
Élégie, Opus 24 - Chap 2 - Allermande

Aug 24th, 2012
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  1. The light streamed in brightly the next morning through the cloudy windows of the barn. With no curtains to stop their assault, Vinyl blinked slightly, and woke, finding herself lounging at an awkward angle against the headboard. It was barely dawn, and ordinarily she would have pulled the blanket over herself to shield the annoying rays from her face. But today was different. She remembered eagerly her meeting with Octavia and her father’s friend, Hoity Toity. She jumped out of her bed, and stretched the kink out of her back.
  2. “Today is going to be awesome!” she shouted to no one in particular.
  3. She trotted over to the fridge and surveyed its barren innards. Frowning, she looked around the kitchen. “Hmmm.” She thought aloud. “Aha!” Some old plain oatmeal was left in a large canister with a dour looking colt with a beard on the front.
  4. “Now, just need some seasoning…” She scanned around again. She noticed the to-go bag from the Mexican restaurant. She pretended to look around as if someone might judge her in her own apartment. She stuck her head inside, shuffling through the bag. “Jackpot!” She drew out some unused taco sauce packets in her teeth. Squeezing them into the oatmeal, she stirred it slightly, giving it a gentle swirl of red. Smiling at her handiwork, she popped the bowl in the microwave.
  5. A couple minutes later she sampled her fare. At first she remained stoic and unimpressed, and then feigned a moment of disgust. Eventually she simply shoveled the entire bowl down, licking her muzzle clean. “Not bad. Better than the barbeque sauce.”
  6. She knew she didn’t want to be late. She was meeting her friend at 11 AM sharp. She wandered over to the cracked mirror, levitating a brush to her mane. She looked again, blinked, and set it down. “Who are you kidding, Scratch, you’re gorgeous already!” She grabbed her sunglasses with a flick of her horn, and trotted out the front door into the sunny morning.
  8. ‘Another day in paradise.’ Vinyl thought to herself, looking at the sliver of blue sky above the outlines of the rundown buildings around her. She hummed to herself as she casually clopped down the stone street. She skipped over a broken bottle. Sidestepped a used condom. Said “Hello!” to a drunken bum. Overall a pretty awesome morning.
  9. Eventually the street changed around her. As the garbage and the waste faded away, more and more people crowded her as she walked. Vinyl felt slowed and fenced in as she met the masses of ponies walking with her. She kept trudging down the road, thankful when she finally saw the café she was headed for. Walking in downtown Canterlot was always so stifling.
  10. She stopped outside the Cafe Braunerhoof. A waiter intercepted her as she tried to enter. “Excuse me ma’am? Can I help you with something?”
  11. “Well duh, of course you can help me! I’m here to have lunch!”
  12. The prim blue waiter pony eyed her incredulously. His brow furrowed. “Ma’am…might I suggest the Big Mac down the street. They might be more suited to your…tastes?”
  13. “Oh. I see, Mr. Stuffed Shirt waiter guy. Well, how about you go tell Hoity Toity that his very important lunch meeting will be ruined since I am unable to attend.” Vinyl flicked her snout in the air in a false bravado.
  14. The waiter weighed his options. This could be an obvious ploy…however, he was terribly fearful of upsetting such a rich patron such as Hoity Toity. He eventually caved. Bowing to the white pony curtly, he motioned into the café. “Of course madam. Please, follow me.”
  15. Vinyl snickered slightly. “Oh, why thank you, my good sir!” She bowed low as she giggled.
  16. She smiled as she walked after the waiter into the sunny café. There were so many upper crust ponies in the café. She recognized Fancy Pants, Fleur-de-lis chatting with a few male admirers, Pish Posh entertaining a large table. She suddenly felt that maybe she should have combed her mane.
  17. The waiter came to her table, and she was greeted by Hoity Toity himself, as he rose in a gentlecoltly gesture to greet her. “Ah, my dear Vinyl Scratch! I’ve heard so much about you. Your friend Octavia here has been absolutely singing your praises all morning. I’m so pleased to meet you.” He bowed and took her hoof in his hand. For a moment she thought he may actually kiss it like something out of a romance novel. But he simply held it aloft as he bowed and relinquished it.
