
FrozenMaiden 17

Nov 30th, 2009
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  1. November 29
  2. [21:23] <[GM]Mary> Roland returned to the workshop late into the night, after visiting Sarian and talking to Alessa in the infirmary. Tired from the day's tasks, he soon after finds a bed and falls asleep.
  3. [21:23] <[GM]Mary> It is now morning of the Second Day.
  4. [21:26] * [G]Roland usually drinks his coffee black, but decides this cup needs a handful of sugar.
  5. [21:26] <[G]Roland> Hey, Momo...
  6. [21:26] * [G]Roland stirs slowly and absentmindedly.
  7. [21:29] * [Atai]Momo looks over at Roland. She is seated next to him, drinking her own cup.
  8. [21:29] <[Atai]Momo> Hmm?
  9. [21:30] <[G]Roland> Alessa's probably hungry, you know? Can you go get her something to eat?
  10. [21:31] <[Atai]Momo> Sure.
  11. [21:31] <[G]Roland> Thanks.
  12. [21:32] * [Atai]Momo gathers up a couple fruits --a pear and a banana-- and a plate of this morning's eggs.
  13. [21:33] <[Atai]Momo> ...Anything else you want done over there?
  14. [21:34] * [G]Roland yawns, and shrugs.
  15. [21:34] <[G]Roland> Do whatever, I guess.
  16. [21:35] * [Pyg]Mei shakes her head to ward off the sleepiness as she makes her way to the kitchen.
  17. [21:39] * [Atai]Momo sighs at the unhelpfully unspecific nature of this request, but smiles all the same. She leans down, and gives Roland a peck on the cheek, and squeezes his shoulder before exiting the kitchen, giving a little wave and a brighter smile to Mei as she leaves.
  18. [21:40] * [G]Roland watches her depart, then pulls out a secret habit: a full pack of Lucky Strikes. He smacks the pack a few times against his wrist, then notices Mei.
  19. [21:43] * [Pyg]Mei makes eye contact with the master. She suddenly feels reluctant to proceed into the kitchen
  20. [21:43] <[G]Roland> Uh-oh. Looks like you caught me.
  21. [21:48] * [Pyg]Mei takes a very small step backward. She really doesn't want to deal with him first thing in the damn morning.
  22. [21:49] <[G]Roland> Sorry.
  23. [21:49] * [G]Roland pops one into his mouth, searching for a lighter.
  24. [21:49] <[G]Roland> You mind keeping this a secret?
  25. [21:58] * [Pyg]Mei 's expression goes a little sour at this. Why trust her with secrets?
  26. [22:01] <[G]Roland> ?
  27. [22:01] * [G]Roland raises an eyebrow.
  28. [22:01] <[G]Roland> What?
  29. [22:25] <[Pyg]Mei> "Keep...what a secret?"
  30. [22:26] <[G]Roland> These.
  31. [22:26] * [G]Roland brandishes his cigarettes.
  32. [22:26] <[Pyg]Mei> "Why?"
  33. [22:28] <[G]Roland> Momo thinks I quit smoking. Well, I did, but with everything that happened yesterday, you know, I feel like burning a few.
  34. [22:33] <[G]Roland> You don't smoke, do you?
  35. [22:33] * [G]Roland finds a lighter, and flicks it a few times. It's stubborn.
  36. [22:34] <[Pyg]Mei> "Why would I?"
  37. [22:34] * [G]Roland shrugs.
  38. [22:34] <[G]Roland> I did it when I was your age. And I'm still doin' it now.
  39. [22:35] * [G]Roland flicks the lighter a few more times. Still nothing.
  40. [22:37] * [Pyg]Mei sighs and cautiously approaches and her hand held out toward the cigarette.
  41. [22:38] <[G]Roland> ?
  42. [22:39] * [Pyg]Mei concentrates and manages to ignite the end.
  43. [22:39] * [Pyg]Mei quickly takes a few steps away.
  44. [22:40] <[Pyg]Mei> "I don't like the smell."
  45. [22:41] * [G]Roland smiles, and inhales the smoke.
  46. [22:41] <[G]Roland> Thanks.
  47. [22:42] * [Pyg]Mei turns around ready to leave the room.
  48. [23:56] * [G]Roland smokes~
  50. -
  51. @@Meanwhile, in the medical office...
  52. -
  54. [21:48] * [huh]Alessa lies crossways across Sarian's bed, sleeping.
  55. [21:50] * Sarian` 's pulse and breathing seem to remain /relatively/ stable, a silent sort of wounded peace prevailing.
  56. [21:51] <[GM]Mary> Sarian's pulse, as a matter of fact, begins to decline slowly. the ECG drops a point roughly every two seconds.
  57. [21:54] * [Atai]Momo enters the office.
  58. [21:55] <[Atai]Momo> Good morn-- Awww...
  59. [21:57] * [kiri]Leona fell asleep after reading through the documents.
  60. [21:58] <[GM]Mary> The waves on the electrocardiogram continue to grow shorter.
  61. [21:58] * [Atai]Momo probably should go back for more food. Roland only mentioned Alessa, but ...oh, right. Damn, she should have remembered.
  62. [21:58] <[kiri]Leona> huh---?
  63. [21:59] * [kiri]Leona wakes up by the sound of the EKG machine.
