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- *** Prepared Remarks of Ray Ozzie,
- *** President of Iris Associates
- *** an affiliate of Lotus Development Corporation
- *** Delivered at opening of the RSA Data Security Conference '96
- ***
- <keynote>
- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17, 1996 -- As we're all painfully aware, the U.S.
- government continues to maintain that cryptography should be
- classified and controlled as a munition of war -- and for good
- historical reason: Some of cryptography's finest hours have been
- during past wars.
- From the government's standpoint, the export controls implied by
- munitions classification must be working very well, since there has
- been no mass-deployed worldwide cryptography, most general
- communications is still in cleartext, and no world of unbreakable
- crypto has emerged.
- In the meantime, while we're preoccupied by protecting the flow of
- bits across borders, trouble is brewing. Criminals don't recognize
- borders but operate in one wild-and-wolley network. Crackers are able
- to attack targets halfway around the world with no fear of
- prosecution. Exceptionally smart people in Eastern Europe crack
- financial systems in New York.
- Everywhere you look, bright, clever people are breaking into
- communication systems, industrial control systems, transportation
- systems, health care systems -- anything and everything that's
- controlled by networked computers. And as you know, this isn't a
- theoretical problem, or just a problem with clever people stealing
- money from banks; it's a "clear and present danger" that's a direct
- result of our having moved into the information age without adequately
- securing our information and our global information systems.
- This is not just an issue of signals Intelligence or of Title III
- wiretaps or of lost software industry profits; this is a public safety
- issue.
- One of these days, someone is going to bring down an airliner
- somewhere in the world, or cause a train wreck, or destabilize an
- economy, by breaking into an information system through the worldwide
- net. And it may be something that we could have prevented, if we had
- been making more casual and widespread use of cryptography.
- And that's why I, and a number of you, spend so much time trying to
- change the system -- trying to educate, to help convince the U.S.
- Government to liberalize export controls, to allow our customers
- worldwide to have access to good security, to protect themselves
- against the threats present on the worldwide networks.
- To be sure, the customers are getting more and more astute. Due in
- large part to the press surrounding the cracking of a few 40-bit RC4
- keys last year, our customers have lost confidence in 40-bit crypto.
- They told us that, if we were going to continue to market 40-bit Lotus
- Notes overseas, we should stop marketing it as a secure system -- that
- we should start to call it "data scrambling" or "data masking" instead
- of encryption. And so we have continued to lobby, arguing that the
- benefits of substantially better exportable crypto outweigh the risks.
- The government's response? Well, their latest proposal might -- in
- theory -- allow us to ship a 64-bit product overseas so long as it had
- third-party key escrow features built in. We talked to our customers
- about the administration's proposal, and the answer was very clear:
- our customers have said a resounding "no" to key escrow in Lotus
- Notes.
- They simply don't like the notion that they can't compute the
- additional risk and liability introduced by a third party holding the
- keys to unlock their data. Well, that left us in a bind.
- We need to provide better security for our international customers,
- but the government's proposal was clearly unacceptable to them.
- And because I didn't see a "silver bullet" solution -- or general
- export relief -- in the cards, I began looking for an interim solution
- that might allow us to ship a more secure product in the short term,
- while we continued to argue for substantial revision of national
- cryptography policy.
- And after months of negotiation, I'm here to announce that we have
- found a short-term workaround to the problem, which I hope you will
- find to be an interesting, new development in the area of cryptography
- as it pertains to export controls.
- While this is a very tough issue, and while I personally believe that
- a world of widespread cryptography is truly inevitable, the name of
- the game right now is to find a compromise solution that satisfies the
- stated needs of the U.S. Government, while still providing good
- information security.
- This is just such a compromise.
- Lotus Notes Release 4, which is now shipping, utilizes a new method of
- security that we're referring to as "Differential Workfactor
- Cryptography." It is a conceptually simple solution that addresses two
- problems at the same time: First, it protects sensitive corporate
- information from most malicious crackers far more effectively than
- previously exported products; second, it permits the government to
- retain its current level of access to encrypted information carried by
- U.S. products overseas.
- No more access, no less access.
- As you know, the U.S. government has defined its "maximum tolerance
- level" for exportable unescrowed cryptography at 40 bits. That is,
- because they generally permit the export of 40-bit products, the U.S.
- government is clearly already willing to deal with a 40-bit work
- factor in order to examine encrypted communications outside of this
- country.
- So, the system that we're shipping in Lotus Notes Release 4 overseas
- is one that presents different work factors to different parties,
- hence the name.
- Against crackers -- against the run-of-the-mill adversary trying to
- break a message -- the work factor is 64 bits, just like it is in the
- U.S. That is, in the new International Edition of Lotus Notes, bulk
- data keys are now 64 bits just as they are in our North American
- Edition that's sold in the U.S. and Canada.
- But when the U.S. Government needs access to a communications stream
- overseas encoded by the international edition of Lotus Notes, they are
- no worse off - and no better off - than they are today - they have to
- crack 40 bits.
