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- his file contains the documentation for the natlink Python extension
- module. This extension module provides a thin wrapper around various
- functions in the Dragon NaturallySpeaking extended SAPI interface.
- playString( keys, flags )
- This is a utility function which will send a series of keystrokes to the
- window with the focus. The passed parameter is a string in standard
- Dragon NaturallySpeaking format (control sequences in braces). This
- function will not return until the last keystroke has been drained from
- the input queue.
- The second parameter is optional. It is a combination of one or more
- of the following flags:
- 0x01 # add SHIFT to the first character in the string
- 0x02 # add ALT to the first character in the string
- 0x04 # add CTRL to the first character in the string
- 0x08 # add RIGHT SHIFT to the first character in the string
- 0x10 # add RIGHT ALT to the first character in the string
- 0x20 # add RIGHT CTRL to the first character in the string
- 0x40 # use the extended keyboard version of the first char
- 0x100 # set this to defer the termination of the playStrings
- operation until the system is sure that the event queue
- has been drained. This works around a Win95 problem.
- 0x200 # set to send system keys, uses low-level keyboard hook
- 0x400 # when set, an exception will be raises if the user is
- holding in a shift key during the playString. This
- flag is highly recommended when sending system keys.
- 0x10000 # use scan codes when generating events
- 0x20000 # uppercase the entire string
- 0x40000 # lowercase the entire string
- 0x80000 # uppercase the first character in the string
- displayText( text, isError, logText )
- Natlink will create a window in which the user can display messages.
- Call this function to append a message to that window, displaying the
- window is necessary. The second parameter will cause the text to be
- displayed in red instead of black. The third parameter (if 1) will
- also copy the text to the dragon.log file.
- This function is useful for redirecting stdout and stderr.
- Note: this function does nothing unless NatLink is running as a command
- and control subsystem for NatSpeak.
- getClipboard()
- Returns a string which represents the current contents of the clipboard
- in text form. The string will be empty if there is no text in the
- clipboard.
- This function is useful for testing NatLink itself.
- getCurrentModule()
- This function returns a tuple which contains information about the current
- module and window which is active. The tuple contains:
- (1) the full file name of the module with the path and extension,
- (2) the title of the currently active window,
- (3) the handle of the currently active window as an integer.
- In the event that the current module name can not be determines, the
- getCurrentModule function will return the tuple ("","",0) instead of
- raising an exception.
- getCurrentUser()
- This function will return a tuple of information about the current user
- (set of speech files) for Dragon NaturallySpeaking. The tuple contains
- (1) the name of the user,
- (2) a full directory path where the user's speech files are
- located. If no user is loaded, the name of the user will be an
- empty string.
- getMicState()
- This function returns the microphone state, which can be one of 'off',
- 'on', 'disabled' and 'sleeping'.
- setMicState( newState )
- Use this function to change the microphone state. You can pass in
- 'off' to turn the microphone off, 'on' to turn the microphone on (which
- takes NatSpeak out of the sleeping state), or 'sleeping' to put NatSpeak
- in the sleeping state.
- Raised ValueError if the newState is not one of the indicated strings.
- execScript( command, args, comment )
- This function can be used to execute an arbitrary script using Dragon
- NaturallySpeakings built-in script language. The second parameter is
- optional and is a list of strings which represents the words which should
- be matched to _arg1, _arg2, etc. in the script. The third parameter is
- also optional and represents a comment which is displayed in an error
- messages if the script fails. Usually you pass in the command name.
- Raises SyntaxError is there is a syntax error in the script.
- getCallbackDepth()
- This function was primarily designed as a support function for the
- natlinkmain module. This function returns an integer which indicates
- how many nested callbacks are active. It returns 0 when you are not
- in a callback (for example, during initialization of natlinkmain). For
- a basic callback it returns 1 but if you call back into natlink from
- a callback causing a nested callback to happen (for example, you call
- recognitionMimic) then the callback nesting may be greater than 1.
- recognitionMimic( words )
- This function simulates the effect of a recognition. You pass in an
- array of words which represent the recognition results and NatSpeak
- then simulates the exact effect of having recognized that array of words.