  64. [21:59] <[kiri]Leona> yawns...
  65. [22:00] * [Atai]Momo notices the number dropping, and quickly sets the food down.
  66. [22:00] <[Atai]Momo> Um. Leona? Alessa! Both of you, wake the hell up!
  67. [22:01] <[kiri]Leona> mmngh. Oh hi.
  68. [22:01] * [kiri]Leona absentmindedly waves.
  69. [22:01] * [huh]Alessa rouses.
  70. [22:01] <[Atai]Momo> Her heart rate's dropping.
  71. [22:01] <[huh]Alessa> What? Who's wheresawhich...
  72. [22:01] <[huh]Alessa> Wait, what?!
  73. [22:02] <[kiri]Leona> heartbeat? you mean---
  74. [22:02] * [kiri]Leona look at the monitor.
  75. [22:02] <[kiri]Leona> Oshi-
  76. [22:02] * [huh]Alessa immediately shakes herself awake and looks at the EKG for confirmation.
  77. [22:03] <[huh]Alessa> O-oh no, what are we gonna do...
  78. [22:03] <[GM]Mary> The monitor shows heart rate in the teens, and still fading.
  79. [22:04] <[kiri]Leona> So, uh, how do we get it to rise up?! I'm no doctor!
  80. [22:04] <[kiri]Leona> Use that shock-shock thing?!
  81. [22:06] <[kiri]Leona> Alessa! Help me search for some machine labeled, uh,... "Defibrillator".
  82. [22:09] <[kiri]Leona> or whatever!
  83. [22:09] * [kiri]Leona checks Sarian for any anomaly.
  84. [22:10] * [huh]Alessa looks on, thinking...
  85. [22:15] <[GM]Mary> Nothing, other than a fading pulse.
  86. [22:15] * [Atai]Momo yanks away the bedsheets and opens up Sarian's shirt.
  87. [22:16] <[huh]Alessa> Anything, Leona?
  88. [22:16] <[kiri]Leona> I see nothing amiss! This is strange!
  89. [22:18] * [Atai]Momo double checks the wiring and the connections between the machine and Sarian, just to make sure.
  90. [22:18] <[huh]Alessa> Hm... would stimulants work?
  91. [22:19] <[kiri]Leona> I don't know which is which, that's the problem!
  92. [22:19] <[huh]Alessa> Neither do I, I can't read!
  93. [22:20] <[kiri]Leona> I'll just do what I can think of now.
  94. [22:20] * [kiri]Leona rips Sarian's shirt, revealing her chest.
  95. [22:20] <[kiri]Leona> no time for that now. Calm the fuck down and do it normally!
  96. [22:21] * [kiri]Leona starts massaging Sarian's heart through her chest.
  97. [22:21] <[kiri]Leona> One... two... three...
  98. [22:21] <[huh]Alessa> ...
  99. [22:22] <[huh]Alessa> W-wait, Leona, are you sure that'll help?
  100. [22:22] <[GM]Mary> Her heart rate continues to drop. It'll turn to zero soon...
  101. [22:22] <[kiri]Leona> I read it in the first aid book! It suppose to help!
  102. [22:23] <[huh]Alessa> Ahh, Leona, you can read, right?
  103. [22:24] <[kiri]Leona> I can I can what what what?
  104. [22:24] * [kiri]Leona put more force into it.
  105. [22:25] <[huh]Alessa> You go find something that'll help!
  106. [22:25] <[huh]Alessa> I'm useless here!
  107. [22:26] <[kiri]Leona> Okay then! you take over!
  108. [22:26] * [kiri]Leona tags.
  109. [22:26] <[huh]Alessa> GO try find a stimulant!
  110. [22:26] * [huh]Alessa continues where Leona left off.
  111. [22:27] * [kiri]Leona search for something labeled as stimulants.
  112. [22:31] <[kiri]Leona> I don't know I can't find one!
  113. [22:32] <[huh]Alessa> THen what do we do?
  114. [22:32] * [kiri]Leona get to the phone. Leona doesn't have medical knowledge, so it's appropriate to call someone that knows.
  115. [22:32] <[kiri]Leona> Ask someone, maybe!
  116. [22:33] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, the lady from before!
  117. [22:33] <[huh]Alessa> Leona, take over!
  118. [22:34] * [huh]Alessa grabs the phone from her and is already dialing.
  119. [22:34] * [kiri]Leona switch.
  120. [22:36] <[GM]Mary> After a few seconds, a man's voice answers: "Hello?"
  121. [22:39] <[huh]Alessa> Help, there's someone dying here, we don't know what to do...
  122. [22:39] <[GM]Mary> "Ah, nuts."
  123. [22:40] <[GM]Mary> The man yells "Aisha!" loudly away from the phone.
  124. [22:41] * [huh]Alessa is tapping her foot impatiently...
  125. [22:42] <[GM]Mary> Some background noise occurs, then the voice of the familiar nurse answers.
  126. [22:42] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "What, what's wrong?"
  127. [22:43] <[huh]Alessa> It's Sarian, she's dying again!
  128. [22:43] <[GM]Mary> Sarian's ECG readout flatlines.
  129. [22:43] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "Alright, listen! Stay calm, and tell me what's going on."