- So how can this be true, when the work factor is 64 bits for
- non-governmental adversaries? It's pretty simple. We asked the
- government to generate a special RSA key pair, and to make known their
- RSA Public Key. We asked them to keep their private key classified,
- compartmentalized -- as secret as they'd keep the keys to their own
- military and diplomatic communication systems -- and to never disclose
- it to anyone.
- Then, we changed Notes so that whenever the product generates an
- encrypted 64-bit bulk data key, bound to that key is a small package
- -- a "workfactor reduction field" -- containing 24 bits of the bulk
- data key encrypted with the U.S. government's public key. So the U.S.
- government has exclusive access to 24 of the 64 bits.
- That's 64 bits against the cracker, 40 bits for the government.
- And, of course, this version of Notes is fully interoperable with the
- North American Edition of Notes, the only version that we sell in the
- United States.
- In the North American Edition, as always, keys generated for
- communications within the U.S. and Canada aren't subject to any kind
- of work factor reduction. And both the North American Edition and the
- International Edtion are shipping today.
- We are very pleased that we are now able to offer this increased level
- of security to our overseas customers. And I encourage you out there
- -- product designers and developers who are in a similar bind -- to
- offer stronger confidentiality features to your customers in your
- exported products by taking advantage of our already having negotiated
- export approval for this Differential Workfactor implementation.
- But please make no mistake about it: We fully recognize that this is a
- compromise solution. This is not a panacea. This is not the "silver
- bullet" that addresses all needs.
- We continue to argue vigorously that global and national economic
- security, domestic law enforcement related to Information security
- crimes, and personal privacy concerns would all be served well by the
- rapid and broad, worldwide proliferation of good, strong, high-grade
- cryptography. And we continue to push for a complete and public review
- of national cryptography policy.
- But we relish the fact that, in today's highly-charged political
- climate surrounding the issue of cryptography, we were able to
- negotiate a solution that increases information security for our
- worldwide customers. By throwing another potential solution into the
- mix -- by leading the way for others by clearing its export approval
- -- we hope that this stirs debate related to national cryptography
- policy.
- A debate that is both global and local in nature; a debate that, with
- your help, we can hopefully bring to the attention of the U.S Public.
- Updated: 01/17/96 01:14:15 PM
- </keynote>
- ***
- *** White Paper by Charlie Kaufman, distributed at the RSA '96
- conference
- ***
- <whitepaper>
- Differential Workfactor Cryptography
- Charlie Kaufman
- Security Architect
- Iris Associates
- January 17, 1996
- Abstract: This document describes the technical approach behind the
- exportable strong cryptography included in Lotus Notes Release 4
- (International Edition). Current U.S. export regulations generally prohibit
- the export of cryptographic software that uses keys larger than 40 bits,
- but advances in processor technology make 40 bit keys breakable by
- exhaustive search practical for a growing collection of potential
- attackers. In a novel scheme we sometimes refer to as 64/40, we provide
- the cryptographic strength of 64 bit keys against most attackers while to
- comply with export regulations we make the workfactor for breaking the
- system equivalent to only 40 bits for the U.S. government. We do that
- by encrypting 24 of the 64 bits under a public RSA key provided by the
- U.S. government and binding the encrypted partial key to the encrypted data.
- Background: As we're all painfully aware, the U.S. government continues
- to maintain that cryptography should be classified and controlled as a
- munition of war. There is a long historical basis for this - some of
- cryptography's finest hours have been during the wars of the past. And
- while some would argue that export controls are a sham because many
- foreign governments impose no such restrictions and we participate in an
- international marketplace, by one very important measure export controls
- have been a success: no mass-deployed worldwide cryptography has emerged
- and most general communications is still in cleartext.
- But while the government has been successfully defending its ability to
- spy, trouble has been brewing. Criminals don't recognise borders -
- there's
- only one wild and wooly network. Crackers are able to attack targets
- halfway around the world with no fear of prosecution. Smart people in
- Eastern Europe crack financial systems in New York. Everywhere you
- look, bright clever people are breaking into communication systems,
- industrial control systems, transportation systems, health care systems,
- anything and everything that's controlled by networked computers. This is
- not a theoretical problem, or just a problem with clever people stealing
- money from banks; it's a clear and present danger that's a direct result of
- the fact that we've moved into the information age without adequately
- securing our global information systems.
- Lotus Notes has been a pioneer in providing transparent strong RSA based
- cryptography in its product offering. It went to great lengths to provide
- the strongest protection legally permissable. There is an International
- Edition that complies with export regulations and a domestic edition that
- does not (called the North American Edition because it is legally available
- in the U.S. and Canada). In the International Edition, users use two RSA
- key pairs - one used to protect data integrity and authentication and
- another (shorter) one to protect data confidentiality because only data
- confidentiality key sizes are regulated by export controls. Full
- interoperability between the North American and International Editions is
- achieved by having the two ends negotiate down to the largest key size that
- both ends support. This design came at no small cost, but it was the only
- way we could deliver the best security possible to each of our customers
- given the existing regulatory climate.