  18. Vinyl was blushing slightly as she spoke. “Th…thanks Mr. Hoity, er, Mr. Toity, um…”
  19. “Hoity is fine my dear. All my business associates call me Hoity.”
  20. Vinyl grinned sheepishly as she sat down. “Oh! Of course…Hoity.”
  21. Octavia broke the awkward moment by clearing her throat. “Good morning as well, Vinyl. I’m glad you could make it this morning.” Her eyes were half closed against the sunlight. She didn’t much care for mornings. They always seemed far too bright. And altogether too cheery.
  22. “Ah Octy!” Vinyl once again used her old nickname, Octavia noticed. “And how are you on this beautiful morning!”
  23. “Hungry.” Octavia replied. She motioned the waiter over. They had apparently been waiting for the white unicorn. Vinyl felt a bit embarrassed.
  24. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.” She said softly.
  25. “No, my dear, just enough to work up an appetite.” Hoity Toity replied.
  26. They all placed their orders. Vinyl realized there were no prices on the menus. ‘I guess if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.’ She thought.
  27. She ordered something she could at least pronounce. Much of the menu was in an alien language to her. ‘They could just call crepes flat pancakes. Why all the mystery?’ Vinyl was thinking as the others ordered. As the waiter left, Hoity Toity smiled at her and got to business.
  28. “Allow me to get right to the point, Miss Scratch. Octavia has told me a little about your act. And I do so happen to own a nightclub that features such…experimental music such as you play. Although it’s not to my tastes per se. I think you may prove a good fit there. I could offer you regular play times, five nights a week. Of course we would have to discuss your salary later, but I’m sure we can come to some understanding.”
  29. Scratch’s mouth hung open slightly. “Scheduled play times?” “Five nights a week?” “Salary?!” She beamed as she pumped a hoof in the air. She looked around, blushing, as she brought it back down slowly. She narrowed her eyes as she pretended to be in deep thought. “Um…I mean, yes Hoity, that sounds like an acceptable proposition.”
  30. “Excellent. I will have a secretary draft the agreement and deliver it to you, Miss Scratch. Where was it you lived again?” Hoity asked.
  31. “Where do I live? Oh…well yes, that would be a very appropriate question. A good question to ask if you wanted to know where my current place of dwelling is. Very appropriate if you intend to send a letter! Well let’s see, where do I live…” Vinyl’s eyes wandered wildly for a moment. She couldn’t tell him where she REALLY lived. Does that barn even have an address? 345 Rat’s Nest Boulevard? The corner of Park Place and That Stench That Vaguely Smells Like Sewage?
  32. Octavia saved her. She looked up from her cup of black coffee, addressing Hoity. “You may just send her correspondence through me, Hoity. I will be acting as Miss Scratch’s manager.”
  33. Vinyl shot her a sideways glance. She didn’t remember agreeing to that.
  34. “Well yes, very good Octavia. It would be my pleasure.” The grey colt grinned at her. “Now, let us toast our arrangement. To our continued good business, my fine ladies.” He raised his mimosa, meeting Octavia’s coffee mug, and Scratch’s orange juice with a slight clink.
  36. Before their food arrived, Vinyl excused herself. “Sorry, Hoity, sir, I need just a moment to discuss things with my newfound manager.” She looked at Octavia with an annoyed gaze. The grey pony glanced up at her nonchalantly.
  37. She said nothing as she rose. “Excuse me Hoity. We will be back presently.” The two wove their way through the packed café into the mare’s powder room.
  38. As the door swung shut, Vinyl immediately cornered Octavia against the wall. Her hooves clacked against the tiles as she trapped her in her forelimbs. “You had no right to say that! I never agreed that you would be my manager! Who do you think you are, speaking for me like that?”
