
Faerzen's Entry (Carlos as Server)

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I get off my bed and start pacing around my room thinking. I pause to check on Claudius (my gecko) while pondering my plan of action.
  2. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Everything makes sense! This is how I thought it would work out. Hrmmmm, so that means it's only a matter of time before I'm the target of these life-threatening theatrics. Preparing should be easy, I just need to make sure that everything is ready to run efficiently. Time is ticking!*
  3. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I dash over and slide down the fireman's pole into my workshop and get some bright green tape. I remember Mr. Sim's house, the devices I put down, and their size and shapes. I rearrange some furniture in my workshop to make nice spots for each piece of equipment, and I mark off each location with a rectangle of the green tape. I put the totem lathe and punch designix and alchemiter rectangles near each other, and the cruxtruder on the other side of the room, lest my orb make a ruckus.
  4. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I use the tape to label each rectangle with the name of the piece of equipment that fits there, and make a captchalogue card outline on my workbench and label it "Punched Card Here" with an arrow of green tape. I pause to look out the window and take in what could be my last view at my garden and treehouse that I spent so much time building.
  5. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Who knows? Next time I see them, they may be obliterated by meteors..... Must everything I've built come apart so easily?*
  6. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I break out of my reverie and run back upstairs to my room, momentarily falling forwards as I forget my room's slant. I quickly readjust my frame of reference and make a big x in my room with the label "NOT HERE - PUT DEVICES IN BASEMENT WORKSHOP" in the same tape.
  7. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Hmmmmmm....... What about....* I thoughtfully thumb the Minecraft game I recently put in my e-glasses. Okay, yeah, I like the sound of that! I take the Minecraft game out of my glasses and put it in my sylladex (SILICON) for safe-keeping. I replace it with a different chip that has some 3D recording software on it. I want to make sure I record this when it starts...
  8. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I position myself on my bed next to several drones ready for assignments, and I wait. I've created my setup. Everything is arranged. Everything fits.
  9. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> A while later, *Hrrrggg, why isn't anything happening???? I just want this to be over with already! I don't think I can wait any longer.....*
  10. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I start feeling sick to my stomach stomach again and a slowly raise a shaky hand to my chest and feel my racing heartbeat.
  11. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "O-o-ookay.... just breathe. Deeeeeep breaths, Faerzen. Innnnnnnn, and ooooooouuuuut....... Innnnnnnnn, and ooooouuuuuuut......."
  12. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Nope, still anxious. Why isn't Byron answering any of my messages? Did something happen to him?!?*
  13. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen jumps up from his bed to do some yoga stretches to relax, bending from side to side, pulling his arms behind him, and then extending his legs. Feeling somewhat better, Faerzen jumps over to his desk and starts working on some drones to improve their proximity sensors. It's only moderately effective as his eyes keep jumping between his work and the video feeds.
  14. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> And then he notices it. Movement out front! He leaps over for a closer look and recognizes the clear silhouette of his mother's autolevimobile coming down the road. After a moment of panic remembering what happened with Byron's mom and h--*NO. STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. NO NO NO NO NO* Faerzen waves his hands around his head to try and forget the unfathomably unpleasant memory. *Mom can't know about-- got to get the door open!*
  15. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen grabs one of the drone on the docking station and sends it downstairs to move the armchair away from the front door so his mother doesn't realize how foolishly paranoid he's been. The autolevimobile pulls into the drive, and Faerzen's mother slowly drags herself out of the primary seat. She looks exhausted, having spent 4 extra hours at work, and her usual sassy smirk is completely absent from her slack facial expression.
  16. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> She ambles up the walk, shuffles through the front door, and gestures for the stairs to take her upstairs. The spiral staircase moves upwards like an escalator wrapped around a screw, she steps off at her bedroom on the second floor, and collapses on her spacious bed. It looks like she's not going to be having dinner with Faerzen after all.... Better just leave her be.
  17. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen heaves a sigh of relief that his mothers guts aren't splattered all ov---*NO. STOP..... Now where were you?*
  18. [16:15] <AnionCation> you will then describe what your surroundings look like
  19. [16:15] <AnionCation> in as much detail as you feel is required for the server player to place things
  20. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen lives in Norway in the future. He lives on the outer fringes of town, so his house is within sight of other houses, but there's a lot of space between then and he has a pretty big yard. You see in the yard one particularly large tree with a very complicated, old-looking tree house. You also see a small vegetable garden in the corner and a couple archery targets set up in the back.
