

Jul 12th, 2015
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  1. [16:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ [READY?] ++
  2. [16:32] <VVictrix> 3[oke]
  3. [16:32] <Farrow> 2[Ready]
  4. [16:32] <Clarissia> 6[siap]
  5. [16:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ [Alright... Let's start the story...] ++
  6. [16:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Conglomeration of Patrician Dynasty ++
  7. [16:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Rogue Trader : Collaborative Campaign ++
  8. [16:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Episode 2.13 ++
  9. [16:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ play ++
  10. [16:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Currently there are no voidships docking ++
  11. [16:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Just this big Shining Phalanx where you stay ++
  12. [16:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ It's another good day.. Morning..? Night..? You don't know for sure ++
  13. [16:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Some say it's morning ++
  14. [16:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Some say it's night ++
  15. [16:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Where are you and what are you doing? ++
  16. [16:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ Shining Phalanx is bustling and busy as usual ++
  17. [16:37] <VVictrix> 3Mengawasi arus logistik Shining Phalanx sambil mencatat-catat
  18. [16:37] <Farrow> 2*at usual Tavern, drinking usual Amasec*
  19. [16:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ For those in the tavern...++
  20. [16:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13+ Apparently, before you even want to enter the tavern +
  21. [16:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13+ There's a big sign written [STOCK OPNAME] +
  22. [16:38] <Clarissia> 6*lagi jalan ke Tavern*
  23. [16:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13+ Maybe you can recall, there are few things broken on the tavern before.. Maybe they want to clean the mess..? +
  24. [16:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13+ Few guys are pouting and protesting +
  25. [16:39] <Farrow> 2(jd tutup ya?)
  26. [16:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Farrow n Clarissia both of you meet at the front of the [Closed] Tavern
  27. [16:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix you found something...
  28. [16:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Farrow n Clarissia you see few guys chatting
  29. [16:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13"I want to drink.. Damn the tavern is close!"
  30. [16:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13"Hey! I know another place! Let's go to the usual place!"
  31. [16:40] <Farrow> 2"... That Regis Guy did this.."
  32. [16:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13"Hey, that's cool! Let's go!"
  33. [16:40] <Clarissia> 6"Huh, closed?"
  34. [16:40] <VVictrix> 3"Hm?"
  35. [16:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13And both of them walk with laugh while talking about what they want to eat
  36. [16:40] <Farrow> 2"What? another place?"
  37. [16:40] <Clarissia> 6"....?"
  38. [16:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix, you found there's a slight.. Difference on the logistic...
  39. [16:41] <Clarissia> 6"Oh, hello there, Mister Achasse." @Farrow
  40. [16:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13You can follow them if you want to @ Farrow
  41. [16:41] <Farrow> 2*coba mengikuti* "let's follow them, I'm in a mood for Amasec" @ Clarissia
  42. [16:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix it's not that significant.. Just... A smaaaaallll difference...
  43. [16:41] <Clarissia> 6"Where to....?"
  44. [16:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13@ VVictrix like you know... It's supposed to be straight.. The logistic chart.. But there's a bit miss..
  45. [16:42] <VVictrix> 3*cek ulang dari awal*
  46. [16:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13@ VVictrix like.. It's supposed to be 400.000 but there's only 399.999 written
  47. [16:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Farrow you see both of them walk with laughing, and talking about the usual place and how they can't wait to drink a glass of amasec
  48. [16:44] <Farrow> 2*ikutin saja* "To another tavern perhaps" @ Clarissia
  49. [16:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix you found you're not wrong.. There's something a miss
  50. [16:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix you found out there's something a bit miss on the logistic on area [x].. But's it's insignificant.. Don't worry.. Not a big deaaal...
  51. [16:44] <Clarissia> 6"Another tavern?" *ngikut Farrow*
  52. [16:45] <VVictrix> 3*pergi ke area [x] buat cek*
  53. [16:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13The crews of Ship who was with you during logistic says, it's not that easy to go there.. @ VVictrix
  54. [16:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13You need to walk doooooown bellow.. Not to mention you have to take a quite long walk if you want to walk there..
  55. [16:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13It's best if you bring some friends maybe..
  56. [16:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134 Farrow Clarissia the two guys take a turn on a simple door
  57. [16:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134And they entered the place
  58. [16:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134There's a big sign written on the front of it
  59. [16:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134[THE USUAL PLACE - by Senza Scopo Di Lucro Nessun Problema]
  60. [16:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134Enter?
  61. [16:48] <Clarissia> 6".... Never been here before. You sure you want to go inside, Mister Achasse?" @Farrow
  62. [16:48] <Farrow> 2"Usual place, is literally Usual Place.."
  63. [16:48] <Farrow> 2"Akh, I need Amasec!"
  64. [16:48] <Farrow> 2*ketok dulu*
  65. [16:48] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  66. [16:49] <VVictrix> 3"Hm..."
  67. [16:49] <Clarissia> 6".... That can't be helped then."
  68. [16:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134When you knock, a guy enters and sees you Farrow "New here dude..? Just enter. No need to knock" *grins*
  69. [16:49] <VVictrix> 3*pergi ke tavern*
  70. [16:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134And when the door is opened, Farrow and Clarissia see, it's a normal tavern inside
  71. [16:50] <Farrow> 2"Oh, ok!" *ikut masuk the UP*
  72. [16:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix, you walk and walk..
  73. [16:51] <Clarissia> 6*ngikut Farrow*
  74. [16:51] <Farrow> 2*lihat orang2nya, ada yg dikenal atau tidak*
  75. [16:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13And when you found the tavern, it's closed
  76. [16:51] <Clarissia> 6*begitu di dalem liat kiri-kanan*
  77. [16:51] <VVictrix> 3:/
  78. [16:51] <VVictrix> 3"Oh well can't be helped."
  79. [16:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134 Farrow, you see no one new.. But you see two girls on the bartender place
  80. [16:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13 4these two
  81. [16:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix, you recall..
  82. [16:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13On your way to the tavern, there's a place which a bit look like a tavern..
  83. [16:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13With the bustling sounds and such..
  84. [16:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"ARA~ NEW CUSTOMER!" The girl with the long hair smiles
  85. [16:52] <Clarissia> 6"...." *agak terpukau*
  86. [16:53] <Farrow> 2*cari tempat duduk*
  87. [16:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Welcome welcome" *smiles* The girl with the shorter hair smiles at both of you. "What's for today?"
  88. [16:53] <Farrow> 2"Ah hello! an Amasec for me, and one Dark beer?" @ Clarissia
  89. [16:53] <Clarissia> 6"Uh.... I, um... do you have a Dark Beer?"
  90. [16:54] <VVictrix> 3*tulis laporan logistik ke conglomeration*
  91. [16:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13@ VVictrix A place with the sign [THE USUAL PLACE - by Senza Scopo Di Lucro Nessun Problema]
  92. [16:54] <VVictrix> 3*pergi ke tavern look alike*
  93. [16:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"SIS! AMASEC AND DARK BEER!!!"
  94. [16:55] <Farrow> 2"By the way, are you twin?" @twins
  95. [16:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix, enters the place..?
  96. [16:55] <Farrow> 2(*twins)
  97. [16:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"A~ There's a cutie here..." The girl with long hair comes to near Farrow and Clarissia with a bottle of amasec and a glass of dark beer and put it infront of Farrow n Clarissia
  98. [16:55] <VVictrix> 3*masuk*'
  99. [16:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Yeah. We're twins" *grins*
  100. [16:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13VVictrix, inside, you see a normal tavern. But slight different than the usual futuristic, tavern, it's a bit.. old style
  101. [16:56] <Clarissia> 6"....." *masih ngeliatin mereka berdua*
  102. [16:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Oh, you see Clarissia and Farrow is chatting with two girls
  103. [16:56] <Farrow> 2*sips Amasec*
  104. [16:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Ara? Don't stare me like that.. You make me blush.." *sambil malu2 liat Clarissia*
  105. [16:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13The short hair girl sees VVictrix and shout 7"Welcome, Miss!"
  106. [16:57] <Clarissia> 6"Eh? Oh, I'm sorry!" *sips Dark Beer cepet-cepet*
  107. [16:57] <VVictrix> 3"Good day." *nods*
  108. [16:57] <VVictrix> 3*jalan ke arah Clarissia dan Farrow *
  109. [16:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Ah..It's okay.. I love cute boys and girls~" *sambil wink ke Farrow n Clarissia*
  110. [16:58] <VVictrix> 3"Good Day Miss Dersand and Farrow."
  111. [16:58] <Clarissia> 6"... dfdkknsk" *mumbles something incoherent selagi minum Dark Beer nya*
  112. [16:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13And the long hair girl giggles while walking to the bartender place
  113. [16:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Any order, miss?" *grins @ VVictrix
  114. [16:59] <VVictrix> 3"Recaf please."
  115. [16:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"SIS! 1 Recaf!!!"
  116. [16:59] <Farrow> 2"Hello Miss Vivi!"
  117. [16:59] <VVictrix> 3*duduk*'
  118. [16:59] <Clarissia> 6"... Hello, Miss Victrix."
  119. [16:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Anything else?" *sambil melihat ke VVictrix Farrow dan Clarissia "We have many kinds of food. You name it, we try to make it." *grins*
  120. [16:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Of course not guaranteed" *grins*
  121. [17:00] <Farrow> 2"do you have Grox soup, or Grox steak?"
  122. [17:00] <VVictrix> 3"Hm..."
  123. [17:00] <Clarissia> 6"No.... I think this one is enough for me at the moment...."
  124. [17:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Of course!" @ Farrow
  125. [17:00] <VVictrix> 3"I want Grox Burger then."
  126. [17:00] <Farrow> 2"Last time the bartender serve me Gross soup. so.. I hope not today" O_O
  127. [17:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Or maybe you want something diff--OOOOO... You miss, you read my mind.." *grins @ VVictrix
  128. [17:01] <Farrow> 2"Oh in the other tavern"
  129. [17:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"SIS! 1 GROX SOUP AND 1 GROX BURGER!!!"
  130. [17:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Enjoy your stay~" The girl with short hair walks back to the bartender place to prepare some drinks
  131. [17:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13And both of them started to prepare the orders
  132. [17:03] <Farrow> 2"I'll be outside and smoke for awhile ladies." *keluar biar ngga buat Clarissia dan VVictrix perokok pasif*
  133. [17:03] <Farrow> 2=w=)y-o00000
  134. [17:04] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm? I don't really mind though. Miss Victrix....?"
  135. [17:04] <VVictrix> 3"Hm?"
  136. [17:04] <VVictrix> 3"Well, he wanted to do that outside so it's okay."
  137. [17:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Not so long, the long haired one come with a plate of Grox burger (imagine the premium burger type?), a cup of recaf, and bowl of Grox Soup with vegetables 4"Here are your orders" *smiles* *while put everyone's order in front of the others*
  138. [17:05] <Clarissia> 6"Okay then..." *sips Dark Beer lagi*
  139. [17:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1310 Farrow, you see only few guys walking here and there
  140. [17:06] <Farrow> 2*looked at the surroundings outside tavern* "Why I never know this place..."
  141. [17:06] <VVictrix> 3"..." *cari pisau dan garpu*
  142. [17:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1310But, maybe due to the closing of the previous tavern, or because it's famous indeed, seems like a lotta guy come into the place
  143. [17:06] <Farrow> 2*catat di data-slate untuk menambah tempat nge-"gossip"*
  144. [17:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Here you go miss" *giving knife n fork to VVictrix*
  145. [17:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*smiles and winks to VVictrix*
  146. [17:07] <VVictrix> 3"Thanks." *smiles*
  147. [17:07] <VVictrix> 3*potong burger dan makan*
  148. [17:08] <Farrow> 2*masuk abis beres lho-ing dan catat di data-slate*
  149. [17:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13The long haired one back to her usual place with her sister and chat
  150. [17:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Clarissia.. It seems there's a message on your data-slate..?
  151. [17:08] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm?" *ngeluarin data-slate*
  152. [17:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13Farrow the soup is prepared on the table
  153. [17:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13(bayangin soto lobak =3=b *dirajam ama campaign arbitrator*)
  154. [17:10] <Farrow> 2*duduk* "Good Grox steak! Thank you miss.. what are your names?"