- You will get an error if you pass in words which are unknown or if the
- array of words represents an impossible recognition given the current
- system state.
- Can raise MimicFailed if the phrase to be recognized is not legal in
- the current context (not in an active grammar). You also get this
- exception if a word in the input list was invalid.
- playEvents( events )
- This function is a more powerful version of playString which can play
- any sequence of events. You pass in a list of events to play where each
- event is a tuple of message, wParam and lParam as defined by windows.
- The following tuples are supported:
- (0x100, keycode, repeat) # wm_keydown
- (0x101, keycode, repeat) # wm_keyup
- (0x104, keycode, repeat) # wm_syskeydown
- (0x105, keycode, repeat) # wm_syskeyup
- (0x200, x, y) # wm_mousemove
- (0x201, x, y) # wm_lbuttondown
- (0x202, x, y) # wm_lbuttonup
- (0x203, x, y) # wm_lbuttondblclk
- (0x204, x, y) # wm_rbuttondown
- (0x205, x, y) # wm_rbuttonup
- (0x206, x, y) # wm_rbuttondblclk
- (0x207, x, y) # wm_mbuttondown
- (0x208, x, y) # wm_mbuttonup
- (0x209, x, y) # wm_mbuttondblclk
- getCursorPos()
- Returns a tuple with the x and y coordinates of the current position of
- the mouse on the screen. (0,0) is the upper left corner of the screen.
- getScreenSize()
- Returns a tuple with the x and y size of the full screen in pixels. This
- value can be used to make sure that the cursor remains on the screen.
- inputFromFile( fileName, realtime, playlist, uttDetect )
- This function will caused Dragon NaturallySpeaking to take its input from
- a wave file with the indicated filename. The realtime flag is optional
- and if true (integer 1) it will cause the playback to be slowed down to
- simulate realtime recognition.
- The playlist is optional and represents a list of utterances
- (zero-based) to play from the file. The playlist is only valid for
- UTT, UTD and NWV files. It is not valid for WAV files. For WAV
- files, utterance detection will be used to separate the utterances (all
- other files are assumed to have already been separated into
- utterances). The play list can contain a mixture of single integers and
- ranges represented as tuples of start and ending integers.
- Warning: because of a bug in NatSpeak, this code can not handle the
- error if you specify an utterance number in the playlist which is not
- present in the input file. If that happens you will get a NatSpeak
- SDAPI error and this function will not return. The only way to recover
- from this error will be to end the Python and NatSpeak processes.
- The defatly behavior of inputFromFile is to perform utterance
- detection (split speek at pauses) when using files with an extension
- of .wav and not perform utterance detection for other file extensions.
- You can override this default behavior by setting uttDetect. Setting
- uttDetect to 1 forces utterance detection and setting uttDetect to 0
- disables utterance detection. The default value is -1.
- Raises ValueError is the file is missing or has an unsupported
- extension.
- setTimerCallback( pCallback, nMilliseconds )
- Pass in the address of a Python function which will automatically be
- called every N milliseconds. The callback function will not be passed
- any parameters. Reset the timer by passing in a function of None.
- getTrainingMode()
- Returns information about the current training mode. If no special
- training mode is active then None is returned. Otherwise, we return
- a tuple of the current training mode (one of 'calibrate', 'shorttrain',
- 'longtrain', and 'batchadapt') and the total number of milliseconds
- of speech accepted for training so far.
- startTraining( mode )
- Initiates a special training mode. The possible training modes are:
- 'calibrate', 'shorttrain', 'longtrain' and 'batchadapt'.
- To perform training (in any training mode), you need to first call
- setTraining. Then you need to call the correction method for a series
- of previously recognized result objects (ResObj). Finally, after
- calling correction for each of the results objects you need to call
- finishTraining.
- To train a new user from scratch, you need to use the 'calibrate' special
- training mode on 5-10 utterances. Then you need to use either the
- 'shorttrain' or 'longtrain' special training mode. Short training is
- appropiate when using BestMatch III models and requires training of
- at least 3 minutes of speech. Long training is appropiate for normal
- models or the original BestMatch models and requires training of at least
- 18 minutes of speech.
