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a guest
Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. (!!)
  2. ($!)
  3. ($)
  4. (&&)
  5. (*)
  6. (**)
  7. (*>)
  8. (+)
  9. (++)
  10. (-)
  11. (.)
  12. (/)
  13. (/=)
  14. (<$)
  15. (<$>)
  16. (<)
  17. (<*)
  18. (<*>)
  19. (<=)
  20. (=<<)
  21. (==)
  22. (>)
  23. (>=)
  24. (>>)
  25. (>>=)
  26. (^)
  27. (^^)
  28. (||)
  29. EQ
  30. False
  31. GT
  32. Just a
  33. LT
  34. Left a
  35. Nothing
  36. Right b
  37. True
  38. abs
  39. acos
  40. acosh
  41. all
  42. and
  43. any
  44. appendFile
  45. asTypeOf
  46. asin
  47. asinh
  48. atan
  49. atan2
  50. atanh
  51. break
  52. ceiling
  53. class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t
  54. class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a
  55. class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a
  56. class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a
  57. class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a
  58. class Applicative m => Monad m
  59. class Bounded a
  60. class Enum a
  61. class Eq a
  62. class Eq a => Ord a
  63. class Foldable t
  64. class Fractional a => Floating a
  65. class Functor f
  66. class Functor f => Applicative f
  67. class Monoid a
  68. class Num a
  69. class Num a => Fractional a
  70. class Read a
  71. class Show a
  72. compare
  73. concat
  74. concatMap
  75. const
  76. cos
  77. cosh
  78. curry
  79. cycle
  80. data Bool
  81. data Char
  82. data Double
  83. data Either a b
  84. data Float
  85. data IO a
  86. data Int
  87. data Integer
  88. data Maybe a
  89. data Ordering
  90. data Word
  91. decodeFloat
  92. div
  93. divMod
  94. drop
  95. dropWhile
  96. either
  97. elem
  98. encodeFloat
  99. enumFrom
  100. enumFromThen
  101. enumFromThenTo
  102. enumFromTo
  103. error
  104. even
  105. exp
  106. exponent
  107. fail
  108. filter
  109. flip
  110. floatDigits
  111. floatRadix
  112. floatRange
  113. floor
  114. fmap
  115. foldMap
  116. foldl
  117. foldl1
  118. foldr
  119. foldr1
  120. fromEnum
  121. fromInteger
  122. fromIntegral
  123. fromRational
  124. fst
  125. gcd
  126. getChar
  127. getContents
  128. getLine
  129. head
  130. id
  131. init
  132. interact
  133. ioError
  134. isDenormalized
  135. isIEEE
  136. isInfinite
  137. isNaN
  138. isNegativeZero
  139. iterate
  140. last
  141. lcm
  142. length
  143. lex
  144. lines
  145. log
  146. lookup
  147. map
  148. mapM
  149. mapM_
  150. mappend
  151. max
  152. maxBound
  153. maximum
  154. maybe
  155. mconcat
  156. mempty
  157. min
  158. minBound
  159. minimum
  160. mod
  161. negate
  162. not
  163. notElem
  164. null
  165. odd
  166. or
  167. otherwise
  168. pi
  169. pred
  170. print
  171. product
  172. properFraction
  173. pure
  174. putChar
  175. putStr
  176. putStrLn
  177. quot
  178. quotRem
  179. read
  180. readFile
  181. readIO
  182. readList
  183. readLn
  184. readParen
  185. reads
  186. readsPrec
  187. realToFrac
  188. recip
  189. rem
  190. repeat
  191. replicate
  192. return
  193. reverse
  194. round
  195. scaleFloat
  196. scanl
  197. scanl1
  198. scanr
  199. scanr1
  200. seq
  201. sequence
  202. sequenceA
  203. sequence_
  204. show
  205. showChar
  206. showList
  207. showParen
  208. showString
  209. shows
  210. showsPrec
  211. significand
  212. signum
  213. sin
  214. sinh
  215. snd
  216. span
  217. splitAt
  218. sqrt
  219. subtract
  220. succ
  221. sum
  222. tail
  223. take
  224. takeWhile
  225. tan
  226. tanh
  227. toEnum
  228. toInteger
  229. toRational
  230. traverse
  231. truncate
  232. type FilePath = String
  233. type IOError = IOException
  234. type Rational = Ratio Integer
  235. type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
  236. type ShowS = String -> String
  237. type String = [Char]
  238. uncurry
  239. undefined
  240. unlines
  241. until
  242. unwords
  243. unzip
  244. unzip3
  245. userError
  246. words
  247. writeFile
  248. zip
  249. zip3
  250. zipWith
  251. zipWith3
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