- Differential Workfactor Cryptography is another innovation in the direction
- of giving our customers the best security we can while continuing to oppose
- the regulations that make the complexity necessary.
- How it works: The idea behind Differential Workfactor Cryptography is
- simple; whenever a bulk data key is created, a 64 bit random number is
- chosen. If the use of that key is one involving data confidentiality and
- the International Edition of Notes, 24 of the bits are encrypted under a
- public RSA key that was provided to us by the U.S. government and the
- result - called a Workfactor Reduction Field - is bound into the encrypted
- data. There is no Workfactor Reduction Field in data used only by the
- domestic edition of Notes, and there is none for keys that are not used
- for data confidentiality (e.g. those used for authentication).
- If an attacker wanted to break into a Notes system based on information
- obtained by eavesdropping, he would have to exhaustively search a 64 bit
- key space. Even the U.S. government would face this workfactor because
- there is no Workfactor Reduction Field in keys used for authentication.
- An attacker who wanted to read an encrypted document that was either read
- from a server or eavesdropped from the wire would face a 64 bit workfactor.
- But if the U.S. government needed to decrypt such a document it could
- obtain 24 of the bits using its private key and the Workfactor Reduction Field
- and then exhaustively search a 40 bit key space.
- Tamper resistance: You might wonder what's to prevent someone from deleting
- the Workfactor Reduction Field from a document or the setup protocol of a
- network connection. This is similar to the problem faced in the Clipper
- design to assure that the LEAF field was not removed from a conversation.
- In a software only implementation, it is not possible to prevent tampering
- entirely. The easiest form of tampering would be to smuggle the North
- American Edition CD out of the U.S. or pass it to someone over the
- Internet. The best a software implementation can do in terms of tamper
- resistance is to make it impossible to remove the Workfactor Reduction
- Field without modifying both the source of the data and the destination..
- This can be done by having the destination check for the presence of the
- Workfactor Reduction Field and refuse to decrypt the data if it is not
- there or not correct. The destination can't decrypt the Workfactor
- Reduction Field to check it, but knowing the bulk data key and the
- government public key, it can regenerate the WRF and compare the result
- with the supplied value. RSA has the convenient property that the same
- value encrypted twice produces the same result; it would be somewhat more
- complex (but still possible) to duplicate this functionality with other
- public key algorithms. [Note: for this to work, the random pad that was
- used in creating the WRF must be delivered to the recipient of the message.
- For it to be secure, it must be delivered encrypted since a clever attacker
- who knew the pad could do 2^24 trial encryptions to get 24 bits of the key
- and then do 2^40 trial decryptions to recover the rest.]
- Frequently Asked Questions:
- Q: Does this mean that the International Edition of Lotus Notes Release 4
- is just as secure as the North American Edition against someone who does
- not know the U.S. Government's key.
- A: Almost. There are factors other than the 64 and 40 bit secret keys.
- The International Edition is still limited to 512 bit RSA keys when they
- are used for data confidentiality. The North American Edition uses 630 bit
- RSA keys in this context. While 512 bit RSA keys are considerably more
- secure than 40 bit secret keys, they are not as secure as 64 bit keys, so in
- both cases it would be more cost effective to attack the RSA keys than to
- attack the secret keys. In considering the security of the International
- Edition, users must also assess the likelihood that an attacker might learn the
- government's private key either by breaking through the government's
- protective mechanisms or by breaking the single RSA key. If either were
- to happen, the International Edition would become only as secure as other
- 40 bit products.
- Q: Does Lotus also have a copy of the private key used to reduce the
- workfactor from 64 to 40 bits?
- A: No. The U.S. government generated the RSA key and supplied us with
- the public component. We never had access to the private component (which
- made debugging this thing a real joy!).
- Q: How is this scheme different from Key Escrow?
- A: While one goal may be the same - to provide exportable strong
- cryptography - there are differences with respect to security,
- functionality, and administrative convenience. It is more secure than
- Key Escrow in that even if third parties misbehave, there remains a
- substantial workfactor in breaking each individual message. It may be
- more or less secure than Key Escrow depending on the policies of the
- holder of the U.S. government key compared to the policies of possible
- Key Escrow agents. It is less functional than some Key Escrow proposals
- because it is impractical to use this facility to recover lost keys. And
- it is more administratively convenient than key escrow because there is no
- communication with third parties necessary as part of setup. Notes is
- secure 'out of the box'.
- Q: Does this scheme address law enforcement concerns within the U.S.
- (i..e. should it be considered an alternative to Clipper)?
- A: No. In only one way does this scheme address the Law Enforcement
- interests of either U.S. or foreign governments: better information
- security helps Law Enforcement to guard against information-related crimes.
- As indicated by our continuing to go to considerable expense to maintain
- both domestic and international editions, we continue to oppose any
- limits on domestic use of strong cryptography.
- </whitepaper>
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