- The third step is to use the 'batchadapt' special training mode.
- Usually you retrain the same utterances in 'batchadapt' mode that you
- trained in 'shorttrain' or 'longtrain' mode but this is not a requirement.
- There is no lower limit for the number of utterances trained using
- 'batchadapt' mode.
- Once a user has been trained it is no longer legal to use the
- 'calibrate', 'shorttrain' or 'longtrain' special training modes on that
- user. However, it is legal to perform additional training using the
- 'batchadapt' special training mode as many times as desired.
- Can raise WrongState you try to set any batch training mode when
- calibration has not been done or you try to set calibrate mode if
- calibration has already been done. Also if you try to set any
- training mode when the system is not in normal training mode.
- Can raise ValueError if the mode is not of the listed strings.
- finishTraining( bProcess )
- Terminates a special training mode. With no parameter, or a parameter
- of 1, calling finishTraining will perform the actual training operation.
- This may take a while. With a parameter of 0, no training is performed
- but the special training mode is cancelled.
- Can raise WrongState if a special training mode is not active.
- createUser( userName, baseModel, baseTopic )
- This call create a new user (NatSpeak speaker profile). The userName
- is a required string. The baseModel is an optional string. If
- specified it should be the name of one of the build-in base models
- (for example: "BestMatch Model"). You can see a list of known models
- by running NatSpeak and creating a new user. If missing, the default
- base models will be used.
- The baseTopic is also an optional string. If specified it should be
- the name of one of the built-in base topics (for example: "General
- English - BestMatch"). You can see a list of known topics by running
- NatSpeak and creating a new user (Professional Edition only). If
- missing, the default base topic will be used.
- Creating a user does not open it. You need to call openUser separately.
- Raises InvalidWord if the user name is invalid.
- Raises UserExists if the specified user already exists.
- Raises OutOfRange if the specified baseModel or baseTopic does not exist.
- openUser( userName )
- This call opens a specified NatSpeak user for recognition.
- Raises UnknownName is the specified user does not exist.
- saveUser()
- This call saves any modifications made to the currently open NatSpeak
- user to disk.
- getUserTraining()
- Returns a string which describes whether this user has been trained or
- not. Possible values are:
- None (which means no training has been done)
- 'calibrate' (which means only calibration was done)
- 'trained' (which means the user has been trained)
- getAllUsers()
- Returns an array of strings of the names of all existing users.
- getWordInfo( word, flags )
- Dragon 11: function does not work any more
- Looks a word up in the vocabulary and returns an integer which
- represents the word formatting information. The word formatting
- information can be 0. If the word does not exist in the vocabulary then
- None is returned.
- Flags is optional (default value is 0). If specified, you can combine
- of the following values:
- 1 = consider inactive words (backup dictionary)
- 2 = consider active non-dictation words
- 4 = case insensitive match
- The returned integer is a bit vector of the following flags:
- 0x00000001 - Word was added by the user
- 0x00000002 - Internal use only
- 0x00000004 - Internal use only
- 0x00000008 - Word can not be deleted
- 0x00000010 - Normally capitalize the next word (like period)
- 0x00000020 - Always capitalize the next word (like Cap Next)
- 0x00000040 - Uppercase the next word (like All Caps Next)
- 0x00000080 - Lowercase the next word (like No Caps Next)
- 0x00000100 - No space following this word (like left paren)
- 0x00000200 - Two spaces following this word (like period)
- 0x00000400 - No spaces between words with this flag set (like with numbers)
- 0x00000800 - Turn capitalization mode on (like Caps On)
- 0x00001000 - Turn uppercase mode on (like All Caps On)
- 0x00002000 - Turn lowercase mode on (like No Caps On)
- 0x00004000 - Turn off spacing between words (like No Space On)
- 0x00008000 - Restore normal spacing (like No Space Off)
- 0x00010000 - Internal use only
- 0x00020000 - Suppress after a word which ends in a period (like period after elipsis)
- 0x00040000 - Do not apply formatting to this word (like Cap)
- 0x00080000 - Do not reset the spacing state (like Cap)
- 0x00100000 - Do not reset the capitalization state (like close quote)
- 0x00200000 - No space preceeding this word (like comma)
- 0x00400000 - Restore normal capitalization (like Caps Off)
- 0x00800000 - Follow this word with one new line characters (like New-Line)
- 0x01000000 - Follow this word with two new line characters (like New-Paragraph)
- 0x02000000 - Do not capitalize this word in a title (like and)
- 0x04000000 - Internal use only
- 0x08000000 - Add an extra space following this word (like space-bar)
- 0x10000000 - Internal use only
- 0x20000000 - Internal use only
- 0x40000000 - Word was added by the vocabulary builder.
