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Mar 8th, 2013
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  1. local AceLocale = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceLocale-3.0")
  2. local L = AceLocale:NewLocale("ElvUI", "zhTW")
  3. if not L then return end
  5. --TEMP
  6. L["A taint has occured that is preventing you from using your talents/glyphs. Please reload your user interface and try again."] = "發生一個錯誤導致你無法使用你的天賦/彫文,請重新加載你的用戶界面,然後再試一次."
  8. --ActionBars
  9. L[" |cff00ff00bound to |r"] = " |cff00ff00綁定到 |r"
  10. L["Action Paging"] = "快捷列翻頁"
  11. L["ActionBars"] = "快捷列"
  12. L["All keybindings cleared for |cff00ff00%s|r."] = "取消|cff00ff00%s|r 所有綁定的快捷​​鍵."
  13. L['Alpha'] = "透明度"
  14. L["Anchor Point"] = "定位方向"
  15. L["Backdrop"] = "背景"
  16. L["Binding"] = "綁定"
  17. L["Binds Discarded"] = "取消綁定"
  18. L["Binds Saved"] = "儲存綁定"
  19. L["Button Size"] = "按鈕尺寸"
  20. L["Button Spacing"] = "按鈕間距"
  21. L["Buttons Per Row"] = "每行按鈕數"
  22. L["Buttons"] = "按鈕數"
  23. L['Change the alpha level of the frame.'] = "改變框架透明度."
  24. L['Color of the actionbutton when out of power (Mana, Rage, Focus, Holy Power).'] = "施放能量 (法力、怒氣、集中值、聖能) 不足的技能快捷鍵顏色."
  25. L['Color of the actionbutton when out of range.'] = "超出施放範圍的技能快捷鍵顏色."
  26. L["Color when the text is about to expire"] = "即將冷卻完畢的數字顏色."
  27. L["Color when the text is in the days format."] = "以天顯示的文字顏色."
  28. L["Color when the text is in the hours format."] = "以小時顯示的文字顏色."
  29. L["Color when the text is in the minutes format."] = "以分顯示的文字顏色."
  30. L["Color when the text is in the seconds format."] = "以秒顯示的文字顏色."
  31. L["Cooldown Text"] = "冷卻文字"
  32. L["Days"] = "天"
  33. L["Discard"] = "取消"
  34. L["Display bind names on action buttons."] = "在快捷列按鈕上顯示快捷鍵名稱."
  35. L["Display cooldown text on anything with the cooldown spiril."] = "顯示技能冷卻時間."
  36. L["Display macro names on action buttons."] = "在快捷列按鈕上顯示巨集名稱."
  37. L["Expiring"] = "即將冷卻完畢"
  38. L["Height Multiplier"] = "高度倍增"
  39. L["Hours"] = "時"
  40. L['Key Down'] = "按下施法"
  41. L["Key"] = "鍵"
  42. L["Keybind Mode"] = "快捷鍵綁定模式"
  43. L["Keybind Text"] = "快捷鍵文字"
  44. L["KEY_ALT"] = "A"
  45. L["KEY_BUTTON3"] = "M3"
  46. L["KEY_CTRL"] = "C"
  47. L["KEY_DELETE"] = "Del"
  48. L["KEY_HOME"] = "Hm"
  49. L["KEY_INSERT"] = "Ins"
  50. L["KEY_MOUSEBUTTON"] = "M"
  53. L["KEY_NUMPAD"] = "N"
  54. L["KEY_PAGEDOWN"] = "PD"
  55. L["KEY_PAGEUP"] = "PU"
  56. L["KEY_SHIFT"] = "S"
  57. L["KEY_SPACE"] = "SpB"
  58. L["Low Threshold"] = "冷卻時間低閥值"
  59. L["Macro Text"] = "巨集名稱"
  60. L["Minutes"] = "分"
  61. L["Mouse Over"] = "滑鼠滑過顯示"
  62. L["Multiply the backdrops height or width by this value. This is usefull if you wish to have more than one bar behind a backdrop."] = "根據此值增加背景的高度或寬度. 一般用來設定在一個背景框裡放置多條快捷列."
  63. L["No bindings set."] = "未設定快捷綁定."
  64. L['Out of Power'] = "施放能量不足"
  65. L['Out of Range'] = "超出施放範圍"
  66. L['Remove Bar %d Action Page'] = "移除第 %d 快捷列"
  67. L["Restore Bar"] = "還原快捷列"
  68. L["Restore the actionbars default settings"] = "恢復此快捷列的預設設定"
  69. L["Seconds"] = "秒"
  70. L["Set the font size of the action buttons."] = "設定此快捷列按鈕的字體尺寸."
  71. L["The amount of buttons to display per row."] = "每行按鈕顯示數量."
  72. L["The amount of buttons to display."] = "快捷列按鈕顯示數量."
  73. L['The button you must hold down in order to drag an ability to another action button.'] = "需按住此按鈕,才可將技能拖曳至另一快捷鈕中."
  74. L["The first button anchors itself to this point on the bar."] = "快捷列第一個按鈕的所在位置."
  75. L["The size of the action buttons."] = "快捷列按鈕尺寸."
  76. L["Threshold before text turns red and is in decimal form. Set to -1 for it to never turn red"] = "冷卻時間低於此秒數後將變為紅色數字, 並以小數顯示, 設為- 1 冷卻時間將不會變為紅色."