  21. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> You notice that the house appears very modular in structure, as was the common architectural style last decade. The house seems to be made of a number of "blocks" assembled together, and could theoretically be rearranged. Currently, the blocks are arranged in a sort of tower, but with a block missing in the middle so one of the rooms on the top floor haphazardly juts out over empty space. You see what appears to be a glass tube extending down from this room into the first floor.
  22. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((Picture The Burrow from Harry Potter, but white and futuristic with glass and stuff))
  23. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Inside the house you see a wide variety of things. The first floor is split level with an ordinary living area with holo-fireplace. The split level up has a dining room and kitchen, and the split level down is a large room that seems to be a sort of workshop. The glass tube from the top floor extends down into this room and you notice a fireman's pole down the middle of the tube connecting the two rooms.
  24. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> The second floor seems pretty empty since that missing module removed a large chunk of that floor. There's a nice bedroom and bathroom decked out with lots of colorful angular art, but that's pretty much it. Further up the shining spiral stairs at the top are two more rooms: another bedroom and what looks like a storage module.
  25. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> The other bedroom lies at the top of the fireman's pole, and sits rather precariously slanted towards the backyard given that there is no structural support underneath the room. There's a small balcony that has a cable fastened between it and the treehouse in the yard. Inside the room, the first two things you notice are a wall of the drawers covering one of the walls and a large green X in the middle of the floor.
  26. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> The room seems partitioned into two halves, with one half containing a bed with quite a few pillows, a bright green gecko with its own terrarium shelf, a wireless charging station, and the wall of drawers. The other half of the room has a desk with VR computer terminal, a drone docking station, and a great many sketches on the wall (some seem landscape scenes, others diagrams of the inner workings of devices or lists of equations). The clean room seems to have everything organized into the drawers on the wall, and everything has a place. It just aesthetically seems very..... right? You're not really sure what that means. Everything just seems to fit nicely.
  27. [16:15] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos pants for breath as sweat rolls down his forehead. He wonders what atrocities would have awaited him if the timer had reached zero before he was transported to… wherever this is now. Sadly, it was all too obvious to him that he is taking part in some type of virtual reality experiment. The sprite seemed to be staring down at him as if expecting something. He slowly rose from the du
  28. [16:15] <embellishedDeadbeat_> out the window and investigate, the computer suddenly flicked off the ‘wait’ screen and onto something a bit more… creative. It was like someone was given too many lego blocks then was requested to build a house.
  29. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> The interior seems to resemble a futuristic setting, but contains a few gizmos here and there in what appears be workshop. Carlos notices that there seem to be different options laid out on the bottom of the screen which are quite similar to what currently resides in his room. Apart from that rather messy situation it appears that the style of the house is rather couth. It just seems veryâ€
  30. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Quite fitting for the first level of this strange virtual reality experience.
  31. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> A boy that looks not much older than Carlos himself is sitting on a bed in one of the rooms. It looks like he’s tinkering with some type of machine - nothing Carlos recognises. He also seems to be quite heavy on security as there is a live video feed of his workshop, basement, backyard and front porch which are being displayed holographically through a strange pair of glasses. Must be a f
  32. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos notices, while looking closer at the odd holographic display of the workshop, that there are rather odd rectangles of green tape left on the floor. There are also strange messages on each that read “PUNCHER”, “ALCHEMITER”, “CRUXTRUDER and “LATHE”. There names seem to match exactly what Carlos currently has on his toolbar. This first level seems a bit too easy…
  33. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Well, better now than never!
  34. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Place machines in designated spots.
  35. [16:18] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen sees movement on the video feeds out of the corner of his eye and bolts over to look at the holo-screens to identify the source of movement.
  36. [16:18] <AnionCation> You place the "PUNCHER" in the corner of the boy's workshop and begin to slightly recognise it
  37. [16:18] <AnionCation> you place the "ALCHEMITER" in a large open space in the workshop
  38. [16:18] <AnionCation> you select "Cruxtruder" and place that in its designated spot marked with green tape.
