
Of Fazbears and Vaporwave Part 2

Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. It was a long day of measurements and testing, poking and prodding, there was a lot to prove and a lot of
  2. evidence available. The hangovers worn off, Steve and Syd were struggling to keep their composure through
  3. all the testing from the IntegrAnki testing and procedures of just how big of a discovery they had made.
  4. Ghosts from the past, the first fully functional artificial intelligence that didn't have to start at
  5. square one, almost fully coordinated AI, as well as evidence to crack an ancient murder case wide open.
  6. With measurements and designs getting prepared, the droids seemed to be acting a bit scared or weary of all
  7. the people grabbing them and holding parts of them down to speak unintelligible jargon at the rather naked
  8. droids; it was the experience of a dog.
  10. The 18 wheeler the teams showed up in carried most of their equipment, the pitch black solar panels on the
  11. top of the truck were switched over to power the devices inside, the droids getting the initial shapes for
  12. their heads printed off their industrial-sized 3D printer. The shapes were referred to by Freddy as a face
  13. cage, a name which stuck. The droids were getting other parts replaced, like the cheap PVC piping and scrap
  14. wood, proper plastic and ceramic struts were being used to replace the old with new. There was a
  15. complication however, when it came to the endoskeleton spine.
  17. The design teams working with Syd carefully removed the spine of Foxy and replaced it with a more modern
  18. version, printed off and threaded with newer wiring. However, trying to remove it from Bonnie resulted in a
  19. much more agitated response. The voice simulated tortured screaming, much to everyone's surprise. After
  20. refastening the spine and the other designers backing off in the corner, she rolled Bonnie over and tried
  21. to give a comforting hug, shushing and embracing the machine as it whimpered in her arms, the new ears
  22. faintly drooping.
  24. "I suppose we'll stick with the old spine for now with Bonnie, you poor thing, are you alright?" Syd asked,
  25. wincing a bit before looking to the others and trying to look more professional. The incomplete droid held
  26. onto Syd, her colleagues a bit wide-eyed and raising brows, giving some judgmental glances as Steve took
  27. notice and gave one of them a gentle elbow in the ribs. "Stop it, let's get back to work," Steve said
  28. rather flatly to the mechanical team member.
  30. One of the next steps was to add on the communication devices, which would let the droids interface with
  31. the world of online and websites, as well as making calls and viewing AR with any proper cybernetically
  32. enhanced vision. There were biological models, but these weren't biological eyes, after all. The droids
  33. were looking less like tinker toys and more like unfinished mascots, Bonnie and Freddy unable to have their
  34. spines swapped out, apparently due to pain from what the neural readings were indicating.
  36. "Internet? Isn't that just for nerds and college admins?" Freddy asked a bit skeptical. Bonnie's makeshift
  37. jaw dropped, the optics whirred as they adjusted, "Ohmygosh... THATS what they look like?!" the droid
  38. covered its face with its hands, looking down and away as one of the people watching the neural sensors and
  39. reading the feed from the droids' optics proceeded to snrk. The assistant piped up over the bunny droid
  40. as it covered its face ineffectually with its wire-frame ears. "Looks like Bonnie's discovered pornography!"
  42. ---------------
  44. Night was falling, food brought in by Steve and Syd's interns, some blocks put into place to keep the
  45. droids from going to more adult sites as well as some lectures, as the blocks weren't up in time to prevent
  46. some viruses and malware from getting through. Foxy kept locking up periodically as a result, Chica giving
  47. growls of disgust as she swatted away AR ads popping up around her. Bonnie was the first one cleaned out of
  48. malicious programs, Freddy seeming to go a bit catatonic. Discussions were mostly on what to do with the
  49. evidence they had found and with whom exactly do they share? It's not as though ghosts were considered
  50. scientific, but at least they still had the first functional kick started artificial intelligences.
  52. On the bright side, they could at least provide evidence for the murders all those years ago.
  53. "Hey, you guys all say you were killed, save for Jeremy? You all know what he looks like?" Syd asked the
  54. various droids, who were taking form and getting outfitted for some carbon fiber plates with a thin layer
  55. of faux fur on them. Chica responded, "Ah, yeah, I think I can draw em for ya, got any paper or pens?"
  57. They were handed over as Chica twitched and seemed to struggle at first before the cybernetic hand began to
  58. move and draw a line. And another, and another, the pace getting faster and faster until blurring enough
  59. that the observer without some sort of advanced bio or cyberware for their eyes wouldn't be able to keep
  60. up, the drawing finishing like an old, grainy black and white photograph. "Memory's kind of fuzzy, but I
  61. think he looked exactly like this," Chica's LEDs lit up to make a vague smirk, the mechanical parts of the
  62. face incomplete.
