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a guest
Sep 19th, 2015
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text 6.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. _____ _____ _____ _____
  2. /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \
  3. /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\____\ /::\ \
  4. /::::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::| | /::::\ \
  5. /::::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /:::::| | /::::::\ \
  6. /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /::::::| | /:::/\:::\ \
  7. /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/|::| | /:::/__\:::\ \
  8. /::::\ \:::\ \ /::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ |::| | /::::\ \:::\ \
  9. /::::::\ \:::\ \ /::::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ |::|___|______ /::::::\ \:::\ \
  10. /:::/\:::\ \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \:::\____\ /:::/ |::::::::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \:::\ \
  11. /:::/ \:::\ \:::\____\/:::/ \:::\ \:::| /:::/ |:::::::::\____\/:::/ \:::\ \:::\____\
  12. |\::/ \:::\ /:::/ /\::/ |::::\ /:::|____\::/ / ~~~~~/:::/ /\::/ \:::\ /:::/ /\
  13. | \/____/ \:::\/:::/ / \/____|:::::\/:::/ / \/____/ /:::/ / \/____/ \:::\/:::/ / \
  14. | \::::::/ / |:::::::::/ / /:::/ / \::::::/ / \
  15. | \::::/ / |::|\::::/ / /:::/ / \::::/ / \
  16. | /:::/ / |::| \::/____/ /:::/ / /:::/ / |
  17. | /:::/ / |::| ~| /:::/ / /:::/ / ____ |
  18. | /:::/ / |::| | /:::/ / /:::/ / |___ \ |
  19. | /:::/ / \::| | /:::/ / /:::/ / __) | |
  20. | \::/ / \:| | \::/ / \::/ / |__ < |
  21. | \/____/ \|___| -9/20/2015- \/____/ \/____/ ___) | |
  22. | |____/ |
  23. | ____/\\\__/\\\_______/\\\\\\\_____/\\\\\\\\\\\\________/\\\\\\\\\_____/\\\________/\\\_ |
  24. | ___\/\\\_\/\\\_____/\\\/////\\\__\/\\\////////\\\____/\\\\\\\\\\\\\__\///\\\____/\\\/__ |
  25. | __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\__/\\\____\//\\\_\/\\\______\//\\\__/\\\/////////\\\___\///\\\/\\\/____ |
  26. | _\///\\\///\\\/__\/\\\_____\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\///\\\/______ |
  27. | ___\/\\\_\/\\\___\/\\\_____\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_______\/\\\_______ |
  28. | __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\_\/\\\_____\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\/////////\\\_______\/\\\_______ |
  29. | _\///\\\///\\\/__\//\\\____/\\\__\/\\\_______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_______\/\\\_______ |
  30. | ___\/\\\_\/\\\____\///\\\\\\\/___\/\\\\\\\\\\\\/___\/\\\_______\/\\\_______\/\\\_______ |
  31. | ___\///__\///_______\///////_____\////////////_____\///________\///________\///________ |
  32. | #ARMAGEDDON |
  33. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  34. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  35. | |
  36. | -DESCRIPTION- |
  37. | |
  38. | A 'Bag_Base' object contained inside the array of another 'Bag_Base' object |
  39. | causes a stack overflow when 'BIS_fnc_loadInventory' is called from |
  40. | the 'TapUse' function. |
  41. | |
  42. | This is due to a data type misalignment of the inventory array of a 'Bag_Base' |
  43. | object and is pushed to the server stack through the 'TapUse' call to |
  44. | 'BIS_fnc_loadInventory'. |
  45. | |
  46. | arma3server.exe crashes with Exception code: C00000FD STACK_OVERFLOW at 00AXXXX. |
  47. | |
  48. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  49. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  50. | |
  51. | -RECREATION- |
  52. | |
  53. | - Have two bags, one on the ground, one on the player. |
  54. | - Open inventory, open bag inventory, drag other bag inside. |
  55. | - Close inventory, reopen and drop the backpack containing the backpack. |
  56. | - Open the inventory of the ground, double click and open bag. |
  57. | - Attempt to move the inner bag to player backpack slot then close inventory. |
  58. | - Use the 'Hand Grab' by aiming at the bag and pressing spacebar. |
  59. | - Most times clients will freeze; everytime the server will Z-line. |
  60. | |
  61. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  62. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  63. | |
  64. | -AFFECTS- |
  65. | - Any Mission/Mod with the HandGrab 'TapUse' function anabled. [Default ENABLED] |
  66. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  67. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  68. | |
  69. | -TESTED ON- |
  70. | - AltisLife |
  71. | - ExileMod [ #WREXILE ] |
  72. | - A3Wastelands |
  73. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  74. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
  75. | |
  76. | .------.------.------.------.------.------. .------. .------.------.------.------.------. |
  77. | |*.--. |I.--. |*.--. |N.--. |*.--. |*.--. |.-. |..--. |.-. |N.--. |*.--. |N.--. |*.--. |A.--. | |
  78. | | :(): | (\/) | :/\: | :(): | (\/) | :/\: ((5)) | :(0):((5)) | :(): | (\/) | :(): | :(): | (\/) | |
  79. | | ()() | :\/: | (__) | ()() | :\/: | (__) |'-.-.|(J)(3)|'-.-.| ()() | :\/: | ()() | ()() | :\/: | |
  80. | | '--'B| '--'*| '--'T| '--'*| '--'E| '--'T| ((1)| '--'.| ((1)| '--'*| '--'I| '--'*| '--'J| '--'*| |
  81. | `------`------`------`------`------`------' '-'`------' '-'`------`------`------`------`------' |
  82. |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________|
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