
The Fluffy Factory: Quality Control

May 12th, 2012
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  1. >Working here has certainly dulled your emotions to crayon-like sharpness.
  2. >Not even the constant wailing of the feeder mares gets to you that much anymore.
  3. >There's still one thing about it all that bothers you a little, however.
  4. >Before you can even say hello to Steve and Rob as they arrive, you hear a tinny shriek from basement two.
  5. >You head down and find a frantically wiggling, sky blue unicorn dam with orange eyes and a white mane and tail.
  6. >”Tummy huwt! Feew big poopies, huwt Cwoudy!” she sniffles.
  7. “Easy, Cloudy, I'll help you.”
  8. >You gently move her to the metal table. She cries about the pain in her swollen tummy.
  9. >Cloudy is one of the unicorns from the mall herd you raided a few weeks ago.
  10. >She was a bitch to breed. Her fluffy vagina wouldn't even fit a drinking straw.
  11. >You considered throwing her out, but blue is coming back into fashion.
  12. >Sarah told you to open her up, so you did – by having her mated daily.
  13. >Hopefully, it didn't damage her enough to cause complications.
  14. >Based on her constant babbling about her babies, you've surmised this is her first litter.
  15. >”Owwies! Tummy meanie, make big huwties to Cwoudy!” she cries.
  16. >You set her down and begin to squeeze her.
  17. >”Big owwies! Pwease no huwt, Cwoudy sowwy!”
  18. >She struggles weakly in your grip, her legs flailing.
  19. >You press down a bit harder. Finally, a slimy foal plops out onto the table.
  20. >”Nuuuuu, poopies come out! Poopies not in witta bocks! Sowwy!”
  21. “Relax, Cloudy, you're not in trouble.”
  22. >You continue to squeeze her, rubbing down toward her rear end.
  23. >It takes almost five minutes of this massaging to urge her second foal out.
  24. >”Nuu! No poopies hewe! Cwoudy no wan' be bad!”
  25. >Both foals are moving around.
  26. >Their mouths open and close, but no sound comes out.
  27. >They fail to find warm fluff to cling to and begin to get frightened, weakly flailing their tiny limbs.
  28. >Because she hears no squeaking, Cloudy has no idea she's even having children.
  29. >No afterbirth comes out, even though she's shrunk a great deal.
  30. >You continue massaging her abdomen.
  31. >It takes another five minutes to urge out the third and final foal.
  32. >A spurt of bloody afterbirth follows this one, and Cloudy is no longer swollen.
  33. >This foal squeaks loudly, and its mother finally realizes what's going on.
  34. >”Wha? No poopies, babeh! Come to mumma, babeh! Wan' wuv!”
  35. >You quickly type and sex the litter while Cloudy tries to turn around.
  36. >The quiet foals are both male unicorns. The vociferous squeaker is a female earth fluffy.
  37. >You hand them over to Cloudy to clean and check while you wipe the table off.
  38. >”Wha? Haf babehs, not babeh! Come hewe, babehs!”
  39. >The squeaky wheel gets the grease first, as it were. She licks the earth foal.
  40. >At last, the other foals have found their mother's fluff. They cling to it and cry silently.
  41. >They look like fish out of water, their mouths gulping air for sound they fail to make.
  42. >When she finishes cleaning the earth foal, Cloudy hugs one of the little unicorns in order to start cleaning him.
  43. >She looks at her baby for a long time, then suddenly drops him.
  44. >”No wan'. Babeh dumb.”
  45. >The tiny foal finally emits a warbling, quiet mewl as she pushes him away.
  46. >She hugs the other little unicorn to her, and does the same thing after looking at him.
  47. >”Dis babeh dumb. No wan' dumb babehs.”
  48. >The unicorns are finally able to cry now.
  49. >They weakly hug at the blue fluff, only for Cloudy to push them away with her back hooves.
  50. >She is so focused on denying them love, she doesn't even notice when you take her healthy foal away.
  51. >”No wan' dumb babehs! Go 'way!” she yells.
  52. >You come back to finish wiping down the table.
  53. >Cloudy continues to buck away her unwanted spawn.
  54. >Each weak kick provokes a loud squeak of protest from the victim.
  55. >There is something oddly fascinating about watching a fluffy dam reject her children.
  56. >She is so adamant about her position, she continues to roughly kick away her foals even after they've squeaked in pain.
  57. >”No wan'! Dumb babehs no get wuv!”
  58. >The other dams are beginning to get agitated.
  59. >”Wuv babeh! No huwt babeh, babeh make owwie noise! Hewp babeh!” Sunflower yells.
  60. >She's recently had her white foals taken away so they can be mated with each other.
  61. >Her maternal instinct is still in overdrive, even moreso now that she's pregnant again.
  62. >Cloudy shrieks back at her.
  63. >”Bad babehs! No cawe if huwties! Dumb babehs get huwties!”
  64. >”Babehs need wuv! Gif huggies! Gif nummies!”
  65. >Again, the foals get kicked away.
  66. >”No gif! Babehs no get nummies and huggies, bad babehs! No wike!”
  67. >You consider giving them to Sunflower to raise.
  68. >When you clean their faces off, however, they display dull brown and puke green fuzz.
  69. >Nobody is going to buy these foals.
  70. >Cloudy bucks them away one last time, blowing a raspberry in their direction.
  71. >You pick them up, one in each hand, and walk away.
  72. >”No! Mista! Babehs need nummies and huggies!” Sunflower wails.
  73. >You drop them into the open trash can, but don't immediately turn away.
  74. >The foals find their mother's bloody afterbirth and begin hugging it.
  75. >They squeak pathetically for hugs that aren't coming.
  76. >The puke green foal squirms underneath the placenta, thinking it's his mother.
  77. >You've seen enough, and put on the lid.
  78. “Sorry, kids, you're the wrong color.”
  79. >For once, there is no sarcasm in your apology.
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