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Feb 14th, 2013
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  1. Alright, so I'm going to rant a little....
  3. Today(Haven't slept yet, it's still today) I saw one or two posts about communism and people's rights in other countries. They were saying such fucking bullshit spouting something about how "It's so great to live in Australia" blablabla.
  5. Don't get me wrong, Australia is great. We are pretty much free from war, economic and crime issues. At least when compared to most of the world. But something people don't seem to realize is that even though we live under a democratic society we are almost a communist nation. We have rules and regulations for EVERYTHING. It's unreal. Have a look at new years eve. You go to the city, you watch the fireworks, you go home or you go to a club. No partying in the streets. We are forced into hiding. They are basically censoring us from having a good time for what ever fucking reason.
  7. Now lets take a look at the taxi service. In the city you have a taxi line. There are about 10 taxi's there. You can't choose your taxi, you must pick the first one in line, when you are in line. Excuse me but I don't want to have a dodgy looking taxi driver. Why is this done? It's done to be "fair". Taxi licenses aren't cheap, their about 700k or so. Because of how much it costs, taxi fare's are higher, regulations are in place and we aren't allowed to choose who our driver is.
  9. Recently I saw an article about custom officers being asked to report their colleagues if they are seen smoking pot or something else on the weekend/their free time. Can you not see how completely FUCKED that is. What I do in the privacy of my home or someone else's should not be reported. We are turning into a communist country by doing this. In former Yugoslavia people were told to report anything that was against the government etc. If your son said something bad about the government you had to report it. He would be killed. But the government occasionally told people to say something and report someone if they DON'T report it to the government. So if I was asked to say Gillard is a cunt near my father and he didn't report it, he'd probably be killed.
  11. Yes that is an extreme, but this is where we are heading. Why? I really don't know. For some reason it seems that everything must be controlled and regulated. We need freedom. We really don't have freedom despite people saying we do. We've sort of become a brainwashed society. We need to use our brains and not follow the heard. If you continue to follow the heard, watch us become cattle which will be slaughtered because it's easier for mankind to live without us.
  13. In summary, to continue to keep this country a good place to live, stand up and fight for what freedom and privacy. It's more important than any of us know. Because without it, who knows where we'll be in 20 years.
  15. /rant
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