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Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. # Generated by OpenSesame 0.27.2 (Frisky Freud)
  2. # Sat Jun 8 13:23:54 2013 (posix)
  3. # <>
  5. set foreground "white"
  6. set subject_parity "even"
  7. set description "A template containing a practice and an experimental phase"
  8. set title "Extended template"
  9. set compensation "0"
  10. set coordinates "relative"
  11. set height "768"
  12. set mouse_backend "xpyriment"
  13. set width "1024"
  14. set sampler_backend "legacy"
  15. set keyboard_backend "legacy"
  16. set background "black"
  17. set subject_nr "0"
  18. set canvas_backend "xpyriment"
  19. set start "experiment"
  20. set synth_backend "legacy"
  22. define inline_script declare_trial_count
  23. set _run ""
  24. ___prepare__
  25. # Determine the trial count.
  26. # The built-in counter 'count_trial_sequence'
  27. # starts counting at zero (in line with the zero-based
  28. # indexing generally used in Python).
  30. # Therefore, we want to add '1' to the
  31. # counter variable you want to show to
  32. # the participant.
  34. # Firstly, we 'get' the in-the-GUI-defined variable
  35. # 'count_trial_sequence' to use it in an inline_script.
  37. # To do so, we use the built-in experiment function
  38. # self.get(). This function takes one argument, namely the
  39. # name of the OpenSesame variable:
  40. # For more info, see:
  41. #
  43. trial_count = self.get("count_trial_sequence")
  45. # Next, we add '1' to the trial_count:
  46. trial_count = trial_count + 1
  48. # To determine how many trials the participant still
  49. # has to do, we use the previously-defined
  50. # variable 'total', which we 'get' with self.get():
  51. trials_remaining = self.get("total") - trial_count
  53. # Finally, we have to set the here-defined variables to
  54. # make them available in the GUI:
  55. exp.set("trial_count", trial_count)
  56. exp.set("trials_remaining", trials_remaining)
  57. __end__
  58. set description "Executes Python code"
  60. define inline_script declare_total
  61. set _run ""
  62. ___prepare__
  63. # Declare the total number of trials, which should correspond
  64. # to the number of trials in the block loop
  65. # (depending on 'cycles' and 'repeat').
  66. total = 5
  68. # To make an in-an-inline_script-item-defined variable
  69. # available in the GUI (e.g., in our case, a sketchpad item)
  70. # as well, we 'set' the variable by using the built-in
  71. # experiment function exp.set().
  73. # This function takes two arguments: the name
  74. # of the variable and its value.
  75. # For more information, see:
  76. #
  77. exp.set("total", total)
  78. __end__
  79. set description "Executes Python code"
  81. define loop block_loop
  82. set repeat "1"
  83. set description "A single block of trials"
  84. set item "trial_sequence"
  85. set column_order ""
  86. set cycles "5"
  87. set order "random"
  88. run trial_sequence
  90. define sketchpad sketchpad
  91. set duration "0"
  92. set description "Displays stimuli"
  93. set start_response_interval "no"
  94. draw fixdot 0 0 color=white show_if="always"
  95. draw textline 0 -192 "This is trial [trial_count]/[total]" center=1 color=white font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always"
  96. draw textline 0 -96 "You still have [trials_remaining] trials to go..." center=1 color=white font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always"
  98. define sequence experiment
  99. set flush_keyboard "yes"
  100. set description "The main sequence of the experiment"
  101. run declare_total "always"
  102. run experimental_loop "always"
  104. define sequence trial_sequence
  105. set flush_keyboard "yes"
  106. set description "A single trial"
  107. run declare_trial_count "always"
  108. run sketchpad "always"
  109. run keyboard_response "always"
  110. run logger "always"
  112. define loop experimental_loop
  113. set repeat "1"
  114. set description "A loop containing one or more experimental blocks"
  115. set item "block_sequence"
  116. set column_order "practice"
  117. set cycles "1"
  118. set order "random"
  119. setcycle 0 practice "no"
  120. run block_sequence
  122. define keyboard_response keyboard_response
  123. set description "Collects keyboard responses"
  124. set timeout "infinite"
  125. set flush "yes"
  127. define logger logger
  128. set description "Logs experimental data"
  130. define sequence block_sequence
  131. set flush_keyboard "yes"
  132. set description "A sequence containing a single block of trials followed by feedback to the participant"
  133. run block_loop "always"
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