  130. [22:43] * [huh]Alessa uses some inventive expletives she picked up in the mines.
  131. [22:44] <[huh]Alessa> Her hearbeat just started fading...
  132. [22:44] <[kiri]Leona> She's flatlining!
  133. [22:44] <[huh]Alessa> And now it's stopped! Hurry, please!
  134. [22:45] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "...Ma'am, listen to me! I can't make it there in time, you'll have to save her right now!"
  135. [22:45] <[huh]Alessa> A-Alright!
  136. [22:45] <[huh]Alessa> What should I do?
  137. [22:46] <[GM]Mary> The nurse takes a deep breath over the phone, and continues, pacing her words clearly and slowly.
  138. [22:47] <[GM]Mary> "Listen very closely. Her heart has stopped. You need to give her a shot of adrenaline."
  139. [22:48] <[GM]Mary> "There should be... I'm pretty sure there's a syringe in the glass cabinet before the door that contains a shot. Find it, now."
  140. [22:50] * [huh]Alessa finds it.
  141. [22:52] <[huh]Alessa> And now I give it to her?
  142. [22:52] * [huh]Alessa picks the phone back up.
  143. [22:53] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "Yes. But you must inject it directly into her heart."
  144. [22:54] * [huh]Alessa tosses the syringe onto the bed.
  145. [22:54] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "Open her shirt."
  146. [22:54] <[huh]Alessa> Leona, put that into her heart.
  147. [22:54] <[kiri]Leona> what?!
  148. [22:54] <[huh]Alessa> Already done, miss.
  149. [22:55] <[kiri]Leona> INTO her heart?!
  150. [22:55] * [kiri]Leona 's hand is getting to it. Clean the area, and point the syringe at ready.
  151. [22:56] <[kiri]Leona> You sure about this!? I don't wanna kill her by my own hands!
  152. [22:56] <[huh]Alessa> Now what?
  153. [22:58] <[kiri]Leona> Anyway, I can't wait!
  154. [22:58] * [kiri]Leona inhale, and quickly stab the syringe deep into Sarian's heart. Injecting the content inside.
  155. [22:59] <[GM]Mary> Nurse: "Place your thumb directly between her breasts, then put your index finger at the five 'o clock position, about an inch away from your thumb. mark this point."
  156. [23:01] <[huh]Alessa> ...
  157. [23:04] <[huh]Alessa> It's done. We'll just have to hope.
  158. [23:07] <[GM]Mary> The ECG readout leaps, then begins to have radical wavelengths, slowly stabilizing.
  159. [23:07] <[huh]Alessa> She's stabilizing!
  160. [23:07] <[huh]Alessa> Thank you so much, Miss Aisha!
  161. [23:09] * [kiri]Leona long sighs.
  162. [23:09] * [Atai]Momo sighs in relief. Thanks be to Fonzarelli that's turned out well.
  163. [23:09] <[GM]Mary> The nurse breathes harshly into the phone, then answers: "I be right over. If she drops again, perform CPR. You know how to do that, right?"
  164. [23:10] <[huh]Alessa> Yes, of course.
  165. [23:10] <[kiri]Leona> Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I didn't kill her, did I? Whew.
  166. [23:10] <[GM]Mary> She hangs up.
  167. [23:11] * [huh]Alessa lets out a long sigh.
  168. [23:14] <[GM]Mary> A few minutes later, the dark skinned catgirl steps in. She's a mess, clothed in naught but a t-shirt and pair of jogging pants.
  169. [23:15] * [kiri]Leona get to the newcomer.
  170. [23:15] <[kiri]Leona> Are you the doctor?
  171. [23:16] <[GM]Aisha> I guess I am, now.
  172. [23:16] <[kiri]Leona> This way, please.
  173. [23:16] * [kiri]Leona leads her to Sarian.
  174. [23:17] * [GM]Aisha gives Sarian a once-over, physically checking her pulse, breathing, muscle response, and all that other doctory bullshit.
  175. [23:17] <[huh]Alessa> Is she fine?
  176. [23:17] <[huh]Alessa> Will that happen again?
  177. [23:20] <[GM]Aisha> It seems she slipped into cardiac arrest... Must be backlash from the overdose. I'm sorry, I wish I could have been here, but I've been so busy lately...
  178. [23:21] <[GM]Aisha> She should be fine. Her system is starting to clean out, now it's just a matter of when she'll wake up.
  179. [23:21] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, thank you~
  180. [23:21] <[kiri]Leona> So can you tell me what's the matter around these parts? It seems every doctor is... how can I put it.... in bad shape?
  181. [23:26] * [Atai]Momo isn't going to like the answer, she fears.
  182. [23:26] <[GM]Aisha> ...
  183. [23:27] * Sarian` , in the meantime, squints... she squirms the slightest bit.
  184. [23:27] <[GM]Aisha> ...I don't know. Let the police handle it. I got too much on my mind right now.
  185. [23:27] * [huh]Alessa immediately focuses on Sarian.
  186. [23:28] <[GM]Aisha> ...?
  187. [23:28] <[kiri]Leona> ?
  188. [23:29] * Sarian` 's eyes barely flicker open to a half-lidded state, focusing first at nothing, then the ceiling, and then squinting again in recoil at the lights.
  189. [23:29] * [Atai]Momo doesn't like that at all.