  39. Octavia looked deep into her eyes, a hint of annoyance building within her. “I merely spoke for those who could not find their voice, Vinyl. You were absolutely floundering out there. Don’t even pretend you weren’t relieved when I rescued you from that sinking ship you called a conversation.” The grey mare pushed one of Vinyl’s hooves aside as she stood there in shocked silence.
  40. “Honestly Vinyl, you don’t have much of a mind for business, do you. Gentlecolts like Hoity don’t expect to be asked questions, or argued with, or even to wait for a response. The only thing you should ever ask is ‘Where do you want me to jump?’ and ‘How far?’ Do you understand me Vinyl?”
  41. Vinyl still stood, slumped against the wall. She pounded her hoof in frustration against the cold white tile. “Yah. I get it Octy. I get to do the same thing you do. Sell out for a fancy apartment downtown and some handouts from the upper crust, right?”
  42. Octavia’s eyes narrowed. She stood still, her pupils burrowing into Vinyl as she looked upon the earth pony. “Don’t ever presume to tell me about my life, Vinyl.”
  43. “And why not? I was there in the Academy. I know everything about you, Octavia.” Vinyl smiled wildly at her, as her eyes shone in the dim light of the room. “You wouldn’t act so high and mighty if ole’ Mr. Stuffed Shirt in there knew what you did there, would you? If he knew what you did to other mares? What you and I did together?”
  44. “Shut up.” Octavia lost her composure. Her front hooves tensed in anger.
  45. “Oho, touched a nerve did I? You see Octy, you’re never gonna make any progress if we don’t talk about this deep seeded resentment.” Vinyl said, imitating a psychologist.
  46. “I could never resent you.” Octavia responded. “Not in the condition you are.” She shoved Vinyl hard as she walked past, pushing her into the cool tile wall. Vinyl looked at her as she left the bathroom, sighing to herself as the door swung shut.
  47. “Octy…” She said softly as she slumped to the floor, her emotions overcoming her.
  49. Vinyl had agreed to come by Octavia’s apartment in a few days to go over the papers and look at her schedule. She felt excitement as the day came. But she still couldn’t shake a nagging feeling of fear in the pit of her stomach.
  50. The skies were overcast, and a slight drizzle fell in downtown Canterlot. The white pony looked skyward as she watched the few pegasi push the clouds to and fro, attempting to cover the city equally in the falling rain. Vinyl Scratch clutched her transparent blue rain slicker around her mane. She didn’t mind this weather at all. The streets were deserted, and the whole city had a new, fresh smell after a rainfall.
  51. She arrived on Octavia’s street, and immediately felt out of place. The street was lined with high rise apartments. At some doors, stocky colts stood watch in their doorpony uniforms, giving her looks as she walked by. A pure white carriage flashed by her, splashing her. She jumped involuntarily, slightly annoyed as her already damp hooves became soaking wet. She sighed to herself, furrowing her brow. Consulting the building numbers, she felt relieved to see she was finally here. ‘What an odd building.’ She thought to herself as she entered.
  52. The lower level was completely open. There were few walls, instead, there were great steel beams supporting the upper floors. This allowed the entire lower area to be used as a great arboretum. All manner of plants were growing in the sheltered area. As she walked, enjoying the lush greenery, she could see the entire center of the building was hollow. Looking up, she could see the grey sky, a small square high above her.
  53. The apartments here were obviously pretty pricey.
  54. “Vinyl?”
  55. The white mare whirled around, seeing her friend standing there, watching her. “Oh! Hey Octy. Nice place you got here.”
  56. “Thank you.” Octavia nodded to her slightly. “You…know you don’t need the coat anymore?”
  57. Vinyl looked down, and realized that even though it felt as though they were outside, they were actually underneath the large vaulted building. She pulled off her coat with a magic glow, pushing her glasses back on top of her head. She blushed at Octavia. “Thanks.” She smiled.
  58. Octavia averted her gaze slightly from those magenta eyes. “Well. Shall I show you around?”
  59. “Sure Octy. Although I’m already pretty impressed!”
