

Aug 6th, 2015
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  1. Hi there
  2. My name is FoodLovingPanda and I will be reviewing you
  3. This review will be divided into three sections: Terrain, Organics and Structure and I will explain each section separately, so let us begin.
  6. So your terrain has this extreme transition from straight out flat area to that huge hill on the corner of the plot. It does not look like a cliff so that i could pass that off, also you started off nicely with the bottom and making it all diffent height within layers but as you reached the top it feels like you got a bit lazy and made it look step like. Also the line between the stone and the mycelium should not be one layer thick and so regular. Try making it thicker in some and then thinner in other areas. Also try and make the transition from plains to hills a bit smoother.
  7. The toxic lake that you made it only one block deep. Make that much deeper and add some terrain underwater as well. Give it some block variety to make it seem more interesting but dont go overboard with colors and make it too busy. Same goes with the hillside and the plains.
  10. The tree is your organic on the plot, but it needs some work on it. For a tree that size i would suggest that you make the tree trunk a bit more thicker and you should add branches that will support the treetop. And as for that treetop you will need to make it much more bigger. A good trick that i have picked up while making trees is to leave some air blocks in your treetop so it will make it look like it is clear and seethrough, almost lifelike which always looks good to me.
  13. First thing i would suggest to you is that you completely redo your structure it feels so small and cramped compared to the rest of the plot. Also since you have made it so small it is very hard to add proper depth and detail to its exterior so that is another thing that should go along with a bigger house.
  15. Have fun building
  16. -FoodLovingPanda
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