  39. [16:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *It's beginning!* Faerzen's heart begins pounding as he slides down the fireman's pole into his workshop where the equipment is mysteriously appearing out of nowhere.
  40. [16:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Observe and make sure everything goes where it belongs.
  41. [16:19] <AnionCation> you select the "TOTEM LATHE" and place it up against the wall of the WORKSHOP
  42. [16:21] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Point at the captchalogue card outline you delineated with green table on the workshop desk earlier and give an enthusiastic wave to whatever unfortunate soul also got roped into this messed up game with you.
  43. [16:22] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos raises his eyebrow as the NPC displayed inside the strange virtual reality program appears to wave at him. Is he trying to indicate that something needs to be placed on the green table. What the hell, this first level is TOO easy!
  44. [16:23] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Place down the only matching item, the prepunched card
  45. [16:23] <AnionCation> You place down the pre-punched card in the table
  46. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen gives a cautionary glance up the spiral stairs to make sure all of this equipment thumping down in the basement hasn't awoken his mom. She really needs the sleep right now, poor woman.
  47. [16:24] <AnionCation> The boy notices the captchalogue card with small rectangular holes in strange places in it
  48. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen grins widely now that everything has gone exactly where it was supposed to.
  49. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Admire aesthetic arrangement of workshop.
  50. [16:25] <AnionCation> You admite the aesthetic of the workshop. You notice that the cruxtruder is placed with several centimetres more away from one corner of the workshop than another
  51. [16:25] <AnionCation> You feel incredibly irritated by this fact
  52. [16:25] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "GASP"
  53. [16:26] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Oh well, everything can't go /perfectly/, can it? Sometimes other people just make mess up your plans, you know?*
  54. [16:26] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: As you rehearsed, grab the punch card and make a beeline for the punch designix
  55. [16:27] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos quickly proceeds to touch every available object inside the workshop.
  56. [16:28] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((oh dear))
  57. [16:28] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((Fuck me sideways, what the hell did you just do Carlos?))
  58. [16:29] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Look incredulously at the cursor whizzing around your workshop tipping everything over
  59. [16:29] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "W...W-what???"
  60. [16:29] <AnionCation> One by one, the machines begin tipping over to the side
  61. [16:30] <AnionCation> It makes a very loud noise, and you hear your mother wake up
  62. [16:30] <AnionCation> She begins walking down towards the workshop
  63. [16:30] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen starts frantically waving his arm up towards the ceiling at whomever is ruining everything! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Please stop mak---"
  64. [16:30] <AnionCation> You can almost feel the heat of her anger from down there
  65. [16:30] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos smiles at the newfound horror present in this NPCs eyes. He would've expected everything to work in his favor and for the level to proceed as planned! This will teach the developers a thing or two about making their first level THIS simple!
  66. [16:30] <AnionCation> You hear your mother shout "COULD YOU KEEP IT QUIET DOWN THERE!"
  67. [16:31] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run to stairs and look in horror
  68. [16:31] <AnionCation> Your mother begins stomping down towards the pole
  69. [16:31] <AnionCation> You attempt to run to the stairs and hide from her, but as you turn around she grabs you by your shirt and pulls you back
  70. [16:31] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen tries to break free (rolling a 3 on Strength). You really don't have time for more of your mom's sarcastic quibs!
  71. [16:32] <AnionCation> MotherWoman (mW): WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOUR!
  72. [16:32] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Uhhhhh.... Hi, mom!........ Glad to see you made it home from work okay."
  73. [16:32] <AnionCation> mW: Don't you dare give me any of that cheek! I am going to stop what you are doing, RIGHT, NOW!
  74. [16:32] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Sorry, you know the drones can get sometimes! Uhhh.... I was just experimenting with putting a new type of lens material in their proximity sensors, and as it turns out, it doesn't work very well."
  75. [16:33] <embellishedDeadbeat_> There seems to be some type of strange interference with the NPC. Is this maybe the 'god' like character who helps them when trouble approaches? This'll be a lot more interesting if they were removed from the scene - might force the level to reach an early completion.
  76. [16:33] <AnionCation> she grabs your pre-punched card and throws it to the other side of the workshop
  77. [16:33] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "They just fly around and run into everything... hehehehe"
  78. [16:33] <AnionCation> mW: How VERY FUNNY! I am LAUGHING MY ARSE OFF!