  155. [17:10] <Farrow> 2@twins
  156. [17:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Hmmm?" *smiles*
  157. [17:10] <Farrow> 2*sambil tiup2 makanan di sendok*
  158. [17:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"My name is Amery" *grins*
  159. [17:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"I'm Ambrose" *wink*
  160. [17:11] <Farrow> 2"Amb.. Amb.. Rose?" O_O
  161. [17:11] <Clarissia> 6"... Feels like de javu....." *baca message di data-slate*
  162. [17:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Hmmm? What's wrong, cutie?" *smiles*
  163. [17:12] <Clarissia> 6"Huh? Ambrose? Ann is here, Mister Achasse?" *ngedenger nama Ambrose di sebut*
  164. [17:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Sis... We promised not to tease customers right??"
  165. [17:13] <Clarissia> 6*ngeliatin Farrow dan the twins ganti-gantian* "Huh?"
  166. [17:13] <Farrow> 2"Ah, my Ship Captain is called Ambrosia" @ Ambrose
  167. [17:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"But look at his face~ It's to cute, can't helped it.. The two girls are also cute~~~ You know I love cute ones right?" *pout ke Amery*
  168. [17:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Ah~? Is she? Well.. She must be one of a teaser like me" *gigles*
  169. [17:14] <Clarissia> 6".... Your name is Ambrose?" *ngeliatin Ambrose dengan agak gak percaya*
  170. [17:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Ship captain?" *memperhatikan baju Farrow* * Farrow pake uniform?*
  171. [17:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Yes, cutie~" *wink @ Clarissia
  172. [17:14] <Farrow> 2(farrow pake uniform)
  173. [17:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Hey, you're an Imperial Guard?" *mata membulat*
  174. [17:15] <Clarissia> 6"Well, well....."
  175. [17:15] <Farrow> 2"I am, but I am assigned to the ship Holy Grail"
  176. [17:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Ara~ If you look at me like that~ I feel like I can eat you any time, cutie~" *sambil liatin Clarissia*
  177. [17:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"HOOOO... Hey hey, does Imperial Guard do patrols and such?" *mata membulat liatin Farrow*
  178. [17:16] <Farrow> 2*nengok sesaat ke sekitar tavern* 0_0) (0_0
  179. [17:16] <Clarissia> 6"Eh.....?"
  180. [17:16] <Farrow> 2*sips soup*
  181. [17:16] <Clarissia> 6*sips Dark beer lagi cepet-cepet*
  182. [17:17] <VVictrix> 3*makan*
  183. [17:17] <Clarissia> 6*ngeliatin si Amery dari ujung matanya* "This girl is dangerous...." *mumbles*
  184. [17:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13(Amery yg oranye, Ambrose yg merah)
  185. [17:17] <Clarissia> 6(damn kebalik, sorry orz)
  186. [17:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13(wkwkwk santai)
  187. [17:18] <Clarissia> 6*teringat sesuatu* "Oh, Miss Victrix...." @VVictrix
  188. [17:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Hey, so do you also taking care of murderers and such as well?" *masih melihat dengan semangat ke Farrow
  189. [17:18] <VVictrix> 3"yes?"
  190. [17:18] <Farrow> 2"Imperial Guards.. well my regiment have defended a planet.."
  191. [17:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Hmmm... So.. This problem might be to simple for you.." *nods nods*
  192. [17:19] <Clarissia> 6"Got a message from one of my contacts. Asked me to check on logistic inside this ship, at area [x]."
  193. [17:19] <Clarissia> 6"I assume you would be interested in that?"
  194. [17:19] <Farrow> 2"by the way.. my captain also has red hair.." @twins O_O
  195. [17:19] <VVictrix> 3"Which contact?"
  196. [17:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(saya pake hitam aja kalo gitu ya untuk state normal)
  197. [17:20] <Clarissia> 6"The one from the Administratum."
  198. [17:20] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"Ara? Well well.. Maybe because we're flaming hot?" *wink* @ Farrow
  199. [17:20] <VVictrix> 3"There is a problem."
  200. [17:20] <VVictrix> 3"I wanted to check it myself there but the crews said that it's dangerous to go alone."
  201. [17:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Hmmm?" *mendengar pembicaraan VVictrix n Clarissia* "Hey, that's near our place" *grins*
  202. [17:21] <Farrow> 2"Well, she like to punch people.. when the crew called her.. Ambrose.." *sips Amasec*O_O
  203. [17:21] <VVictrix> 3*nengok*
  204. [17:22] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm... I see. You want to go there after this? I'll come with you."
  205. [17:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"Ara~ I won't punch you if you call me with that~" *wink @ Farrow* *giggles*
  206. [17:22] <VVictrix> 3"Miss... Amery was it? Is it near your place?"
  207. [17:22] <Farrow> 2*nengok ke Clarissia* "What a job?"
  208. [17:22] <VVictrix> 3"That's such a good coincidence, can you show us the way there after you finished with your shift?"
  209. [17:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17*nods* "Yep. It's near our place. We live on the [y] sector, not far from [x].."
  210. [17:23] <Clarissia> 6"A request to check on logistic in this ship, Mister Achasse. Sounds like de javu eh?" @Farrow
  211. [17:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"But no can do. I don't wanna go near place with bad rumours.." *geleng2*
  212. [17:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17Amery geleng2 denger kata2 VVictrix*
  213. [17:24] <VVictrix> 3"What kind of bar rumours if I may ask?"
  214. [17:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14Ambrose dah balik ngurus pelanggan lain
  215. [17:24] <VVictrix> 3*bad
  216. [17:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Murder" *muka serius*
  217. [17:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"They say they found body of some dead guy there.." *shivers*
  218. [17:24] <VVictrix> 3"Inside the ship...?"
  219. [17:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17*nods nods*
  220. [17:24] <Farrow> 2"Rumour of Murder?"
  221. [17:25] <Clarissia> 6*nengok ke Amery* ".... Murder?"
  222. [17:25] <VVictrix> 3"Hm..."
  223. [17:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"The culprit is unknown.. And the corpse is.." *shivers*
  224. [17:26] <Farrow> 2"Do you know anything else about this area?" @Amery
  225. [17:27] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"It's an insudtrial sector if I'm not mistaken.."
  226. [17:28] <Clarissia> 6"...."
  227. [17:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Just one of the small area in this big vast ship" *chuckles* "But they have a Vat factory there"
  228. [17:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"If you wanna go there, you should use some ground vehicle"
  229. [17:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Quite far if walking"
  230. [17:29] <Farrow> 2"Do we have any ground vehicle?" *nengok Clarissia VVictrix*
  231. [17:29] <VVictrix> 3"No."
  232. [17:29] <Farrow> 2"..."
  233. [17:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Well, you can always rent"
  234. [17:30] <Clarissia> 6"No, sadly."
  235. [17:30] <Farrow> 2"One of my friends is blacklisted by the rental service.." O_O
  236. [17:30] <VVictrix> 3*beres makan, lap mulut, minum recaf*
  237. [17:31] <Clarissia> 6"Huh? Blacklisted? Really?"
  238. [17:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17*laugh out loud* "SERIOUSLY???"
  239. [17:31] <Farrow> 2*nods2*
  240. [17:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"What did he do? Wrack some vehicle?" *laughing*
  241. [17:32] <VVictrix> 3*sips* "Haa..."
  242. [17:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1VVictrix the recaf feels like.. it's taste different.. from the sourness, and bitterness..
  243. [17:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Taste good
  244. [17:32] <Farrow> 2"It's a long story, maybe I will tell you twins later" =w=
  245. [17:32] <VVictrix> 3"Now that I think of it..."
  246. [17:32] <VVictrix> 3"Can you drive, Farrow?"
  247. [17:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Well, you should! It can be an interesting story" *laugh*
  248. [17:33] <Farrow> 2"... One of my regiment should be able.." >_>
  249. [17:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Hmmm?"
  250. [17:33] <Farrow> 2"but not me.." ._.)
  251. [17:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Aren't they suppose to rent the driver as well?" *ngeliatin VVictrix* "On the rental place.."
  252. [17:34] <VVictrix> 3"I've never used their service before but that sounds like a good idea."
  253. [17:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"The missy is so silent.. I wonder what kind of thoughts she's having~" *sambil colek bahu Clarissia sambil lewat nganterin pesanan orang*
  254. [17:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14 and giggles
  255. [17:35] <Farrow> 2"I don't want to let them in danger.. We better use our resources.."
  256. [17:35] <Clarissia> 6"Eh? Eh??" *nengok pas di colek*
  257. [17:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Hmmm? Well.. If you want to go to sector [x], you have to park outside the sector.."
  258. [17:35] <Clarissia> 6"Uh... she's really a dangerous girl....." *mumbles sambil ngelirik Ambrose*
  259. [17:35] <VVictrix> 3"We're also more liable to damage without supervision..."
  260. [17:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14*winks @ Clarissia*
  261. [17:36] <VVictrix> 3"But sure."
  262. [17:36] <Clarissia> 6*memalingkan muka dengan cepat dan kembali menyimak percakapan*
  263. [17:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"And from the parking lot, you have to walk inside"
  264. [17:37] <Farrow> 2*nods2*
  265. [17:37] <VVictrix> 3"Hm, that might be because it's an industrial area
  266. [17:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17*nods nods*
  267. [17:38] <VVictrix> 3*nods*
  268. [17:38] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm...."
  269. [17:38] <VVictrix> 3*lihat Clarissia dan Farrow *
  270. [17:39] <Farrow> 2*habisin Grox soup*
  271. [17:40] <Farrow> 2"hmm, it is really good. So, remind me to tell you the story of how my friend got blacklisted" *chuckles*
  272. [17:40] <Clarissia> 6*nengok ke VVictrix* "What is it, Miss Victrix?"
  273. [17:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Sure! We'll be waiting here for the story" *grins*
  274. [17:40] <Farrow> 2"Industrial area, that seems a nice change.." @ VVictrix
  275. [17:41] <VVictrix> 3"I was thinking if you want to recommend sometihn."
  276. [17:42] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm... I don't really have anything to say..."
  277. [17:42] <Clarissia> 6"If anything.. guess we need to be extra careful. So maybe, bring some... local authorities?"
  278. [17:42] <Farrow> 2"So we just need to check that place right?"
  279. [17:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14*back on the bartender place side by side with Amery*
  280. [17:44] <VVictrix> 3*lihat Farrow dan tunggu komentar soal local authority
  281. [17:45] <Farrow> 2"I can only be sure I can bring my Regiment, but local authorities have different regulations"
  282. [17:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[kalo mau ngapain, declare saja ya :D]
  283. [17:47] <Farrow> 2"So, shall we go now?"
  284. [17:47] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm, I see."
  285. [17:48] <VVictrix> 3"Ill rent the car prepare the crew nowa'
  286. [17:48] <VVictrix> 3*now
  287. [17:48] <VVictrix> 3"See you in a while Farrown, Miss Desmond."
  288. [17:48] <Farrow> 2"I have another question. bringing my regiment means that we need more cars isn't it?"
  289. [17:48] <Clarissia> 6"I'll prepare my stuff for a while then."
  290. [17:48] <VVictrix> 3*bayar terus peri bra
  291. [17:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix to rental? +
  292. [17:49] <VVictrix> 3(damn autocorrect)
  293. [17:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Thank you come again, miss!" *grins* @ VVictrix *wave2*
  294. [17:49] <VVictrix> 3Pergi dari bar
  295. [17:49] <VVictrix> 3*Smiles*
  296. [17:49] <Farrow> 2(bar-> bra *plak*)
  297. [17:49] <VVictrix> 3(ke rental)
  298. [17:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 114+ yg rental pake warna ini ya +
  299. [17:49] <Farrow> 2(wait itu blum dijawab)
  300. [17:49] <Farrow> 2*farrow mengejar VVictrix*
  301. [17:50] <Clarissia> 6".... Oh well." *shrugs*
  302. [17:50] <VVictrix> 3"Hm?"