  77. L["Toggles the display of the actionbars backdrop."] = "顯示/隱藏快捷列背景框."
  78. L['Trigger'] = "觸發器"
  79. L["Visibility State"] = "顯示狀態"
  80. L["Width Multiplier"] = "寬度倍增"
  81. L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to page differently.
  82.  Example: '[combat] 2;']=] ] = [=[此功能與巨集概念類似,可根據不同情境,切換至不同的快捷列設置。
  83. 例如:'[combat] 2;']=]
  84. L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to show/hide differently.
  85.  Example: '[combat] show;hide']=] ] = [=[此功能與巨集概念類似,可根據不同情境,切換顯示/隱藏快捷列。
  86. 例如:'[combat] show;hide']=]
  88. --Bags
  89. L['Adjust the width of the bag frame.'] = '調整背包框架寬度.'
  90. L['Adjust the width of the bank frame.'] = '調整銀行框架寬度.'
  91. L['Align the width of the bag frame to fit inside the chat box.'] = '調整背包框架寬度以適應對話框.'
  92. L['Align To Chat'] = '對齊對話框架'
  93. L['Already Running.. Bailing Out!'] = '正在運行'
  94. L["Ascending"] = "升序"
  95. L["Bag-Bar"] = "背包條"
  96. L["Bags"] = "背包"
  97. L["BAGS_DESC"] = "調整 ElvUI 背包設定."
  98. L["Bar Direction"] = "背包條排序方向"
  99. L["Bottom to Top"] = "底部至頂部"
  100. L['Button Size (Bag)'] = '單個格子尺寸 (背包)'
  101. L['Button Size (Bank)'] = '單個格子尺寸 (銀行)'
  102. L["Click to search.."] = "按一下以搜尋.."
  103. L['Confused.. Try Again!'] = '請再試一次!'
  104. L["copperabbrev"] = "|cffeda55f銅|r"
  105. L['Currency Format'] = '貨幣格式'
  106. L["Delete Grays"] = "刪除灰色物品"
  107. L["Deleted %d gray items. Total Worth: %s"] = "已刪除%d 個灰色物品. 總價值: %s"
  108. L["Descending"] = "降序"
  109. L["Direction the bag sorting will use to allocate the items."] = "整理背包物品時,將依此排序方向排放物品."
  110. L["Enable/Disable the all-in-one bag."] = "啟用/停用整合背包."
  111. L["Enable/Disable the Bag-Bar."] = "啟用/停用背包條."
  112. L["goldabbrev"] = "|cffffd700金|r"
  113. L['Hold Control + Right Click:'] = '按住 Ctrl 並按滑鼠右鍵:'
  114. L['Hold Shift + Drag:'] = '按住 Shift 並拖曳:'
  115. L["Hold Shift:"] = "按住 Shift:"
  116. L["Icons and Text"] = '圖示與文字'
  117. L['Ignore Items'] = "忽略項目"
  118. L['List of items to ignore when sorting. If you wish to add multiple items you must seperate the word with a comma.'] = "忽略清單中的項目,如果你想添加多個項目,你必須用逗號將它們分開."
  119. L["No gray items to delete."] = "沒有可刪除的灰色物品."
  120. L["No gray items to sell."] = "沒有可出售的灰色物品."
  121. L['Panel Width (Bags)'] = '框架寬度 (背包)'
  122. L['Panel Width (Bank)'] = '框架寬度 (銀行)'
  123. L["Purchase"] = "購買銀行欄位"
  124. L['Reset Position'] = '重設位置'
  125. L["Set the size of your bag buttons."] = "設定你的背包格尺寸."
  126. L["silverabbrev"] = "|cffc7c7cf銀|r"
  127. L["Sort Bags"] = "整理背包"
  128. L["Sort Direction"] = "整理排序方向"
  129. L['Sort Inverted'] = '倒序排列'
  130. L["Sort Special"] = "整理特殊背包"
  131. L['Stack Bags to Bank'] = '物品堆疊至銀行'
  132. L['Stack Bank to Bags'] = '物品堆疊至背包'
  133. L["Stack Items"] = "堆疊物品"
  134. L["Stack Special"] = "堆疊特殊背包"
  135. L['Temporary Move'] = '移動背包'
  136. L["The direction that the bag frames be (Horizontal or Vertical)."] = "背包框架排序方向 (水平或垂直)."
  137. L["The direction that the bag frames will grow from the anchor."] = "新增的背包框架將依此定位方向排序."
  138. L['The display format of the currency icons that get displayed below the main bag. (You have to be watching a currency for this to display)'] = '背包主框架下方的兌換通貨圖示顯示格式.需先設定監控特定兌換通貨,才會顯示於背包框架.'
  139. L["The frame is not shown unless you mouse over the frame."] = "僅於游標移經快捷列時顯示框架."
  140. L['The size of the individual buttons on the bag frame.'] = '背包框架單個格子的尺寸.'
  141. L['The size of the individual buttons on the bank frame.'] = '銀行框架單個格子的尺寸.'
  142. L["The spacing between buttons."] = "兩個按鈕間的距離."
  143. L['Toggle Bags'] = '開啟/關閉背包'
  144. L["Top to Bottom"] = "頂部至底部"
  145. L["Vendor Grays"] = "出售灰色物品"
  146. L["Vendored gray items for:"] = "已售出灰色物品,共得:"
  147. L["X Offset"] = "X 軸偏移"
  148. L["Y Offset"] = "Y 軸偏移"
  149. L['You must be at a bank.'] = '請與銀行行員對話.'
  150. L["You must be at a vendor."] = "你必須與商人對話."
  152. --Buffs and Debuffs
  153. L['AURAS_DESC'] = "小地圖旁的光環圖示設定."
  154. L['Begin a new row or column after this many auras.'] = "在這些光環旁開始新的行或列."
  155. L['Consolidated Buffs'] = "整合增益"
  156. L['Defines how the group is sorted.'] = "請定義群組分類方式."
  157. L['Defines the sort order of the selected sort method.'] = "請定義所選分類方式的排序."
  158. L['Display the consolidated buffs bar.'] = "顯示整合增益條"
  159. L["Fade Threshold"] = "剩餘時間閥值"
  160. L['Filter Consolidated'] = '篩選效益相同的光環';
  161. L['Index'] = "索引"
  162. L['Indicate whether buffs you cast yourself should be separated before or after."'] = "將你自身施放的增益從整體增益之前或之後分離出來."
  163. L['Limit the number of rows or columns.'] = "最大行數或列數."
  164. L['Max Wraps'] = "每行最大數"
  165. L['No Sorting'] = "不分類"
  166. L['Only show consolidated icons on the consolidated bar that your class/spec is interested in. This is useful for raid leading.'] = '只在綜合光環條上僅顯示有益於玩家職業/天賦的增益光環, 指揮團隊時相當有用.'
