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Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. Lowell (15/M/Shark/Bi), Going by the suspiciously empty box of tissues partially sticking out of the garbage can beside the table - along with the downright incriminating few wadded up bundles of tissue - the little bear had arrived just a little too late to catch her red-handed today. Certainly explained the heady, almost oppressive smell of polar bear throughout the living room, not to mention the damp feel her plump ballsac had when fondled just moments ago. "Eh, y’know, just channel surfing." She replied, draping an arm around the brown bear’s shoulder to tug him back against her with laughable ease. On the bright side, she boasted two massive pillows for him to rest against and forget all about aforementioned ketchup stain. "Thought about picking out a movie, but you were running late. Didn’t know if you were gonna show." Despite her nonchalant conversation and recently..spending, her free hand was still shamelessly burrowing it’s way under her cousin’s rump to cop a feel of cotton clad asscheek, with her dormant rod twitching against the other one.
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