  303. [17:50] <Clarissia> 6*nyamperin para bartender buat bayar Dark Beer nya*
  304. [17:50] <VVictrix> 3*liat farrow mengejar*
  305. [17:51] <Farrow> 2"Wait, if I bring my regiment, then we have to rent more cars"
  306. [17:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Thank you come again, miss!" @ Clarissia *nerima pembayaran*
  307. [17:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"Come again~" *wink* @ Clarissia
  308. [17:51] <VVictrix> 3"Oh, how many of them are you planning to bring?"
  309. [17:51] <Clarissia> 6"..... Maybe I will." *memalingkan muka dengan cepat ketika si Ambrose nge wink*
  310. [17:52] <Clarissia> 6(keluar dari bar dan ketemu sama VVictrix dan Farrow di luar?)
  311. [17:52] <Farrow> 2"For investigation, we need maybe around 5 men from my regiment"
  312. [17:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Clarissia keluar dan ketemu VVictrix dan Farrow
  313. [17:52] <Clarissia> 6*mendekat ke VVictrix dan Farrow*
  314. [17:52] <Farrow> 2"So if we can rent a vehicle that can contain 8 people, that would be nice"
  315. [17:53] <VVictrix> 3"Okay, 8 people vehicle."
  316. [17:53] <VVictrix> 3"Anything else?"
  317. [17:53] <Clarissia> 6"We'll meet at the rental place, right?"
  318. [17:54] <Farrow> 2"That would be all"
  319. [17:54] <VVictrix> 3"Alright."
  320. [17:54] <VVictrix> 3"See you."
  321. [17:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[so.. FF to rental place?]
  322. [17:54] <Farrow> 2*kembali ke usual place* (belom bayar)
  323. [17:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(wut iya jg)
  324. [17:55] * VVictrix ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  325. [17:55] <Clarissia> 6(siap FF ke rental)
  326. [17:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 17"Thank you come again, Sir!" @ Farrow *pas nerima bayaran* *grins* "We'll wait for the story!"
  327. [17:55] <Farrow> 2"I'm sorry, here is the money miss Amery and miss Ambroo-sia"
  328. [17:55] <Farrow> 2O_O
  329. [17:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"Ara~ It's Ambrose, sir" *wink*
  330. [17:55] * VVictrix ( has joined #room213
  331. [17:55] <Farrow> 2*mumbles* "Thank God Emperor" *smiles and leave*
  332. [17:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14"Come again~" *kiss bye*
  333. [17:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[oke kalo siap FF bilang saja =w=d]
  334. [17:57] <Farrow> 2(FF)
  335. [17:57] <VVictrix> 3(FF)
  336. [17:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ RENTAL PLACE ++
  337. [17:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ All of you meet each other on the rental place +
  338. [17:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ What kind of vehicle do you want to rent? +
  339. [17:59] <Farrow> 2*menunggu pilihan VVictrix*
  340. [17:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The guy on the rental place said you guys can rent a vehicle, with or without a driver. Same price
  341. [17:59] <VVictrix> 3Ada yang muat 9 orang (udah ama driver) ?
  342. [17:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(ada model semi truck)
  343. [17:59] <VVictrix> 3(eh)
  344. [17:59] <VVictrix> 3(semi truck... *membayangkan*)
  345. [17:59] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm...." *ngeliat kendaraan yang ada*
  346. [18:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( minus senjata)
  347. [18:00] <VVictrix> 3(muat 10 orang nggak ya? pengen bulet *plak*)
  348. [18:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(muat sih harusnya *plak*)
  349. [18:00] <VVictrix> 3"Hm..."
  350. [18:00] <VVictrix> 3"Okay, we'll take that. No need for driver, thank you."
  351. [18:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The rental nods at you VVictrix, but before he gives the key he needs an insurance on who can drive
  352. [18:01] <VVictrix> 3"Let's file a permit request on the way, a big vehicle might alert some people."
  353. [18:01] <VVictrix> 3*liat Farrow *
  354. [18:02] <Farrow> 2*menunjuk satu orang yg bisa nyetir dari 4Blood Salamander2 Regiment*
  355. [18:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The rental guy asked the regiment guy to fill the form on telling he's the driver, and with Farrow permission, he fill it
  356. [18:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The rental guy gives the key to the regiment guy and you guys are ready to go
  357. [18:04] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The vehicle will be ready on the lowerdeck level on the same level of the [x] sector
  358. [18:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1It will be ready anytime you were ready
  359. [18:06] <Farrow> 2"So everything is ready i guess, shall we go?"
  360. [18:06] <Clarissia> 6"Let's go then."
  361. [18:07] <Farrow> 2*masuk ke shuttle, suruh supir jangan ngebut biar ngga di-blacklist kyk..*
  362. [18:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[ok]
  363. [18:07] <VVictrix> 3*bersiap pergi*
  364. [18:08] <VVictrix> 3*cek ulang data*
  365. [18:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ play ++
  366. [18:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The shuttle walks steadily, with the driver from the regiment drives it the way Farrow asked +
  367. [18:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix the data is still the same, 399.999 not, 400.000.. Annoying 1 point.. ++
  368. [18:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ The shuttle slowly drives between the sectors of the lowerground deck ++
  369. [18:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Brings you apart from the usual live on the upper deck ++
  370. [18:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ With bustling sound here and there ++
  371. [18:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ And sometimes not so pleasant smell ++
  372. [18:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ And sometimes you pass through hawkers selling vat soup, vat dishes, local drinks, and so on ++
  373. [18:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ stuffs you won't found on the upper deck +
  374. [18:11] <Clarissia> 6*duduk sambil ngamatin keadaan tempat yang di lewatin*
  375. [18:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ sometimes a kid waves at you guys +
  376. [18:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And slowly but sure, after some time, the shuttles slowly passes an area, which you can see [y] is written on it +
  377. [18:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And in no time, you arrived at the outer part of the [x] sector +
  378. [18:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The shuttle can't go closer, you have to walk from here +
  379. [18:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Some people look at your shuttle and look at you guys with amazement +
  380. [18:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ What do you do now? +
  381. [18:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ My bad.. It's supposed to be called [x] District +
  382. [18:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 113,2 + What do you do? +
  383. [18:15] <Farrow> 2"Okay men, let's investigate this area"
  384. [18:15] <Clarissia> 6*turun dari kendaraan sambil ngeliat keadaan sekitar*
  385. [18:15] <VVictrix> 3*turun dari mobil cek-cek data dari mana sumbernya*
  386. [18:15] <Farrow> 2*turun dari mobil*
  387. [18:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The people on around is, not like on the upperdeck @ Clarissia +
  388. [18:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ They're not that 'fat' but not also not that 'skinny' +
  389. [18:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Like village guys, with normal clothes +
  390. [18:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+The 4Blood Salamander 1with a steady move, spread toward the outside of the [x] District, making sure everything's under control+
  391. [18:17] <Clarissia> 6".... At least they're in better condition than the settlers from back then used to be."
  392. [18:17] <Farrow> 2(nice _SlowlyTelling_ =w=b)
  393. [18:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix the source is from a Vat factory located inside the district +
  394. [18:17] <VVictrix> 3"Well, let's go to the Vat factory."
  395. [18:18] <Farrow> 2*ask around the people for rumours* (inquiry?)
  396. [18:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(oke silahkan inquiry @ Farrow0
  397. [18:18] <Farrow> 2!dtest 41
  398. [18:18] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Farrow and Result is 19 / 41
  399. [18:18] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Farrow Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  400. [18:18] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Left Leg (then Left Leg, Body, Left Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  401. [18:18] <Clarissia> 6*mendekat ke beberapa orang yang ada di sekitar kendaraan sambil mengingatkan untuk selalu beriman kepada God-Emperor*
  402. [18:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ if anyone want to do anything, just say, ok? I won't ask anyone to roll anything ++
  403. [18:18] <Farrow> 2"So.. what is going on these days?" @Villagers
  404. [18:19] <Clarissia> 6(Charm using Mefonte's?)
  405. [18:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Clarissia : people near the shuttle are actually kids.. who blinked when you said about God Emperor
  406. [18:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(oke @ Clarissia roll it)
  407. [18:19] <Clarissia> 6!dtest 67
  408. [18:19] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Clarissia and Result is 15 / 67
  409. [18:19] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Clarissia Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  410. [18:19] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  411. [18:20] <Clarissia> 6*bercerita tentang God-Emperor ke anak-anak*
  412. [18:20] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Farrow: Some guys look at you and just say "nothing much" and few looks like "Oh! There's that corpse case, remember?"
  413. [18:20] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1VVictrix: how to go there?
  414. [18:20] <VVictrix> 3"..." *lihat pada sibuk*
  415. [18:20] <VVictrix> 3*tunggu dulu deh*
  416. [18:20] <Farrow> 2"Ah, then.. do you know who is responsible in this case? the local authorities perhaps?" @Villagers
  417. [18:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Clarissia: the kids look at you with amazement 10"Gooood Emperooooorrr... Hoooooooo" (OAO) 7"super hero?" (0A0)
  418. [18:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1@ Farrow: They said there's a local authority station not far from your location
  419. [18:22] <Clarissia> 6*smiles* "You can say it like that. He's watching over you and will protect you."
  420. [18:23] <Farrow> 2(yg lain ada microbeads?) *microbeads 4BS2 and others if they have* "I will ask the local authorities."
  421. [18:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Clarissia the kids are hoping around excited 7(0A0) "Can we be like that? Super hero!" 10"You idiot! God Emperor is just 1!" 13(o_o) *listens*
  422. [18:23] <Farrow> 2*jalan ke kantor polisi/authority*
  423. [18:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Farrow silahkan ke #TheAuthority
  424. [18:24] <Farrow> 2/join #TheAuthority
  425. [18:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1VVictrix you saw Farrow is walking to another direction
  426. [18:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Clarissia also see the same
  427. [18:24] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  428. [18:24] <VVictrix> 3"Now what should I do..."
  429. [18:24] <Clarissia> 6"That's right, there's only one God-Emperor. Believe in him, and you'll be safe, and happy, and living prosperously." *smiles*
  430. [18:24] <VVictrix> 3*ada sisa crew?*
  431. [18:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[kalo 4BS 1sisa 1 yg standby deket shuttle]
  432. [18:25] <Clarissia> 6*ngeliat Farrow* "Well, now kids, I have to leave for now. Don't forget to remember God-Emperor in everything you do, okay?"
  433. [18:25] <Clarissia> 6(boleh ngikut Farrow?)
  434. [18:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 110(OAO) "OK!" 7"I want to be super hero!" (0A0) 13 (o_o) *jiii*
  435. [18:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1[silahkan @ Clarissia]
  436. [18:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1VVictrix, you also see Clarissia is chasing Farrow
  437. [18:27] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  438. [18:27] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Well, you can always asked someone to bring you there VVictrix +
  439. [18:27] <VVictrix> 3*berpikir*
  440. [18:28] <VVictrix> 3*sighs*
  441. [18:28] <VVictrix> 3*pergi ikutin yang lain*
  442. [18:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ silahkan ke #TheAuthority juga +
  443. [18:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(wkwkwk)
  444. [18:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ After walking a bit, around 10 minutes, you guys see a big building.. +
  445. [18:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Well not so big, but big enough +
  446. [18:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ THE VAT FACTORY ++
  447. [18:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The 4Black Salamander 1already regrouped in front of the Factory and waiting for your order @ Farrow +
  448. [18:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Now, the Vat Factory is in front of you, what do you do? +
  449. [18:50] <Farrow> 2*look around the factory*
  450. [18:51] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm...."
  451. [18:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Around the factory? @ Farrow +
  452. [18:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Farrow you realize.. There are some... slums area near the factory.. Not that far+
  453. [18:51] <Clarissia> 6(gede atau kecil bangunannya?)
  454. [18:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(bayangin.. kalo di ITB itu.. Kek.. bangunan aula barat?)
  455. [18:52] <Farrow> 2(ada orang disana?)