  167. L["Other's First"] = "他人光環優先"
  168. L['Remaining Time'] = "剩餘時間"
  169. L['Seperate'] = "光環分離"
  170. L['Set the size of the individual auras.'] = "設定每個光環的尺寸."
  171. L['Sort Method'] = "分類方式"
  172. L['Threshold before text changes red, goes into decimal form, and the icon will fade. Set to -1 to disable.'] = "冷卻時間低於此秒數後將變為紅色數字以小數顯示, 並且圖示會漸隱. 設定為-1 禁用此功能."
  173. L['Time'] = "時間"
  174. L['Wrap After'] = "每行光環數"
  175. L['Your Auras First'] = "自身光環優先"
  177. --Chat
  178. L['Above Chat'] = '對話框上方'
  179. L["AFK"] = "離開"
  180. L["Attempt to create URL links inside the chat."] = "對話視窗出現網址時建立連結."
  181. L['Attempt to lock the left and right chat frame positions. Disabling this option will allow you to move the main chat frame anywhere you wish.'] = "鎖定左右對話框架的位置.禁用此選項將允許你移動對話框架到任意位置."
  182. L['Below Chat'] = '對話框下方'
  183. L["BN:"] = "戰網:"
  184. L['Chat EditBox Position'] = '對話輸入框位置'
  185. L['Chat History'] = "對話記錄"
  186. L["Chat"] = "對話"
  187. L["CHAT_DESC"] = "對話框架設定."
  188. L["Copy Text"] = "複製文字"
  189. L["Display the hyperlink tooltip while hovering over a hyperlink."] = "滑鼠懸停在超鏈接上時顯示鏈接提示框."
  190. L['DND'] = "忙碌"
  191. L['Fade Chat'] = "對話內容漸隱"
  192. L['Fade the chat text when there is no activity.'] = '未出現新訊息時,隱藏對話框的文字.'
  193. L["Font Outline"] = "字體描邊"
  194. L["Font"] = "字體"
  195. L["G"] = "公會"
  196. L['Hide Both'] = "全部隱藏"
  197. L["Hyperlink Hover"] = "超連結提示資訊"
  198. L["I"] = '副本'
  199. L["IL"] = '副本隊長'
  200. L['Invalid Target'] = "無效的目標"
  201. L["Keyword Alert"] = "關鍵字警報"
  202. L['Keywords'] = "關鍵字"
  203. L['Left Only'] = "僅顯示左框背景"
  204. L['List of words to color in chat if found in a message. If you wish to add multiple words you must seperate the word with a comma. To search for your current name you can use %MYNAME%.\n\nExample:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBGs, Tank'] = "如果在對話信息中發現如下文字會自動上色該文字. 如果你需要添加多個詞必須用逗號分開. 如要搜尋角色名稱可使用%MYNAME %.\n\n例如:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBGs, Tank"
  205. L['Lock Positions'] = '鎖定位置'
  206. L['Log the main chat frames history. So when you reloadui or log in and out you see the history from your last session.'] = '記錄對話歷史,當你重載,登錄和退出時會恢復你最後一次會話'
  207. L["Number of time in seconds to scroll down to the bottom of the chat window if you are not scrolled down completely."] = "對話框滾動到底部所需要的滾動時間(秒)."
  208. L["O"] = "幹部"
  209. L["P"] = "隊伍"
  210. L["Panel Backdrop"] = "對話框背景"
  211. L["Panel Height"] = "對話框高度"
  212. L["Panel Texture (Left)"] = "對話框材質(左)"
  213. L["Panel Texture (Right)"] = "對話框材質(右)"
  214. L['Panel Width'] = "對話框寛度"
  215. L['PANEL_DESC'] = "調整左、右對話框的尺寸, 此設定將會影響對話與背包框架的尺寸."
  216. L["PG"] = "隊員"
  217. L["PL"] = "隊長"
  218. L['Position of the Chat EditBox, if datatexts are disabled this will be forced to be above chat.'] = '對話編輯框位置,如果底部的信息文字被禁用的話,將會強制顯示在對話框頂部.'
  219. L["Prevent the same messages from displaying in chat more than once within this set amount of seconds, set to zero to disable."] = "單位時間(秒) 內屏蔽重複對話信息, 設定為0 禁用此功能."
  220. L["R"] = "團隊"
  221. L['Right Only'] = "僅顯示右框背景"
  222. L["RL"] = "團隊隊長"
  223. L["RW"] = "團隊警告"
  224. L['says'] = "說"
  225. L["Scroll Interval"] = "滾動間隔"
  226. L["Set the font outline."] = "字體描邊設定."
  227. L["Short Channels"] = "隱藏頻道名稱"
  228. L["Shorten the channel names in chat."] = "在對話視窗中隱藏頻道名稱."
  229. L['Show Both'] = "全部顯示"
  230. L["Spam Interval"] = "洗頻訊息間隔"
  231. L["Sticky Chat"] = "記憶對話頻道"
  232. L["Tab Font Outline"] = "分頁字體描邊"
  233. L["Tab Font Size"] = "分頁字體尺寸"
  234. L["Tab Font"] = "分頁字體"
  235. L['Tab Panel Transparency'] = "標籤面板透明"
  236. L['Tab Panel'] = "標籤面板"
  237. L['Toggle showing of the left and right chat panels.'] = "顯示/隱藏左、右對話框背景."
  238. L['Toggle the chat tab panel backdrop.'] = "顯示/隱藏對話框架標籤面板背景."
  239. L['Trade'] = "拾取/交易"
  240. L["URL Links"] = "網址連結"
  241. L["When opening the Chat Editbox to type a message having this option set means it will retain the last channel you spoke in. If this option is turned off opening the Chat Editbox should always default to the SAY channel."] = "打開此選項將會保存你的輸入框為上一次輸入的頻道, 關閉此選項輸入框將始終保持在說的頻道."