  61. The two mares entered the elevator, and Octavia reached out and pressed a small button for the fifteenth floor. “Pfft, not the penthouse Octy! What’s the deal?”
  62. “Hmph, someday my dear Vinyl. We all need dreams to chase, don’t we?”
  63. “Amen to that.” Vinyl grinned.
  64. They reached the fifth floor, and the doors opened. Three large elderly colts entered. Octavia nodded to them curtly. One of them realized the elevator was headed up. They talked quietly between themselves, and appeared to decide to just ride it out rather than wait. Octavia and Vinyl crowded along one side to make room. Their bodies touched each other, Octavia feeling the warmth from Vinyl after being bundled up in her rain slicker.
  65. The grey mare turned her head slightly, and smelled Vinyl’s damp mane. She leaned against her friend, enjoying the sensation of their coats rubbing against each other. Vinyl seemed to be oblivious, as she was lost trying to listen in on the conversation between the three colts.
  66. Octavia shifted her head slightly, letting the electric blue mane touch her face slightly. It tickled the end of her nose, and caressed her muzzle and she moved. She eventually decided to take a small risk. She reached her right hoof out, and as she shifted her body away, ran it lightly against Vinyl’s front leg. She shuddered to herself as she felt her in this way after so very long.
  67. “Octy?”
  68. She froze.
  69. “Did you want something?”
  70. The elevator dinged. They had reached the fifteenth floor. “No, Vinyl, just letting you know we’re here.” She motioned out the door as they left the elevator and entered the plush hallway. The walls were done in an expensive red wallpaper, and the carpets were a thick plush grey. Even the furniture in the hallways looked posh.
  71. They walked only a dozen steps before reaching Octavia’s door. She was on the inside wall of the building. Vinyl thought to herself that this would normally mean no view to the outside, but in this weird structure…
  72. As the door opened, she saw her answer with surprise. Owing to the strange design, the inside apartments had a large glass wall overlooking the center courtyard. Planters built into the outside walls covered the lower portion in greenery, giving the illusion of looking out into a garden in the sky. Vinyl looked around at the rest of the place. It was done in a very clean, Spartan manner, but it fit Octavia well. Grey concrete floors with white throw rugs, bright white walls, and a large black sofa and fainting couch. A gas fireplace even flickered to one side of the room.
  73. The kitchen was to their right, and although small, was equipped with all the most modern conveniences. Vinyl looked with envy at the small white dishwasher. Doors led off from the central space off to the right and left. She amended her estimate from before. This was obviously a tremendously expensive apartment.
  74. Octavia took her rain slicker without a word. She hung it on a hook near the door. “Well, this is it.” Octavia motioned with her hoof. “It’s a bit small, but the view is nice. And…” she clopped her hoof down firmly on the floor. “Concrete floors. I can practice any time of day and not bother anypony.”
  75. “Convenient!” Vinyl smiled.
  76. “Have a seat Vinyl. Can I get you a drink?”
  77. “Uh, yah. The usual, if you can remember that is.” Vinyl sat down on the comfy fainting couch, admiring the view from the window. “It really is a pretty awesome view, Octy. It’s like we’re sitting in a garden high in the trees.”
  78. Octavia didn’t answer, she just kept mixing the 2 drinks. She walked out of the kitchen, placing a tall glass near Vinyl on the glass coffee table. “Vodka tonic for you, my dear. Like I’d forget.” She grinned down at the white unicorn. She took a deep drink of her own cocktail, and seated herself at the far end of the sofa.
  79. “Thanks Octy. Been a while since I’ve had one.” She took a large drink of the clear beverage. Instead of a fiery burn, the liquor flowed smoothly over her tongue. It was definitely a quality vintage. It warmed her throat, bringing mild warmth through her body. She took another small drink. “Just like riding a bike though. You never forget how.”
  80. “So true.” Octavia agreed, looking out the window with Vinyl, watching the rain splash on the exotic foliage outside. The drops cascaded down the window. But inside, it was silent, except for the faint lick of flame from the fireplace.