  456. [18:52] <Clarissia> 6(oke)
  457. [18:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(d mana? @ Farrow)
  458. [18:52] <Farrow> 2(Slum area)
  459. [18:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The Vat Factory is still work with bustling sound +
  460. [18:52] <VVictrix> 3*tap tap tap*
  461. [18:53] <VVictrix> 3*ke bagian logistik buat cek data*
  462. [18:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The slums, yes there were few people there +
  463. [18:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ But you can't tell clearly, since it's between the pipes and suchs @ Farrow +
  464. [18:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ VVictrix logistic , Farrow staring at the slums, 4BS 1waiting for order, Clarissia ?? ++
  465. [18:54] <Farrow> 2*minta 4BS ikut VVictrix*
  466. [18:54] <Clarissia> 6"I wonder if the problem with the logistic is coming from this factory?" @VVictrix
  467. [18:55] <Clarissia> 6*ngikut VVictrix kalo gitu*
  468. [18:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ to the vat factory logistics please enter #TheVatFactory ++
  469. [18:55] <Farrow> 2*go to slums area*
  470. [18:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(maaf ya saya pisah2 biar lebih focus jg)
  471. [18:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ to SLUMS Stays here ++
  472. [18:55] * VVictrix ( has left #room213
  473. [18:55] <Farrow> 2(me slums, and.. one 4BS2)
  474. [18:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ THE SLUMS AREA ++
  475. [18:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(ok)
  476. [18:56] <Farrow> 2*mendekat ke tempat orang2 berkumpul klo ada*
  477. [18:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Farrow, you walked there, a bit difficult +
  478. [18:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ With pipes and cables everywhere, sometimes you have to duck, and sometimes you have to hopped to avoid stuffs +
  479. [18:58] <Farrow> 2*avoid stuffs*
  480. [18:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ But both you and the 4BS1 guy with you can reach the people in slums +
  481. [18:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The slums.. Is just like... rumbles of plasteel put into a 'small house' like shape +
  482. [18:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ small as in small +
  483. [19:00] <Farrow> 2*menutup uniform dengan cloak, try to blend in as a slummers*
  484. [19:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ With sometimes there are fumes from exhaust here and there +
  485. [19:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ There are 7 small houses, and there are few people outside +
  486. [19:00] <Farrow> 2*kotor2in dikit muka dengan asap*
  487. [19:01] <Farrow> 2*minta 4BS2 Buddy melakukan hal yg sama*
  488. [19:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+4BS 1buddy does the same+
  489. [19:01] <Farrow> 2*mendekat ke orang2*
  490. [19:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ There are 3 person at the moment +
  491. [19:02] <Farrow> 2*mendekat dulu sambil mendengar pembicaraan klo ada*
  492. [19:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ All of them are skinny and looks dirty.. It's slums after all +
  493. [19:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ One of them, a girl who looks like the leader, seems like she's talking with a tone +
  494. [19:05] <Farrow> 2*mendengar pembicaraan leader, sambil pura2 bergurau dengan 4BS2 Buddy*
  495. [19:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The other one is a guy who looks angry and said "But I can't forgive him!" +
  496. [19:06] <Farrow> 2"He says forgive isnt he?" @4BS2Buddy
  497. [19:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The other one, a guy with a sly face said "What? I can't have it all?"
  498. [19:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14BS buddy just nods
  499. [19:07] <Farrow> 2*menunggu sampai mereka selesai berbicara dan berpisah*
  500. [19:07] <Farrow> 2*klo udah follow leader sambil blend in*
  501. [19:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The leader tried to calm the two and said "Well.. With that big guy is not around, we can have all the much vat we want.. But we still have to stay in one group and don't fight with each other" +
  502. [19:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And after a while, the chat stops, and everyone enters their own house +
  503. [19:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Follow the lady leader? +
  504. [19:09] <Farrow> 2*follow lady leader*
  505. [19:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Into the house? +
  506. [19:09] <Farrow> 2(yup)
  507. [19:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Alright +
  508. [19:09] <Farrow> 2*ketok pintu dulu*
  509. [19:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Farrow, there is no door, it's just covered with a cloth +
  510. [19:10] <Farrow> 2(oh tenda ya)
  511. [19:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(kayak tenda darurat dari plat2 aluminium, trus di bagian depan ditutup pake kain buat pintu)
  512. [19:11] <Farrow> 2*melihat sekitar dulu kalau ada orang lain yg ngeliat*
  513. [19:11] <Farrow> 2*kalau udah sepi baru deketin tendanya*
  514. [19:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Everyone's at their own house, so it's silent +
  515. [19:12] <Farrow> 2*sambil nunggu, microbeads 4BS2 di factory* "How is it going there?"
  516. [19:12] <Farrow> 2*ok mendekat* "ma'm?"
  517. [19:13] <Farrow> 2*menunggu di luar*
  518. [19:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 14BS1:The guys said Vivi n Claris is outside the factory on the pipe searching for something
  519. [19:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Yes?" The lady goes out the house and looks a bit startled seeing Farrow
  520. [19:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"You..You're not from around right..? Anything I can help?"
  521. [19:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*smug face*
  522. [19:14] <Farrow> 2"Excuse me for the intrusion."
  523. [19:15] <Farrow> 2"I.. am from another district"
  524. [19:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Yes?" *still with the smug face*
  525. [19:16] <Farrow> 2"I heard rumours here..."
  526. [19:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Just when you said about rumour she looks a bit startled, but then back to the usual smug face "Rumours?"
  527. [19:17] <Farrow> 2"Yeah.. we know from a guy in our town.."
  528. [19:17] <Farrow> 2"about... you know.."
  529. [19:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Hm?" *smug face*
  530. [19:18] <Farrow> 2"about.. vat.."
  531. [19:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Once Farrow said the word 'vat' the lady started to look a bit pale but still hold on a smug face "I don't under stand what your saying sir"
  532. [19:20] <Farrow> 2"C'mon I'm just like you.. I want to get some opportunities like this.."
  533. [19:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Opportunities? I don't get what you're talking sir" *still smug face but a bit pale*
  534. [19:22] <Farrow> 2"Uhh.. Won't you share it..?"
  535. [19:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"If you don't have anything to say, I'll go back inside. Good day sir" *sambil buru2 masuk*
  536. [19:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Tahan ladynya masuk atau ndak? Kalo ngga, Farrow sendirian lagi di luar (with the buddy) +
  537. [19:23] <Farrow> 2*tahan ladynya*
  538. [19:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1* Farrow, there's a microbead from Vivi *
  539. [19:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What the..?!" *ketahan*
  540. [19:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1VV:3*microbead Farrow* "Hello Farrow, we found a week old puddle of blood behind the factory."
  541. [19:25] <Farrow> 2"Seriously miss.."
  542. [19:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What's your problem, Sir??" *berusaha lepasin tangan yg ditahan Farrow*
  543. [19:26] <Farrow> 2*buka cloak nunjukin uniform*
  544. [19:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"!!!" *muka pucet*
  545. [19:26] <Farrow> 2"Well2.."
  546. [19:27] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What..but..why.." *muka pucet*
  547. [19:28] <Farrow> 2"Let's get in and be quite a little " *masuk ke tenda*
  548. [19:29] <Farrow> 2*4BS2Buddy ikut masuk*
  549. [19:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..."
  550. [19:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The three of you enters the small 'house'
  551. [19:30] <Farrow> 2"So, do you want to say anything?"
  552. [19:30] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The house is... well.. slums house, what do you expect? +
  553. [19:30] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I..I don't understand what you're talking" *memalingkan muka*
  554. [19:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Oh.. but you see there are some.. like.. memento on some events.. like badge, and such.. +
  555. [19:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ small events, might be event unsignificant +
  556. [19:32] <Farrow> 2*lihat2 memento dan badge*
  557. [19:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The lady keeps on looking at the other side and try not to look at you, Farrow
  558. [19:33] <Farrow> 2"So, Vats.."
  559. [19:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..." *muka tambah pucat*
  560. [19:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What's with vats?" *memalingkan muka melihat k arah Farrow dengan smug face sambil masih pucat*
  561. [19:34] <Farrow> 2"We know.."
  562. [19:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..." *startled* "..about what..?"
  563. [19:35] <Farrow> 2"behind the factory..?"
  564. [19:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"!!!" *makin pucet*
  565. [19:35] <Farrow> 2"I will give you chance to explain.."
  566. [19:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The lady started to bite her fingernails and look pale +
  567. [19:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..I thought.. they already take care of the job.." *sambil mumbles dan gigit2 fingernail and pale face*
  568. [19:39] <Farrow> 2"Oh.."
  569. [19:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...!!" *sadar dia mumbles* *lalu diem dan gigit jari lagi*
  570. [19:40] <Farrow> 2"Oh Them.."
  571. [19:40] <Farrow> 2"We took care of them" *grins*
  572. [19:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What?" *kaget*
  573. [19:43] <Farrow> 2"So, remaining question.. Vat?"
  574. [19:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Kkkhhh..."
  575. [19:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"We're just taking what we need!" *muka pucet* *sambil gigit2 jari*
  576. [19:44] <Farrow> 2"Really?"
  577. [19:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What else?!" *muka pucet* "We have to eat!"
  578. [19:45] <Farrow> 2"Where is it?"
  579. [19:45] <Farrow> 2"Is that yours in the first place?"
  580. [19:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Khhh!"
  581. [19:46] * VVictrix ( has joined #room213
  582. [19:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix and Clarissia... Both of you follow the rotten vat lead.. And walk toward a.. slums.. +
  583. [19:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ If you can say it's a slum.. It's more like few houses made of plasteel and covered with cloth as the door +
  584. [19:47] <Clarissia> 6"....."
  585. [19:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And sometimes you guys have to duck and hop, to avoid pipes, and cables.. And sometimes fumes from the exhaust.. +
  586. [19:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The trail stop not far from there +
  587. [19:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ There are 7 houses +
  588. [19:49] <VVictrix> "Hm..."
  589. [19:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And... Slightly, both of you can hear Farrow's voice from one of the.. well biggest 'house' +
  590. [19:49] <VVictrix> 3*mendekeat ke suara farrow tapi gak masuk*
  591. [19:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...No..."
  592. [19:49] <VVictrix> 3*curi dengar aja dulu*
  593. [19:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*muka masih pucet*
  594. [19:49] <Clarissia> 6"... Is that Mister Achasse's?" *mendekat*
  595. [19:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"But what can we do?! We have to eat to live!"
  596. [19:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(yg di luar jg denger =3=b)
  597. [19:50] <Farrow> 2"... Here, I have a lho stick"
  598. [19:50] <Farrow> 2*kasih lho stick*
  599. [19:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"!" *liat lho-stick* *pandangan curiga ke Farrow*
  600. [19:51] <VVictrix> 3"No.... I have a stick...?"
  601. [19:51] <VVictrix> 3*lihat Clarissia *
  602. [19:51] <Clarissia> 6".....? Suspicious...."
  603. [19:51] <Farrow> 2*light*
  604. [19:51] <Clarissia> 6*lihat balik VVictrix*
  605. [19:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*liatin lho stick* *ambil*
  606. [19:52] <VVictrix> 3*mendengarkan*
  607. [19:52] <Clarissia> 6*lebih fokus lagi mendengarkan*
  608. [19:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...You're sure you won't ask me to pay for this?"
  609. [19:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I got no money"
  610. [19:52] <Farrow> 2"No of course"
  611. [19:53] <Clarissia> 6".... Pay? For this....?"
  612. [19:53] <Clarissia> 6*ngeliat VVictrix lagi*
  613. [19:53] <VVictrix> 3"No money..." *gasp*
  614. [19:53] <Farrow> 2"I'm sorry I but I dont have food"
  615. [19:53] <Clarissia> 6".... Should we come in?"
  616. [19:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*ambil lho-stick dan mulai ngerokok*
  617. [19:54] <Farrow> 2"So tell me about the Vats.."
  618. [19:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..." *diem ngeliatin rokok*
  619. [19:54] <VVictrix> 3"...yeah I guess..."
  620. [19:54] <VVictrix> 3*cari jalan masuk*
  621. [19:54] <Clarissia> 6*masuk ke dalam*
  622. [19:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Clarissia and VVictrix, enters the house +
  623. [19:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+See a lady, smoking with a pale face like cornered mentally +
  624. [19:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And Farrow standing near her +
  625. [19:55] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  626. [19:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And one 4BS 1 buddy sitting at the corner watching +
  627. [19:56] <Clarissia> 6"Mister Achasse, you're sti-oh."
