
Brew of Life

Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. Brew of Life
  2. > Deep within a dark forest lies a peaceful meadow
  3. > In the center of this wide grassy field stands a mighty tree
  4. > For nearly a century it has resided here
  5. > It has seen drought, flood, disease, fire, and plenty of animals
  6. > The top predator here however isn't a wolf or dog but a cat
  7. > Halfway up the trunk in a hollow lies a lean black cat
  8. > He's lived in this tree for nearly half of his nine lives
  9. > Squirrels, birds, field mice, and even some raccoons have been his prey
  10. > But, for the last few years another source of food has arrived for this predator
  11. > Fluffy Ponies
  12. > At first they were few in number
  13. > The cat tried to scare them away, but they kept returning
  14. > "How naive these fluffies are" pondered the cat
  15. > "Yet they are so tasty, and easy to catch..."
  16. > The fluffies did not know the cat resided in the very tree they slept beneath
  17. > For a year fluffies struggled
  18. > Sleeping in the open as a large pile was their only means of keeping warm
  19. > Disease spread when "bad poopies" happened and the population was decimated
  20. > Just as the cat thought these things couldn't get any dumber they got smarter
  21. > After nearly a year of trial and error the fluffies had figured out how to burrow
  22. > Watching the "wittow nu fwuffy taiw fwiends" dig their homes gave them insperation
  23. > Slow going and painful the burrowing with padded hooves took a long time
  24. > Several poor designs ending with drowning, cave ins, and becoming trapped in the earth eventually paid off
  25. > By the end of the second winter each fluffy was holed up and warm in their snuggly dens
  26. > The cat watched this whole time
  27. > Occasionally playing with the fluffies who, he found, were totally defenseless
  28. > Foals swatted, large fluffies jumped on and rolled, others kicked and bitten
  29. > The fluffies were terrified each time the "kitteh munstah" showed up
  30. > A few met their end at his paws, but the cat wasn't interested in the smelly creatures with tasty mice around
  31. > But then, something strange happened
  32. > An old fluffy appeared one day
  33. > The cat knew he was older, larger, and stronger than these weak fluffies
  34. > But, he was not afraid of this newcomer
  35. > Easily besting the graying fluffy the cat watched as it retreated back to the woods
  36. > Like the naive fluffies before it the old fluff came back
  37. > "Fool, I'll kill you this time old geezer"
  38. > The young strong cat was about to strike when he noticed something in the fluffies mouth
  39. > A recently deceased mouse was hanging by it's tail
  40. > "Fwuffy haff gift fow kitteh, kitteh be nice an good, an fwuffies giff kitteh food"
  41. > The cat was reluctant but took the easy meal over fighting again
  42. > So began a cycle
  43. > The cat avoided the fluffies, rather easily too, but was given their dead
  44. > Eventually the fluffies developed a sort of religion for solving problems out of their control
  45. > Which was nearly everything
  46. > The life span of the fluffies exploded (figuratively)
  47. > Now, 1 in 100 fluffies reach the age of 4 and begin to gray
  48. > In the present day there are about 6 gray fluffies lead by the only surviving gray unicorn
  49. > He is red mane and blue fluff streaked with gray
  50. > His faded fluff floats lightly through the air as he walks
  51. > Thinner, less fluffy, and weaker than the more virulent stallions in the herd he is still smarty
  52. > Though no one calls him that
  53. > He's "Gway fwuff" like all the other gray fluffies
  54. > There is however a smarty standing before him
  55. > A young strong unicorn with yellow fluff and a lime green mane
  56. > "Dis smawtyss wand now! Yuu owd fwuffies weave ow get big owies!"
  57. > The old fluff speaks more quietly than his young counterpart
  58. > "Dis pwace big enouff foh aww fwuffies... Smawty wan join hewd..."
  59. > "NUU! Smawty onwy smawty! Nuu join hewd! Yuu join smawties hewd ow giff biggest owies!"
  60. > The strong earth fluffies flanking him puff their cheeks and stomp the ground
  61. > Behind the gray fluff sits his herd
  62. > The younger fluffies cry and beg their oldest daddeh to not get hurt
  63. > The adults know he will be fine
  64. > "Otay... Smawty iss most smawty an we join smawty hewd..."
  65. > The smarty smiles and stands up looking down at the older smaller fluffy
  66. > "Hmm! Das mow wike it! Now giff hewd nummies an mawes! Nee giff speciaw huggies an make bebbehs!"
  67. > The gray fluff bows his head
  68. > "Hewd wiww giff pawty tuu smawty an fwiends, haff yummy nummies, pway, den get speciaw huggies..."
  69. > The fluff eyes a few mares nearby and the stallion looks on at his soon to be mates
  70. > He's practically drooling
  71. > The mares in the tree herd are much more clean and healthy than the raggedy and flea bitten ferals from the forest
  72. > "G..good! Smawty gon get nummies den wan giff speciaw huggies to dat giwl!"
  73. > He points at Rosy, recently married to Buzzy who hugs his mate crying
  74. > The young stallion cannot fight, he's already been defeated when his leader gave over the herd
  75. > "Nuu... Wowsy... Wuv Wowsy... Buzzeh giff speciaw hugs... nuu meanie giff speciaw hugs..."
  76. > The two cry and hug as the gray fluff lead their new leaders to the dirt clearing for a feast
  77. > "Smawty.. fwuffies eat hewe... nuu buggies.. nuu meanie twee fwuffies.. safe fow pawty..."