  81. Octavia broke the silence by rising and getting a packet of papers from her dining table. “I figured you might want to see this, Vinyl.” She walked over to the unicorn, a small smile on her muzzle. She pulled out one sheet, and handed it to Octavia as she sat back down. It was a declaration of salary to be paid.
  82. Vinyl studied it for a moment, and then looked up at Octavia, confused. “Well this is very strange. Is this like, per hour, or what? This doesn’t seem like near enough. And why did he calculate it to so many decimals?”
  83. Octavia was still smiling, taking another sip of her drink. “Vinyl…that’s a comma.”
  84. “Oh.”
  85. Vinyl stared at the paper a bit longer.
  86. “OH!”
  87. “Octy?! How the hell’d you swing this? This is more than I ever dreamed of!”
  88. Octavia felt herself even blush slightly at the praise. “It’s nothing, really. That’s just how much Hoity pays his main performers. I mean, you’re going to be down at his club a lot. It’s a fair wage.”
  89. “Down at the club a lot? How much is a lot?”
  90. Octavia looked away slightly, pretending to look through the pile of papers again. “Well, maybe 60, 70 hours a week?”
  91. “I can’t do that! Do you have any idea how much effort I put into my sets? I’d be burned in a month, tops!” Vinyl exclaimed.
  92. Octavia looked over at her sympathetically. “I don’t know what to tell you. That’s what he expects from his new acts. You’d be doing sets from five until three in the morning.” She found herself trailing off. It was indeed a lot to demand from the unicorn. “You have to at least look at the place, Vinyl. It’s the new club a couple blocks away, called HiFi.”
  93. Vinyl was looking into the fire on the opposite wall, her magenta eyes dancing in the low light. “It doesn’t matter, Octy. It sounds awesome, and I really do want to do it. I just don’t think I can handle that much time on stage.”
  94. Octavia slid over until she was closer to the white mare. She brushed her hoof through those electric blue spikes of mane. She smoothed the wild hair down slightly, brushing her friend gently. “There is one way you would Vinyl. You know there is.”
  95. “I thought we agreed we weren’t going to do that again.”
  96. “Oh Vinyl, you worry far too much. We were young and stupid back then. This will be just a small pick-me-up to make it through the night. You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me you weren’t at your best when you were last using it.”
  97. Vinyl looked unsure. She studied the contract before her, looking at it for a long time. She thought back to the night when she met Octavia again, the way she had been treated by that crappy bar. ‘No, not just that night.’ She thought. ‘All those many nights since leaving the academy. All those ponies that cursed at me, booed me, spat at me.’ She never wanted to give them that chance ever again.
  98. “Maybe I could try it again, Octy. What exactly did you have in mind?” Vinyl said as she looked up from the paper, her magenta eyes calm and expressionless.
  99. Octavia smiled as she finished her drink. Setting the glass down gently on the table, she rose and walked into her bedroom. She emerged with a small white messenger style saddlebag. She plopped it down on the table, and flipped it open.
  100. Vinyl gaped slightly as she saw all manner of round, clear containers, filled with various drugs. She recognized some of them as simple club drugs, ecstasy and mescaline. But there were harder things as well; drugs she wasn’t familiar with. Along with disposable needles and ampules carefully stowed in a side pocket.
  101. “Well Octy…that’s um, definitely a good supply.” Vinyl said nervously. She looked at her friend’s face, as she seemed lost looking over her portable pharmacy. Vinyl’s eyes narrowed inquisitively. “Are you sure you’re doing alright?”
  102. “Oh Vinyl, don’t confuse me with a standard drugged out flunky. I merely am a supplier, nothing more. My friends in the art world desperately need a service, and I am willing to oblige. As far as my father knows, all of this,” she motioned around her apartment. “…is paid for by my success as a musician. But really, he couldn’t be more wrong.