  190. [23:30] <Sarian`> nnnn... wha...?
  191. [23:31] * Sarian` tries exercising basic movements of her limbs, achieving little. o O ( what... happened...? )
  192. [23:32] * [huh]Alessa is at the side of the bed.
  193. [23:32] <[huh]Alessa> Sarian? Sarian, are you alright?
  194. [23:32] <[GM]Aisha> Wait.
  195. [23:32] * [GM]Aisha begins preforming checks for brain damage.
  196. [23:32] * [kiri]Leona back off and let pro handle it.
  197. [23:33] * [huh]Alessa hangs just far enough away to not be in her way.
  198. [23:33] * Sarian` 's eyes blink and refocus on Alessa, still struggling to remain open. As soon as the other doctor begins performing tests, though, she tries looking at her...
  199. [23:33] * [GM]Aisha checks her eyes, then holds up three fingers.
  200. [23:33] <[GM]Aisha> Ma'am, how many fingers am I showing?
  201. [23:34] * Sarian` . o O ( Who are they...? )
  202. [23:34] <Sarian`> ... three...?
  203. [23:36] * [Atai]Momo taps Leona on the shoulder.
  204. [23:37] <[Atai]Momo> I'll be back in a moment with breakfast for the rest of you.
  205. [23:37] <[GM]Aisha> What color is this?
  206. [23:37] * [GM]Aisha brandishes a red cloth.
  207. [23:38] <Sarian`> red, nya...?
  208. [23:38] <[GM]Aisha> Okay.
  209. [23:39] * Sarian` , having regained just a little more strength, strains her head to look about the room after answering. The only expression upon her face is one of confusion...
  210. [23:39] <[GM]Aisha> Recite your first and last name, as well as your age and date of birth.
  211. [23:40] * [kiri]Leona got it.
  212. [23:40] <[kiri]Leona> Careful on the way back, Momo.
  213. [23:41] <[Atai]Momo> Right.
  214. [23:41] * [Atai]Momo exits
  216. -
  217. @@Back at the ranch...
  218. -
  220. [00:00] * [Atai]Momo comes back.
  221. [00:09] * [G]Roland ...tries to pretend he's not smoking
  222. [00:09] * [Atai]Momo is not amused.
  223. [00:13] * [G]Roland does that hide-the-cigarette-in-your-mouth trick
  224. [00:18] * [Atai]Momo marches over and snatches up the pack of Lucky Strikes and squeezes them. The cellophane wrapper seems to melt and slough off, dripping onto the countertop. There is some rustling and shifting from the squeezed box before little tobacco leaves and chips and bits of other things pop out of the paper tubes, shredding them and rendering the entire pack useless. The dinky little leaves are decorated with filter-fluff sort of like flocking on a Christmas tree.
  225. [00:20] * [Atai]Momo tosses the plant into the trash.
  226. [00:20] <[Atai]Momo> ...And what happened to quitting?
  227. [00:22] * [G]Roland flips the cigarette back, blowing the smoke out of his mouth.
  228. [00:22] <[G]Roland> Sorry. Recent events are makin' me nervous, I guess.
  229. [00:25] * [G]Roland gets up.
  230. [00:25] * [Atai]Momo sighs, and nods.
  231. [00:25] <[Atai]Momo> You're not the only one.
  232. [00:26] <[Atai]Momo> Sarian just about died on us a bit ago.
  233. [00:26] <[G]Roland> What?
  234. [00:26] <[Atai]Momo> Might have been for good if you hadn't sent me over when you did.
  235. [00:27] <[G]Roland> ...
  236. [00:27] <[Atai]Momo> I get in there, and her heart rate's dropping sharp
  237. [00:27] * [G]Roland now really wishes Momo didn't just kill his cigarettes
  238. [00:27] <[Atai]Momo> Don't worry. She's fine, now. Awake, to boot.
  239. [00:28] <[Atai]Momo> One of the other two called up another nurse, and they walked her through it. Shot of adrenaline, right to the heart.
  240. [00:28] * [Atai]Momo taps her chest.
  241. [00:29] <[Atai]Momo> ...She's doing mostly all right, now.
  242. [00:30] <[G]Roland> Jesus... On top of everything else...
  243. [00:31] <[Atai]Momo> This doesn't ...seem intentional, at least. Like everything else.
  244. [00:32] <[G]Roland> I have to attend another investigation today.
  245. [00:32] * [Atai]Momo starts rounding up breakfast for three more.
  246. [00:33] <[G]Roland> I'm not supposed to talk about it, but I need to warn you. I might not be able to work here anymore.
  247. [00:33] * [Atai]Momo stops.
  248. [00:33] <[Atai]Momo> ...What do you mean?
  249. [00:34] <[G]Roland> I personally checked the core drill myself before the accident.
  250. [00:34] * [Atai]Momo sighs.
  251. [00:34] <[G]Roland> Everything looked fine, normal bullshit.
  252. [00:34] <[Atai]Momo> You can't check it against sabotage.
  253. [00:35] <[G]Roland> ...What're you talking about?
  254. [00:35] <[Atai]Momo> Doctors killed and attacked right when there's a huge disaster? AND the lines are down? Not just down, cut?
  255. [00:36] <[Atai]Momo> And you said so yourself: The drill seemed fine.
