  296. libawn1
  297. libblas3
  298. libblkid1
  299. libbonobo2-0
  300. libbonoboui2-0
  301. libboost-date-time1.49.0
  302. libboost-iostreams1.49.0
  303. libboost-program-options1.49.0
  304. libboost-serialization-dev
  305. libboost-thread1.49.0
  306. libbz2-1.0
  307. libbz2-dev
  308. libc-bin
  309. libc6
  310. libcanberra-pulse
  311. libclass-isa-perl
  312. libcln6
  313. libclucene0ldbl
  314. libclutter-gst-1.0-0
  315. libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0
  316. libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin
  317. libcluttergesture-0.0.2-0
  318. libcmis-0.2-0
  319. libcolamd2.7.1
  320. libcomerr2
  321. libcsfml-dev
  322. libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  323. libcwidget3
  324. libdb5.1
  325. libdconf0
  326. libdesktop-agnostic-vfs-gio
  327. libdesktop-agnostic0
  328. libdiscid0
  329. libdmapsharing-3.0-2
  330. libdmtx0a
  331. libdmx1
  332. libdnet
  333. libdrm-nouveau1a
  334. libdrm-nouveau1a:i386
  335. libdvbpsi7
  336. libdw1
  337. libecore1
  338. libedbus1
  339. libedje-bin
  340. libedje1
  341. libeet-bin
  342. libeet1
  343. libeeze1
  344. libefreet1
  345. libeina1
  346. libeio0
  347. libembryo0
  348. libept1.4.12
  349. libescpr1
  350. libevas1
  351. libfdt1
  352. libffi5
  353. libffi5:i386
  354. libfglrx
  355. libfglrx-amdxvba1
  356. libfglrx-amdxvba1:i386
  357. libfglrx:i386
  358. libfreetype6-dev
  359. libgcc1
  360. libgcrypt11
  361. libgd2-xpm
  362. libgdbm3
  363. libgdu0
  364. libgettextpo0
  365. libgl1-fglrx-glx
  366. libgl1-fglrx-glx-i386:i386
  367. libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386
  368. libglew-dev
  369. libglobalmenu-mate
  370. libgnome-bluetooth10
  371. libgnome-media-profiles-3.0-0
  372. libgnome-menu2
  373. libgnomekbd7
  374. libgnomevfs2-common
  375. libgnomevfs2-extra
  376. libgnutls26
  377. libgoocanvas-common
  378. libgoocanvas3
  379. libgpg-error0
  380. libgpod-common
  381. libgpod4
  382. libgps20
  383. libgraphite2-3:i386
  384. libgrilo-0.1-0
  385. libgssdp-1.0-3
  386. libgtk2.0-0:i386
  387. libgupnp-1.0-4
  388. libgupnp-av-1.0-2
  389. libhsqldb-java
  390. libidn11
  391. libido3-0.1-0
  392. libimlib2
  393. libindicator-dev
  394. libirrlicht-dev
  395. libirrlicht1.7a
  396. libjansson4
  397. libjbig0
  398. libjbig0:i386
  399. libjim0debian2
  400. libjpeg8-dev
  401. libjson0
  402. libkabc4
  403. libkactivities-bin
  404. libkactivities6
  405. libkcal4
  406. libkcalcore4
  407. libkcalutils4
  408. libkdb5-6
  409. libkdecorations4
  410. libkephal4abi1
  411. libkgapi1
  412. libkholidays4
  413. libkimap4
  414. libkldap4
  415. libkmime4
  416. libkmod2
  417. libknewstuff2-4
  418. libkonqsidebarplugin4a
  419. libkpimutils4
  420. libkprintutils4
  421. libkresources4
  422. libkscreensaver5
  423. libksgrd4
  424. libksignalplotter4
  425. libkunitconversion4
  426. libkutils4
  427. libkwineffects1abi3
  428. libkwinglutils1
  429. libkworkspace4abi1
  430. liblapack3
  431. liblightdm-gobject-1-0
  432. liblocale-gettext-perl
  433. liblockfile-bin
  434. libltdl-dev
  435. liblzma5
  436. libmailtransport4
  437. libmate
  438. libmatecanvas
  439. libmatecomponent
  440. libmatecomponentui
  441. libmateconf
  442. libmatecorba
  443. libmatepolkit
  444. libmatevfs
  445. libmicroblog4
  446. libmlt++3
  447. libmlt-data
  448. libmount1
  449. libmpc2
  450. libmpg123-dev
  451. libmutter0
  452. libmx-1.0-2
  453. libmx-bin