  103. Octavia hooved through her bag, searching for something. “Turns out even being a brilliant cellist still qualifies me for being paid barely more than a lowly teacher. Add in the fact that nopony ever even wants to hear my good music, and well, here we are!” At the same time she took out a narrow plastic tube with a black cap on it. Simply scribbled on the side was an M in thick marker. She tossed the bottle to Vinyl, who caught it deftly in her right hoof.
  104. “What is it?” Vinyl asked as she looked the bottle over dubiously. The small white pills were stamped with a ‘WY’, but no other information.
  105. “Well, remember when we did amphetamines to stay up before for finals? Think of these as the new and improved model. They give you energy too, and make you feel like you can do anything.” She was smiling as she described her product. “Why don’t you try one Vinyl. If you don’t like them, I’ll drop the whole thing. Unless I could interest you in something else.”
  106. “How strong is it?” Vinyl had taken one pill out, examining it.
  107. “Nothing you can’t handle.”
  108. Vinyl had to admit, it did feel exciting to hold the pill in her hand. Her heart beat faster, as her mind remembered all the times she had done some drug or another back in school. Surely one more time wouldn’t matter.
  109. She popped the white pill in her mouth, and swallowed it.
  110. As she set the tube of pills back on the table, Octavia came over and closed her bag. She grinned at the white mare, turning around and making another round of drinks. “Why don’t I play for you, Vinyl. I don’t really get a chance to play any of my new stuff for anyone anymore. They don’t care for it, even my own family.”
  111. Vinyl lounged up against the back of the couch, watching the earth pony deftly pour the alcohol. “Sure Octy. I always did like listening to your music.”
  112. Octavia winked at her, placing a fresh drink for both of them on the table. She went into her other side room, and fetched her polished cello. She sat on a simple wood stool next to the fireplace, balancing the instrument on the plush white rug beneath her. She closed her eyes before she started playing.
  113. Vinyl didn’t know her pieces terribly well, but she recognized it as one of the famous cello suites, something in a distinctive E-flat. The concrete walls of the apartment contained the deep sounds as they come from the lone figure, rich and full. She played through the opening, a slow prelude, working the strings slowly as she assembled the piece.
  114. She picked up speed as she played out the allemande. Her hoof moved faster along the neck, and her bow expertly stroked back and forth along the strings. As the tempo increased, Vinyl felt her own heart start pumping faster. She drank deeply of her vodka mixer, feeling her whole body seem to pulse along with the cello notes. She felt a deep heat press through her body, spilling into her loins. She set her drink down clumsily, running her hoof between her legs as she brought it up. She left it there, gently pressing it against her sex. All at once she felt she needed something or somepony touching her folds.
  115. Octavia watched intently as the pony quietly pleasured herself, and continued playing. She entered the sarabande, a series of playful motions dancing across her cello. There was no need to look down as she coaxed out the notes. She knew this part well. The grey mare’s eyes met with Vinyl’s magenta pools, and a blush came across her white face as she was caught. But she found she could not stop herself. She had been wary of Octavia just days before, but now she felt herself burning with desire for her.
  116. The cellist reached the final part, the gigue. A fast paced tempo took her, as she wildly played the spirited notes. She closed her eyes slightly, gazing seductively at Vinyl. Her legs splayed open as she shifted the cello expertly. Octavia’s breathing increased as she played the last notes. Vinyl could see a sheen on the grey mare’s inner thighs, and she increased her own ministrations, lewdly opening her hind legs. She noticed her whole body felt disjointed somehow. She was in the couch touching herself in front of her friend, but at the same time, she wasn’t there. She reached for her drink, downing the rest in one gulp. She looked at the thin glass. She clenched it in her hand, willing it to break. The tumbler shattered, a long shard imbedding in her soft inner hoof. She just stared at it. There wasn’t really any pain.
  117. Octavia had finished playing. She looked at her friend examining the shard of glass. She reached over, pulling her away from the other broken remnants of the glass. “Come here Vinyl.” She pulled the unicorn from the couch, standing next to her. Grasping the sliver in her hoof gently, she worked it out, casually placing the bloody piece on the table. She reached down and licked the blood from Vinyl’s hoof, trailing her tongue across the sensitive inner nerves of her hoof.