  256. [00:36] <[G]Roland> I don't know about all that shit. However, I do know that I inspected that before the disaster.
  257. [00:36] <[G]Roland> I was in a hurry that day.
  258. [00:37] <[G]Roland> There was a mechanical problem with the engine. A simple fix, so I just wrote it off and assumed the techs could take care of it later.
  259. [00:38] <[Atai]Momo> ...Oh.
  260. [00:38] <[Atai]Momo> Was it something that could have caused...
  261. [00:38] <[G]Roland> What's gonna get me is that I didn't make certain that it was fixed.
  262. [00:38] * [Atai]Momo nods.
  263. [00:39] <[Atai]Momo> I see that, now...
  264. [00:39] <[Atai]Momo> But was it so bad that it could have caused this sort of thing?
  265. [00:40] <[G]Roland> It's a stretch, but shit finds ways to fuck up magnificently all the time.
  266. [00:41] <[G]Roland> Depending on what's discovered in the investigation, I may find myself removed from my position. I can fight it, but if it is true, I'm going to step down.
  267. [00:42] <[G]Roland> Sorry.
  268. [00:42] <[G]Roland> Looks like I've fucked up.
  269. [00:43] * [Atai]Momo draws Roland in for a hug.
  270. [00:44] <[Atai]Momo> ...I hope not.
  271. [00:45] <[G]Roland> Don't worry about it. If I'm out, a friend will take my place. He'll take good care of everybody.
  272. [00:49] * [Atai]Momo looks up slowly.
  273. [00:49] <[Atai]Momo> ...They'll take you away from here?
  274. [00:50] <[G]Roland> I'll probably just lose my job. Go back to diggin', I guess.
  275. [00:52] * [Atai]Momo squeezes him close.
  276. [00:52] <[Atai]Momo> I hope not.
  277. [00:54] * [G]Roland ruffles Momo's hair, and sets her back a bit.
  278. [00:54] <[G]Roland> Well, don't worry about that for now. Worry about Sarian, and finding whoever did that shit.
  279. [00:56] * [Atai]Momo nods.
  280. [00:57] <[Atai]Momo> ...Okay.
  281. [00:58] <[G]Roland> Do you got any leads?
  282. [00:59] * [Atai]Momo goes back to breakfast-collectan
  283. [00:59] <[Atai]Momo> Not yet. Or... Well.
  284. [01:00] <[Atai]Momo> They haven't mentioned anything yet.
  285. [01:00] <[Atai]Momo> We were a little busy with her almost dying on us.
  286. [01:00] <[Atai]Momo> I'll ask when I get back, though...
  288. -
  289. @@Meanwhile, the medical office, part two...
  290. -
  292. [23:41] * Sarian` hoists her head back up to look at the cat-eared girl, and then lets it fall to the side with a worried expression. o O ( ... What /is/ my name? Who am I...? )
  293. [23:42] * Sarian` figures it'd probably be a bad idea to leave her with no answer, and so tries to look for something around the room to provide information... with her present lack of finesse, the manuever is somewhat obvious.
  294. [23:43] <Sarian`> ah...
  295. [23:45] * Sarian` focuses with all her might upon one bottle on the counter...
  296. [23:46] <Sarian`> um, Peroxy... technic? twenty-two milli-
  297. [23:47] * [huh]Alessa immediately darkens with worry.
  298. [23:47] * Sarian` stops that instant, pretending as though nothing happened.
  299. [23:49] * [GM]Aisha looks at Alessa knowingly.
  300. [23:49] <[GM]Aisha> Does this hurt?
  301. [23:49] * [GM]Aisha pinches Sarian.
  302. [23:50] * Sarian` recoils a slight bit.
  303. [23:51] <Sarian`> ow...
  304. [23:51] * Sarian` musters herself. o O ( It's... risky, but I have to know... )
  305. [23:53] <Sarian`> um, what are you doing all of this for, nya...?
  306. [23:54] <Sarian`> ... and why am I lying down with this machine and everything...?
  307. [23:56] <[GM]Aisha> Her peripheral nervous system and vision seem to respond remarkably well. However, she's experiencing some organic amnesia. It should clear up, eventually, but her memory is going to be spotty for a while.
  308. [23:56] <Sarian`> ... what, nya?
  309. [23:56] <[kiri]Leona> This is troublesome...
  310. [23:56] <[huh]Alessa> Amnesia, huh...
  311. [23:57] <[huh]Alessa> But... she's fine other than that?
  312. [23:57] * Sarian` looks at the other two, then back at the doctor, inquisitive.
  313. [23:58] <[GM]Aisha> She should be fine.
  314. [23:59] * [GM]Aisha goes through Sarian's medicine cabinets, searching through until she finds a small plastic bottle.
  315. [00:00] * [GM]Aisha hands the bottle to Alessa.
  316. [00:00] <[huh]Alessa> Ah, that's enough...
  317. [00:00] <[huh]Alessa> Hm?
  318. [00:00] <[huh]Alessa> What's this?
  319. [00:00] * Sarian` just watches the others, a silent worry and confusion dominating her expression.
  320. [00:01] * [kiri]Leona walk over to Sarian and place a hand on her shoulder.
