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Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. π’žπ‘œπ’Ήπ‘’ π‘œπ’» π’žπ‘œπ“ƒπ’Ήπ“Šπ’Έπ“‰
  4. General:
  5. - Doubles are allowed.
  6. - You are welcome to lurk. But you are not allowed to post unless your character is related to fate.
  7. - No multi-series profiles. This means your Ouran Highschool, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Fate/Stay night OC is not allowed. They have to be just dedicated to Fate. What you do in private or in other rooms is not the issue. But the character has to be clearly written on the profile just for Fate/Type-Moon roleplays.
  8. - If you have a concern regarding another member please message a mod. *Screencap it if need be. However, do not handle this yourself. If you see someone breaking a rule let a mod handle it. Tell them and it will be taken care of.)
  9. - What happened in other rooms, stays in other rooms. (We are not here to see a Rin rper fight with a Boudicca rper over something that happened in another room on rpc. Not do we need to hear about how you two hate each other oocly. If you have these issues check them at the door. We are here to enjoy ourselves. )
  10. - Please do not be a drama whore. IC drama is fine and fun. OOC? It's a headache.
  11. - If you feel like your ban is unjustified, PM a mod, and ask them. If you are unable to get in touch with the said mod, speak to another one or leave a Mail.
  12. - No multi character profiles. It's one character per name.
  13. - People had lives, do not harass other members because they are busy.
  14. - Event for the roleplay will occur accordingly. Singularities are in the works. If you have any suggestions or wish to help PM a mod.
  18. Characters:
  19. - OC's are welcome. Masters, servants, non-masters.
  20. - OC Masters must be believable. Not outside the realm of possibility when it comes to the nasuverse.
  21. - Things like reality marbles, like super high-level stuff, needs to be run by a mod and will be talked about between them.
  22. - Abilities and items that are questionable are subject to being judged and ruled.
  23. - As an OC servant, you can make them a pseudo servant and a regular servant.
  24. - As an OC servant, you CANNOT make a demi-servant, a grand servant, or beast.
  25. - Servants can Teleport by their master's side. but Masters themselves with out the aid of a mystic code can not teleport. Rapid movement is one thing. But teleportating as a master across the facility with no mystic code and on your own accord? Is another.
  26. - Follow the rules and logic of the Nasuverse. You're character can not be the omni-present savior of all mankind with the ability to fart rainbows and make unicorns from thin air. Kay?
  27. - Classes that are off limits canon and OC wise would be Beast, and any of the Grands. (Unless serving story purpose and spoken to mods over first.)
  28. - If you want to make an alternate class for an existing servant that has not been established yet, please make their skill set close but a little different from their original counterpart. For example, a Saber Hercules would be much more coherent than the berserker type.
  29. - Doubles are allowed.
  30. - Genderswaps are plausible.
  31. - OC servants should probably be based off lore and history. IF you want to make an OC servant that has no roots in history talk to a mod.
  32. - OC and Canon servants can NOT be the Saver class. Got it? That is 100% No.
  33. - If you wish to make an OC servant that falls into one of the Extra Classes, (IE. Alter-Ego, Moon Cancer, Avenger, Foreigner, and Ruler) Please speak to a mod directly.
  37. RolePlay:
  38. - If a Roleplay is going on, please be mindful and keep the OOC and shitposting down.
  39. - Do not give someone a hard time about how they post or play a character. We all have different styles of roleplay and how we portray characters. If you are unhappy with how they roleplay, then simply do not roleplay with them.
  40. - Please have a coherent understanding of the English language. It does not need to be your first language, but it is nice at least understand what you are trying to say.
  41. - Do not control another person's character. This is no. No, if and or buts about it.
  42. - Characters from other series are not allowed. If you want to use Minato Arisato from Persona 3 as a Master? I'm sorry you can not. You can base a character off of him, or use him as a face claim, but do not make a carbon copy of a character this is not allowed.
  43. - Do not godmod, metagame, or metaknowledge.
  47. Combat:
  48. (These rules are a mixture of T1 ( and Freeflow.)
  49. - Combat can happen, but keep in mind an actual fight between characters icly will be handled by the 'staff' of Chaldea if it gets too violent. This is for stories sake.
  50. - If someone wishes to combat another and there is a possibility fo death, please be sure to make that clear before the fight is engaged.
  51. - If there is a death please be sure to record the roleplay if a mod is no present. And present it to them in the copy of screen caps or a Pastebin link.
  52. - Fights that happen in private will not be counted as canon to the events of the room unless both parties involved agree.
  53. - Servants to fight humans, we already know how this will go down. Servants are naturally going to be stronger. Unless you have a support type servant that is boosting your master up quite a bit, you will not be able to take out a servant easily.
  54. - Abilities and powers must be stated on the profile so people know what they're getting into/you cannot suddenly God-mod or pull things out of nowhere.
  55. - No Meta-gaming. ( Meta Gaming This is the act of taking knowledge from the writer of a character and implanting it within the character they play. I.E If our characters have never met before, yet my character knows exactly what powers, skills, or details that they shouldn't actually know. This is metagaming. ) (Yes this is here too)
  56. - Make sure to post what items/weapons you have on your person when battling so you're not pulling something out of your ass.
  57. - All abilities must be listed on profile! A paste bin link or otherwise.
  58. - If you can bleed you can die. Immortals and Gods can die, just not by human means, but no one is immune to death.
  59. - Death is permanent.
  60. - No future vision in combat. Controlling another character. No reading a mind in combat.
  61. - No bunny-ing. ( Non-flow combat attacks. IE. About to attack someone with your fist, but then suddenly with your other hand, you pull out the broadsword off of your back and attack with it as well. Be reasonable. )
  62. - Reasonable Timeline-ing. ( Go with the flow, if someone makes a step first, you cannot step before them without reason. )
  63. - No Auto-hitting. (Auto Hits and Auto Dodges. Auto hits are the acts of stating your character has already landed a hit on the opponent, without offering them a chance to defend, and or dodge. Auto Hits are all about sentence wording.
  64. Auto Hit - Player 1 dashed across the field, swung his sword, cutting and leaving a deep slash wound on player 2.
  65. Correct Wording. Player1 dashed across the field, swung his sword at Player 2, hoping to cut him in order to leave a deep slash wound on his opponent. )
  68. Misc:
  69. - Some concerns and issues will be handled on a case by case basis.
  70. - Mods get the final say here. You can ask for an appeal but that does not guarantee anything.
  71. - Do not advertise your room in the room.
  72. - Rules are subject to change if required.
  73. - No one is above the rules.
  74. - Catch-all prove-em-wrong clause: If you’re causing headaches and irritation for the administration or the players in some manner not explicitly banned by the rules and then get punished, this is is it. This is the rule for you.
  75. - Any questions please ask one of the mods.
  77. Misc:
  78. By reading these and proceeding to post in the room you are thereby acknowledging to adhere to these guidelines of Chaldea's rules and code of conduct.
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