  454. libmx-common
  455. libncurses5
  456. libncurses5-dev
  457. libncursesw5
  458. libncursesw5-dev
  459. libnewt0.52
  460. libnfnetlink0
  461. libnotify-bin
  462. libnotify-dev
  463. libogg-dev
  464. libopenal-dev
  465. libp11-kit0
  466. libpackagekit-glib2-14
  467. libpam-modules
  468. libpam-modules-bin
  469. libpam-runtime
  470. libpam0g
  471. libpangox-1.0-0
  472. libpangoxft-1.0-0
  473. libpipeline1
  474. libplasma-geolocation-interface4
  475. libplasmaclock4abi3
  476. libplasmagenericshell4
  477. libpopt0
  478. libprison0
  479. libprocesscore4abi1
  480. libprocessui4a
  481. libprocps0
  482. libprotobuf7
  483. libpulse-dev
  484. libqalculate5
  485. libqalculate5-data
  486. libqimageblitz4
  487. libqrencode3
  488. libqt4-dbus:i386
  489. libqt4-help
  490. libqt4-network:i386
  491. libqt4-opengl
  492. libqt4-scripttools
  493. libqt5webkit5-dev
  494. libqtassistantclient4
  495. libqtgui4:i386
  496. libqtruby4shared2
  497. libqtwebkit4
  498. libqtwebkit4:i386
  499. libquicktime2
  500. libreadline6
  501. libreoffice
  502. libreoffice-base
  503. libreoffice-base-core
  504. libreoffice-calc
  505. libreoffice-draw
  506. libreoffice-gtk
  507. libreoffice-impress
  508. libreoffice-java-common
  509. libreoffice-l10n-ru
  510. libreoffice-math
  511. libreoffice-report-builder-bin
  512. libreoffice-writer
  513. librhythmbox-core6
  514. libselinux1
  515. libsemanage-common
  516. libsemanage1
  517. libsepol1
  518. libserf1
  519. libsfml-dev
  520. libsigc++-2.0-0c2a
  521. libslang2
  522. libslp1
  523. libsmokebase3
  524. libsmokekdecore4-3
  525. libsmokekdeui4-3
  526. libsmokekfile3
  527. libsmokekhtml3
  528. libsmokekio3
  529. libsmokeknewstuff2-3
  530. libsmokeknewstuff3-3
  531. libsmokekparts3
  532. libsmokektexteditor3
  533. libsmokekutils3
  534. libsmokenepomuk3
  535. libsmokeplasma3
  536. libsmokeqtcore4-3
  537. libsmokeqtdbus4-3
  538. libsmokeqtgui4-3
  539. libsmokeqtnetwork4-3
  540. libsmokeqtopengl4-3
  541. libsmokeqtsql4-3
  542. libsmokeqtsvg4-3
  543. libsmokeqtwebkit4-3
  544. libsmokeqtxml4-3
  545. libsmokesolid3
  546. libsolidcontrol4abi2
  547. libsolidcontrolifaces4abi2
  548. libsox-fmt-alsa
  549. libsox-fmt-base
  550. libsox2
  551. libspeechd2
  552. libsqlite3-0
  553. libsqlite3-dev
  554. libss2
  555. libssl-dev
  556. libssl-doc
  557. libssl1.0.0
  558. libssl1.0.0:i386
  559. libstdc++5
  560. libstdc++6
  561. libswitch-perl
  562. libswscale-dev
  563. libsyndication4
  564. libtaskmanager4abi3
  565. libtasn1-3
  566. libtelepathy-logger2
  567. libtext-charwidth-perl
  568. libtext-iconv-perl
  569. libtext-wrapi18n-perl
  570. libthunar-vfs-1-2
  571. libthunar-vfs-1-common
  572. libtiff4:i386
  573. libtinfo5
  574. libtinyxml-dev
  575. libtool
  576. libtracker-sparql-0.14-0
  577. libudev0
  578. libuniconf4.6
  579. libunrar
  580. libunwind7
  581. libusb-0.1-4
  582. libustr-1.0-1
  583. libuuid1
  584. libvdeplug2
  585. libvisio-0.0-0
  586. libvncserver0
  587. libvorbis-dev
  588. libweather-ion6
  589. libwebkit-dev
  590. libwebkitgtk-dev
  591. libwebp2
  592. libwine-gecko-1.4
  593. libwps-0.2-2
  594. libwvstreams4.6-base
  595. libwvstreams4.6-extras
  596. libx11-guitest-perl
  597. libxapian22
  598. libxcb-ewmh-dev
  599. libxcb-keysyms1-dev
  600. libxcb-sync0
  601. libxcb-util0-dev
  602. libxdo2
  603. libxenstore3.0
  604. libxfce4ui-1-dev
  605. libxfce4util-dev
  606. libxfcegui4-dev
  607. libxine1
  608. libxmlrpc-core-c3