- Raises InvalidWord if the word is invalid.
- Raises ValueError if the flags are invalid.
- deleteWord( word )
- Removes a word from the active vocabulary. The word will still be in
- the backup dictionary.
- Raises InvalidWord if the word is invalid.
- Raises UnknownName if the word is not in the active vocabulary.
- addWord( word, wordInfo, pronList )
- Adds a word to the active vocabulary. The word may either be
- completely new or already in the backup dictionary. The wordInfo is
- optional, if missing it defaults to 0x00000001 (word was added by
- user).
- The third parameter is an optional pronunciation or list of
- pronunciations for the word using Dragon System's pronunciation
- alphabet. You can add pronunciations to an existing word using
- this function but you can not delete pronunciations.
- The function returns 1 if the word is added or a pronunciation is
- passed in. The function returns 0 if you pass in no pronunciations and
- the word already exists.
- If the function returns 0 then the wordInfo will be ignored. To change
- the wordInfo of an existing word then you must pass in a pronunciation.
- For example, use the following trick.
- currentProns = natlink.getWordProns( wordName )
- natlink.addWord( wordName, newInfo, currentProns[0] )
- Usage hints:
- - when adding words which are already in the backup dictionary, use a
- wordInfo of 0. This mimics Dragon NaturallySpeaking's own behavior.
- You can use the getWordInfo function to determine if the word is in the
- backup dictionary.
- - when adding a single compleyelt new word, include the 0x00000001 bit
- in wordInfo. This marks the word as user added and mimics Dragon
- NaturallySpeaking's own behavior.
- - when adding in lots of words at a time, also set the 0x40000000 bit
- in wordInfo. This simulates the effect of using the vocabulary builder
- which means that the word will be added with lower frequency.
- Raises InvalidWord if the word is invalid.
- setWordInfo( word, wordInfo )
- Changes the wordInfo for a word already in the active vocabulary.
- Raises InvalidWord if the word is invalid.
- Raises UnknownName if the word is not in the active vocabulary.
- getWordProns( wordName )
- Dragon 11: function does not work any more
- Returns a list of pronunciations for the given word. Each pronunciation
- is a string. Returns None if the word does not exist.
- Raises InvalidWord if the word is invalid.
- setTrayIcon( iconName, toolTip, callback )
- This function, provided by Jonathan Epstein, will draw an icon in the
- tray section of the tackbar.
- Pass in the absolute path to a Windows icon file (.ico) or pass in one
- of the following predefined names:
- 'right', 'right2', 'down', 'down2',
- 'left', 'left2', 'up', 'up2', 'nodir'
- You can also pass in an empty string (or nothing) to remove the tray
- icon.
- The toolTip parameter is optional. It is the text which is displayed
- as a tooltip when the mouse is over the tray icon. If missing, a generic
- tooltip is used.
- The callback parameter is optional. When used, it should be a Python
- function which will be called when a mouse event occurs for the tray
- icon. The function should take one parameters which is the type of
- mouse event:
- wm_lbuttondown, wm_lbuttonup, wm_lbuttondblclk, wm_rbuttondown,
- wm_rbuttonup, wm_rbuttondblclk, wm_mbuttondown, wm_mbuttonup,
- or wm_mbuttondblclk (all defined in natlinkutils)
- Raises ValueError if the iconName is invalid.
- The following functions are used in the natlinkmain base module. You
- should only used these if you are control NatSpeak using the NatLink module
- instead of using Python as a command and control subsystem for NatSpeak. In
- the later case, users programs should probably not use either of these two
- functions because they replace the callback used by the natlinkmain module
- which could prevent proper module (re)loading and user changes.