  118. Bringing forth a small moan from the unicorn, Vinyl whispered “Do that again.” Octavia smirked, and continued gently kissing the unicorn’s hoof, working up her arm to her neck. “Keep going. I just want you to touch me all over, Octy.”
  119. “I can oblige that my dear.” The mare said as she suddenly pressed her hooftip against Vinyl’s clit, teasing it gently. The unicorn, in her bout of heightened stimulation, immediately arched her back against the hoof, gasping loudly as she felt her body ignite. The orgasm crashed through her, the feeling pulsing through every nerve as the drug heightened every sensation.
  120. “This…this is crazy…” she said as she gasped for breath. Octavia backed away, making sure her cello and bow were secure.
  121. “I don’t feel drained at all.” Said Vinyl as she looked down at her body, examining her still bleeding hoof. “Matter of fact, I feel like I could run a marathon. Want to go running, Octy?”
  122. “Heh, not especially, Vinyl.”
  123. “Want to write a symphony? I’ll run home and get my synth and keyboard, we’ll bang the whole thing out tonight!” Vinyl asked excitedly.
  124. “Not really in the mood.”
  125. As Vinyl stood there, she looked down and realized she was working her hoof against her thighs again, and she didn’t even notice it. Even touching her skin seemed to excite her, causing her to shudder. She looked into Octavia’s eyes with a half open, come hither stare. “Wanna fuck?”
  126. Octavia feigned surprise. “You would want to be with me? Why I distinctly remember just a few short years ago, some pony told me they wouldn’t sleep with me if I were the last mare on Equestria.”
  127. “Octy, c’mon. I didn’t mean it.” Vinyl grabbed Octavia’s hoof with her magic, and pulled her closer.
  128. “Well, I may be able to make an exception. If you promise to be an obedient little pony this time.”
  129. Vinyl looked at her with puppy dog eyes. “I’ll do whatever you want, Octy.”
  130. Octavia raised an eyebrow, and simply motioned towards her bedroom with a flick of her head. She walked slowly through the door, with a very hot and bothered unicorn following her.
  132. The entire room was done in shades of grey. The floor was dark marble, the walls were a rich, white wallpaper. There was little furniture, except for Octavia’s king sized bed, covered in simple grey sheets with a massive ebony headboard. Vinyl giggled as she jumped onto the bed, waving her rump in the air as she lifted her tail for Octavia.
  133. The earth pony maintains a stoic look on her face. “Cute, but no.” she pushes Vinyl’s tail down, causing the pony to whimper like some animal. Octavia opens a hope chest at the foot of her bed, pulling out a black hoof harness with a small wood dowel in the middle. She straps one side on deftly on the white mare. Vinyl looks at her quizzically, but does not put up any resistance. The other rear hoof gets a similar treatment, essentially separating her legs with the dowel. The unicorn is just giggling now, shaking her ass in the air. Octavia puts a piece of thick tape over the mare’s tail, pinning it to Vinyl’s soft back. The white mare can feel open air rushing over her most intimate parts, and gyrates herself in pleasure as if she could hump the very air itself.
  134. Octavia was finding herself getting overwhelmed by the display. She wanted to get off. Selecting one of her largest dildos, she attached it to her worn, black leather harness. She worked it slowly up her legs, pulling the straps to attach it to her thighs. She looked down, pleased with herself. It was a large reproduction, at nearly 10 inches long, with a large, flared head.
  135. Octavia smiled as she reached out and kissed the quivering flank in front of her. “Don’t worry Vinyl. Octy is going to give you everything you need.”
  136. She mounted the mare suddenly, using her superior strength to position the unicorn under her. She pushed her so that the tip of her member lined up with the already engorged folds. Savoring the sensation of pushing the thick flare inside, Octavia pushed back and forth, catching Vinyl’s clit with the fat tip, causing her to make the most adorable whimpering noises.
