
hide and seek

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. “9..10 ready or not, here I come!”
  2. you stand and survey the room or more specifically, the floor seeing a set of tracks leading out of the door towards the hallway. Before you swing open the door you take a moment to appreciate the silence of the house the gentle pitter patter of the rain against the windows a small reminder of why you are playing hide and seek. After cleaning the house, a rather bored looking Vital glomped your leg and refused to let go until you played a game with her. After a small demonstration you found that she had a knack for getting into unusual places but her hoof prints would always lead you to her, to compromise your hiding spots would always be a little too small or a foot would be left out of hiding. This had been going on for ten minuets now and Vital showed no sign's of losing interest.pulling yourself from your inner thoughts you continue following the slimy trail, stopping at the door leading to her room. You pause before thinking out loud
  4. “well I guess I'd better start looking downstairs first then”
  6. After a few moments of throwing pillows slamming doors and stomping about you finally return to Vital's room, opening the door you exclaim “well I cant find her downstairs so she must be around here somewhere.... is she under the bed?.. nooo... is she behind the curtains? Well I have no idea where she could be...”silently you follow the trail to the wardrobe, containing all her trinkets and random toys preparing yourself to look surprised before “unless she's in here! Wait Vital? Honey? Sweetie come on out now you win! Vital? Where are you?”
  8. you once more race downstairs the stomping and slamming doors now done out of urgency before you get back to your room, the slightly different goo prints not registering in your frazzled mind until you throw the sheets from the bed and peek under the frame.. only to meet with a pair of sea green eye's staring right back.
  9. Brain.exe has crashed restart y/n?
  10. So stunned you are, that Vital leaping at you knocks you flat on your ass and somehow, your arms find themselves wrapped around her, your head is nestled in the crook of her neck and you are pretty sure that some of her goo has got to your eye's because they seem a little damp.
  12. “I thought I'd lost you.. next time young lady if I shout you like that you come out ok young lady?...*sigh* I wont say it to cheat, pinkie promise”
  14. going through the motions you play out the charade of a *pinkie promise* feeling a slight twinge that no one here can replicate the earth version with the lack of finger's around here.
  16. “now then fess up how'd you get here without me noticing then?”
  18. slowly Vital wriggles out of your arms and carefully places a hoof on a previous mark repeating with the other until she slowly makes it to the door. Whelp you just got out smarted by a few month old filly that has no brain, congrats. Bursting into laughter at the thought Vital takes this moment to once more assault your chest and you resume the snuggle of doom befor falling still completely knackered.
  19. Today was a kind of crazy day...gonna need to tidy up again now though.
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