  242. L["Whisper Alert"] = "密語警報"
  243. L['whispers'] = "密語"
  244. L['yells'] = "大喊"
  245. L[ [=[Specify a filename located inside the World of Warcraft directory. Textures folder that you wish to have set as a panel background.
  247. Please Note:
  248. -The image size recommended is 256x128
  249. -You must do a complete game restart after adding a file to the folder.
  250. -The file type must be tga format.
  252. Example: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\textures\copy
  254. Or for most users it would be easier to simply put a tga file into your WoW folder, then type the name of the file here.]=] ] = [=[若要設定對話框背景, 請將你希望設定為背景的檔案置放於WoW 目錄底下的「Textures」資料夾中, 並指定該檔名.
  256. 請注意:
  257. - 影像尺寸建議為 256 x 128
  258. - 在此資料夾新增檔案後, 請務必重新啟動遊戲.
  259. - 檔案必須為 tga 格式.
  261. 範例:Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\textures\copy
  263. 對多數玩家來說, 較簡易的方式是將 tga 檔放入 WoW 資料夾中, 然後在此處輸入檔案名稱.]=]
  265. --Config / Install
  266. L["Auras Set"] = "光環樣式設定"
  267. L["Auras System"] = "光環樣式"
  268. L["Caster DPS"] = "法系輸出"
  269. L["Chat Set"] = "對話设置"
  270. L['Choose a theme layout you wish to use for your initial setup.'] = "為你的個人設定選擇一個你喜歡的皮膚主題."
  271. L['Classic'] = "經典"
  272. L["Click the button below to resize your chat frames, unitframes, and reposition your actionbars."] = "點擊下面的按鈕調整對話框、單位框架的尺寸, 以及移動快捷列位置."
  273. L['Config Mode:'] = "設定模式:"
  274. L["CVars Set"] = "參數設定"
  275. L["CVars"] = "參數"
  276. L['Dark'] = "黑暗"
  277. L['Disable'] = "禁用"
  278. L["ElvUI Installation"] = "安裝 ElvUI"
  279. L["Finished"] = "設定完畢"
  280. L["Grid Size:"] = "網格尺寸:"
  281. L["Healer"] = "補師"
  282. L["High Resolution"] = "高解析度"
  283. L["high"] = "高"
  284. L['Icons Only'] = "圖示"
  285. L["If you have an icon or aurabar that you don't want to display simply hold down shift and right click the icon for it to disapear."] = "如果你有不想顯示的圖示或光環條, 你可以簡單的通過按住Shift右鍵點擊使它隱藏."
  286. L["Importance: |cff07D400High|r"] = "重要性: |cff07D400高|r"
  287. L["Importance: |cffD3CF00Medium|r"] = "重要性: |cffD3CF00中|r"
  288. L["Importance: |cffFF0000Low|r"] = "重要性: |cffFF0000低|r"
  289. L["Install"] = "安裝"
  290. L["Installation Complete"] = "安裝完畢"
  291. L['Integrated'] = "整合"
  292. L["Layout Set"] = "版面配置設定"
  293. L["Layout"] = "介面佈局"
  294. L["Lock"] = "鎖定"
  295. L['Low Resolution'] = "低解析度"
  296. L["low"] = "低"
  297. L["Movers unlocked. Move them now and click Lock when you are done."] = "解除框架移動鎖定. 現在可以移動它們, 移好後請點擊「鎖定」."
  298. L["Physical DPS"] = "物理輸出"
  299. L["Pixel Perfect Set"] = "像素設置"
  300. L['Pixel Perfect'] = "像素完美"
  301. L["Please click the button below so you can setup variables and ReloadUI."] = "請按下方按鈕設定變數並重載介面."
  302. L["Please click the button below to setup your CVars."] = "請按下方按鈕設定參數."
  303. L["Please press the continue button to go onto the next step."] = "請按「繼續」按鈕,執行下一個步驟."
  304. L["Resolution Style Set"] = "解析度樣式設定"
  305. L["Resolution"] = "解析度"
  306. L["Run the installation process."] = "執行安裝程序"
  307. L["Select the type of aura system you want to use with ElvUI's unitframes. The integrated system utilizes both aura-bars and aura-icons. The icons only system will display only icons and aurabars won't be used. The classic system will configure your auras to be default."] = "選擇你想在頭像框架上使用的光環樣式. 集成樣式包含了光環條和圖示. 圖示樣式只包含圖示, 並且光環條將不再顯示."
  308. L["Setup Chat"] = "設定對話視窗"
  309. L["Setup CVars"] = "設定參數"
  310. L["Skip Process"] = "略過"
  311. L["Sticky Frames"] = "框架依附"
  312. L["Tank"] = "坦克"
  313. L["The chat windows function the same as Blizzard standard chat windows, you can right click the tabs and drag them around, rename, etc. Please click the button below to setup your chat windows."] = "對話視窗與WOW 原始對話視窗的操作方式相同, 你可以拖拉、移動分頁或重新命名分頁. 請按下方按鈕以設定對話視窗."
  314. L["The in-game configuration menu can be accesses by typing the /ec command or by clicking the 'C' button on the minimap. Press the button below if you wish to skip the installation process."] = "若要進入內建設定選單, 請輸入/ec, 或者按一下小地圖旁的「C」按鈕.若要略過安裝程序, 請按下方按鈕."
  315. L['The Pixel Perfect option will change the overall apperance of your UI. Using Pixel Perfect is a slight performance increase over the traditional layout.'] = "像素完美選項將改變你的整體用戶界面, 使用像素完美能輕微提升傳統界面的性能."
  316. L['Theme Set'] = "主題設置"
  317. L['Theme Setup'] = "主題安裝"
  318. L["This install process will help you learn some of the features in ElvUI has to offer and also prepare your user interface for usage."] = "此安裝程序有助你瞭解ElvUI 部份功能, 並可協助你預先設定UI."