- setBeginCallBack( pCallback )
- Pass in the address of a Python function to call when the beginning of a
- new recognition is detected. Dragon NaturallySpeaking will pause all
- recognition processing until the Python function returns. However, it
- is safe to call other natlink module functions from within the
- Python callback function.
- When a recognition starts, this callback will be made and passed a single
- parameter which is the same tuple which is returned from getCurrentModule.
- setChangeCallback( pCallback )
- Pass in the address of a Python function to cal when something in the
- system changes. When a change occurs, the callback function will be
- passed two parameters. The first parameter is a string indicating what
- changed. The second parameter which depends on what changed.
- Active user changes: 'user', same tuple returned from getCurrentUser
- Mic state changes: 'mic', same string returned from getMicState
- The following three functions are designed to be used when you have a
- Python program which controls NatSpeak by explicitly importing the natlink
- module. Do not use these functions when you are using Python as a command
- and control subsystem for NatSpeak. In that case, these functions are
- automatically handled for you.
- isNatSpeakRunning()
- Returns 1 is NatSpeak is running and 0 otherwise. This is the only
- function which can be called before calling natConnect.
- natConnect( bUseThreads )
- Connect with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. This call will launch Dragon
- NaturallySpeaking if NaturallySpeaking is not running. As a side
- effect of this call, the natlink module will grap a number of COM
- interface pointers into Dragon NaturallySpeaking itself. Pass in an
- optional boolean to enable thread safety. This is required when running
- with the Pythonwin code.
- natDisconnect()
- Disconnect from NatSpeak by releasing all internal COM interfaces
- pointers. This will cause Dragon NaturallySpeaking to stop running it
- it was launched by calling connect.
- waitForSpeech( timeout )
- The Python program must call this function in order to allow speech to
- be processed. This function will enter a standard Windows message loop.
- When speech events occur, the previously established Python callback
- functions will be envoked in a nested call.
- A message box will be displayed if the timeout is zero or positive and the
- waitForSpeech call will not return until this message box is closed or
- until the timeout period (in milliseconds) ends. A timeout of zero
- suppresses the timeout. A negative timeout is just like a positive
- timeout except that the message box is not displayed (the function only
- returns when the timeout elapses).
- Inside natlink, each grammar is maintained as a separate object. To expose
- this structure, each grammar object will be exposed to Python as a class.
- The GrammarBase class defined in natlinkutils encapusulates and extends the
- basic functions of a grammar object. It is recommended that you use the
- GrammarBase class instead of using GramObj directly. The syntax for
- building grammars is documented in
- class GramObj():
- load( binary, allResults=0, hypothesis=0 )
- Before you use a grammar you need to pass in a binary representation
- of the grammar in SAPI format (as a string). This call actually
- creates the associated COM objects.
- If you set the optional allResults parameter to 1 then you will be
- able to get a results object even when the recognition is not
- specific to your grammar.
- If you optionally set hypothesis to 1 then partial recognition
- hypothesises will be available during recognition using a hypothesis
- callback (see setHypothesisCallback).
- The first DWORD of the SAPI binary grammar format defines the type
- of grammar. Command grammars (like those created by GrammarBase
- in natlinkutils) have a type of 0. Dictation grammars have a type
- of 1. Not every member function of GramObj is supported by every
- grammar type.
- Can raise InvalidWord if the grammar contains an invalid word.
- Can raise BadGrammar if the grammar specification is in error.
- unload()
- Call this to unload the grammar and delete the associated COM objects.
- This function will automatically be called when the GrammarBase object
- is garbage collected but it can also be called explicitly.
- activate( ruleName, window )
- Call this to activate a named exported rule in the grammar. You
- can activate multiple exported rules by calling this multiple times.
- Pass in the handle of a window (from getCurrentModule) or 0 for
- a global grammar.
- Pass in an empty ruleName for dictation grammars.
- Can raise UnknownName if ruleName is not defined in the grammar.
- Can raise BadGrammar if the grammar is too complex to be recognized.