  79. [16:33] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Throw the new NPC across the room just like the pre-punched card. Show that they can't control your progression through artificial means!
  80. [16:34] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Glad to hear you are so entertained, mother DEAR!"
  81. [16:34] <AnionCation> You throw the 'NPC' across the room and see her get incredibly angy at this
  82. [16:34] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Give motherWoman a sass-ful hug
  83. [16:34] <AnionCation> she sprints over to you and slaps you in the face, knocking you over
  84. [16:34] <AnionCation> mW: if you EVER do something like that to me again, so help me..!
  85. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Lie on your back completely stunned for the *third* time today
  86. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Wha......?"
  87. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I......"
  88. [16:35] <AnionCation> The woman turns around and begins hitting the alchemeter, attemping to dislodge the platform
  89. [16:35] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Was that not enough? This new NPC really needs to just leave this place as soon as possible. Seeing this first NPC get hit after going for a hug seems a bit too... real for his linking.
  90. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Sorry, mom..... It's been a really rough day, and I guess I..."
  91. [16:36] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Give that woman a good slap with the alchemeter. Show her that machines have feelings too.
  92. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "MOM! No, don't hit that! That's a new piece of equipment I just got today!"
  93. [16:36] <AnionCation> You pick up the alchemeter and "Make the aesthetic adjustment required"
  94. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I wanted to try and replicate some of the experiements you were telling me about that you started in your lab!"
  95. [16:36] <AnionCation> You move the machine towards her, and place it down
  96. [16:37] <AnionCation> Knocking her back, the machine drops with the mass of several large trucks
  97. [16:37] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Facepalm like there's no tomorrow
  98. [16:37] <AnionCation> Breaking both of her legs instantly
  99. [16:37] <AnionCation> You feel that facepalming is not acceptable for this, and dent the wall with your cranium
  100. [16:37] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!"
  101. [16:37] <AnionCation> Your mother seems even more annoyed by this, still somehow remaining concious
  102. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen starts screaming up at the ceiling
  103. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "THAT"S MY MOM!!!! DON'T YOU DARE LAY ANOTHER FINGER OR MACHINE ON HER!"
  104. [16:38] <AnionCation> She grabs a tool nearby and throws it at Faerzen,
  105. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run over to mom and inspect the damage
  106. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: try and dodge flying science implement
  107. [16:38] <AnionCation> (1d20+5)=(18
  108. [16:38] <embellishedDeadbeat_> HA! Now that the new NPC has been ridden, Carlos decides that the old NPC might need a little helping hand. Carlos goes t- wait,hang on... why is the old NPC screaming? That isn't what usually happens in games.
  109. [16:38] <AnionCation> roll 1d20+AC faerezn
  110. [16:40] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((17))
  111. [16:40] <AnionCation> You fail to dodge the wrench, and it hits you in the chest for...
  112. [16:40] <AnionCation> 3 damage
  113. [16:40] <AnionCation> You are taken very aback by this.
  114. [16:41] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "OW." Faerzen clutches his side where he got wholloped
  115. [16:41] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Mom, please calm down! We need to get your legs tended to"
  116. [16:42] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I swear it wasn't my fault that that just happened, but I don't really have time to explain!"
  117. [16:42] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Are you okay?"
  118. [16:42] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos finds what is occurring strangely reminiscent of the process he just went though a few minutes ago. Might this person be someone also taking part in this strange experiment? Wait, but that means... Oh dear.
  120. [16:43] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Freeze with your hand hovering right above the medi-gel packs
  121. [16:43] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "...W...w-what?"
  122. [16:43] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "C-come on mom, be a little more reasonable here.... Y-you don't mean that do... you?"
  123. [16:44] <AnionCation> your mother pulls herself from under the machine, and drags herself towards any kind of tool she can find on the floor
  124. [16:44] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Try your very hardest to retain your composure. Faerzen: Fail.
  125. [16:44] <AnionCation> She finds a hammer on the ground and attempts to throw it at alchemeter
  126. [16:44] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Mom, if you don't like the new equipment, we can get rid of it, no problem! Just stop!!!"
