
Hostile Encounter

Oct 13th, 2012
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  1. >Day 97 in this strange new world.
  2. >Today has been a good day.
  3. >This morning, whilst out foraging for provisions and supplies, you came across a pleasant surprise.
  4. >A live chicken.
  5. >She was just aimlessly wandering around in a tiny glade, free for the taking.
  6. >While overjoyed at such a rare find, you wonder where she could have come from.
  7. >With all the predators that stalk here, she's obviously not common to these woods.
  8. >Does this mean that there is some sort of civilized settlement nearby?
  9. >You remind yourself not to get your hopes up, if there were people living nearby you would surely have seen more signs of it by now.
  10. >Back in the relative safety of your cave, you salivate as you watch the chicken slowly roast over an open fire.
  11. >It smells simply divine.
  12. >The berries and fruits of the forest taste like ash, and the meat you scavenge from various slain predators just doesn't hold up against chicken.
  13. >Delicious chicken. This is going to be a treat indeed.
  14. >Staring at the chicken with hungry eyes, you suddenly come to a daunting realization.
  15. >In the three months you've been here, this has to be the highlight.
  16. >Almost a hundred days, and a piece of chicken meat is the best thing to happen to you?
  17. >You let out a deep sigh.
  18. >How long is this going to go on for?
  19. >Surely you can't keep living like a caveman forever... right?
  20. >What's the point in that?
  21. >"Elizabeak, come on out for momma!"
  22. >What kind of life is this even--
  23. >Wait, what was that?
  24. >"Elizabeak, the Everfree forest is no place for a chicken, I'm here to take you home."
  25. >Someone is outside.
  26. >Someone who can talk!
  27. >This you must see.
  28. >Ever catious, you grab your crude, wooden spear before heading out.
  29. >Peering out of the mouth of your cave you don't see anyone in the immediate area.
  30. >"Is that you hiding behind that tree, Elizabeak?"
  31. >The soruce of the voice is just beyond some nearby trees; you make haste.
  32. >"Now, now, there's no need to be scared, I'm here now and-- ~gasp~"
  33. >Carefully craning your head to peak out from behind a rock, you survey the scene.
  34. >You don't see any humans around, only a small, yellow horse of sorts stood frozen in fear infront of a towering manticore.
  35. >The manticore lets out a bellowing roar and the the horse yelps meekly.
  36. >Not in a mood to witness the carnage of such a cute little horse, you jump out of hiding.
  37. >You move swiftly and place yourself in between the manticore and his prey.
  38. >Pointing your spear at him, you use the calm before the storm to prospect your opponent more thoroughly.
  39. >Deadly fangs ready to rip flesh from bone.
  40. >Massively muscular arms, the size of tree trunks, guiding paws equiped with deadly, sharp claws.
  41. >Enormous bat-like wings flare out at his sides and his menacing scorpion tail is poised to strike.
  42. >You've never faced a manticore head on before.
  43. >This should prove interesting.
  45. >The manticore glares at the strange monkey standing before him.
  46. >He roars again to display his might and to test the bravery of his challanger.
  47. >You don't waver as his bellowing trembles the ground.
  48. >Making sure you have a steady grip of your spear, you chuckle.
  49. >This will be an entertaining experience indeed.
  50. >Perplexed by your calm demeanor, the manticore is caught off-guard as you charge him.
  51. >He sweeps a massive claw at you, but it was a paniced move that you had anticipated and you easily duck under his strike without losing any momentum.
  52. >At full speed as you were, you thrust your spear into his lower abdomen.
  53. >Your spear hits true and pierces flesh, your adversary roars.
  54. >You are quick to retract your weapon again as you roll out of the way of another claw swipe.
  55. >Despite hitting him with such a powerful stab, it seems a futile effort.
  56. >Small dripplets of blood escape the wound, but it's hardly enough to even slow the best down.
  57. >In fact, it appears that all you've managed to do was enrage him further.
  58. >Perhaps you're in over your head?
  59. >Bah! Now's not the time to be second guessing yourself.
  60. >You ready yourself for another charge.
  61. >If only you could get a clear shot at his head, then you'd be able to do some real damage.