  609. libxp6
  610. libxslt1.1:i386
  611. libxss1
  612. libxss1:i386
  613. libxv1:i386
  614. libzzip-0-13
  615. lightdm
  616. lightdm-gtk-greeter
  617. links2
  618. linux-headers-2.6-amd64
  619. linux-headers-amd64
  620. linux-image-amd64
  621. linux-libc-dev
  622. linux-tools
  623. lmms
  624. locales
  625. login
  626. logrotate
  627. lp-solve
  628. lsb-base
  629. lsof
  630. luakit
  631. lxappearance
  632. lxc
  633. lxctl
  634. lyx
  635. m4
  636. mac-x-lion-reloaded
  637. malys-ex
  638. man-db
  639. manpages
  640. matchbox
  641. mate-applet-globalmenu
  642. mate-conf
  643. mate-conf-common
  644. mate-conf-editor
  645. mate-corba
  646. mate-desktop-environment
  647. mate-globalmenu
  648. mate-globalmenu-common
  649. mate-icon-theme-faenza
  650. mate-mime-data
  651. mate-vfs
  652. mate-window-manager
  653. mawk
  654. mc
  655. mcabber
  656. mdm
  657. medit
  658. melt
  659. mencoder
  660. metacity
  661. microcom
  662. midori
  663. mime-support
  664. minitube
  665. mlocate
  666. moblin-sound-theme
  667. mount
  668. mousepad
  669. mpd
  670. mplayer
  671. mpv
  672. mtpaint
  673. multiarch-support
  674. mutt
  675. mutter-common
  676. mysql-server
  677. nano
  678. ncmpc
  679. ncurses-base
  680. ncurses-bin
  681. ncurses-term
  682. net-tools
  683. netbase
  684. netbeans
  685. netcat-traditional
  686. network-manager-gnome
  687. nfs-common
  688. nginx
  689. notify-osd
  690. ntfs-3g
  691. ntp
  692. nvidia-installer-cleanup
  693. obexfs
  694. ocl-icd-libopencl1
  695. omega-rpg
  696. oneko
  697. openbios-ppc
  698. openbios-sparc
  699. openhackware
  700. openjdk-7-jre
  701. openshot-doc
  702. openssh-client
  703. opera
  704. orage
  705. oxygencursors
  706. p7zip-rar
  707. passwd
  708. patch
  709. pavucontrol
  710. pciutils
  711. perl-base
  712. php5
  713. php5-curl
  714. php5-mysql
  715. php5-sqlite
  716. phpmyadmin
  717. pidgin
  718. pidgin-dev
  719. pidgin-mpris
  720. pidgin-musictracker
  721. pink-pony
  722. pinta
  723. pkg-config
  724. pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring
  725. plasma-scriptengine-python
  726. plasma-scriptengine-ruby
  727. plasma-scriptengine-superkaramba
  728. plasma-scriptengine-webkit
  729. playmidi
  730. playonlinux
  731. plymouth
  732. plymouth-drm
  733. plymouth-x11
  734. ponysay
  735. popularity-contest
  736. powertop
  737. ppp
  738. procmail
  739. procps
  740. psi
  741. psi-plus
  742. pwgen
  743. python
  744. python-apt
  745. python-awn
  746. python-awn-extras
  747. python-cairo-dev
  748. python-central
  749. python-dateutil
  750. python-dbus
  751. python-dbus-dev
  752. python-desktop-agnostic
  753. python-dev
  754. python-gnomedesktop
  755. python-kde4
  756. python-magic
  757. python-mako
  758. python-markupsafe
  759. python-minimal
  760. python-mlt
  761. python-packagekit
  762. python-pygoocanvas
  763. python-pyinotify
  764. python-qt4
  765. python-reportbug
  766. python-rsvg
  767. python-sip
  768. python-support
  769. python-webkit
  770. python-xklavier
  771. python2.6-minimal
  772. python2.7
  773. python3-uno
  774. q4wine
  775. qbittorrent
  776. qemu
  777. qemuctl
  778. qgit
  779. qiv
  780. qmmp
  781. qt-ponies
  782. qt-ponies-data
  783. qt4-dev-tools
  784. qt5-default
  785. qtcreator
  786. qtcurve
  787. qtquick1-5-dev
  788. qtquick1-5-dev-tools
  789. qtractor
  790. quake
  791. qupzilla
  792. ranger
  793. rar
  794. readline-common