  321. [00:01] <[GM]Aisha> Make sure she takes two of these every four hours. She's still vulnerable from overdosing, and is still capable of slipping back into a coma. This will help prevent that.
  322. [00:02] <[huh]Alessa> Should she take some now?
  323. [00:02] <[GM]Aisha> She shouldn't be up and about. She's sustained a concussion from her head wound.
  324. [00:02] <[kiri]Leona> Don't think too much. You will be okay.
  325. [00:03] <[GM]Aisha> Yeah, preferably with a meal. You're her friend, right? Can I leave it up to you to explain everything that has happened?
  326. [00:03] * Sarian` . o O ( What...? Overdosing? Coma? )
  327. [00:03] * [huh]Alessa nods.
  328. [00:03] <[huh]Alessa> I'll do my best...
  329. [00:03] * Sarian` looks Leona right in the eyes, presuming that they're friendly, or friends, or something...
  330. [00:03] <Sarian`> um, who...
  331. [00:04] * Sarian` shrinks back, mid-question.
  332. [00:04] * [kiri]Leona see that blank look in Sarian's eyes. It's painful to see her unable to recognize Leona's face.
  333. [00:04] <[kiri]Leona> I'm Leona. Leona Rafale. One of your friends.
  334. [00:04] <[kiri]Leona> We're here to take care of you.
  335. [00:05] * [GM]Aisha finally personally acknowledges Sarian.
  336. [00:05] * Sarian` blinks once in acknowledgment and then nods, though she still looks confused beyond all reason.
  337. [00:06] <[kiri]Leona> Just... take a rest. I'll take care of everything.
  338. [00:06] <[GM]Aisha> I'm Aisha Chen-Chan, one of your colleagues. Your friends here saved your life in a situation in which only three percent ever survive. You don't know it yet, but you're pretty lucky.
  339. [00:07] <[huh]Alessa> Th-three percent?
  340. [00:07] <[huh]Alessa> Was it really...
  341. [00:07] * [huh]Alessa looks mortified.
  342. [00:07] * Sarian` looks at Aisha, and then at the others.
  343. [00:08] <[kiri]Leona> Thankyou, doctor. We're indebted to you.
  344. [00:08] * [kiri]Leona bows.
  345. [00:08] * Sarian` . o O ( ... that many die? What happened? )
  346. [00:09] * Sarian` starts getting impatient, with naught but dark curtains from knowledge and memory all around her.
  347. [00:10] <Sarian`> um, thank you, all of you, nya... but what exactly happened...?
  348. [00:16] <[GM]Aisha> I'm not sure of the details, but you've overdosed on pentobarbital and benzodiazepine, causing you to fall into a relatively short coma. Your memory has suffered from the drug effects and blunt trauma to your head, but you should make a recovery without any permanent damage.
  349. [00:17] * Sarian` remains speechless for a moment, cowed by both the professional terminology and the fact that she was attacked.
  350. [00:17] <Sarian`> I... see, nya.
  351. [00:19] * [GM]Aisha checks her Tom & Jerry wristwatch, and recoils when she sees how far Tom's minute hand has progressed.
  352. [00:19] <[GM]Aisha> ah... I'm sorry, but I got to go. There's no one to take care of the clinic in town right now.
  353. [00:20] <[GM]Aisha> Do you have any more questions?
  354. [00:20] <[huh]Alessa> I'll be able to handle it from here...
  355. [00:20] <[huh]Alessa> Thank you so much, Aisha...
  356. [00:20] * Sarian` decides to squeeze out one quick answer before the doctor goes.
  357. [00:20] <Sarian`> um, before you go:
  358. [00:21] <[GM]Aisha> ?
  359. [00:21] <Sarian`> how long will it take me to get my memory back?
  360. [00:21] <Sarian`> nyan, is there any way to get it back faster...?
  361. [00:25] <[GM]Aisha> Honestly, I don't know. Get plenty of rest for now, and once you're able, exercise. Take your pills, take your vitamins. It should all start to come back to you in the coming weeks.
  362. [00:26] <Sarian`> I... see, nya.
  363. [00:27] * Sarian` somehow slumps while already lying down.
  364. [00:28] * [huh]Alessa pats her shoulder.
  365. [00:28] <[huh]Alessa> Don't worry, it'll all come back in time.
  366. [00:30] <[GM]Aisha> ...Well, she's in your hands now. I'll come by to check up on her later.
  367. [00:30] * [GM]Aisha departs.
  368. [00:30] * Sarian` glances up at Alessa, comforted a slight bit yet disappointed still.
  369. [00:31] * Sarian` just nods once, after having let her head fall to relax once more.
  370. [00:32] <[huh]Alessa> Anything I can get for you?
  371. [00:33] <Sarian`> nya, a little water...?
  372. [00:34] * [huh]Alessa quickly brings a glass.
  373. [00:34] <[huh]Alessa> There you go~
  374. [00:38] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, uh, you wouldn't know my name, right?
  375. [00:38] * Sarian` nods in thanks. She then takes the glass in a weak hand, maintaining only tenuous and trembling grip on it while attempting to sit up well enough to drink it properly.
  376. [00:39] * Sarian` 's eyes fall to watch the tiny ripples within the glass, fragile waves...
  377. [00:39] <Sarian`> ... no.
