Guest User


a guest
Sep 30th, 2013
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text 4.49 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Operating System = Linux
  2. Python Version = 2.7.3
  3. Distribution = ubuntu
  5. .
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Installing Packages: (This may take some time)
  8. python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb apache2 git memcached ntp vim screen htop
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. .
  11. .
  12. .
  13. .
  14. .
  15. .
  16. .
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Installing Python Modules: (This may take some time)
  19. pytz python-dateutil jinja2 markdown2 termcolor python-memcached requests chardet dropbox google-api-python-client pygeoip
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. .
  22. .
  23. .
  24. .
  25. .
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. Pre-requisites Installed
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. Installing ERPNext
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. MySQL Root user's Password:
  34. .
  35. ERPNext Database Name: erpnext
  36. Cloning erpnext
  37. .
  38. .
  39. Cloning wnframework
  40. .
  41. .
  42. Created user erpnext
  43. Created database erpnext
  44. Granted privileges to user erpnext and database erpnext
  45. Starting database import...
  46. Imported from database lib/webnotes/../conf/Framework.sql
  47. Installing app...
  48. core | doctype | bulk_email
  49. core | doctype | comment
  50. core | doctype | communication
  51. core | doctype | control_panel
  52. core | doctype | custom_field
  53. core | doctype | custom_script
  54. core | doctype | customize_form
  55. core | doctype | customize_form_field
  56. core | doctype | default_home_page
  57. core | doctype | defaultvalue
  58. core | doctype | docfield
  59. core | doctype | docperm
  60. core | doctype | doctype
  61. core | doctype | documentation_tool
  62. core | doctype | event
  63. core | doctype | event_role
  64. core | doctype | event_user
  65. core | doctype | file_data
  66. core | doctype | letter_head
  67. core | doctype | module_def
  68. core | doctype | page
  69. core | doctype | page_role
  70. core | doctype | patch_log
  71. core | doctype | print_format
  72. core | doctype | profile
  73. core | doctype | property_setter
  74. core | doctype | report
  75. core | doctype | role
  76. core | doctype | scheduler_log
  77. core | doctype | tag
  78. core | doctype | todo
  79. core | doctype | userrole
  80. core | doctype | workflow
  81. core | doctype | workflow_action
  82. core | doctype | workflow_document_state
  83. core | doctype | workflow_state
  84. core | doctype | workflow_transition
  85. core | page | data_import_tool
  86. core | page | desktop
  87. core | page | finder
  88. core | page | messages
  89. core | page | modules_setup
  90. core | page | permission_manager
  91. core | page | todo
  92. core | page | update_manager
  93. core | page | user_properties
  94. core | report | todo
  95. website | doctype | about_us_settings
  96. website | doctype | about_us_team_member
  97. website | doctype | blog_category
  98. website | doctype | blog_post
  99. website | doctype | blog_settings
  100. website | doctype | blogger
  101. website | doctype | company_history
  102. website | doctype | contact_us_settings
  103. website | doctype | style_settings
  104. website | doctype | top_bar_item
  105. website | doctype | web_page
  106. website | doctype | website_script
  107. website | doctype | website_settings
  108. website | doctype | website_slideshow
  109. website | doctype | website_slideshow_item
  110. website | page | website_home
  111. accounts | Print Format | Cheque Printing Format
  112. accounts | Print Format | POS Invoice
  113. accounts | Print Format | Payment Receipt Voucher
  114. accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Classic
  115. accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Modern
  116. accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Spartan
  117. accounts | Print Format | SalesInvoice
  118. accounts | doctype | account
  119. accounts | doctype | accounts_settings
  120. accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation
  121. accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation_detail
  122. accounts | doctype | budget_detail
  123. accounts | doctype | budget_distribution
  124. accounts | doctype | budget_distribution_detail
  125. accounts | doctype | c_form
  126. accounts | doctype | c_form_invoice_detail
  127. accounts | doctype | cost_center
  128. accounts | doctype | fiscal_year
  129. accounts | doctype | gl_entry
  130. ['TurboGears2 >= 2.1.5', 'Genshi', 'zope.sqlalchemy >= 0.4', 'repoze.tm2 >= 1.0a5', 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy-migrate', 'tw.forms']
  131. usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
  132. or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
  133. or: --help-commands
  134. or: cmd --help
  136. error: no commands supplied
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