  795. reportbug
  796. ristretto
  797. rpcbind
  798. rpl
  799. rsync
  800. rsyslog
  801. ruby-kde4
  802. ruby-plasma
  803. ruby-qt4
  804. ruby-qt4-webkit
  805. screen
  806. screenlets
  807. scrot
  808. sdparm
  809. seabios
  810. sed
  811. sensible-utils
  812. shotwell
  813. skype:i386
  814. slim
  815. smart-notifier
  816. smplayer
  817. smtube
  818. sound-theme-freedesktop
  819. source-highlight
  820. spacefm
  821. sqlitebrowser
  822. squeeze
  823. srecord
  824. ssl-cert
  825. stumpwm
  826. subtitleeditor
  827. subversion
  828. suckless-tools
  829. sudo
  830. supertuxkart
  831. swftools
  832. synthv1
  833. systemsettings
  834. sysv-rc
  835. sysvinit
  836. sysvinit-utils
  837. tango-icon-theme
  838. tar
  839. task-desktop
  840. tasksel
  841. tasksel-data
  842. telnet
  843. texinfo
  844. texlive-lang-cyrillic
  845. texlive-latex-recommended
  846. texlive-latex3
  847. tilda
  848. time
  849. timidity
  850. tint2
  851. tmux
  852. toilet
  853. tp-smapi-dkms
  854. traceroute
  855. ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  856. ttf-sil-gentium-basic
  857. ttf-xfree86-nonfree
  858. twm
  859. tzdata
  860. ucf
  861. udev
  862. unhtml
  863. unrar
  864. unrar-free
  865. usb-modeswitch
  866. usb-modeswitch-data
  867. usbutils
  868. uswsusp
  869. util-linux
  870. uzbl
  871. v86d
  872. valgrind
  873. vcftools
  874. veromix
  875. vifm
  876. vim
  877. vim-common
  878. vim-gtk
  879. vim-scripts
  880. vim-tiny
  881. virtualbox-4.2
  882. vlc-plugin-fluidsynth
  883. vnstat
  884. volti
  885. vrms
  886. w3m
  887. w9wm
  888. wamerican
  889. wayv
  890. wget
  891. whiptail
  892. whois
  893. wildmidi
  894. windows7-icons
  895. wine-bin:i386
  896. wine64
  897. wine64-bin
  898. winetricks
  899. winff
  900. wireshark
  901. wmaker
  902. wmctrl
  903. wmtemp
  904. wvdial
  905. wwwconfig-common
  906. x-tile
  907. xbmc
  908. xcompmgr
  909. xcowsay
  910. xdotool
  911. xfburn
  912. xfce4
  913. xfce4-artwork
  914. xfce4-battery-plugin
  915. xfce4-cellmodem-plugin
  916. xfce4-clipman
  917. xfce4-clipman-plugin
  918. xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
  919. xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
  920. xfce4-datetime-plugin
  921. xfce4-dict
  922. xfce4-diskperf-plugin
  923. xfce4-fsguard-plugin
  924. xfce4-genmon-plugin
  925. xfce4-goodies
  926. xfce4-indicator-plugin
  927. xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
  928. xfce4-mixer
  929. xfce4-mount-plugin
  930. xfce4-netload-plugin
  931. xfce4-notes
  932. xfce4-notes-plugin
  933. xfce4-panel-dev
  934. xfce4-places-plugin
  935. xfce4-power-manager
  936. xfce4-power-manager-data
  937. xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
  938. xfce4-screenshooter
  939. xfce4-sensors-plugin
  940. xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
  941. xfce4-systemload-plugin
  942. xfce4-taskmanager
  943. xfce4-timer-plugin
  944. xfce4-verve-plugin
  945. xfce4-wavelan-plugin
  946. xfce4-weather-plugin
  947. xfce4-xfapplet-plugin
  948. xfce4-xkb-plugin
  949. xfe
  950. xfprint4
  951. xine-ui
  952. xmlcopyeditor
  953. xmlstarlet
  954. xmms2
  955. xsane
  956. xsane-common
  957. xscreensaver
  958. xul-ext-adblock-plus
  959. xul-ext-debianbuttons
  960. xul-ext-openinbrowser
  961. xxkb
  962. xz-utils
  963. ytree
  964. zenity
  965. zenity-common
  966. zlib1g
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