  78. > The smarty nods and sits closest to the tree
  79. > "Giff nummies! NOAW! Fwuffy hewd haff tummy huwties! Nee wossa nummies!"
  80. > The tree fluffies drag leaf after leaf covered with delicious mush berries towards the occupying herd
  81. > "Dese nummies stwange! What dey?"
  82. > Another gray fluff a totally pure white pegasus speaks
  83. > She's the oldest of all the current gray fluffs
  84. > "De.eese nubb..ies aw ca.awed siwwy numbi.eess..."
  85. > "Why dey siwwy?"
  86. > The smarty is lightly sniffing the piles
  87. > "Deah siwwy be.caubes deh giff goouudd siwwy feeww"
  88. > The old mare eats a few of the berries as the smarty watches
  89. > She becomes woozy and sits on her bottom with a little "oof!"
  90. > "See *hic* smawty? Dese nummbies awe*hic*ee suu siwwy! Dey bestest numbiehs..*hic*.."
  91. > Convinced they are edible the herd's smarty and his toughy friends eat first taking a large bite
  92. > His hungry mares and weak stallions watch on expectantly
  93. > At least they'll get to eat before the rest of their new friends
  94. > Or so they think
  95. > The gray stallion speaks before the smarty and his friends swallow
  96. > "Smawty... dese siwwy nummies wowk best... if you eat dem swowweh..."
  97. > Convinced the stallions chew slowly and enjoy the flavor of each bite
  98. > After eating a pile of berries each the smarty and his stallions are obscenely drunk
  99. > "Deeehss numbbbhiiesss awww siwwwwieeehh! *hic* Heeah heeah!"
  100. > Wobbling on their legs, then falling over slowly running in place drunk as a skunk
  101. > This doesn't last long and soon the fluffies feeling violently ill
  102. > "Oh! Oughh! Aaaougghh! Why tummbeh hwuwties?! Ooooohhhhhhhurk... ULP! Nu-!BLEAGGHHHHH!"
  103. > The stallions begin vomiting their mares and friends terrified try to hug the pain away
  105. > The friends quickly give up after being coated in vomit and other fluids leaking out of the scared fluffies
  106. > They have never been this sick in their lives
  107. > Fear shit and urine flows freely as their bodies try desperately to expel the toxins
  108. > But, because they consumed the large quantity too slowly toxins entered their blood
  109. > The fluffies are doomed
  110. > Fat tears roll down their faces as they wail for help
  111. > The first fluffy passes on, his eyes now hollow and still full of tears
  112. > The mares are inconsolable and their friends are terrified now pooping themselves with fear
  113. > "NUUU! Why smawty haff huwties? Nuu wan huwties! Hewp! Hewp!"
  114. > Without attracting attention the tree herd withdraws to their burrows
  115. > The adults all know what happens next
  116. > Only the occupying herd sits in the dirt clearing unaware their hosts have retreated to safety
  117. > Still screaming and crying as stallions are dying
  118. > Unable to look up and see in the hollow of the tree
  119. > A pair of glowing yellow eyes watching
  120. > Awoken by the commotion the cat was going to teach the little fluffies what-for
  121. > But, these fluffies are gifts
  122. > All fluffies left in the dirt before his home are gifts
  123. > Fluffies living beneath the tree learn this fast, lest they lose their foals who play anywhere
  124. > These terrified tributes don't stand a chance
  125. > And, have only begun to feel terror
  126. > Barreling down the tree the cat slams into a dam latching onto her neck, digging claws into face and back
  128. > The cat leaps off the dead dam and is upon another fluffy before it even knows what has happened
  129. > He's having more fun than ever
  130. > Like a young kitten playing with his brothers and sisters he gleefully assaults the herd
  131. > As they flee the fluffies beneath the tree watch the black kitteh munsta chase down the slower mares and stallions
  132. > Only a few dams are still sitting in the dirt
  133. > Well, only a few dams are still alive sitting in the dirt
  134. > The gray fluff knows he has plenty of time to move the bodies and clean the clearing
  135. > "Yuu mummahs wan join ow hewd... youw hewd gowne... kitteh muntah nuu huwties ouw hewd..."
  136. > Most refuse still begging their smarty laying at their feet to give biggest owies to the bad fluffies
  137. > They are left for the cat
  138. > This grim charade takes place nearly every time a smarty appears
  139. > Toughy friends have hurt fluffies in the past taking wifeys from husbans and mommahs from foals
  140. > Keeping rivals away was always a hard fight
  141. > And this herd doesn't like to fight
  142. > They do however like special hugs, grass, silly berries, flowers, foals, and parties
  143. > Oh how they love parties
  144. > Anyway
  145. > As stallions and attendants drag the corpses to the forest beyond the meadow the cat returns
  146. > He confidently walks by the shivering fluffies to the gray unicorn standing firm and still
  147. > Purring the cat rubs along and around the old fluff who brings him these fun meals
  148. > "Teehee fankoo kitteh, hewd bwing mowe nummies watew, otay?"
  149. > The cat satisfied with the recent carnage and full decides to take a nap
  150. > Scaling the tree in less than two seconds the fluffies watch in awe
  151. > Both grateful for and afraid of this powerful predator
  152. > A dark to the light and easy life they live in this peaceful meadow
  153. > But, without whom they would be dead
  154. > Either at the hands of other cats, or violent smarties
  155. > The spring sun wanes in the sky as every fluffy returns to their burrows
  156. > Sobbing dams still in the dirt clearing begging for mates and smarty to come back
  157. > The cat won't have to hunt squirrels for a long time
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