  628. [19:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Oh, forgot to mention, Farrow's face and the 4BS 1buddy's face are a bit dirty... and their clothes too +
  629. [19:56] <Farrow> 2(dasar pikirannya..)
  630. [19:56] <VVictrix> 3"What a coincidence."
  631. [19:56] <Clarissia> 6"..... What happened here?"
  632. [19:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"!!!" The lady startled again looking at Clarissia and VVictrix
  633. [19:57] <Clarissia> 6*ngeliat Farrow dan BS Buddy*
  634. [19:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Clarissia and VVictrix, realize, the house is small so both of you must duck a bit to enter +
  635. [19:57] <Farrow> 2"Vats."
  636. [19:57] <VVictrix> 3"Did you get our transmission?"
  637. [19:58] <VVictrix> 3"We followed the trail to the slums."
  638. [19:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ When Farrow says Vats, the lady startled and gets more pale +
  639. [19:58] <Clarissia> 6".... We were wondering why you didn't answer our transmission.."
  640. [19:59] <Farrow> 2"Blood spilled, and 'they' already took care of it. We took care of them" *sambil coba ngarahin biar nods*
  641. [19:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..." *diem aja sambil masih ngerokok malingin muka* *muka pucat*
  642. [19:59] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  643. [20:00] <VVictrix> 3*liat Clarissia *
  644. [20:00] <Clarissia> 6"..."
  645. [20:00] <Clarissia> 6*liat VVictrix*
  646. [20:00] <Farrow> 2"Again.. Vats?"
  647. [20:00] <VVictrix> 3"Okay, proceed whatever you were doing."
  648. [20:00] <VVictrix> 3*menonton*
  649. [20:01] <Farrow> 2"If you tell us now, i'm sure God-Emperor will forgive you"
  650. [20:01] <Clarissia> 6"Carry on."
  651. [20:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..." *diem bentar* "Khh.."
  652. [20:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"We only took a little amount.. Is that a sin?" *smug pale face**melotot ke Farrow*
  653. [20:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"We have to eat to live."
  654. [20:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"How else people with no money can get to eat?" *kh* *smug pale face*
  655. [20:03] <Farrow> 2*record suara di dataslate*
  656. [20:03] <Farrow> 2"Who else then? Only you?"
  657. [20:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Us..The seven of us.." *malingin muka*
  658. [20:04] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Look! We only took small amount! Not more"
  659. [20:04] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"And make sure no one realize it" *malingin muka*
  660. [20:05] <Farrow> 2"Seven?" *record2*
  661. [20:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Yeah"
  662. [20:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*msh merokok*
  663. [20:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Well, now it's six of us" *smug pale face* *fuuuh*
  664. [20:06] <Farrow> 2"Ah, I get it now"
  665. [20:07] <Farrow> 2*gesture ke 4BS 2 buat search kontak2 lady*
  666. [20:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(kontak2?)
  667. [20:07] <Farrow> 2(yang take care of blood)
  668. [20:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(yg bilang take care td maksudnya?)
  669. [20:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(eh maksudnya yg td ngomong ama dia?)
  670. [20:09] <Farrow> (VV:*microbead Farrow* "Hello Farrow, we found a week old puddle of blood behind the factory.")
  671. [20:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( ho-oh *nods* )
  672. [20:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(darah nggenang trus kering sndr O_O)
  673. [20:10] <Farrow> 2(oh ok)
  674. [20:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(jadi 4BS 1disuru ngapain? Nyari org2 tadi?)
  675. [20:10] <Farrow> 2"So let's go and meet your 'friends'?"
  676. [20:11] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  677. [20:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...khh..."
  678. [20:11] <Clarissia> 6"..."
  679. [20:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The lady goes out of the house and shout calling the others +
  680. [20:12] <Farrow> 2*ask 4BS2 secure perimeter*
  681. [20:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ From 5 other house, there are few person comes out +
  682. [20:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ 4BS secure the perimeter of the slums from outside to make sure save +
  683. [20:13] <Farrow> 2"They still don't tell where is the vat miss Vivi"
  684. [20:14] <VVictrix> 3"Oh we found it."
  685. [20:14] <Farrow> 2O_O
  686. [20:14] <VVictrix> 3"Right?" *liat Clarissia *
  687. [20:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ There are... 3 skinny girls... and 2 skinny guys +
  688. [20:14] <Clarissia> 6"Yeah, we found it."
  689. [20:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Looking at you with a confused face +
  690. [20:14] <VVictrix> 3"It's rotten though, for some reason they left it like that for a week."
  691. [20:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Oh, Farrow sees the 2 skinny guys before, talking with the lady leader +
  692. [20:15] <Farrow> 2"We found the culprit, so shall we send them to local authorities?"
  693. [20:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ play ... +
  694. [20:16] <VVictrix> 3"For this case let's make a decision after we hear it directly from them."
  695. [20:17] <VVictrix> 3"Too many inefficiency in the crime."
  696. [20:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The angry face guy looks at Farrow with the 'WTF' face +
  697. [20:17] <VVictrix> 3"Might fall to a lighter case of crime."
  698. [20:18] <VVictrix> 3"That depends on their testimonies though.
  699. [20:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ lemme describe the guys.. +
  700. [20:18] <Farrow> 2"Okay good.."
  701. [20:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ 2 guys: 1 guys looks angry all the time, 1 guy looks sly +
  702. [20:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ 3 girls: 1 use a less clothes that the others, 1 looks sleepy, 1 looks.. i don't know how to say it.. glaring to everyone +
  703. [20:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ So what do you do with these guys? +
  704. [20:20] <Farrow> 2*bawa ke local authorities dulu buat didata*
  705. [20:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ the lady with the smug pale face look at you guys with the face 'now what?' +
  706. [20:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ bring them to the.. 'hansip'..? +
  707. [20:21] <Farrow> 2(buat data identitas2nya minimal)
  708. [20:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Alright +
  709. [20:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ All the six of them were brought by the three of you, while the other 4BS 1keeps on securing perimeter +
  710. [20:23] <VVictrix> 3*ngikutin arus dulu saja*
  711. [20:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The 'hansip' startled seeing them and you and salute and confuse and salute and confuse on what to do with them +
  712. [20:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Take their identity? +
  713. [20:24] <Farrow> 2*ngedata dan cek dengan muka aslinya*
  714. [20:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Data from..? +
  715. [20:25] <Farrow> 2(local authorities ngga punya data penduduk?)
  716. [20:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The 'hansip' looks at Farrow with a confused face
  717. [20:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Th-They're not from this village, Sir!"
  718. [20:26] <Farrow> 2"...."
  719. [20:26] <Farrow> 2"Illegal citizen..?"
  720. [20:26] <Farrow> 2*lirik VVictrix*
  721. [20:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I-I even never see them, Sir!"
  722. [20:27] <Clarissia> 6"...."
  723. [20:27] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The smug lady just look at you guys and said "Prefer the word Independent Citizen! We live where we want to" *smug face masih ngerokok*
  724. [20:27] <Farrow> 2"... Did you not see them in that slum Area?"
  725. [20:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"S-Slums? That's not [x] district's area, S-Sir! S-So I didn't take care of that area, Sir!"
  726. [20:28] <Clarissia> 6"Huh....?"
  727. [20:29] <VVictrix> 3"I see."
  728. [20:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I-It's outside the area,Sir!" *the 'hansip' looks confused*
  729. [20:29] <Farrow> 2"this factory is in [x] area right?"
  730. [20:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ye-Yes, Sir!"
  731. [20:30] <VVictrix> 3"Well. Sir Farrow."
  732. [20:30] <Farrow> 2*lihat dataslate buat liat sector mana slum areanya*
  733. [20:30] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Oh, Farrow, the 'hansip' is right. It's just slightly outside, [x] District, but still outside +
  734. [20:30] <VVictrix> 3"Since they're illegal... it means that they are stowaway."
  735. [20:31] <VVictrix> 3"You know what a void ship's policy to a stowaway, right?"
  736. [20:31] <VVictrix> 3*lihat ke arah 6 orang*
  737. [20:31] <Farrow> 2*nods2*
  738. [20:31] <Clarissia> 6"So, illegal and possible homicide......"
  739. [20:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The 4 person looks at VVictrix with a confused face, 1 with smug face, 1 with angry face +
  740. [20:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"HOMICIDE? YOU GUYS CRAZY?" *the angry guy stands and point at Clarissia*
  741. [20:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I ain't killing nobody!"
  742. [20:32] <Clarissia> 6"I said, 'possible'. Calm down."
  743. [20:33] <Farrow> 2"So, confess then, what did you do. what did you not do."
  744. [20:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The angry guy, gestured with 'WTH GUY!' and sit while still on an angry face+
  745. [20:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The smug face lady continues to smoke and with a smug face answers, "Taking a small amount of Vat"
  746. [20:34] <Clarissia> 6"And that blood behind the factory? Know anything about it?"
  747. [20:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The girl with the lesser clothes suddenly cried +
  748. [20:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The sly guy tries to comfort the lesser clothes girl +
  749. [20:35] <Farrow> 2"If you can clarify, this will get easier"
  750. [20:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"We only take Vat!" *the smug face lady looks at the crying girl with a unexplainable face*
  751. [20:37] <Farrow> 2"Yes we know that. but what of the blood spilled?"
  752. [20:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The sleepy face girl just yawn and look at you guys with an unimpresed face +
  753. [20:37] <Farrow> 2"behind.. the factory?"
  754. [20:38] <VVictrix> 3*liatin Farrow interogasi*
  755. [20:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"It's Golosita's blood" The angry guy said with an angry face
  756. [20:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ All of the guy looks, a bit pale when hearing the name +
  757. [20:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ except the crying girl, she cries even more +
  758. [20:39] <Farrow> 2"Tell me about this blood" @ Angry guy
  759. [20:39] <Farrow> 2"Why?"
  760. [20:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I don't know" *the angry guy said with an angry tone*
  761. [20:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"He's dead when we found him" *he grumbled*
  762. [20:41] <Farrow> 2"did you take samples of fingerprint/blood there ms Vivi?"
  763. [20:41] <Farrow> 2"...."
  764. [20:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The smug lady just look at Farrow and said, "Told you before didn't I? We were 7, now 6" *smug face*
  765. [20:42] <VVictrix> 3*lirik Clarissia *
  766. [20:42] <Clarissia> 6(kalo tes medicae berarti ada sample nya kan ya?)
  767. [20:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(sample darah sih ada harusnya)
  768. [20:42] <Clarissia> 6"Blood sample, I have."
  769. [20:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(tp bener2 cm dikit kayak kalo d csi cm di cotton swab doang)
  770. [20:43] <Clarissia> 6(bisa di multiplikasi kalo di CSI kan *plak*)
  771. [20:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( *plak* )
  772. [20:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Now what do you do? +
  773. [20:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+There are this 6 person, and 1 hansip looking at the 3 of you+
  774. [20:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Make it 5 person and 1 hansip, 1 of the girls is sleeping now +
  775. [20:46] <Farrow> 2"Okay we solve the part of the logistic right?"
  776. [20:46] <VVictrix> 3"Hm."
  777. [20:46] <VVictrix> 3"Alright"
  778. [20:46] <Clarissia> 6"Well, I suppose you could say it that way."
  779. [20:46] <VVictrix> 3"I guess I don't need to waste my time anymore."
  780. [20:46] <VVictrix> 3"Thank you for your cooperation."
  781. [20:46] <Farrow> 2"But with murder, we don't have enough evidence"
  782. [20:47] <VVictrix> 3"Now, Farrow and the Blood Salamender Regiment."
  783. [20:47] <VVictrix> 3"Let's bring all of these people to the prison."
  784. [20:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"What the?!" *the angry guy look at you 3 and hansip*
  785. [20:48] <Farrow> 2"Very well"
  786. [20:48] <VVictrix> 3"Stowaway is a really annoying crime isn't it? Wasting our precious resources of air and foods."