  64. Steve brought over his info slate and quickly gave the picture a scan before trying to find who the picture
  65. matched up to. "While it's looking, may need to visit the local HQ to discuss all of our findings, Trish,
  66. mind scheduling up an appointment with the legal, product and service, financial, and sales heads?" Steve
  67. queried, Syd was busy comforting some of the droids who were offput by this whole mess. "Hey, Foxy, err...
  68. didja call your folks?" Syd asked. "I t-tr. Tried, looked em up on the net too. They apparently moved and
  69. I'm an uncle, they also said I was a sick joker..." Foxy muttered, a definite tone of disappointment in his
  70. voice as he clasped his hand and plastic hook over his head, the robotic fox ears splayed downwards.
  72. "Well, hopefully they'll believe a bit more if we can get this case reopened? Any news, Steve?" Syd looked
  73. to her friend. "Dead. Shot in the line of duty as a mall cop," Steve gave a blatantly fake smile he usually
  74. used to deliver bad news. The droids all looked at Steve with the cartoony, artificial eye covers widened,
  75. mouths open a bit, of all of the machines, Freddy took a rather wide stance with lowered eyebrows, growling
  76. low at first before letting out an emotional shout of anguish, one that caused the voice vox to produce
  77. some high pitched chirps as Freddy had turned and punched a wall, creating a dent in the spackle. "I-I need
  78. a moment. Please, sensors off, cameras off, whatever off, I-I-I just want to be alone for a bit. Please,"
  79. he begged through grit plastic teeth.
  81. The only one not surprised by the response was Syd who carefully got up and held the bear-like droid to her
  82. side with one arm, the other carefully picking off the brain computer interface that resembled the black
  83. 'webbing' one might see on top of a sneaker from his head. She unplugged the direct neural link to his head
  84. from the stem of the robotic skull and gave a reassuring nod, patting him on the back, Chica trying to take
  85. Freddy's other arm and pat it reassuringly. "Th-thanks, just... I need to be alone." Freddy dragged his
  86. feet a bit as he headed into the guest room of the house.
  88. An assistant manning the 3D printer piped up a bit meekly, "Hey, the butts are done."
  90. ---------------
  92. The assembly of the droids and their new parts continued well into the later hours, the assistants as well
  93. as Syd and Steve were staying awake with stimulant shots, the last pieces getting finished for the
  94. animatronics save for the props. Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy's faces all showed rather concerned emotions as
  95. they fidgeted and the voices bickered, still some conflicts between the human minds and artificial ones.
  97. Syd got ready to try and keep them calm when the AI in Chica would try to settle everything, Bonnie's would
  98. try and lift everyone's spirits. With all the sensors installed and such in the three droids, they began to
  99. straddle the line between what everyone in the room percieved as a machine and what they recognized as
  100. something biological.
  102. Syd tapped her cybernetic eye as it whirred softly, spinning around to reconfigure itself instead of lazily
  103. listing off to the side as she examined the droids. She had an AR overlay already outlining their
  104. construction process and how to properly wire the droids up in the event of damage. The realization of
  105. meeting her childhood icons for real was finally hitting her as tears formed in the corner of her eyes and
  106. she took a turn hugging each of them. They didn't exactly object, between the kids' minds and the AI being
  107. programmed by her, they were mostly surprised they could feel the warmth again, as well as the pressure of
  108. the hug.
  110. Steve knocked on the guest room door and listened. "J-just a moment. Who is it?" Steve heard a clattering
  111. inside, like ceramic against wood, he flicked on his glasses frames a few times as the lenses cycled
  112. between clear, sunglasses, and thermal vision as he peered, struggling to see the faint trace of the
  113. droid's warm brainbox. "It's Steve, you alright? Knock something over? You've been in there an hour and a
  114. half, care to talk it out?"
  116. The droid's figure seemed to be cramming something into the bear's mouth before answering again. "Ah, y-
  117. yeah, be right out." There was that hesitation in his speech that Steve seemed to notice. Steve
  118. doubletapped on the door knob as the door swung itself open. "Well, we've got the rest of your suit if
  119. you'd like to feel alive again," Steve asked with his award-winning, pie-faced smile. Concern bubbled in
  120. the back of Steve's mind, but playing the role of politician and PR for a major robotics and neuroscience
  121. company gave him enough composure to look nonchalant while burning alive. And that's already occurred,
  122. twice.