- Can raise WrongState if the named rule is already active.
- Can raise BadWindow is the specified window does not exist.
- deactivate( ruleName )
- Call this to deactivate a named exported rule in the grammar.
- Can raise WrongState of the named rule is not currently active.
- setExclusive( state )
- Set the exclusive property on a grammar to force the recognizer
- to limit the recognition to only grammars which are marked as
- exclusive.
- setBeginCallBack( pCallback )
- Pass in the address of a Python function to call when the beginning of
- a new recognition is detected. Dragon NaturallySpeaking will pause
- all recognition processing until the Python function returns.
- However, it is safe to call other natlink module functions from
- within the Python callback function.
- This callback for each grammar object which has been loaded, and after
- the global BeginCallback is made.
- When a recognition starts, this callback will be made and passed a
- single parameter which is the same tuple which is returned from
- getCurrentModule
- setResultsCallback( pCallback )
- Call this to setup a callback function which will be called when a
- recognition occurs for this grammar object. Pass the callback
- function.
- When a recognition occurs, the callback function will be called with
- two parameters. The first parameter is the same list which is returned
- by ResObj.getResults(0). The second parameter will be a ResObj instance
- which represents the results object.
- If you have set the optional allResults parameter to load() then
- your results callback will also get the results of recognitions
- which were not the result of your grammar. If a recognition is
- the results of some other grammar in the system then the first
- parameter passed to your callback function will be the string 'other'
- instead of a list of words. If a recognition corresponds to a
- system rejection then the first parameter passed to your callback
- function will be 'reject'.
- setHypothesisCallback( pCallback )
- Call this to setup a callback function which will be called during
- the middle of recognitions with the partial hypothesis of the
- recognition in progress. You must have set the hypothesis
- parameter on load or the callback will not be called.
- The callback routine is passed a list of words representing
- the best recognition hypothesis so far. The frequency of callbacks
- is determined by Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Any word in the
- hypothesis is subject to chang ein the next callback or when the
- recognition completes.
- emptyList( listName )
- This function removes all the words in a named list in the grammar.
- Can raise UnknownName if listName is not defined in the grammar.
- Can raise WrongType is used with dictation grammars.
- appendList( listName, word )
- This function adds a new word (which can be a phrase) to a named list
- defined for the grammar. You can only append one word at a time.
- Combine this with emptyList to replace the words in a given list.
- Can raise InvalidWord if word list contains an invalid word.
- Can raise UnknownName if listName is not defined in the grammar.
- Can raise WrongType if used with dictation grammars.
- setContext( beforeText, afterText )
- For dictation grammars, this sets the speech recognition context.
- The context is the set of words (passing in at least 2 words is
- suggested) which the recognizer should assume proceed and optionally
- follow the text to be recognized next. Pass in two strings (the
- strings can be blank) which correspond to text (not words).
- AfterText is optional and will be assumed to be blank if missing.
- Can raise WrongType if used with command grammars.
- setSelectText( text )
- For SelectXYZ grammars only, this function is used to tell the
- recognition engine what text should be used for the SelectXYZ
- grammar. Pass in the visible text exactly as it appears on the
- screen. The recognition engine will automatically build the
- grammar.
- Can raise WrongType if used with other than SelectXYZ grammars.
- getSelectText()
- For SelectXYZ grammars only, this function returns the text
- currently stored in the reocgnition engine for this active
- SelectXYZ grammar. getText should return the same value stored
- with setText including modifications made by calling changeText.
- Can raise WrongType if used with other than SelectXYZ grammars.
- Results are also represented by objects which can be manipulated. Result
- objects are returned as the second parameter to the grammar results callback.
- class ResObj():
- getResults( choice )
- Call this to return the recognition results for a given choice
- on the choice list. Choice 0 (the default) is the actual recognition
- results. Other choices are alternatives. Returns None if there
- are no results.
- Normally returns a a list which which represents the recognition
- results. The list will contain a sequence of tuples. Each tuple
- will be a pair of the word which was recognized and the rule number
- of the innermost rule in the grammar which contains that word.
- Note that the rule number is only signifiant for command grammars.
