
It isn't Over!

Dec 17th, 2012
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  1. [22:40] == NotGil [~Gil@] has joined #btw
  2. [22:40] <NotGil> guys, it looks like I've been conned
  3. [22:40] <NotGil> apparently a big part of what I was told were lies
  4. [22:40] <Six> doh
  5. [22:40] <NotGil> I'm not going to go into details, but for now, it's best if you keep a critical eye out
  6. [22:41] <Six> man, so the tinfoil hats were actually real?
  7. [22:41] <NotGil> yeah, it's crazy
  8. [22:41] <NotGil> this thing has so many levels
  9. [22:42] <icynewyear> NotGil I want to apologize for how I treated you before :S
  10. [22:42] <Octobot> So you need a flowchart like they use for sting operations
  11. [22:42] <NotGil> no problem icy, we haven't met yet
  12. [22:42] <NotGil> I never judge people first time
  13. [22:42] <icynewyear> I recognized some of the things you were saying weren't true and leaped to the conclusion that you were the one making the lies.
  14. [22:42] <NotGil> apparently not
  15. [22:43] <destin_eternel> this just got posted on the forums
  16. [22:44] <NotGil> in any case, lots of what I said might be BS, I'm trying to figure out who fed me what information and what is certainly true
  17. [22:45] <NotGil> I exagerated certain things and some things are my opinion, but everything I publicly released was said to me
  18. [22:45] <Jorcer> Are you able to give any clues as to what info was wrong?
  19. [22:46] <NotGil> naah, not without possibly making an even bigger fool of myself
  20. [22:47] <Jorcer> That is fine
  21. [22:47] <Noir-Mobile> Don't take that the wrong way.
  22. [22:47] <ExpHP> I can't believe the level of BS this is amounting to
  23. [22:47] <NotGil> just saying that I'm an idiot
  24. [22:47] <Noir-Mobile> Hi Gil
  25. [22:47] <mikko_blu|Asleep> headache, noir?
  26. [22:47] <asfasfgsa> Just to let you guys know, I was the one who had that conversation with Lex and was the one who posted that log.
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