  378. [00:39] * [huh]Alessa uses her hands to support Sarian's back and help steady the cup.
  379. [00:41] <[huh]Alessa> It's Alessa. I was...
  380. [00:41] <[huh]Alessa> a friend... like Leona.
  381. [00:41] * Sarian` is taken a bit surprise, both by her tone and Alessa's support.
  382. [00:42] <Sarian`> ah- I see, nya...
  383. [00:42] * Sarian` takes a few sips, and then a solid few gulps. draining the glass.
  384. [00:42] <Sarian`> ... thank you.
  385. [00:42] <[huh]Alessa> It's no trouble.
  386. [00:43] * [huh]Alessa gives her a smile.
  387. [00:46] * Sarian` notices her smile, and after conquering her nerves, returns a small one of her own.
  388. [00:46] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, and I don't think anyone's even told you your own name, have they?
  389. [00:46] <[huh]Alessa> It's Sarian.
  390. [00:47] <Sarian`> I see...
  391. [00:48] * Sarian` 's tail swishes just a bit as she tries out her own name for the first time, again.
  392. [00:48] <Sarian`> Sarianya-er, Sarian.
  393. [00:50] * [huh]Alessa nods.
  394. [00:53] * Sarian` 's tail swishes a little bit more before coming to rest, its end hanging off the side of the table.
  395. [00:55] * Sarian` also realizes that she's still thirsty, all of a sudden.
  396. [00:55] <Sarian`> um, could I get another glass?
  397. [00:56] * [huh]Alessa nods and is quickly back with another glass. She helps Sarian like last time.
  398. [00:57] * Sarian` empties it once more, though with less speed this time.
  399. [00:57] <Sarian`> ... thank you, once more.
  400. [00:58] * Sarian` distances the glass from herself to signify that she's done, while trying to let herself down to rest.
  401. [00:58] * [huh]Alessa lays Sarian gently down.
  402. [00:58] <[huh]Alessa> Anything else?
  403. [01:00] <Sarian`> could I get a blanket,nya? It's a little cold...
  404. [01:01] * [huh]Alessa takes a little longer, but comes back with a couple of the most comfortable blankets she could find.
  405. [01:02] <[huh]Alessa> I brought a couple, in case one wasn't enough.
  406. [01:03] * [huh]Alessa spreads a blanket over Sarian.
  407. [01:03] <Sarian`> you didn't need to go out of your way, nya...
  408. [01:05] <[huh]Alessa> It's fine~
  409. [01:06] <Sarian`> ... nya, I guess i'm going to have to get used to saying thank you, won't I...?
  410. [01:07] <[huh]Alessa> I guess so.
  411. [01:08] <[huh]Alessa> If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask.
  412. [01:08] * [huh]Alessa sits back down in her chair beside Sarian's bed.
  413. [01:10] <[huh]Alessa> You heard the doctor, though, try to get some rest.
  414. [01:11] * [Atai]Momo brings back breakfast.
  415. [01:11] * Sarian` nods, then lying back under the blanket, relaxed, and staring at the ceiling.
  416. [01:11] <[Atai]Momo> Let's try this again, and without one of you dying on me...
  417. [01:11] <[Atai]Momo> ...almost dying.
  418. [01:12] * Sarian` turns her head to take a good look at the newcomer, noticing with celerity the inclusion of two additional arms.
  419. [01:12] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, Momo. She's got amnesia.
  420. [01:13] * Sarian` 's eyes belie a proper amount of bewilderment at Momo's form, reflecting this.
  421. [01:13] <[Atai]Momo> ...Well, that's just... lovely.
  422. [01:13] * [Atai]Momo sighs, and then hands out plates of eggs and fruit for everyone-- oh.
  423. [01:14] <[Atai]Momo> ...Where'd that other lady go?
  424. [01:14] <[huh]Alessa> Aisha? She left.
  425. [01:14] <[Atai]Momo> Oh.
  426. [01:15] * Sarian` just watches, eyes directed at Momo's spare arms.
  427. [01:15] <[Atai]Momo> Well, more for whoever wants it, then.
  428. [01:15] <[Atai]Momo> Eat up.
  429. [01:17] * Sarian` stops and thinks about it for a short moment. o O ( I guess I have a tail, but... four arms? ) Her sense of bewilderment is lessened a bit, and then even further as hunger and the smell of the food kick in.
  430. [01:18] * [huh]Alessa has already caused considerable damage to her own serving.
  431. [01:18] * Sarian` takes a deep breath to tak-
  432. [01:18] <Sarian`> ow!
  433. [01:19] * Sarian` cringes from a sharp pain, reconsidering that path of action.
  434. [01:21] <[huh]Alessa> Sarian, are you alright>
  435. [01:21] <Sarian`> y-yeah, nya...
  436. [01:22] * Sarian` 's face says something different in entirety at first, though the look recedes within a minute or so.
  437. [01:22] <[huh]Alessa> Alright, but don't push yourself.
  438. [01:24] <Sarian`> ok...
  439. [01:24] * Sarian` still eyes the food, however. a broken rib doesn't always make one less hungry...
  440. [01:25] <[huh]Alessa> If you need, I can feed you.
  441. [01:27] * Sarian` centers her vision just a tad further from Alessa.
  442. [01:27] <Sarian`> ... thank you for the offer, nya.
