

Mar 14th, 2014
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  1. [Fri 21:07:50] <TheChosenNeko> What will you all choose?
  2. [Fri 21:08:05] <@Morm> i guess i'll see where the lines fall
  3. [Fri 21:08:10] <RacingeR> [Mankind]
  4. [Fri 21:08:13] <Plue> Mmm, Heaven, Human, Hell?
  5. [Fri 21:08:34] <@Morm> i have to see the big picture
  6. [Fri 21:08:44] <@Morm> but i am biased towards neutral for obvious reasons
  7. [Fri 21:08:54] * snax ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  8. [Fri 21:09:14] <@Morm> but i doubt things will be that simple
  9. [Fri 21:09:21] <@Morm> or maybe they will
  10. [Fri 21:09:25] <@Morm> i dunno lol
  11. [Fri 21:09:26] <TheChosenNeko> interested... but I will pass on this RP
  12. [Fri 21:09:33] <Bloble> what
  13. [Fri 21:09:44] <Bloble> why would neko not go for SMT Ga Rei goodness?
  14. [Fri 21:09:50] <@Morm> busy?
  15. [Fri 21:10:02] <@Sei> hey bloble
  16. [Fri 21:10:09] <Bloble> yeeeeees?
  17. [Fri 21:10:09] <@Sei> did you do your pushups?
  18. [Fri 21:10:10] <@Morm> wait for it
  19. [Fri 21:10:11] <TheChosenNeko> Because I'm in a lot
  20. [Fri 21:10:11] <TheChosenNeko> And hello Blob
  21. [Fri 21:10:12] * TheChosenNeko paps Blob's head
  22. [Fri 21:10:13] <Bloble> um
  23. [Fri 21:10:17] <@Sei> do em now
  24. [Fri 21:10:20] * Bloble gets to it
  25. [Fri 21:10:20] <@Morm> i did mine
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