  319. L["This is completely optional."] = "此為選擇性功能."
  320. L["This part of the installation process sets up your chat windows names, positions and colors."] = "此安裝步驟將會設定對話視窗的名稱、位置和顏色."
  321. L["This part of the installation process sets up your World of Warcraft default options it is recommended you should do this step for everything to behave properly."] = "此安裝步驟將會設定 WOW 預設選項, 建議你執行此步驟, 以確保功能均可正常運作."
  322. L["This resolution doesn't require that you change settings for the UI to fit on your screen."] = "這個解析度不需要你改動任何設定以適應你的屏幕."
  323. L["This resolution requires that you change some settings to get everything to fit on your screen."] = "這個解析度需要你改變一些設定才能適應你的屏幕."
  324. L["This will change the layout of your unitframes, raidframes, and datatexts."] = "此材質適用於對話框架、下拉式選單等物件上."
  325. L["Toggle Anchors"] = "解鎖元件定位"
  326. L['Toggle Configuration'] = "開啟/關閉設定"
  327. L["Unlock various elements of the UI to be repositioned."] = "解鎖介面上的各種元件, 以便更改位置."
  328. L["Using the healer layout it is highly recommended you download the addon Clique to work side by side with ElvUI."] = "若你是補職,並使用補職版面配置,強烈建議你下載 Clique,與 ElvUI 搭配使用."
  329. L['Using this option will cause your borders around frames to be 1 pixel wide instead of 3 pixel. You may have to finish the installation to notice a differance. By default this is enabled.'] = "此安裝步驟將會使你的周圍邊框幀是1像素寬而不是3像素, 你可能在安裝時已經注意到這一差異, 這是一個默認的啓用."
  330. L["Version"] = "版本"
  331. L["You are now finished with the installation process. If you are in need of technical support please visit us at"] = "已完成安裝程序. 小提示: 若想開啟微型選單, 請在小地圖按滑鼠中鍵. 如果沒有中鍵按鈕, 請按住Shift鍵, 並在小地圖按滑鼠右鍵. 如需技術支援請至"
  332. L['You can always change fonts and colors of any element of elvui from the in-game configuration.'] = "你可以在遊戲內的設定選項內更改ElvUI的字體、顏色等設定."
  333. L["You can now choose what layout you wish to use based on your combat role."] = "你現在可以根據你的戰鬥角色選擇合適的佈局."
  334. L["You have changed the pixel perfect option. You will have to complete the installation process to remove any graphical bugs."] = "你已改變了像素完美中的選項, 你必須完成安裝過程以消除任何圖形錯誤."
  335. L["You may need to further alter these settings depending how low you resolution is."] = "根據你的解析度你可能需要改動這些設定."
  336. L["Your current resolution is %s, this is considered a %s resolution."] = "你當前的解析度是%s, 這被認為是個%s 解析度."
  338. --Credits
  339. L["Coding:"] = "編碼:"
  340. L["Credits"] = "嗚謝"
  341. L["Donations:"] = "捐款: "
  342. L["ELVUI_CREDITS"] = "我想透過這個特別方式, 向那些協助測試、編碼及透過捐款協助過我的人表達感謝, 請曾提供協助的朋友至論壇傳私訊給我, 我會將你的名字添加至此處."
  343. L["Testing:"] = "測試:"
  345. --DataTexts
  346. L["(Hold Shift) Memory Usage"] = "(按住Shift) 記憶體使用量"
  347. L["24-Hour Time"] = "24小時制"
  348. L['Always Display'] = "總是顯示"
  349. L["AP"] = "攻擊強度"
  350. L["AVD: "] = "免傷: "
  351. L["Avoidance Breakdown"] = "免傷統計"
  352. L["Bandwidth"] = "頻寬"
  353. L['Bases Assaulted'] = "已佔領基地"
  354. L['Bases Defended'] = "已守住基地"
  355. L['Battleground datatexts temporarily hidden, to show type /bgstats or right click the "C" icon near the minimap.'] = '戰場資訊暫時隱藏, 你可以通過輸入/bgstats 或右鍵點擊小地圖旁「C」按鈕顯示.';