  443. [01:28] <Sarian`> but... nyan, could I try to eat it myself...?
  444. [01:29] <[huh]Alessa> Alright... but don't force yourself.
  445. [01:30] <Sarian`> ok.
  446. [01:31] * Sarian` knows that with her injuries it'd likely be better if she was fed, but someone should be able to feed themselves. o O ( And i've already asked several things of her, so... )
  447. [01:34] * [huh]Alessa hands Sarian her plate.
  448. [01:35] <[huh]Alessa> Take care, then.
  449. [01:36] * Sarian` half-sits up yet again, and with struggle and care she takes the plate in both hands. The meal jitters in transit, the arms serving as transport not quite capable of fine enough control.
  450. [01:39] * [huh]Alessa again helps Sarian with steadying her hands.
  451. [01:43] <[huh]Alessa> Looks like I'm helping you anyway.
  452. [01:43] * Sarian` offers the slightest smile, but doesn't look straight at Alessa.
  453. [01:43] <Sarian`> yeah...
  454. [01:45] * Sarian` takes a deep breath as she brings the plate to her lap and sets it down with light force, via Alessa's assistance.
  455. [01:46] <Sarian`> I hope i'm not a bother, nya.
  456. [01:47] <[huh]Alessa> Never.
  457. [01:48] * [huh]Alessa gives Sarian the warmest smile she can muster.
  458. [01:50] * Sarian` 's heart seems to skip a beat and she looks at Alessa, surprised again by her warmth.
  459. [01:51] <Sarian`> um, thank you, nya...
  460. [01:53] * Sarian` drops her eyes' gaze.
  461. [01:53] <Sarian`> ... could you... nyaa, feed me, then?
  462. [01:54] * [huh]Alessa nods.
  463. [01:55] <[huh]Alessa> Then...
  464. [01:56] * [Atai]Momo rolls her eyes but says nothing.
  465. [01:56] * [huh]Alessa puts her plate to the side, and puts a bit of food on Sarian's fork, then raises it.
  466. [01:56] <[huh]Alessa> Say aaah~
  467. [01:57] * Sarian` can't help but feel embarrassed by this, but lets Alessa feed her anyway.
  468. [01:57] <Sarian`> ah-nyaaaaaaaaa...
  469. [01:59] * [huh]Alessa looks like she's really enjoying this.
  470. [02:02] * [huh]Alessa continues on feeding Sarian.
  471. [02:03] * Sarian` continues feeling a deep embarrassment to the point of even developing a slight blush, but enjoys this in some odd way as well, beyond actually eating food for the first time in awhile.
  472. [02:09] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, you're a bit flushed...
  473. [02:09] * [huh]Alessa puts a hand on Sarian's forehead.
  474. [02:09] <[huh]Alessa> temperature...
  475. [02:09] <Sarian`> It's nothing, nya.
  476. [02:10] <[huh]Alessa> Alright~
  477. [02:17] * [huh]Alessa goes back to feeding Sarian.
  478. [02:21] * Sarian` lets herself be fed some more, until the plate becomes empty, and her own stomach full.
  479. [02:26] <[huh]Alessa> Was it good?~
  480. [02:28] * Sarian` 's left ear twitches.
  481. [02:28] <Sarian`> yeah.
  482. [02:29] * Sarian` 's blush still lingers, though it's diminished some.
  483. [02:30] <[huh]Alessa> You still hungry? There's still the other plate...
  484. [02:30] <Sarian`> thank you, but i'm full, nya.
  485. [02:30] <Sarian`> and you have to eat too.
  486. [02:31] <[huh]Alessa> I've finished most of mine.
  487. [02:33] <[huh]Alessa> Oh, yes.
  488. [02:33] * [huh]Alessa brings another glass of water and two pills.
  489. [02:33] <[huh]Alessa> You're supposed to take these.
  490. [02:34] <Sarian`> nyan.
  491. [02:35] * Sarian` nods, in acknowledgment.
  492. [02:35] * [huh]Alessa helps Sarian with this, too, feeding her the pills and helping her with the water.
  493. [02:37] * Sarian` thinks, during all of this... o O ( ... It's embarrassing to be taken care of like this, but... )
  494. [02:39] * Sarian` smiles once more at the end of these things, in thanks.
  495. [02:39] <Sarian`> thank you even more, nya.
  496. [02:40] <[huh]Alessa> I said it's nothing~
  497. [02:42] * Sarian` can't think of much anything else than to smile in response, as she shifts her weight back to lie down once more.
  498. [02:44] * [huh]Alessa pats Sarian on the head.
  499. [02:45] <[huh]Alessa> Anything else you want?
  500. [02:47] * Sarian` finds herself feeling just a little red again, at being patted and treated a little like a younger one. Despite this, there is still one major request on her mind...
  501. [02:49] <Sarian`> nya, one thing.
  502. [02:49] <[huh]Alessa> What is it?
  503. [02:50] * Sarian` looks straight at Alessa.
  504. [02:50] <Sarian`> ... could you tell me, nya?
  505. [02:51] <Sarian`> um, about me, and so on...?
  506. [02:52] * [huh]Alessa blinks.
  507. [02:52] <[huh]Alessa> Alright...
  508. [02:54] * [huh]Alessa begins speaking...
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