  787. [20:48] <VVictrix> 3"If we're being lenient about it, the next thing we know we would all die in the ship because the lack of supplies."
  788. [20:48] <VVictrix> 3"Good work everyone." *smiles*
  789. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3*salamin hansip*
  790. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3"Thank you for your cooperation."
  791. [20:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I didn't kill anyone! Why should I be prisoned?" *the angry guy shouted*
  792. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3"Like I said..."
  793. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3*liat ke arah yang angry guy*
  794. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3"This is even worse than murder."
  795. [20:49] <Farrow> 2"You will be processed for your crimes"
  796. [20:49] <VVictrix> 3"You're a stowaway."
  797. [20:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Th-Thank you, Miss. I'm still new here. I didn't expect things like this"
  798. [20:49] <Clarissia> 6"Well, like I said before..... Illegal and possible homicide. The homicide might be not your doing, but the illegal one...."
  799. [20:49] <Farrow> 2"Not murder, don't worry"
  800. [20:50] <Farrow> 2"We will check again later"
  801. [20:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"And no one cared about what happened to Golosita???" *the crying girl shrieked* *and back crying*
  802. [20:50] <VVictrix> 3"Some ship have a zero tolerance to stowaway you know."
  803. [20:50] <VVictrix> 3"When they found illegal they just threw them to the void right then and there."
  804. [20:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Well well..Joining this is a bad mistake 'ey?" *smug face* *finishes the smoke*
  805. [20:51] <VVictrix> 3"Be thankful that we put you to be processed first in the prison."
  806. [20:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...." *sleeping sound*
  807. [20:51] <VVictrix> 3"However, maybe the vehicle won't fit everyone."
  808. [20:51] <Farrow> 2"... my men will stay here first"
  809. [20:52] <VVictrix> 3"Farrow, can you put some of your regiment here with me? I'll help them patrol the area to find illegals and repair the pipe."
  810. [20:52] <VVictrix> 3"You can pick us up after you finished dropping these people in the prison."
  811. [20:52] <Farrow> 2"They can get more info for the murdercase"
  812. [20:53] <Clarissia> 6".... Guess I'll help you here, Miss Victrix."
  813. [20:53] <VVictrix> 3*nods @Clarissia *
  814. [20:54] <VVictrix> 3"Okay then Farrow."
  815. [20:54] <VVictrix> 3"See you later." *smiles*
  816. [20:54] <Farrow> 2*bawa orang2 ke shuttle*
  817. [20:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The 6 follows Farrow +
  818. [20:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ well.. 1 being dragged since keep sleeping on the way +
  819. [20:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The hansip looks confused +
  820. [20:56] <VVictrix> 3*sighs*
  821. [20:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix and Clarissia check on the area? +
  822. [20:56] <Farrow> 2".. Well, thank you sir!" @ Hansip
  823. [20:56] <VVictrix> 3"Now then." *lihat ke arah Clarissia dan BS*
  824. [20:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Th--Thank you, sir!" @ Farrow *salute*
  825. [20:57] <VVictrix> 3"There is a chance that none of them were the murderer, so let's do our best to find other evidence."
  826. [20:57] <Farrow> 2(satu orang 4BS2 di mobil ya yg bisa nyetir =w=/)
  827. [20:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(oke =w=d Farrow )
  828. [20:57] <Clarissia> 6"Judging from what they said, if they were saying the truth, they're not the murderer. But yeah, let's find some more evidence."
  829. [20:58] <VVictrix> 3"On the way, we need to gather the illegals if any so we can have them registered. As a prisoner or something else."
  830. [20:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Farrow goes to prison? +
  831. [20:58] <Farrow> 2(yup)
  832. [20:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ if yes, go to #TheAuthority +
  833. [20:58] <VVictrix> 3"Errors in the supply and logistic side could cause a snowball effect that ruined the whole ship."
  834. [20:58] <VVictrix> 3"So our mission is important."
  835. [20:58] <VVictrix> 3"Let's go."
  836. [20:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1Just as the shuttle go, the 'hansip' skips to the post
  837. [20:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...6 days working here and I captured stoaways..." *pandangan terharu sambil lompat2 ke post*
  838. [20:58] * Farrow ( has left #room213 (Leaving)
  839. [20:59] <Clarissia> 6"On it." *nods*
  840. [20:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Now what you guys do? +
  841. [21:00] <VVictrix> 3"Now then..."
  842. [21:00] <VVictrix> 3"Let's ask the factory workers."
  843. [21:00] <VVictrix> 3"I wonder why no one notice a broken pipe and a rotten vat for a whole week."
  844. [21:01] <Clarissia> 6"Maybe they purposely look the other direction? In anyway, it's a bit strange, I agree with that."
  845. [21:02] <VVictrix> 3*ke factory workers terus Inquiry*
  846. [21:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(silahkan roll =w=/)
  847. [21:03] <VVictrix> 3!dtest 69 inquiry
  848. [21:03] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for VVictrix and Result is 13 / 69
  849. [21:03] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, VVictrix Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  850. [21:03] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  851. [21:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(alrighty!)
  852. [21:04] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(How's the question will be? @ VVictrix)
  853. [21:04] <Clarissia> 6(gile dah VVictrix roll nya dari tadi)
  854. [21:04] <VVictrix> 3"Who's in charge of the security and maintenance around here?" dan "Do you noticed the broken pipe and the rotten vat in the back?"
  855. [21:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1They all confused with VVictrix's question
  856. [21:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1It seems they didn't know there's a broken pipe
  857. [21:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1And about the security, the security is the 'hansip' outside.. Well, starting 6 days ago, it's him
  858. [21:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1But before that, there's another guy
  859. [21:07] <Clarissia> 6"... So that guy is quite new, eh...."
  860. [21:07] <VVictrix> 3*tanya di mana security sebelumnya*
  861. [21:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The maintenance guy said, he didn't see big problem on the pipe
  862. [21:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(bentukan rusak di pipa ada bekas dibolongin org, trus tambal jelek gitu @ VVictrix)
  863. [21:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The security before was transfered, and not on the [x] sector anymore
  864. [21:09] <VVictrix> 3(di mana?)
  865. [21:09] * _jell_jell_ ( has joined #room213
  866. [21:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1It's on another sector, [y] sector
  867. [21:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ So... what will you do now..? +
  868. [21:13] <VVictrix> 3"..."
  869. [21:14] <VVictrix> 3*ajak Clarissia dan BS regiments ke [y]*
  870. [21:14] <Clarissia> 6"[y] sector... isn't that where those waiters at the bar live?"
  871. [21:14] <VVictrix> 3*minta alamat jelas dulu*
  872. [21:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The guys on the factory just said that you can ask the authority post, they must have the address
  873. [21:15] <Clarissia> 6(itu gak minta pipa nya di tambel lebih bagusan, VVictrix?)
  874. [21:15] <VVictrix> 3"Thanks."
  875. [21:15] <VVictrix> 3*titip maintenance crew buat benerin pipa*
  876. [21:16] <VVictrix> 3*terus ke [y] sector*
  877. [21:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The maintenance crew said they will check it out soon
  878. [21:16] <Clarissia> 6*ikutin VVictrix*
  879. [21:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ [Y] Sector ++
  880. [21:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ A bit different with the [x] sector, the [y] sector is more like a market sector +
  881. [21:17] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ with stalls and such.. where do you go? +
  882. [21:17] <VVictrix> 3*ke authority terus minta alamat mantan hansip [x] sector*
  883. [21:17] * Farrow ( has joined #room213
  884. [21:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(sebentar ya Farrow... )
  885. [21:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The authority of the [y] sector is located on the front +
  886. [21:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ just when VVictrix and Clarissia arrived and want to enters the authority post, the shuttle which brings Farrow passed by +
  887. [21:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And the 3 of you, somehow meet each other again +
  888. [21:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ VVictrix asked the address of the ex [x] sector hansip +
  889. [21:21] <Farrow> 2O_O
  890. [21:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The 'hansip' there just said that the guy live on the block, you can go there by foot +
  891. [21:22] <Farrow> 2"Stop!" @ 4BS2 Buddy
  892. [21:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ just go.. right - left - right - straight +
  893. [21:22] <Farrow> 2*turun dari mobil* "Why are you guys here?"O_O
  894. [21:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ the 4BS 1buddy stopped the shuttle +
  895. [21:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ the 4BS 1buddy parked the shuttle, so it won't make a traffic jam+
  896. [21:23] <VVictrix> 3"Hello there, what a timing."
  897. [21:23] * VVictrix ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  898. [21:23] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm? Oh, Mister Achasse. We wanted to ask where is the former local authority of [x] district."
  899. [21:25] * VVictrix ( has joined #room213
  900. [21:25] <Farrow> 2"former local authority?"
  901. [21:25] <Farrow> 2"Why?"
  902. [21:26] <Clarissia> 6"Apparently the one that we met at [x] district is new. He just started working 6 days ago."
  903. [21:26] <VVictrix> 3"And he quit not long after the case."
  904. [21:26] <Farrow> 2"... that explains everything"
  905. [21:27] <Farrow> 2"Where is this guy?"
  906. [21:27] <Farrow> 2"Do we need a car to get there? if so let's get in"
  907. [21:27] <Clarissia> 6"We're heading there now. We can just walk it seems."
  908. [21:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ the shuttle already parked neatly, so it wont disturbed the flow of the street +
  909. [21:29] <Farrow> 2"Okay then, lead the way!"
  910. [21:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ go to the former [x] sector hansip's house..? +
  911. [21:30] <Clarissia> 6(ok)
  912. [21:30] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ alright..+
  913. [21:31] <Farrow> 2(ok)
  914. [21:31] <VVictrix> 3(ok)
  915. [21:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Clarissia, VVictrix, and Farrow walked the way given by the [y] district's hansip +
  916. [21:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Across markets, hawkers, food stalls, weird stuff stalls, and any weird things that maybe never seen before upperdeck +
  917. [21:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Nice scent of food, and chatter all the way +
  918. [21:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ After walking a while, VVictrix, Clarissia, and Farrow arrived at a small humble house +
  919. [21:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ The ex-[x] district's hansip house ++
  920. [21:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ play +
  921. [21:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ the house is small, and you see kids playing outside +
  922. [21:33] <VVictrix> 3"Hm..."
  923. [21:33] <VVictrix> 3"Let's go then."
  924. [21:34] <Clarissia> 6*di belakang VVictrix*
  925. [21:34] <VVictrix> 3*ketok pintu*
  926. [21:34] <Farrow> 2*ikut vivi*
  927. [21:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ A lady comes out from the house and greet you on the door +
  928. [21:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Yes?"
  929. [21:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"May I help you, Miss? Sir?" she looks at the three of you and smile
  930. [21:35] <Farrow> 2*menunggu VVictrix mengenalkan diri*
  931. [21:36] <VVictrix> 3"My name is Victrix Valois, the officer of the conglomeration."
  932. [21:36] <VVictrix> 3"I'm truly sorry for my sudden visit, but may I meet with the master of the house?"
  933. [21:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ah.. Is there something wrong? Did we do.. something? It's rare to find an officer here.." *muka bingung*
  934. [21:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ah.. My husband is here.. But.." *mikir sebentar*
  935. [21:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"He's not in a meet guests..." *muka sedih*
  936. [21:38] <VVictrix> 3"Is he sick? My friend is a doctor, she can help him." *smiles*
  937. [21:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ah.. Is that so?" *muka langsung cerah*
  938. [21:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Yes, my husband is sick.." *nods* "Few days ago.. That's why he can't go to work.."
  939. [21:39] <Farrow> 2*minta 4BS2 jaga diluar saja*
  940. [21:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ 4BS 1saluted, and jaga di luar rumah +
  941. [21:39] <VVictrix> 3*nods ke Clarissia *
  942. [21:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The lady invite you to come inside the house
  943. [21:39] <Clarissia> 6"Okay." *nods back to VVictrix*
  944. [21:39] <VVictrix> 3"Then God Emperor must've brought us here." *smiles*
  945. [21:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ A small, simple but humble house +
  946. [21:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And bring the 3 of you to a room +
  947. [21:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Here.. is my husband's room.." *sambil menunjuk kamar*
  948. [21:40] <VVictrix> 3"Excuse us..."