  356. L['Battleground datatexts will now show again if you are inside a battleground.'] = "當你處於戰場時戰場資訊將再次顯示."
  357. L['Battleground Texts'] = "戰場資訊"
  358. L['Carts Controlled'] = "已操控乘載器具"
  359. L['Change settings for the display of the location text that is on the minimap.'] = "改變小地圖所在位置文字的顯示設定."
  360. L["Character: "] = "角色: "
  361. L["Chest"] = "胸部"
  362. L["Combat Time"] = "戰斗時間"
  363. L['Datatext Panel (Left)'] = "左側資訊框"
  364. L['Datatext Panel (Right)'] = "右側資訊框"
  365. L["DataTexts"] = "資訊文字"
  366. L["DATATEXT_DESC"] = "屏幕資訊文字顯示設定."
  367. L['Defeated'] = "已擊殺"
  368. L["Deficit:"] = "赤字:"
  369. L['Demolishers Destroyed'] = "已摧毀攻城器具"
  370. L['Display data panels below the chat, used for datatexts.'] = "在對話框下顯示用於資訊的框體."
  371. L['Display minimap panels below the minimap, used for datatexts.'] = "顯示小地圖下方的資訊框."
  372. L['Download'] = "下載"
  373. L["DPS"] = "傷害輸出"
  374. L["Earned:"] = "賺取:"
  375. L["Feet"] = "腳部"
  376. L['Flags Captured'] = "已奪取旗幟"
  377. L['Flags Returned'] = "已交還旗幟"
  378. L["Friends List"] = "好友列表"
  379. L['Galleon'] = "帆船"
  380. L['Gates Destroyed'] = "已摧毀城門"
  381. L['Graveyards Assaulted'] = "已佔領墓地"
  382. L['Graveyards Defended'] = "已守住墓地"
  383. L["Hands"] = "手部"
  384. L["Head"] = "頭部"
  385. L["Hit"] = "命中"
  386. L["Home Latency:"] = "本機延遲:"
  387. L["HP"] = "生命值"
  388. L["HPS"] = "治療輸出"
  389. L["If not set to true then the server time will be displayed instead."] = "若關閉此選項將顯示伺服器時間."
  390. L["left"] = "左"
  391. L["LeftChatDataPanel"] = "左對話框"
  392. L["LeftMiniPanel"] = "小地圖左側"
  393. L["Legs"] = "腿部"
  394. L["Local Time"] = "本地時間"
  395. L['Location Text'] = "所在位置文字"
  396. L["lvl"] = "等級"
  397. L["Main Hand"] = "主手"
  398. L["middle"] = "中"
  399. L['Minimap Mouseover'] = "小地圖滑鼠滑過"
  400. L['Minimap Panels'] = "小地圖欄"
  401. L['Mitigation By Level: '] = "等級減傷: "
  402. L['Nalak'] = "納拉卡"
  403. L['No Guild'] = "沒有公會"
  404. L["Offhand"] = "副手"
  405. L['Oondasta'] = "烏達斯塔"
  406. L['Orb Possessions'] = "寶珠屬地"
  407. L['Panel Transparency'] = "面板透明"
  408. L["Panels"] = "對話框"
  409. L["Profit:"] = "利潤: "
  410. L["Reset Data: Hold Shift + Right Click"] = "重置數據: 按住 Shift + 右鍵點擊"
  411. L["right"] = "右"
  412. L["RightChatDataPanel"] = "右對話框"
  413. L["RightMiniPanel"] = "小地圖右側"
  414. L["Saved Raid(s)"] = "已有進度的副本"
  415. L["Server: "] = "伺服器: "
  416. L["Session:"] = "本次登入:"
  417. L['Sha of Anger'] = "憤怒之煞"
  418. L["Shoulder"] = "肩部"
  419. L['Show BG Texts'] = "顯示戰場資訊文字"
  420. L["SP"] = "法術能量"
  421. L["Spent:"] = "花費:"
  422. L['Stats For:'] = "統計:"
  423. L["Toggle 24-hour mode for the time datatext."] = "切換時間顯示為24小時制."
  424. L["Total CPU:"] = "CPU佔用"
  425. L["Total Memory:"] = "總記憶體:"
  426. L["Total: "] = "合計: "
  427. L['Towers Assaulted'] = "已佔領哨塔"
  428. L['Towers Defended'] = "已守住哨塔"
  429. L['Undefeated'] = "未擊殺"
  430. L["Unhittable:"] = "未命中:"
  431. L['Victory Points'] = "勝利點數"
  432. L["Waist"] = "腰部"
  433. L['When inside a battleground display personal scoreboard information on the main datatext bars.'] = "處於戰場時, 在主資訊文字條顯示你的戰場得分訊息."
  434. L["World Boss(s)"] = "世界首領"
  435. L["Wrist"] = "護腕"
  437. --DebugTools
  438. L["%s: %s tried to call the protected function '%s'."] = "%s: %s 嘗試調用保護函數'%s'."
  439. L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"] = "插件 %s 與 ElvUI 的 %s 模組不相容。請停用不相容的插件,或停用模組."
  440. L["No locals to dump"] = "沒有本地文件"
  441. L['|cFFE30000Lua error recieved. You can view the error message when you exit combat.'] = "|cFFE30000LUA錯誤已接收, 你可以在脫離戰鬥後檢查.|r"
  443. --Distributor
  444. L['%s is attempting to share his filters with you. Would you like to accept the request?'] = "%s 試圖與你分享過濾器配置. 你是否同意?"
  445. L['%s is attempting to share the profile %s with you. Would you like to accept the request?'] = "%s 試圖與你分享配置文件 %s. 你是否同意?"
  446. L["Data From: %s"] = "數據來源: %s"
  447. L['Filter download complete from %s, would you like to apply changes now?'] = "過濾器配置下載於 %s, 你是否現在變更?"
  448. L["Lord! It's a miracle! The download up and vanished like a fart in the wind! Try Again!"] = "天啊! 太奇葩啦! 下載消失了! 就像是在風中放了個屁... 再試一次吧!"
  449. L["Must be in group with the player if he isn't on the same server as you."] = "如果不是同一服務器, 那他必需和你在同一團隊中."
  450. L['Profile download complete from %s, but the profile %s already exists. Change the name or else it will overwrite the existing profile.'] = "配置文件從 %s 下載完成, 但是配置文件 %s 已存在. 請更改名稱, 否則它會覆蓋你的現有配置文件."
  451. L['Profile download complete from %s, would you like to load the profile %s now?'] = "配置文件從 %s 下載完成, 你是否要加載配置文件 %s?"
  452. L['Profile request sent. Waiting for response from player.'] = "已發送文件請求. 等待對方響應."
  453. L['Request was denied by user.'] = "請求被對方拒絕."
  454. L["Sends your current profile to your target."] = "發送你的配置文件到當前目標."
  455. L["Sends your filter settings to your target."] = "發送你的過濾器配置到當前目標."
  456. L["Share Current Profile"] = "分享當前的配置文件"
  457. L["Share Filters"] = "分享過濾器配置"
  458. L["This feature will allow you to transfer, settings to other characters."] = "此功能將使你的其他角色設置一起改動."
  459. L["You must be targeting a player."] = "你必須以一名玩家為目標."
  460. L['Your profile was successfully recieved by the player.'] = "你的配置文件已被其他玩家成功接收."
  462. --General
  463. L["Accept Invites"] = "接受組隊邀請"
  464. L['Adjust the position of the threat bar to either the left or right datatext panels.'] = "調整仇恨條的位置於左側或右側資訊面板"
  465. L['Adjust the size of the minimap.'] = "調整小地圖尺寸."
  466. L["Announce Interrupts"] = "斷法通告"
  467. L["Announce when you interrupt a spell to the specified chat channel."] = "在指定對話頻道通知斷法信息."
  468. L['Auto Greed/DE'] = "自動貪婪/分解"
  469. L["Auto Repair"] = "自動修裝"
  470. L["Auto Scale"] = "自動縮放"
  471. L["Automatically accept invites from guild/friends."] = "自動接受公會成員/朋友的組隊邀請."
  472. L["Automatically repair using the following method when visiting a merchant."] = "與商人對話時,透過下列方式自動修復裝備."
  473. L["Automatically scale the User Interface based on your screen resolution"] = "依螢幕解析度自動縮放 UI 介面."
  474. L['Automatically select greed or disenchant (when available) on green quality items. This will only work if you are the max level.'] = "當你的等級達到滿級時, 自動選擇貪婪或分解綠色物品."