- For dictation and selection grammars the rule number is always 0.
- Can raise OutOfRange if choice too large for that recognition.
- getWords( choice )
- Just like getResults except that it only returns a list of words not
- rule numbers. Returns None if there are no results for the given
- choice. This call is faster that getResults.
- Can raise OutOfRange if choice too large for that recognition.
- correction( words )
- Call this to perform a correction (and adaptation) of a results
- object. Pass in an array of words which represents what should
- have been recognized (which can be the same as what was recognized).
- This call can also be used when doing batch training.
- Returns 1 if training succeeds and 0 if training fails. Training
- can fail of the transcription is not close enough to the utterance.
- This is not considered to be a serious enough error to throw an
- exception.
- Can raise InvalidWord if word list contains an invalid word.
- getWave()
- Returns a string which contains binary data which represents the
- wave data for this results object.
- Can raise DataMissing is no wave data is available.
- getWordInfo( choice )
- Call this to return the recognition results for a given choice
- on the choice list. Choice 0 (the default) is the actual recognition
- results. Other choices are alternatives. Returns None if there
- are no results.
- Returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the following elements:
- wordName - same as returned by ResObj.getChoice
- cfgParse - same as returned by ResObj.getChoice
- wordScore - for the first word of the result, this is the score
- of this choice; lower is better; zero for other words
- startTime - start of word in milliseconds from start of utterance
- endTime - end of word in milliseconds from start of utterance
- engineInfo - integer (actually a DWORD) properties of the word
- wordPron - first pronunciation for the word; not necessarily
- the pronunciation which was recognized
- Multiply startTime and endTime by 11.025 to index into the wave data
- returned by ResObj.getWave
- Can raise OutOfRange if choice too large for that recognition.
- getSelectInfo( gramObj, choice=0 )
- Only for results from the recognition of a SelectXYZ grammar, this
- function returns a tuple containing information about the SelectXYZ
- recognition.
- The first parameter should be the grammar object for which you want
- the select info. The section parameter should be the choice number
- (just like getResults).
- The returned tuple contains:
- startPos - character position in the text buffer
- (GramObj.getSelectText) for the start of the selection
- endPos - character position for the end of the selection
- Can raise TypeError is the first parameter is not a GramObj instance.
- Can raise BadGrammar if the result did not come from the grammar.
- Can raise WrongType if used with other than SelectXYZ results.
- Can raise OutOfRange if choice too large for that recognition.
- This is a dictation objectm which encapsulates a complete dictation client.
- With NatSpeak, when you create a window which supports dictation, you
- associate that window with one dictation object.
- The dictation object maintains an internal buffer which is an exact copy of
- the text in the window. When the user changes the content of the window by
- typing, the dictation object buffer needs to be updated. When the user
- dictates into the window, the dictation object will change its internal
- buffer and then make a callback so the window can be updated.
- class DictObj():
- activate( window )
- Call this to activate the dictation grammar. Pass in the handle of a
- window (from getCurrentModule) or 0 for a global grammar.
- Can raise BadWindow is the specified window does not exist.
- deactivate()
- Call this to deactive the dictation grammar. It is safe to call
- deactivate even if activate has not been called.
- setBeginCallback( pCallback )
- Pass in the address of a Python function to call when the beginning of
- a new recognition is detected. Dragon NaturallySpeaking will pause
- all recognition processing until the Python function returns.
- However, it is safe to call other natlink module functions from
- within the Python callback function.
- This callback is made before the internal buffer is readied for
- recognition so it is safe to make changes to the internal buffer
- during the callback.
- When a recognition starts, this callback will be made and passed a
- single parameter which is the same tuple which is returned from
- getCurrentModule
- setChangeCallback( pCallback )
- Pass in the address of a Python function to call when recognition
- happens and the contents of the internal buffer is changed in some
- way.
- The called function will be passed the following parameters:
- ( delStart, delEnd, text, selStart, selEnd ).
- delStart,delEnd - define the range of characters in the buffer which
- were replaced by the recognition.
- text - is the string which replaced those charcters. The length of
- text may be different than end-start.
- selStart,selEnd - is the location of the selection after the the
- recognition.