  137. The leering pony on top of Vinyl finally started pushing the shaft home, driving the entire length slowly inside. She bottomed out before she hit the mare’s cervix. ‘Damn. Maybe next time I’ll use the bigger one.’ She thought.
  138. Vinyl was writhing already underneath her. The feeling of her entire snatch being filled, along with the added effects of the drug, was beyond amazing. She found herself humping back violently against Octavia. Each push rubbed the earth pony’s swollen clit, driving Octavia to push into her harder.
  139. As Vinyl reached her climax, Octavia didn’t let up at all. Her earth pony lineage showed, as she kept plowing into the mare’s leaking hole. Vinyl used her magic to slightly brush her clit, feeling the shaft bottom out in her once more. Her whole body was throbbing as she cried out. “Oh shit! Oh shit oh shit ohshit ohshit…ahhh….ahhhhHHH.”
  140. Thankful of the concrete walls, Octavia pulled out of the now dripping cunt. She reached in with her tongue, licking the dropping juices clean. Then she gave the panting mare a hard slap on the rump. “Good to go again, Vinyl?”
  141. The white pony rotated her head around on the bed to face her. Her mane was completely disheveled, and her face was flushed from her exertions. “Oc…Octy. Never…thought you’d ask.” Octavia smiled. This was indeed her favorite drug. Vinyl’s energy mine as well have been boundless.
  142. Octavia lay down on the sheets, positioning her fake shaft near Vinyl’s head. “Come here and clean my toy.” Vinyl lustfully crawled over, her ass still forced to stick in the air behind her. She reached out her pink tongue and licked the black shaft with long, loving strokes. She treated it as any stallion’s, circling her tongue tip around the tip, and placing the whole flare in her mouth. “Vinyl, you seem like you’ve done this before. Nod to me, have you sucked off a stallion before, you little slut?”
  143. Vinyl nodded as she kept working the fake member. She turned her muzzle sideways, and ran it through her mouth, working her lips around its entire circumference, teasing the underside with her tongue.
  144. “Go lower, Vinyl.” The magenta eyes looked up at Octavia obediently, as she pushed her muzzle under the harness, finding the grey mare’s dripping folds. “Now I know you’ve done this before, my dear.”
  145. Vinyl barely heard her as she snaked her tongue as deep in as she could, seeking the mare’s g-spot. Her tongue tip played off the soft inner walls, probing every inch of the intimate region. After a few minutes, she heard a gasp and felt the mare clench against her. She smiled as she continued her assault, lapping the inner walls as she teased the sensitive spot again and again. Octavia couldn’t stand the intense feeling any more. She bucked her hips against the white mare, squealing softly as she came. Vinyl pulled her tongue out, and worked the mare’s clit as she shuddered, coming down from her intense orgasm.
  146. Octavia panted for a moment, enjoying the sensation of the mare lapping her juices after her intense climax. She reached out a hoof and ran it through that electric blue mane as she enjoyed the afterglow. “Gods, Vinyl. Why’d you ever have to leave me.” Octavia broke the close contact and rose from the bed. “I did promise I’d take care of you again, didn’t I? Well not all of us are flying high on meth right now, so I’m going to have my assistant look after you.” Octavia rummaged in her chest, and pulled out a small, curved plastic dildo attached to a battery powered box. Vinyl pushed her ass in the air, whimpering. Octavia chuckled as she ran the tip along her folds before stabbing it in. The curved device rubbed the most sensitive areas of Vinyl’s snatch, and she sighed immediately as it went in.
  147. Octavia smiled. “And now…we turn it on.” The effect was instantaneous. The unicorn writhed against the vibrating intruder, her mouth hanging open as her tongue lolled out onto the sheet. Octavia placed a piece of tape over the device to keep it in place. Patting her friend’s flank, she walked towards the door.
  148. “I’ll be on the couch, Vinyl. You be a good girl now.”
  149. The unicorn couldn’t hear her. She was on her second orgasm, and quickly approaching the third. It didn’t seem to matter how many times she came. She wanted this to go on all night.
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