  475. L["Automatically vendor gray items when visiting a vendor."] = "當訪問商人時自動出售灰色物品."
  476. L['Bottom Panel'] = '底部面板'
  477. L["Chat Bubbles"] = "對話泡泡"
  478. L["Controls what the transparency of the worldmap will be set to when you are moving."] = "進行移動時, 世界地圖的透明度顯示."
  479. L["Disband Group"] = "解散隊伍"
  480. L['Display a panel across the bottom of the screen. This is for cosmetic only.'] = '顯示跨越屏幕底部的面板,僅僅是用于裝飾.'
  481. L['Display a panel across the top of the screen. This is for cosmetic only.'] = '顯示跨越屏幕頂部的面板,僅僅是用于裝飾.'
  482. L['Display emotion icons in chat.'] = "在對話中顯示表情圖示."
  483. L["Don't scale the large world map to block out sides of the screen."] = "世界地圖將不會以全螢幕顯示,玩家仍可檢視四側動靜."
  484. L["ELVUI_DESC"] = "ElvUI 為一套功能完整, 可用來替換 WOW 原始介面的 UI 套件"
  485. L['Emotion Icons'] = "表情圖示"
  486. L["Enable/Disable the loot frame."] = "啟用/停用拾取框架."
  487. L["Enable/Disable the loot roll frame."] = "啟用/停用擲骰框架."
  488. L['Enable/Disable the minimap. |cffFF0000Warning: This will prevent you from seeing the consolidated buffs bar, and prevent you from seeing the minimap datatexts.|r'] = "啟用/停用小地圖. |cffFF0000警告: 這將使你無法看見綜合增益框和小地圖資訊欄.|r"
  489. L["General"] = "一般設定"
  490. L['Left'] = "左"
  491. L["Log Taints"] = "錯誤記錄";
  492. L["Login Message"] = "登入資訊"
  493. L["LOGIN_MSG"] = "歡迎使用%sElvUI |r %s%s|r 版, 請輸入/ec 進入設定介面. 如需技術支援請至"
  494. L["Loot Roll"] = "擲骰"
  495. L["Loot"] = "拾取"
  496. L["Map Alpha While Moving"] = "移動中地圖透明度"
  497. L["Name Font"] = "名稱字體"
  498. L["Reset all frames to their original positions."] = "重設所有框架至預設位置."
  499. L["Reset Anchors"] = "重置位置"
  500. L['Right'] = "右"
  501. L["Send ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED errors to the Lua Error frame. These errors are less important in most cases and will not effect your game performance. Also a lot of these errors cannot be fixed. Please only report these errors if you notice a Defect in gameplay."] = "發送ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED錯誤至Lua錯誤框, 這些錯誤並不重要, 不會影響你的遊戲體驗. 並且很多這類錯誤無法被修復. 請只將影響遊戲體驗的錯誤發送給我們."
  502. L["Skin the blizzard chat bubbles."] = "美化暴雪對話泡泡."
  503. L["The font that appears on the text above players heads. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "玩家頭頂姓名的字體. |cffFF0000警告: 你需要重新開啟遊戲或重新登錄才能使用此功能.|r"
  504. L["Tiny Map"] = "小型地圖"
  505. L['Toggle Tutorials'] = "教學開關"
  506. L['Top Panel'] = '頂部面板'
  507. L["Welcome to ElvUI version %s!"] = "歡迎使用 ElvUI %s 版!"
  509. --Media
  510. L["Backdrop color of transparent frames"] = "透明框架的背景顏色"
  511. L["Backdrop Color"] = "背景顏色"
  512. L["Backdrop Faded Color"] = "背景透明色"
  513. L["Border Color"] = "邊框顏色"
  514. L["Color some texts use."] = "數值(非文字)使用的顏色"
  515. L["Colors"] = "顏色"
  516. L["CombatText Font"] = "戰鬥文字字體"
  517. L["Default Font"] = "預設字體"
  518. L["Font Size"] = "字體尺寸"
  519. L["Fonts"] = "字體"
  520. L["Main backdrop color of the UI."] = "介面背景主色"
  521. L["Main border color of the UI. |cffFF0000This is disabled if you are using the pixel perfect theme.|r"] = "用戶界面主色. |cffFF0000如果你使用像素完美主題, 此選項將被禁用.|r"
  522. L["Media"] = "材質"
  523. L["Primary Texture"] = "主要材質"
  524. L["Secondary Texture"] = "次要材質"
  525. L["Set the font size for everything in UI. Note: This doesn't effect somethings that have their own seperate options (UnitFrame Font, Datatext Font, ect..)"] = "設定介面上所有字體的尺寸, 但不包含本身有獨立設定的字體(如單位框架字體、資訊文字字體等...)"