  127. [16:45] <AnionCation> (9+5=14) She fails to hit the alchemeter with the hammer in a vital place, however she does dent the side of the stands a bit
  128. [16:45] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos starts to panic at the thought of potentially breaking someones legs and slamming someone with a random science implement. In a pathetic attempt to make up for what he has done, he grabs the newly thrown hammer and chucks it at the lid of the cruxtruder.
  129. [16:45] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "J-just please stop exerting so much effort, you're not helping your..... legs....... please, mom...."
  130. [16:46] <AnionCation> mW: EITHER THESE ARE GONE FOR GOOD, OR I GO FOR GOOD!
  131. [16:46] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Try and fortify the dam holding back the tears, but miserably fail. It was a valiant effort
  132. [16:46] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Okay, okay, okay! Anything, mom!"
  133. [16:46] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((D... does the attempt at getting open the cruxtruder work?))
  134. [16:46] <AnionCation> the hammer flies at the cruxtruder, blowing the lid off of it, and a small circular.. spyrograph? and a cruxite dowel fly out
  135. [16:46] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorry"
  136. [16:46] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: continue to ball your eyes out
  137. [16:47] <AnionCation> You successfully curl up into a ball in the corner of the room, and watch as your mother reaches for the hammer, and throws it at the cruxtruder
  138. [16:47] <AnionCation> (1d20 (rolled 1 = critical fail)) She throws the hammer with great strength at the cruxtruder
  139. [16:48] <AnionCation> However it fails to deal much damage, as it richoches off and hits her
  140. [16:48] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Try and turn your head to see what the tremendous crash was---
  141. [16:48] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!"
  142. [16:48] <AnionCation> The hammer breaks several of her ribs, and you hear he exhale as blood pours from her chest
  143. [16:49] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I grab the medi-gel pack and run over to her and start putting it everywhere I possible can all over her chest "OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODNOTAGAINNOTAGAINNOTAGAINNOTAGAINNOTAGAINNOTAGAIN"
  144. [16:49] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos sighs. This is all his fault and he will likely get heavily reprimanded later. He quickly attempts to slot the pre-punched card resting on the floor into the Totem Lathe. Whoever this is will need to get past their wild... nearly dead mother and insert the cruxite.
  145. [16:49] <AnionCation> You grab the gell packs and run over to her, however it is too late, her final breath has been taken
  146. [16:49] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I grab one of my tranquilizing darts from my crossbow and put it in her shoulder
  147. [16:49] <AnionCation> You decide to put her to sleep... for good.
  148. [16:50] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run.
  149. [16:50] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run. Away
  150. [16:50] <embellishedDeadbeat_> He watches on at the traumatized child... this can't have been his fault, right? He didn't know that they were REALLY people who actually felt pain and... and... and all that! Maybe if everything is put in place then it will all be fixed?
  151. [16:51] <AnionCation> You move the alchemeter a bit, however only succeed in revealing pieces of bone
  152. [16:51] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen runs up the spiral staircase to his room and barrels over the threshold, completely forgetting about slant to his room
  153. [16:51] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((rolled a 6 on dexterity to balance))
  154. [16:51] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Block the door with the cruxite. Remind him of the task she will need to complete.
  155. [16:51] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Fall on your back *again* (geez, you wish this would stop happening)
  156. [16:51] <AnionCation> You run to your room, making a huge amount of sound as you do so
  157. [16:52] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy"
  158. [16:52] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Oh god, I KNEW this would happen I KNEW IT! WHY DID I EVER HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THAT STUPID GAME!!!!!"
  160. [16:53] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Desperately check the timer to make sure there is time for this emotional outburst.
  161. [16:53] <AnionCation> You curl up in a ball on your bed and begin sobbing profusely.
  162. [16:53] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "HOW....... WHY IS THIS EVEN A GAME!!!"
  164. [16:53] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I..... I give up."
  165. [16:54] <AnionCation> Your screaming causes several animals outside to begin screaming too.. in their own language of course.
  166. [16:54] <AnionCation> you hear a sound from within the house..
  167. [16:54] <AnionCation> "Keep it down!"
  168. [16:54] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Reach in sylladex for something to comfort you
  169. [16:54] <AnionCation> "If you don't like your silly little games then don't play them!"
