
lang-en (ZeroCommandCooldown)

May 28th, 2016
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  1. prefix: '&3[&9&lZero&3&lCommand&2&lCooldown&3]'
  2. command-doesnt-exist: '&cCommand is not in the cooldown list!'
  3. command-existing: '&cCommand exists in the cooldown list!'
  4. added-command: '&eAdded command %e'
  5. set-cooldown: '&eSet cooldown for %e for %s seconds.'
  6. removed-command: '&eRemoved command %e'
  7. no-permission: '&cYou do not have access to this command'
  8. reload-success: '&aReloaded config and language and commands cooldown!'
  9. player-reload-error: '&cError Reloading the %e config. Refer to the console log for more information.'
  10. console-reload-error: '&cError Reloading the %e config'
  11. usage: '&cUsage: %e'
  12. player-still-cooldown: '&eYou cannot use this command for %s seconds'
  13. help-add: 'Add a command to the plugin.'
  14. help-settime: 'Set a cooldown for the command'
  15. help-remove: 'Remove a cooldown to a command'
  16. help-list: 'List the cooldowns activated in the plugin'
  17. help-reload: 'Reload the configuration and language file and the command config'
  18. invalid-configuration: '&cInvalid YML for %e. Please use to validate your config.'
  19. invalid-argument: '&cInvalid Argument'
  20. command-error: '&cCommand should be starting with a /'
  21. seconds: 'Seconds'
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