  62. >Abruptly, with unexpected speed, the manticore leaps into the air, propelled by his wings.
  63. >You roll to the left as he comes barreling down on you, teeth first.
  64. >The ground shakes as he crashes down just inches away from you.
  65. >You get on your feet and turn to face him once more.
  66. >He wastes no time, going in for another attack straight away.
  67. >You dodge a series of rapid claw slashes while retaliating with swift stabs against his paws.
  68. >Caught up in a wild flurry of slashes, you see something gleam overhead.
  69. >Before you have a chance to react to the threat, his scorpion tail comes down, piercing your right shoulder.
  70. >You cry out in agony as the manticore wrenches his tail lose from your shoulder.
  71. >Dropping your spear you clutch your left hand at the open wound.
  72. >The pain is sharp and burning hot.
  73. >Blood gushes over your hand clasping the nasty injury.
  74. >You stagger backwards in panic and clumsily fall onto your back.
  75. >The manticore closes in on you.
  76. >You see a triumphant glint in his eyes as he bares his fangs in anticipation of the comming feast.
  77. >You try to scramble away from him but it's no use, you're too weak and groggy; that scorpion tail must have carried some mighty powerful venom.
  78. >Well, Anon. You knew that this day was comming.
  79. >It's just in your nature to pick fights with things bigger and deadlier than you.
  80. >You were bound to bite of more than you could chew on of these days.
  81. >Ah well, you had a good run at least.
  82. >Awaiting your doom, regretting that you never got to taste that chicken, you are at least happy that you helped that yellow horse escape.
  83. >At least your death wasn't a complete waste.
  84. >The beast opens his mouth wide, displaying a wide spread of razor-sharp teeth.
  85. >You can feel his tangy breath on your face.
  86. >This is the end...
  89. >Both you and the manticore look up in surprise as the yellow horse, which apparenly has wings, comes flying towards you.
  90. >With a stern look on her she flies up to the manticore, getting all up in his grill.
  91. >"Just who do you think you are, going around attacking those weaker than you?"
  92. >The manticore just looks at her, confused.
  93. >"You should be ashamed of yourself!"
  94. >"I have half a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to young man."
  95. >The manticore looks unsure of how to react, but lifts his paw up into the air to ready a strike at the horse.
  96. >"Oh don't you dare try that on me, mister!"
  97. >The best looks suddenly very embarresed and lowers his paw again.
  98. >"Now I want you to go away and leave us alone."
  99. >"And I don't want to hear about anyp0ny else being attacked by any manticores, do you understand?"
  100. >He nods quickly before scurrying off into the dense foilage with his tail between his legs.
  101. >Who is this talking horse?
  102. >Surely this must a dream. Delirium brought on by the venom, surely.
  103. >She lowers herself to the ground and trotts over to you.
  104. >A worried look on her face, she moves in to inspect your wound.
  105. >"Aww you poor thing, did that big meanie sting you badly?"
  106. >Maybe it's the dizziness, but her soft, tender voice feels like velvet to your ears.
  107. >The innocence of her voice serves to soothe and calm you.
  108. "I think I've been poisioned." you manage to blurt out
  109. >With a shrill shriek she jumps back in fright.
  110. >"Y-you can talk?"
  111. >"Oh my..."
  112. >She now looks positively terrified of you.
  113. >Who is this girl that sends manticores fleeing but is scared of you talking?
  114. >This must be a dream...
  115. >On the topic of dreams, your eyelids are starting to get really heavy now.
  116. >You're having trouble keeping your eyes focused, everything is blurry.
  117. >Seeing your obvious distress, the pegasus horse seems to regain her courage.
  118. >"Don't worry okay? I'm going to help you."
  119. >In a distant part of your mind you register the feeling of teeth tugging at your pants.
  120. >With a firm grip of your clothes, the pegasus strains herself to start slowly pulling your limp body forwards.
  121. >"I have a bottle of manticore antidote at home, you're going to be fine."
  122. >"Fluttershy will take care of you, just you wait and see."
  123. >The last thing you recall before passing out is her sweet cooings of motherlike affection.
  124. >Today was a good day.
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