  170. [16:54] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen reaching in, and completely misses Hydrogen, instead grabbing Francium.
  171. [16:55] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> This causes all of the contents of Hydrogen and the rest of the Alkali metals to spew all over your room.
  172. [16:55] <AnionCation> (How would hydrogen be comforting?)
  173. [16:55] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos looks upon the disheveled person. He is a mere shadow of his former self. Sadly, Carlos knows that there is still something that needs to be done. This awful process must be complete before the strange timer runs out.
  174. [16:56] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((Faerzen's fetch modus stores items in elements on the periodic table. You can only put an item in an element if the item contains that element, and removing something expels everything above it in the table))
  175. [16:56] <AnionCation> Thinking of the timer, you look back at the cruxtruder, you still have... ah, a good 0:20:00 minutes
  176. [16:56] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> As Faerzen reaches out to grab the hanky (HYDROGEN) that is slowly fluttering down from the ceiling, he pauses.
  177. [16:57] <AnionCation> "Thank you! Now stay quiet!"
  178. [16:57] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> As the handkerchief delicately graces his fingers, it flutters to the floor as Faerzen stis there stunned. He gasps. *Was that MOM?????*
  179. [16:57] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Check every single video feed you have in the house immediately before your eyes drain themselves entirely of liquid
  180. [16:57] <AnionCation> eD - as you begin scrolling back up towards the boy you notice the NPC slowly dissolving on the floor back into the pixels of which she was made
  181. [16:58] <AnionCation> you notice that your mother is no longer by your machines
  182. [16:58] <AnionCation> and that the mess that was in there appears to have tidied itself up
  183. [16:59] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Do an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the bed
  184. [16:59] <AnionCation> You look towards your mother's room, and see a small bulge in the bedcovers as she tries to cover her head with a pillow
  185. [16:59] <AnionCation> (roll for acrobatics (dex mod))
  186. [16:59] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos is stunned by this strange turn of events. He was right all along - this IS just a virtual game! I very realistic one, but still just a game.
  187. [16:59] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen begins hyperventilating and gasping for breath as the last of the tears his exhausted eyes are able to pump out slowly leak down his disheveled face
  188. [17:00] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Now let's get this NPC back into action on those strange machines!
  189. [17:00] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((for acrobatics 19+3=22))
  190. [17:00] <AnionCation> You successfully do a "fucking pirouette off the bed"
  191. [17:01] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run for your mother's room like you're Husain Bolt
  192. [17:01] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((rolled a 2+3=5 for balance to leave my room because of the slant))
  193. [17:01] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((balls))
  194. [17:01] <AnionCation> You run to her room, and she sounds even more irritated now: "What did i tell you about making noise!"
  195. [17:01] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Get the Cruxite and shove it into the NPCs hands. This'll remind it about the current mission!
  196. [17:02] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Give your mom a hug as if she's going to fade away into nothingness unless you hold her here in this world
  197. [17:02] <AnionCation> As you run towards your mother, you trip up due to the now extra weight of cruxite in your arms instead of reaching for your mother
  198. [17:02] <AnionCation> (Excellent timing eD)
  199. [17:02] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Fall flat on your back stunned for the *fourth* time today
  200. [17:02] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((lololol))
  201. [17:02] <AnionCation> "Get off the floor! and take that thing away from here!"
  202. [17:03] <AnionCation> "Can't you see i am trying to sleep here!"
  203. [17:03] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Uhhhh..... Okayokayokayokay, anythingyousaymom!" Faerzen spills out in a jumble of tears and gasps of breath
  204. [17:03] <AnionCation> you hear her mutter to herself something that sounds a bit like "inconsiderate...... waste of time..."
  205. [17:04] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen runs over and gives her a quick hug "I LOVE you so much mom"
  206. [17:04] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Remember your once-seamless plan and recommence the operation downstairs
  207. [17:04] <AnionCation> As you hug your mother she looks as though she has just been shocked, sitting up straight eyes wide, but then slowly recovers and closes her eyes, hugging you back
  208. [17:05] <AnionCation> You run downstairs and finish your plan, placing the punched card which was thrown across the room into the totem lathe, and placing the cruxite dowel there too
  209. [17:05] <AnionCation> The sprite however seems to still be there, and due to its lack of notoriety begins squeeling at you
  210. [17:06] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen remembers what he'd thought about for most of the afternoon
  211. [17:06] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> His plan.
