
Blue Robin 2

Jan 11th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anon and you've made a grave mistake
  2. >Music: "Precious," Depeche Mode
  3. >The Tulip
  4. >Jesus, what a place
  5. "Hey. Dude."
  6. >"What's up?"
  7. "There's no dudes in this joint - it's all mares."
  8. >"See? I told this place wouldn't be that bad."
  9. >Whorse
  10. "I stick out like a damn sore thumb, er, hoof here."
  11. >"You stick out like a sore hoof everywhere. Now quite your cryin' and let's find this mare."
  12. >You'd normally jab back, but this place is too much for you
  13. >Three feet in the club and it reeks of estrogen, thousands of different perfumes, and sweet nectar-booze
  14. >The exact opposite of the normal bar you hit up
  15. >After making your way around the dance floor and to the, admittedly, badass circular bar, you take a seat
  16. "Never again, Virgo. I was not meant to tread these grounds, man."
  17. >"I don't see her anywhere. You?"
  18. "I don't even know what she looks like. How am I supposed to-"
  19. >"Anon. Front door."
  20. >You follow Virgo's gaze to see Caramel fling the door open, revealing Goldie and some other mare you've never seen before
  21. "I take it the white and pink one is the new gal?"
  22. >Caramel and Goldie lead the nervous mare through the crowd on the dance floor
  23. >Judging by the look on her face, this isn't her kinda gig
  24. >Probably nervous as hell too
  25. >Then you notice her looking towards you as she walked
  26. >Damn son, you can see those blue eyes from all the way over here
  27. >You look around for Virgo, only he's nowhere to be found
  28. "Oh boy here we go. Must be time to drink."
  29. >You turn to the bartender, a mare you've seen once or twice around town
  30. >Nice girl, really
  31. >"Oh hey... Anon was it? Didn't think a stallion like you would ever end up in a place like this."
  32. "Yeah, tell me about it."
  33. >"Virgo's doing, I suppose?"
  34. "You don't know the half of it."
  35. >She giggles
  36. >"Well what'll you have? We generally sell sweeter stuff, but I may have a bottle or two of Jack lying around somewhere..."
  37. >You look her dead in the eye
  38. "Whiskey? Why, that's the secret word, doll."
  40. >You are Robin
  41. >Ms. Caramel said this place was nice and relaxing
  42. >Ms. Corral said it was quiet and peaceful
  43. >But you heard the music coming from the building from down the street!
  44. >Is it too much to ask for a decent place to just sit and unwind?
  45. >Getting drunk and 'living it up' at some club was never your idea of fun
  46. >Nevertheless, you followed Ms. Caramel
  47. >Once you got inside the club, Ms. Caramel led you and Ms. Corral toward the circular bar
  48. >As you walk you see one particular creature sitting at the bar
  49. >You've never seen anything like him
  50. >Whatever he is, the others don't seem to mind his being there
  51. >You guess that means he's not dangerous
  52. >And more you look at him, the more interesting he gets
  53. >And the more questions you seem to have
  54. >What is he?
  55. >Where did he come from?
  56. >Are there any more like him?
  57. >The questions kept rolling out in your mind
  58. >Suddenly Ms. Caramel stops and leads you to a bar stool
  60. >Looking around, it's much less crowded than by the dance floor, thankfully
  61. >"You okay, hun? You were staring off a little."
  62. >Snap back to reality
  63. "Me? I'm okay, it's just.."
  64. >"Heh, you must've noticed Anon, huh? I wonder why he's here of all places."
  65. >And just like that, you feel your face heating up
  66. "Oh no, I just, uh... what... is he?"
  67. >Ms. Corral mashes her face against yours with a tight, quick nuzzle
  68. >"Aw, she's getting all flustered again! Isn't it adorable?"
  69. >You have no words for this
  70. >Ms. Caramel decides it best to answer your question
  71. >"Anon calls himself a human. He's the only one of his kind so he usually feels out of place... but he embarrasses Virgo all the time so I like him."
  72. "The only one?"
  73. >That saddens you a bit
  74. >To be the only one of your kind on the whole wide world
  75. >It must be tough on him
  76. >"Yeah Virgo and his night patrol found him wondering the woods one night around two years ago. He thought Virgo was hunting him so he ran until he collapsed."
  77. >"Virgo took him back here and he's been with us ever since. He's got a weird sense of humor, but he's pretty much harmless."
  79. >"But enough about Anon, tell us a bit about you."
  80. >You just look back at the two of them
  81. >Where do you even begin?
  82. >Should you tell them about the last country you came fro-
  83. >"Hi, you must be the new mare in town! my name's Virgo, what's yours?"
  84. >"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Virgo. When did you get here?"
  85. >Ms. Corral steps between you and this new white stallion
  86. >"Did you know we were coming here with Robin? Cause I know you never go to this club, even with all the mares here."
  87. >Ms. Caramel joins Ms. Corral's side
  88. >"You listened in on me again, didn't you? Remember what happened last time I caught you eavesdropping on my conversations?"
  89. >A shudder runs down Virgo's spine
  90. >"I'd... rather not."
  91. >Is this normal for these ponies?
  92. >Oh you can practically feel the tension in the air
  93. >Ms. Caramel, Ms. Corral, and Mr. Virgo must all have some history together
  94. >Maybe you should say something before things get out of hoof
  95. >But at the same time, it's not your place to get between the three of them
  96. >What should you do in a situation like this?
  98. >You are Anon and it's time you saved Virgo's skin
  99. >Again
  100. >Poor horny bastard doesn't know how to feign a chance meeting at a club
  101. >Not that he could make it very convincing considering this overly-feminine atmosphere
  102. >You turn to the mare bartender
  103. "All right, I gotta get movin'. My bro's gonna die tonight if I don't step in."