  949. [21:41] <Clarissia> 6*masuk ke kamarnya*
  950. [21:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The lady opened the room and, there you can see.. A guy is sleeping in a bed.. Looks sick..
  951. [21:41] <Farrow> 2*menunggu di luar kamar*
  952. [21:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..We asked the local doctor.. But they say.. It's a difficult disease.. And need special medicine to cure.." *muka sedih*
  953. [21:42] <Clarissia> 6*mendekat ke orangnya kalo bisa*
  954. [21:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ You can @ Clarissia +
  955. [21:42] <Clarissia> 6(medicae for diagnose?)
  956. [21:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(silahkan Clarissia roll'em)
  957. [21:43] <Clarissia> 6(atau udah ketauan sakitnya apa?)
  958. [21:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(nope roll'em :D)
  959. [21:43] <Clarissia> 6!dtest 95
  960. [21:43] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Clarissia and Result is 20 / 95
  961. [21:43] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Clarissia Succeed with 7 Degree of Success
  962. [21:43] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  963. [21:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Clarissia, it's a.. uncommon disease.. +
  964. [21:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The medicine.. Actually, this guy is just too tired, and eat not right +
  965. [21:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The medicine is actually just eat right, and rest +
  966. [21:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( aka tipes )
  967. [21:44] <Farrow> 2(wut)
  968. [21:44] <Clarissia> 6".... Hmm, hmm...."
  969. [21:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ But the local doctor.. Well.. They're local.. What do you expect? +
  970. [21:45] <Clarissia> 6"..... Has he eaten properly?" *ke istrinya*
  971. [21:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( no medica bay.. what can you expect?)
  972. [21:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Well.. Lately.. He's been eating outside a lot.. On the food stalls.."
  973. [21:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"And sometimes even not eating properly.."
  974. [21:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*looking at her husband with a worried face*
  975. [21:46] <Clarissia> 6"Must be that then. He's not eating properly, or regularly. Add to his tiredness, it's no wonder that he fell sick now."
  976. [21:47] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Eh..? So.. The medicine...?" *muka bingung*
  977. [21:47] <Clarissia> 6"He just need to eat properly, and regularly. Take some more rest, and he should be alright. No need for special or fancy medicine."
  978. [21:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Praise God Emperor..." *the wife fell on her knee and prays*
  979. [21:49] <Farrow> 2"..."
  980. [21:49] <Clarissia> 6*small smile*
  981. [21:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Thank you.. Thank you so much.." *dengan muka mau nangis, ngeliat ke VVictrix dan Clarissia*
  982. [21:49] <Farrow> 2"Seems that we have to wait for a while"
  983. [21:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ It would take some time for the guy to.. 'recover' +
  984. [21:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ But it won't be that long if you FFed +
  985. [21:50] <Clarissia> 6"You don't rush the sick, Mister Achasse." *smiles*
  986. [21:50] <VVictrix> 3(FF)
  987. [21:50] <Farrow> 2(rush with FF *plak*)
  988. [21:50] <Clarissia> 6(FF)
  989. [21:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( oke deh =w=b mi laik yur stail)
  990. [21:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ FFed to the day the guy awake, at least strong enough to answer the questions +
  991. [21:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The guy sits on the bed with the three of you around +
  992. [21:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1".. I heard from my wife, you helped me to recover.. Thank you very much" *bows while sit*
  993. [21:52] <VVictrix> 3*minta Clarissia cek kondisi*
  994. [21:52] <VVictrix> 3*kalau emang dia udah baikan baru mulai tanya*
  995. [21:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Now.. Is there anything I can help..?" *muka bingung liatin VVictrix Clarissia dan Farrow
  996. [21:52] <Clarissia> 6*cek kondisi dulu sebentar ya pak*
  997. [21:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(oke...roll'em)
  998. [21:53] <Clarissia> 6!dtest 95
  999. [21:53] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Clarissia and Result is 30 / 95
  1000. [21:53] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Clarissia Succeed with 6 Degree of Success
  1001. [21:53] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1002. [21:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Well, what do you know? Apparently, he's already strong enough +
  1003. [21:54] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ 2 days more rest, and he's ready to work +
  1004. [21:54] <Clarissia> 6"He's way better than before, Miss Victrix. I don't think there would be a problem." *liat ke VVictrix*
  1005. [21:54] <Farrow> 2"..."
  1006. [21:55] <VVictrix> 3"Alright then." *lihat Farrow buat memastikan semua siap*
  1007. [21:55] <VVictrix> 3"First of all, thank you for your time."
  1008. [21:55] <Farrow> 2*nods*
  1009. [21:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ oh 4BS 1 guys are just like before, waiting outside +
  1010. [21:55] <VVictrix> 3"We're here to talk about the murder case that happened a few days ago."
  1011. [21:55] <VVictrix> 3*kasih tahu soal penemuan, darah, rotten vat, illegals*
  1012. [21:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Murder case...?" *muka mikir*
  1013. [21:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...AH!"
  1014. [21:56] <Clarissia> 6(oh kalo ada istrinya, ngasih tau kalo sekarang suaminya udah kuat, dan bisa kerja dalam beberapa hari)
  1015. [21:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ The wife thanked you, Clarissia +
  1016. [21:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"That's not a murder case" *he looks confused*
  1017. [21:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I did it"
  1018. [21:57] <VVictrix> 3"Oh."
  1019. [21:57] <Clarissia> 6*nods* "You're welcome, Mrs." *ke wife nya* *dan balik lagi ke kamarnya*
  1020. [21:57] <Farrow> 2"..."
  1021. [21:57] <VVictrix> 3"Can you elaborate what happened that day?"
  1022. [21:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Few days ago, before I was asked to move to this district"
  1023. [21:57] <Clarissia> 6*ngedengerin saja*
  1024. [21:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"During my patrol, I found out that there are some vat falls behind the factory"
  1025. [21:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I thought there must be something wrong"
  1026. [21:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"And I was right. After waiting a while, there's this fat guy, walking to the distribution pipe and break the pipe a bit, then took few Vat"
  1027. [22:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I thought that's an against the rules, so I shot the guy down"
  1028. [22:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"But the vat already dropped to the ground, so it's already tainted"
  1029. [22:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I thought it's a no big deal, since it's just a little scum problem, so I didn't tell anyone"
  1030. [22:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"And when I moved here, somehow I get sick.. And can't move from bed"
  1031. [22:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"That should be all.. I guess.."
  1032. [22:02] <VVictrix> 3*lirik Farrow*
  1033. [22:02] <VVictrix> 3*kalau kalau ada pertanyaan*
  1034. [22:02] <Farrow> 2"Report is always important sir."
  1035. [22:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ah..I thought this is just a small problem.. I'm sorry sir.."
  1036. [22:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I won't repeat the same mistake" *muka menyesal*
  1037. [22:03] <Farrow> 2*lirik Vivi yg 1 dari 400,000 vatnya hilang*
  1038. [22:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(wkwkwk)
  1039. [22:04] <Clarissia> 6"...."
  1040. [22:04] <VVictrix> 3"A slight mistake in documentation could be fatal."
  1041. [22:04] <VVictrix> 3"Thank you for your cooperation, I hope you'll get well soon." *smiles*
  1042. [22:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Ah..I am very sorry miss.." *nunduk minta maaf*
  1043. [22:05] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..And thank you..."
  1044. [22:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Is there.. a problem..Because"
  1045. [22:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*muka kawatir*
  1046. [22:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*melihat ke arah VVictrix*
  1047. [22:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*lalu ke arah Farrow* *dan terakhir ke arah Clarissia*
  1048. [22:07] <VVictrix> 3"Yes."
  1049. [22:07] <VVictrix> 3"Or at least."
  1050. [22:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...." *muka kaget* *dan sedih nunduk*
  1051. [22:07] <VVictrix> 3"It could be solved faster."
  1052. [22:07] <Farrow> 2"This unexplained death causes rumors."
  1053. [22:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Rumors..?'
  1054. [22:07] <VVictrix> 3*sighs*
  1055. [22:08] <Farrow> 2"Rumors are bad, at least for the civillian in the vicinity"
  1056. [22:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...I...I'm terribly sorry..." *dalam posisi duduk, berusaha bows minta maaf*
  1057. [22:08] <Farrow> 2"But then, we found another interesting thing."
  1058. [22:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Eh...?" *nengok ke Farrow muka bingung*
  1059. [22:09] <Farrow> 2"I found some slum area just outside the factory"
  1060. [22:09] <Clarissia> 6"Stowaways, it seems." *nyamber dikit*
  1061. [22:09] <Farrow> 2"It was outside the area, but this fat guy is one of them"
  1062. [22:09] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Slums area..? Ah.. That one.."
  1063. [22:10] <Farrow> 2"You know?"
  1064. [22:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"It was outside my yurisdiction area.."
  1065. [22:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"So I can not do anything.."
  1066. [22:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*muka bingung*
  1067. [22:11] <Farrow> 2"We might need a central authorities to be aware of these stowaways"
  1068. [22:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...But I didn't know the fat guy was one of them.." *muka bingung*
  1069. [22:11] <Farrow> 2(ada central authorities? *plak*)
  1070. [22:11] <VVictrix> 3"Hum."
  1071. [22:11] <VVictrix> 3*lirik Farrow dan Clarissia *
  1072. [22:11] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1( nah itu saya ga tau *plak* )
  1073. [22:12] <VVictrix> 3"The stowaways are all skinny right?"
  1074. [22:12] <Clarissia> 6"I believe so." *ngeliat VVictrix*
  1075. [22:12] <VVictrix> 3"The guy who was killed was fat?"
  1076. [22:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*nods*
  1077. [22:12] <Farrow> 2"except for that guy who is killed"
  1078. [22:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Not that fat, but fat enough"
  1079. [22:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...Like..."
  1080. [22:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*menggambarkan gemuknya si org*
  1081. [22:13] <VVictrix> 3"So he was the one who did most of the stealing and ate most of the vat."
  1082. [22:13] <VVictrix> 3"Good grief."
  1083. [22:14] <VVictrix> 3"So the stowaways' only crime are being stowaways it seems."
  1084. [22:14] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"" *muka bingung*
  1085. [22:14] <VVictrix> 3"Make sure to take that into note, Farrow."
  1086. [22:15] <VVictrix> 3"To determine the judgement for them later, without a criminal record it might be possible for them to be integrated into the ship's workforce."
  1087. [22:15] <Farrow> 2"Will do miss Vivi"
  1088. [22:15] <Clarissia> 6"...."
  1089. [22:15] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*mendengarkan saja dengan muka bingung*
  1090. [22:16] <VVictrix> 3"Thank you for your cooperation, sir." *smiles*
  1091. [22:16] <Farrow> 2"Wait.."
  1092. [22:16] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"...You're..Welcome, miss.." *muka bingung*
  1093. [22:16] <Clarissia> 6"Hmm?" *nengok ke Farrow*
  1094. [22:16] <Farrow> 2"I haven't checked the data for the fat guy"
  1095. [22:17] <Farrow> 2"I know everyone else is from [z] sector. but the fat guy?"
  1096. [22:17] <Farrow> 2"..."
  1097. [22:17] <VVictrix> 3"Next time, please put more details in the report, thank you."
  1098. [22:17] <VVictrix> 3"Hm? *lirik Farrow *
  1099. [22:17] <Farrow> 2"I will check on it again"
  1100. [22:17] <VVictrix> 3"Do that, thank you."
  1101. [22:18] <Clarissia> 6"... And please don't dump the bodies inside the dumpster."
  1102. [22:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Eh..?"
  1103. [22:18] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Who would do that stupid kind of thing, Miss?"
  1104. [22:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*ngeliatin bingung ke Clarissia*
  1105. [22:19] <VVictrix> 3"What did you do to the body then?"
  1106. [22:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I leave it there"
  1107. [22:19] <Clarissia> 6"... Not you?"
  1108. [22:19] <Clarissia> 6"Your successor said, the body was found inside the dumpster."