  212. [17:06] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen reaches into his sylladen and pulls out his Minecraft game (SILICON) for his e-glasses.
  213. [17:07] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Well, here goes the one thing I have yet to predict the outcome of"
  214. [17:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Toss Minecraft into sprite.
  215. [17:08] <AnionCation> You throw... minecraft into the sprite
  216. [17:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *This is probably my only hope at at least making this wretched, awful, miserable game somewhat enjoyable....* Faerzen sniffles his nice and tries wiping the mess off his face and now quite drenched collared shirt.
  217. [17:08] <AnionCation> The sprite takes the form of the spritesheet for all of the blocks and items in minecraft
  218. [17:08] <AnionCation> then slowly you see the sheet fold into a 3d ball...
  219. [17:09] <AnionCation> and then fold into... another dimention?
  220. [17:09] <AnionCation> You see each of the blocks and items flick up one at a time
  221. [17:09] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Get SO EXCITED
  222. [17:09] <AnionCation> until eventually it becomes a cycle of displaying every single item and block in minecraft, changing about 10 times a second
  223. [17:10] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Inspect Totem Lathe
  224. [17:11] <AnionCation> You inspect the totem lathe as it finishes cutting the rod
  225. [17:11] <AnionCation> however you also notice a small bleep as the cruxtruder counts down from its final 2 minutes
  226. [17:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *My goodness, with all that flashing and cycling I can feel my optic nerve committing honorable sudoku*
  227. [17:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Memo to self: Don't look at flashy orb*
  228. [17:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Pull yourself together!
  229. [17:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen remembers how his well-oiled plan was supposed to finish. This is it
  230. [17:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Use the wibbly thing on the Alchemiter
  231. [17:16] <AnionCation> You take the totem from the cut cruxite and place it on the alchemiter, and wait for the machines to scan it
  232. [17:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I reach into my sylladex (GOLD) and pull out my pocketwatch,
  233. [17:17] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> anxiously tapping his foot as he waits
  234. [17:17] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Come oooonnn...... I don't have much time left!*
  235. [17:17] <AnionCation> The machine begins building up a strange crystaline object..
  236. [17:18] <AnionCation> The machine builds up a.. kind of bird bath
  237. [17:18] <AnionCation> full of water
  238. [17:18] <AnionCation> 0:30 left!
  239. [17:19] <AnionCation> You are unable to see exactly what is inside the bowel, but it looks like something is flickering in it
  240. [17:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen quickly plunges his hand beneath the surface to grasp at whatever is hiding beneath the surface
  241. [17:20] <AnionCation> You attempt to grasp whatever is below the water, but find nothing
  242. [17:20] <AnionCation> 0:20
  243. [17:20] <AnionCation> You look down at your hands and see the bowel of water's ripples dissapate
  244. [17:20] <AnionCation> The water becomes clear and shiny again.. and you see a cloud through the bowel
  245. [17:20] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> In a panic, Faerzen tip the birdbath to the side to dump the water out on the floor to get at whatever is inside, completely not caring where the water ends up
  246. [17:20] <AnionCation> The cloud then mirrors the water, and becomes clear and shiny
  247. [17:21] <AnionCation> Through the cloud you begin to see your mother, doing...
  248. [17:21] <AnionCation> And you throw the water on the floor and are unable to see the rest of it
  249. [17:22] <AnionCation> However it appears that what you saw was enough to satisfy the bowel, and it dissapears, and you hear all the birds outside stop singing, and all the animals still aggrieved by the whimpering earlier fall silent
  252. [17:24] <AnionCation> that was fun
  253. [17:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Indeed!
  254. [17:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> That was awesome!
  255. [17:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> thanks a ton
  256. [17:24] <AnionCation> well, cya, i gtg to bed now
  257. [17:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> :)
  258. [17:24] <AnionCation> can you pastebin this?
  259. [17:25] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Yeah, I'll take care of it
  260. [17:25] <AnionCation> thanks
  261. [17:25] <AnionCation> bye!
  262. [17:25] == AnionCation [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  263. [17:25] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> good night!
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