  104. >"Oh you know Caramel and Goldie - they'll just cover him in honey and put him in bed with Moony again."
  105. >You chuckle
  106. >Good times
  107. "We can only hope."
  108. >She smiles as you get up and walk around the back of the circular bar
  109. >Right up behind where the new mare is sitting
  110. >And it seems Caramel and Goldie's backed ol' Virgo into a corner again
  111. >And the new girl looks very troubled about the whole ordeal
  112. >Sweet, time to screw with Virgo some more
  113. >Your favorite
  114. >You walk up right next to Caramel and Goldie and smile menacingly down at Virgo
  115. "Hey Caramel, what do ya think we should with him? I say we lock him in a room with Moony for a few hours and play slow music."
  116. >Virgo looks horrified
  117. >"Anon, you traitor!"
  119. >Goldie looks you right in the eye with the most mischievous glare you've ever seen
  120. >Aw shit
  121. >That's a look that'll drop your balls
  122. >"Traitor? So you're in on his little party raid?"
  123. >Don't let them win, Anon
  124. >You got this
  125. "Nah, I just wanted to see what this place was about and saw you three gettin' ready to put the beatdown on Virgo again."
  126. >The look on Virgo's face is absolutely priceless
  127. >Man if the poor bastard doesn't think you're gonna screw with him at every twist and turn, he's got a lot of learnin' to do
  128. >You feel a light tug on your shirt and turn around
  129. >Hm?
  130. >The new mare's trying to get your attention it appears
  131. >Virgo, Caramel, and Goldie watch as you and Robin simply stare at each other
  132. >A moment goes by as you wait for her to say something, anything
  133. >But she just slowly gets more and more flustered
  134. >Oh yeah, she embarrasses way easy
  135. >Right away, you turn to Caramel and give her your best deadpan stare
  136. "You took this timid little thing to a dance club?"
  137. >Goldie shrugs her shoulders and Caramel looks to Robin, then back to you
  138. >"I know what you're saying but in about 10 minutes, they play slow music and it get really relaxed for the night."
  139. >Well, I guess that makes sense
  141. >You look back to Robin
  142. >Her face has accomplished stage 9 redness
  143. >And it's goddamn adorable
  144. >She tries to talk to you with her eyes jammed shut
  145. >"M-Mr. Anon, was it?"
  146. >Whoa shit that voice
  147. >You go a little lightheaded
  148. >Probably noticing your reaction, Caramel snickers
  149. >That was something else
  150. >She obviously doesn't talk a lot
  151. >It's soft, but
  152. >There's just something about her voice that caught you completely off-guard
  153. "You can call me 'Anon,' everyone else does. And your name is?"
  154. >"I'm R-Robin."
  155. >Damn she's wound up tight
  156. "No need to be so nervous, I don't bite that hard."
  157. >You light pet her mane and she squeaks in response, most of her muscles tensing up
  158. >The tone of red on her face is beyond measure
  159. >As you bring your hand back, you accidentally brush one of her antennae
  160. >Her eyes go wide as she gasps
  161. >Just then, one smell stands out above all the other smells in the vicinity
  162. >You immediately turn back to Caramel, who's licking her lips
  163. >Goldie is trying not laugh herself to death
  164. >Virgo looks broken in seven different ways
  165. >Oh man you know what you did
  166. >You hit Robin's "on" button
  168. "Well! I really must be getting Virgo back to bed. It IS his nappy time, after all heh heh h-"
  169. >Robin grabs your shirt again, more drastically this time
  170. >She looks up at you, slightly shuddering
  171. >"I-I'm sorry, I-I-I didn't kno-"
  172. "Shush."
  173. >And she's completely silent
  174. >Staples: That was easy
  175. "Don't worry about it, but I really gotta go. It's a small town, I'll see ya 'round. Until then take it easy, Robin."
  176. >She nods slowly as she tries to catch her breath
  177. >Shortly after, she grabs onto Caramel and buries her face in her chest
  178. >Caramel winks at you and you stifle a laugh
  179. >This is one retarded night
  180. >You start to walk away, making sure to throw the disabled Virgo over your shoulder
  181. >Once outside, Virgo comes back from his shocked state
  182. >"WHAT THE HELL, ANON!?"
  183. "What? How am I supposed to know touching the girl's head would turn her on!? Don't blame me!"
  184. >Virgo forces his breath
  185. >"One shot. I had one shot at making a decent impression, Anon. And that happens."
  186. >You put Virgo back down on the ground at pat him on the withers
  187. >He really does have the worst luck with mares
  188. >But he'll end up with someone eventually
  189. >He's not a bad guy
  190. "Hey."
  191. >"What?"
  192. "I'm fucking thirsty bitch, let's hit up the Gaslamp and get shitfaced."
  193. >Virgo smirks
  194. "Atta boy, let's roll."
  195. >"I'm right behind ya."
  197. [3 Hours Later]
  199. >You are Robin and today was the most embarrassing day of your life
  200. >You haven't been in town for more than a few days and already...
  201. >How you managed to survive that ordeal is beyond you
  202. >You look at yourself in the mirror and think back on the events of the night
  203. >Back to mister, er, Anon
  204. >Why is he so enticing to you?
  205. >Sure, he's a unique species, but that's not just it
  206. >He's so big and really nice
  207. >He makes you feel safer, even though you just barely met
  208. >You feel yourself heating up
  209. >Oh you're just like a little school filly with her first crush
  210. >And you haven't known him for more than a day yet!
  211. >You put a hoof lightly to the mirror and sigh deeply
  212. "Oh Robin, what are you gonna do?"
  214. [End chapter 2]
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