  124. ------------
  126. The trio of completed droids were looking up all the things they missed over the years, eyes going wide as
  127. they learned how video games have crashed, revived, improved, crashed again and revived. They listened to
  128. various music of the decades they missed, read what happened to classmates, important historical events,
  129. and lots more. Their heads felt like they were ready to burst with all this info intake, though the feeling
  130. died down not unlike when one releases some form of gas when feeling bloated, as the AI compressed all the
  131. data for efficiency.
  133. Bonnie gave a sharp twitch as they adjusted to the new servos, the rabbit mouth opening a bit as music
  134. began to play. "Ah, Saint Pepsi, good taste," one of the interns nodded. Bonnie started to bob their head
  135. along with the music, Chica and Foxy beamed as they head something like a mix of the music of their
  136. generation mixed into something a little more recent. Freddy came in with a curious expression as he heard
  137. the music, entering with Steve. Some of the assitants got up to dance as a few others laughed, Syd smirked
  138. a bit as she finished off a box of kung pao chicken.
  140. The evening carried on into the morning, Freddy was fully assembled, the four droids looked like updated
  141. versions of the animatronics from so long ago, covered in thin fluff and coloured brightly, they all
  142. looked as good as new. Freddy went into the closet for a bit as the others stopped their dancing and looked
  143. to him as he donned a justacorps and sombrero with an LED banner wrapped around it in a spiral shape with
  144. the message 'I LOVE TAMALE TED'S' scrolling across. The hat barely fit on his head, but the brim could
  145. easily hide his face. He was met with furrowed brows and tilted heads from all.
  147. "I've got someone I gotta meet, I should be back a bit later," Freddy stated quite flatly, his eyes a
  148. bit wide and staring into space before he headed to the front door. The others looked to one another
  149. and almost all at once began asking "what?" "Wait, where are you going?" "But Freddy, what about us?"
  150. and other questions drowned out by almost everyone asking at once. "I'LL BE... that's cliche. I WILL
  151. RETURN, DON'T WORRY." Freddy barked back in a somewhat angry and cartoony tone. As the others were ready
  152. to resume protesting, he'd walked through the front door and slammed it behind him, he started making his
  153. way to a bus stop.
  155. The vehicles in the street seemed smaller than the models he was used to, mostly plastic rather than metal.
  156. Not all of them had steering wheels either, which struck Freddy as odd. A few folks walking or scootering
  157. by gave him some odd looks, mostly at his cartoony large foot paw shoes to go with his mascot look. He
  158. reached the bus stop which had some solar panels and a flower bed on top that he noticed as a bit odd until
  159. he looked around the street corner. The commercial buildings all had AR and meatspace signage, and also
  160. seemed to have some sort of AR advertisements regarding the various ferns, crops, and shrubs growing atop
  161. most of the structures, showing off little cartoon representations telling Freddy to download the new
  162. BotaniBuddies game, version 3.4. The bus finally arrived, the bus driver seemed to be heavily augmented,
  163. more machine than human, only half their face was flesh, the other half was a mix of chrome and plastic
  164. features similar to a doll as they held their gloved hand out for fare. Freddy pulled the cash out from
  165. behind his nose and mouth and handled the crumpled currency to them and rang up a two-way ticket for Freddy.
  166. Not a single person on the bus seemed at all phased by what looked like a person in an elaborate costume or
  167. a mascot wearing a 17th century style coat and sombrero, but public transportation tends to see stranger things.
  169. Bugged Freddy a bit to see so many buildings covered in reflective glass, though it was nice if not unusual
  170. to see most buildings' rooftops converted into gardens, the ads and commercialism was worse than ever. Ads
  171. played even as you sat in silence on the bus, but at least almost everything was clean.
  173. ----------
  175. "So what exactly do we do now, Syd?" Foxy looked inquisitively.
  177. "Well, there's paperwork to do, we need to get you some new documentation that you're legal residents and
  178. also not dead, and then there's presenting you to the company big wigs to do," Syd answered as honestly and
  179. delicately as she could. "In the meantime, I could bring stuff for you guys to do, we can go out in public
  180. and perform too. Did you guys have something in mind?"
  182. "I figured I'd make the most of this body and have a second chance at becoming a superstar!" Bonnie gushed a
  183. bit, the LED cheeks lit up red to show blush. "I guess I could write or something? Iunno, that or maybe be a
  184. librarian? O-OR COULD Be a mediator, make everyone less agitated," Chica piped up, pitch changing a bit as the
  185. two voices seemed to vie for control. Foxy was still having some duality issues as he piped up, "I figure
  186. explorin' the ocean or space would be a good lot! I-I thi-thi-think that's a bit dangerous, couldn't we just
  187. stay inside and draw? WHEwhere's the fun in that, lad, let's live a little!"
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