  1109. [22:19] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Since I have to prepare for the moving. The new guy should do it"
  1110. [22:20] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Ah, that guy" *facepalm* "He's from a'd you call it.. less educated area, miss"
  1111. [22:21] <Clarissia> 6(ah salah, harusnya sekarang ada di dalam dumpster ya, bukan ketemu nya di dumpster)
  1112. [22:21] <Clarissia> 6(orz)
  1113. [22:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(iya =3=b)
  1114. [22:21] <Clarissia> 6(ralat dikit "the body is now inside the dumpster.")
  1115. [22:21] <Clarissia> 6(nah kelar *plak*)
  1116. [22:21] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I asked him to take care of the corpse, since it can bring trouble.. But he dumped it?"
  1117. [22:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*muka ga percaya*
  1118. [22:22] <Farrow> 2*nods*
  1119. [22:22] <Clarissia> 6"That's what he said. He even said 'like the usual'..."
  1120. [22:22] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Oh.. God.." *facepalm*
  1121. [22:23] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I..I am trully sorry.." *bows lagi sambil duduk*
  1122. [22:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*sambil masih geleng2 ga percaya*
  1123. [22:24] <Clarissia> 6"It's okay, not like it's your fault though? Beside, we already warned and told him."
  1124. [22:24] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"I trully am sorry for what my coleague do, miss.."
  1125. [22:25] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Next time, I'll tell the guy not to do those things..."
  1126. [22:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"..Is..there..anything..else..?" *sambil melihat takut2 ke Clarissia, VVictrix dan Farrow*
  1127. [22:26] <VVictrix> 3"Not from me."
  1128. [22:26] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1*bersiap mendengar yang aneh2 lagi*
  1129. [22:27] <Clarissia> 6"I think that's all from me. Mister Achasse?"
  1130. [22:27] <Farrow> 2*shook* "Very well, thank you for your explanation sir"
  1131. [22:27] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"You're welcome, Sir.."
  1132. [22:27] <Farrow> 2"Get well soon" *leave the house*
  1133. [22:28] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1The guy looks sad and confused and nods at Farrow
  1134. [22:28] <Clarissia> 6"Eat properly and regularly, try not to make your wife worry. Stay safe, and God-Emperor protects you always." *smiles at the guy*
  1135. [22:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Will do, miss. Once again thank you. May God Emperor pay back you kindness" *bows @ Clarissia*
  1136. [22:29] <VVictrix> 3*bersiap pergi*
  1137. [22:29] <VVictrix> 3"Now then, take care."
  1138. [22:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1"Thank you miss" @ VVictrix
  1139. [22:29] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And so... The three of you leave the small humble house +
  1140. [22:30] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Back to the outside +
  1141. [22:31] <Farrow> 2"Next time we should just send our crews to do these things Vivi" =3=
  1142. [22:31] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ To the bustling sound of the market town +
  1143. [22:31] <VVictrix> 3*catat*
  1144. [22:31] <VVictrix> 3"If there's some available, yes." @Farrow
  1145. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Back to the market +
  1146. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ With everyone chatting +
  1147. [22:32] <VVictrix> 3"But I think doing these things once in a while is good."
  1148. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Laughing +
  1149. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Share some food with their love ones, with their relatives +
  1150. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ play +
  1151. [22:32] <Farrow> 2"You're right" @VVictrix
  1152. [22:32] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Sharing some vat soup +
  1153. [22:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Or maybe some vat skewer +
  1154. [22:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Without knowing that what the vat they eat +
  1155. [22:33] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Was just become the main mission for the three of you +
  1156. [22:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ And with the scent of Vat cuisine, and laughter of the villagers +
  1157. [22:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ This Episode is officially ends here +
  1158. [22:34] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Thank you very much for playing ++
  1159. [22:35] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Sorry if it turns out taking too much time.. Still need to learn storytelling m(_ _)m ++
  1160. [22:35] <Farrow> 2(Thank you _SlowlyTelling_ =w=)/)
  1161. [22:36] <Clarissia> 6(terima kasih banyak _SlowlyTelling_ OwO)/)
  1162. [22:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(maaf endingnya abrupt Orz)
  1163. [22:36] <VVictrix> 3(thank you very much)
  1164. [22:36] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ 3 scenes ++
  1165. [22:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Protecting Perimeter > Supply Line Maintenance ++
  1166. [22:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Establish Faith > Internal Consolidation ++
  1167. [22:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ Establish Faith > Patrol Area ++
  1168. [22:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ 600 XP ++
  1169. [22:37] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ You may continue with ORP if you want to ++
  1170. [22:38] <Clarissia> 6(Tavern masih tutup ya?)
  1171. [22:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(the tavern masih)
  1172. [22:38] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1(kemaren rusak parah =w=)> )
  1173. [22:38] <Farrow> 2*go back to UP*
  1174. [22:38] <Clarissia> 6*pergi ke tavern yang satu lagi kalo begitu*
  1175. [22:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ The Usual Place ++
  1176. [22:39] <Farrow> 2*bercerita tentang blacklisted Company officer kepada twins* (perform story teller)
  1177. [22:39] <Farrow> !dtest 41
  1178. [22:39] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Farrow and Result is 20 / 41
  1179. [22:39] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Farrow Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  1180. [22:39] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1181. [22:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1+ Amery and Ambrose both of you +
  1182. [22:39] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ WHILE...++
  1183. [22:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ on a place not so far with the three of you ++
  1184. [22:40] <Farrow> 2"So, This Mirakel guy took the car into the strange place, and..."
  1185. [22:40] <Clarissia> 6*duduk di Usual Place sambil sips Dark Beer*
  1186. [22:40] <_SlowlyTelling_> 1++ trailer (?) ++
  1187. [22:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ trailer (?) ++
  1188. [22:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ On one of the cells inside the prison ++
  1189. [22:41] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ A girl bite her finger nail ++
  1190. [22:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ "...this ship..they promised us.. we can live here..." ++
  1191. [22:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ At the other cell, a girl cries ++
  1192. [22:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ "...Golosita...I won't forgive anyone who kills you..." ++
  1193. [22:42] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ At the other cell, a girl sleeps ++
  1194. [22:43] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ At the other cell, two guys sits and look at each other, like thinking of something ++
  1195. [22:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ "..they said we're a stowaways..." ++
  1196. [22:44] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ "..yeah.." ++
  1197. [22:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ While inside one of the room outside, on the guard room, a guy look at a data slate with a confused face ++
  1198. [22:45] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ "..This guys were a legal citizen on [z] district.. I wonder why they were said stowaways...?" ++
  1199. [22:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ While sliding one by one the data of the 6 of them: Hochmut, Lussuria, Toorn, Paresse, Gula, Missgunst ++
  1200. [22:46] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ And with the confused face of the guard, the trailer ends here ++
  1201. [22:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ The guard took a sign and put it outside the prison [Will be off the place for now. Coming back later on ] ++
  1202. [22:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13++ And back to THE USUAL PLACE++
  1203. [22:48] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Wut? Seriously?" *menanggapi story Farrow*
  1204. [22:49] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"On your toughts again?" *smiles @ Clarissia
  1205. [22:49] <Farrow> 2"Yes yes, and then.. he suddenly fainted in the middle of riding!" *laughs*
  1206. [22:49] <Clarissia> 6"Huh? Eh?" *ngeliat siapa yang ngomong* "Oh... no, just enjoying this Dark Beer. Top quality you guys have here." *sips Dark Beer lagi*
  1207. [22:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Of course~" *wink*
  1208. [22:50] <Farrow> 2(*driving*)
  1209. [22:50] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Whats? How could he fainted while driving???" *laugh*
  1210. [22:50] <Clarissia> 6"...! nkncdn...." *mumbles something while drinking*
  1211. [22:51] <Clarissia> 6'Dangerous.........' *ngomong di dalam pikiran sendiri*
  1212. [22:51] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*back ngurus pelanggan lain* *dan balik ke balik bartender place*
  1213. [22:51] <Farrow> 2"And nobody of us could drive a car.. so.. we are trapped in this some-kind of maze!"
  1214. [22:52] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Wuoh! Maze? Looks creepy"
  1215. [22:53] <Clarissia> 6*suddenly feeling hungry* "... Excuse me, do you have a pasta here?"
  1216. [22:53] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Hmm? What kind of pasta, cutie? I can make some" *chuckles*
  1217. [22:54] <Clarissia> 6"Uh....." *ngeliatin Amery yang lagi sibuk sama Farrow lalu ke Ambrose lagi* "... Anything that's not too spicy...."
  1218. [22:55] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Cream pasta then~" *winks* *dan mulai bikin pasta*
  1219. [22:56] <Clarissia> 6"Yes, thanks....." *sips Dark Beer lagi*
  1220. [22:56] <Farrow> 2"in the end the car is broken.. and he is blacklisted by the rental place" *laugh*
  1221. [22:56] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"WHAT?! Blacklisted by the rental place? Seriously??" *ngakak*
  1222. [22:57] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*taro 1 plate of Pasta carbonara d depan Clarissia * "Dig in~" *winks*
  1223. [22:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*and goes back to the bartender place to whipe some wet glasses*
  1224. [22:58] <Clarissia> 6"Um... thank yo-!" *memalingkan muka dengan buru-buru*
  1225. [22:58] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*standart bartender pose*
  1226. [22:59] <Clarissia> 6*makan pasta nya* ".... It's delicious....."
  1227. [22:59] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Ah.. That was a good story" *masih ngakak*
  1228. [23:00] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"Thank you~" *smiles* *sambil pose bartender lap2 gelas*
  1229. [23:00] <Farrow> 2*microbeads 4BS2*"send info that the sector [x] prisoner does not commit homicide to the prison please"
  1230. [23:01] <Farrow> 2"ah yes, isn't it?"
  1231. [23:01] <Farrow> 2"And now I really want some Amasec!"
  1232. [23:01] <_SlowlyTelling_> 131* The 4BS 1guys said the prison guard is off at the moment, but they'll say the message*
  1233. [23:02] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Alright! Here you go! A glass of cold amasec!" *taro 1 gelas amasec di depan Farrow*
  1234. [23:03] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137*big grins*
  1235. [23:03] <Farrow> 2"For you also Amery! its on the house!"
  1236. [23:03] <VVictrix> 3VVictrix: over and out
  1237. [23:03] * VVictrix ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1238. [23:04] <Farrow> 2!dtest 20
  1239. [23:04] <@_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Farrow and Result is 13 / 20
  1240. [23:04] <@_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Farrow Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  1241. [23:04] <@_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1242. [23:04] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Ahaha.. thanks" *grins* *ambil gelas sendiri*
  1243. [23:04] <Farrow> 2"HOH!"
  1244. [23:06] <Clarissia> 6*lanjut makan*
  1245. [23:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137*grins aja ngeliatin Farrow minum*
  1246. [23:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*still bartender pose*
  1247. [23:06] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"Ah.. Gotta clean the back.."
  1248. [23:07] <_SlowlyTelling_> 137"See you later, sir! Thanks for the story!" *grins* *wave ke Farrow*
  1249. [23:07] <Farrow> 2*wave ke Amery dan perform(storyteller:Gossip) ke orang lain*
  1250. [23:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13(wut ok de XD)
  1251. [23:08] <Farrow> 2(Farrow over and out)
  1252. [23:08] <_SlowlyTelling_> 13(ok)
  1253. [23:08] * Farrow ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1254. [23:10] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*just smiling while bartender standart pose*
  1255. [23:10] <Clarissia> 6*Dark Beer abis* "Dammit...." *mumbles*
  1256. [23:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*sambil naro 1 glas Dark Beer dpan Clarissia* *smiles* "On the house"
  1257. [23:12] <Clarissia> 6*kaget* "Eh, how come.....??"
  1258. [23:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*dan balik ngurusin beberes bagian belakang bartender place*
  1259. [23:12] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134"It's a secret" *wink*
  1260. [23:13] <Clarissia> 6"....!"
  1261. [23:13] <_SlowlyTelling_> 134*dan balik membersihkan bartender counter*
  1262. [23:13] <Clarissia> 6*ngabisin pasta dan minum Dark Beer*
  1263. [23:13] <Clarissia> 6"......"
  1264. [23:14] <Clarissia> 6-- Clarissia Over and Out --
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