
Anima Porn Rant Copypaste

Mar 11th, 2013
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  1. Why is everyone so obseesed with magic? is everyone that desperate to have their sick fantasies fulfilled that you need to drool over grimores all day, reading and practicing and all that heretical crap. You guys are fucking sick, go get some therapy. Flat chested mages is NOT sexy, i dont care how many people say otherwise. This world is going to the dogs and you all know it. The Inquisition comes and we're all screwed. So just repress it. Repress that fucking urge to enchant your niece's doll because its sick. Its sick and wrong you witches.
  2. Gaia needs to change, what happened to faith? everything is magic now. Sorcery. And guess what? sorcery isnt funny, not anymore. sorcery is desu and you all know it. I didnt come to church from work to see pictures of the Flow of Souls, i came to church to see Abel and his desciples. Show me Gaia, show me what i believed in.
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