
2019-04-24 TOEFL: listening detail & inference

Apr 26th, 2019
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  2. 1 centimeter = 1/100 meter
  3. 1 millimeter = 1/1000 meter
  4. 1 micrometer (or micron) = 1/1000000
  5. (1 nanometer = 10-9 meter)
  6. ---
  7. Look at and discuss the sentence insertion questions from ETS 1 test 2 (which we didn’t get to yesterday).
  8. - For this question, know that general statements are almost always before specific details.
  9. ---
  10. Listening Question Types
  11. - main idea / gist (content or purpose)
  12. - purpose (or “specific purpose” - of a particular statement or example) / method
  13. - attitude
  14. - inference (you infer, speakers imply)
  15. - detail
  16. - function (replay questions)
  17. - prediction (inference about the future)
  18. - complete a chart or table (these are basically longer detail questions)
  19. ---
  20. Your Oxford book has summary charts about how to answer each type of question on the TOEFL.
  21. p. 231
  22. In British English, a “faculty” in a university is like a major school or college within the university. (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Music, etc.)
  23. (In American English, faculty are all the teachers in a school or a university as a group.)
  24. Each school/faculty might have different rules about the requirements to get a degree and graduate.
  25. ---
  26. 4L5 - How can we abbreviate these words?
  27. appointment = apt / appt
  28. behavior = bhvr (often, writing only the consonants gives a good idea of what the word is)
  29. cognitive neuroscience = cog n.s.
  30. biological sciences = bio scis
  31. special degrees = spec degs
  32. requirement = req
  33. ---
  34. Listen to the covnersation and take notes.
  35. ---
  36. BREAK
  37. ---
  38. p. 231 - Listen (again) and take notes.
  39. Then answer the test questions about the conversation.
  40. 1 c
  41. 2 a (She’s currently in Arts and is worried because the major she wants is in Science. There is no Faculty of Art and Science (she’d have no problem if there were), and there is no Faculty of Psychology (though there’s a Department of Psychology).)
  42. 3 a d
  43. 4 b c d
  44. 5 c d
  45. 6 c - The end-of-February deadline “doesn’t give us much time”, so it’s not long before the end of February.
  46. ---
  47. Listen to the talk about exercise and cognition and take notes.
  48. Use your and your partner’s notes to complete the information in the outline on p. 232
  49. ---
  50. BMI = body mass index = mass (kg) / height (m)^2
  51. ---
  52. p. 233 part 4L8 - answer the questions
  53. 1 c - This is closest to the “fittest students scored higher” results from the study in the notes.
  54. 2 d - The first step of the process in the notes is “moving a muscle”
  55. 3 b
  56. 4 a c - What he actually says is that it facilitates learning and makes thinking possible, not the other way around.
  57. 5 a
  58. ---
  59. Homework: p. 234-238 - Answer the listening “test questions”. (4L9, 4L11, 4L12)
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