- The following functions operate on the internal buffer. To be consistant
- with Python, it is legal to pass in negative values which are offsets
- from the end of the buffer. It is also legal to leave out the end
- parameter, in which case the end of the buffer is assumed.
- setLock( state )
- Call this to control the lock on the internal buffer. setLock(1)
- sets the lock and setLock(0) resets the lock. Internally the lock
- state is incremented when you set the lock so you need to call
- setLock(0) for every (nested) call to setLock(1).
- Locking the internal buffer guarentees that the state of the buffer
- remains consistant while the lock is held. You should lock the
- internal buffer before calling any of the following functions.
- Note: NatSpeak requires you to lock the internal buffer before
- any of these calls but to make Python programming easier, this
- module will set the lock for you. This is ok for a single call,
- but if you make multiple calls, you could get inconsistant
- information if you are not protected by a lock around all the
- calls.
- Can raise WrongState if you call setLock(0) when no lock is active.
- getLength()
- Returns the length of the text in the internal buffer. Note that
- getLength maybe somewhat expensive for large buffers.
- setText( text, start, end )
- Changes the text in the internal buffer at the indicated position.
- The length of the region to be changed (end-start) does not have
- to match the length of the text. This allows text to be inserted
- or deleted.
- getText( start, end )
- Returns a string which represents the text in the internal buffer
- at the indicated position. The length of the returned string will
- be end-start.
- setTextSel( start, end )
- Changes the current selected region.
- getTextSel()
- Returns the current selected region as a tuple of (start,end).
- setVisibleText( start, end )
- Establishes a subset of the buffer as being the range of visible
- text. Only visible text can be selected or corrected by voice.
- Otherwise, the visible text range has no effect on recognition.
- Unlike setTextSel which will coerce the end position to match the
- end of the buffer, if the start position is 0 and the end position
- is missing then the end position will be set to 0x7FFFFFFF rather
- than the length of the buffer.
- getVisibleText()
- Returns the current visible text range which was set by
- setVisibleText.
- The initial value of the visible text range is 0 - 0x7FFFFFFF
- which covers the entire buffer. This ensures that the selection
- commands work even if you do not set the visible text range
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- About exceptions in NatLink. NatLink will return exceptions classes for
- errors which occur using the NatLink functions. In order to make it
- possible to look for specific errors, there are a number of possible error
- classes which can be returned. All NatLink error classes are derived from
- the base class "NatLink.NatError". The following subclasses are currently
- defined.
- NatError
- Base class for all NatLink errors. This is also returned for
- unexpected errors which are not common enough to have been converted
- into a more explicit error class.
- InvalidWord
- Raised when a word or named passed into a function is invalid.
- Usually because the word is too long or uses backslash characters
- improperly.
- UnknownName
- Raised when an unknown rule or list names is passed into a function.
- Also raised when passing an unknown username to openUser.
- OutOfRange
- Raised when accessing a result which is not available, usually
- because the choice number is too high. Also raised when an unknown
- base model or base topic is passed to createUser.
- MimicFailed
- Raised when recognitionMimic fails for any reason.
- BadGrammar
- Raised from GramObj.load when the grammar loads for any reason. Also
- returned from GramObj.activate when the grammar object is too complex
- to be activated.
- WrongState
- Raised when function can not be applied because system is in the wrong
- state. For example, if you call GramObj.activate on a rule which is
- already active or you call startTraining('calibrate') when the
- speech files have already been calibrated.
- BadWindow
- Raised when passing an invalid window handle to GramObj.activate.
- SyntaxError
- Raised when a script with a syntax error is passed to execScript.
- UserExists
- Raised when calling createUser when the user already exists.
- ValueError
- Raised when passing an invalid string to setMicState or startTraining.
- Also raised when the file passed to inputFromFile is missing or has
- an unsupported extension.
- DataMissing
- Raised by ResObj.getWave when the wave data is not available.
- WrongType
- Raised by GramObj when you make a function call which is not suppored
- for that grammar type. For example, GramObj.setContext is only
- supported for dictation grammars; if used on a command grammar this
- exception is raised.
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