  526. L["Textures"] = "材質"
  527. L["The font that combat text will use. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "戰鬥資訊將使用此字體, |​​cffFF0000警告:需重啟遊戲或重新登入才可使此變更生效.|r"
  528. L["The font that the core of the UI will use."] = "核心UI 所使用的字體."
  529. L["The texture that will be used mainly for statusbars."] = "此材質主用於狀態列上."
  530. L["This texture will get used on objects like chat windows and dropdown menus."] = "主要用於對話視窗及下拉選單等物件的材質."
  531. L["Value Color"] = "數值顏色"
  533. --Misc
  534. L["Can't Roll"] = "無法需求此裝備"
  535. L["Empty Slot"] = "空欄位"
  536. L["Enable"] = "啟用"
  537. L["Experience"] = "經驗/聲望條"
  538. L["Fishy Loot"] = "貪婪"
  539. L["Left Click:"] = "滑鼠左鍵:"
  540. L["Raid Menu"] = "團隊選單"
  541. L["Remaining:"] = "剩餘:"
  542. L["Rested:"] = "休息:"
  543. L["Right Click:"] = "滑鼠右鍵:"
  544. L["Toggle Chat Frame"] = "開關對話框架"
  545. L["XP:"] = "經驗:"
  546. L["You don't have enough money to repair."] = "沒有足夠的資金來修復."
  547. L["You don't have permission to mark targets."] = "你沒有標記目標的權限."
  548. L["Your items have been repaired for: "] = "裝備已修復,共支出:"
  549. L["Your items have been repaired using guild bank funds for: "] = "已使用公會資金修復裝備,共支出:"
  550. L["Your version of ElvUI is out of date. You can download the latest version from"] = "ElvUI 版本已過期, 請至 下載最新版"
  552. --Movers
  553. L[' Frames'] = "框架"
  554. L["Alternative Power"] = "特殊能量條框架"
  555. L["Auras Frame"] = "增益/減益 框架"
  556. L["Bar "] = "快捷列 " --Also in ActionBars
  557. L["BNet Frame"] = "戰網提示資訊"
  558. L["Boss Button"] = "特殊技能鍵"
  559. L["Experience Bar"] = "經驗條"
  560. L["Focus Castbar"] = "焦點目標施法條"
  561. L["GM Ticket Frame"] = "GM 對話框"
  562. L["Left Chat"] = "左側對話框"
  563. L["Loot / Alert Frames"] = "拾取 / 提醒框架"
  564. L["Loot Frame"] = "拾取框架"
  565. L["Loss Control Icon"] = "失去控制圖標"
  566. L["MA Frames"] = "主助理框架"
  567. L["Micro Bar"] = "微型系統菜單" --Also in ActionBars
  568. L['Minimap'] = "小地圖"
  569. L["MT Frames"] = "主坦克框架"
  570. L["Pet Bar"] = "寵物快捷列" --Also in ActionBars
  571. L["Player Castbar"] = "玩家施法條"
  572. L["Raid 1-"] = "團隊 1-"
  573. L["Reputation Bar"] = "聲望條"
  574. L["Right Chat"] = "右側對話框"
  575. L["Stance Bar"] = "姿態列" --Also in ActionBars
  576. L["Target Castbar"] = "目標施法條"
  577. L["Totems"] = "圖騰列"
  578. L["Vehicle Seat Frame"] = "載具座位框"
  579. L["Watch Frame"] = "任務追蹤框架"
  580. L["Weapons"] = "武器(毒藥/強化等)"
  582. --NamePlates
  583. L["Add Name"] = "添加名稱"
  584. L["Adjust nameplate size on smaller mobs to scale down. This will only adjust the health bar width not the actual nameplate hitbox you click on."] = "低級怪物啓用較小型的血條顯示, 此調整只改變血條的寬度."
  585. L["All"] = "全部"
  586. L["Always display your personal auras over the nameplate."] = "總是在血條上顯示你的個人光環."
  587. L['Aura'] = "光環"
  588. L["Auras"] = "光環"
  589. L['Background Multiplier'] = "背景色透明度"
  590. L["Bad Color"] = "危險色"
  591. L["Bad Scale"] = "危險的比例"
  592. L["Bad Transition Color"] = "危險過渡色"
  593. L["Castbar Height"] = "施法條高度"
  594. L["Class Icons"] = "職業圖標"
  595. L["Color of a nameplate that is tagged by another person."] = "戰鬥中, 被其他玩家設為目標的血條顔色."
  596. L["Color Tanked/Loose"] = "獲得/失去最高仇恨"
  597. L['Color the border of the nameplate yellow when it reaches the threshold point on these types of frames.'] = "當到達此閾值數值時, 血條的邊框將被上色為黃色."
  598. L['Color the border of the nameplate yellow when it reaches this point, it will be colored red when it reaches half this value.'] = "當到達此數值時, 血條的邊框將被上色為黃色. 當到達此數值一半時, 血條姓名面板的邊框將被上色為紅色."
  599. L["Color the nameplate's healthbar by your current threat, Example: good threat color is used if your a tank when you have threat, opposite for DPS."] = "根據天賦改變血條生命條的顏色來提醒仇恨狀態."
  600. L["Combat Toggle"] = "戰鬥顯示"
  601. L["Combo Points"] = "連擊點"
  602. L['Configure Selected Filter'] = "設置所選擇的過濾器"
  603. L["Controls the height of the nameplate"] = "血條的高度設定"
  604. L["Controls the height of the nameplate's castbar"] = "血條施法條的高度設定"
  605. L["Controls the width of the nameplate"] = "血條的寬度設定"
  606. L["Custom Color"] = "自訂顏色"
  607. L["Custom Scale"] = "自訂比例"
  608. L["Depending on your role. If you are a tank then it will color mobs being tanked by the offtank. If you are not a tank then it will color mobs not being tanked. This is not 100% accurate and should only be used as a referance."] = "若做為坦克, 當怪物的最高仇恨由另一名坦克獲得, 或不作為坦克, 沒有被坦克獲得最高仇恨的怪物血條將改變顔色. 這並不是100%準確, 只能作為參考."
  609. L["Depending on your role. If you are a tank then its the color of mobs being tanked not by you by an actual tank. If you are not a tank then it is the color of mobs that are not currently being tanked."] = "若做為坦克, 怪物的最高仇恨不是由你獲得, 或不作為坦克, 怪物最高仇恨沒有被坦克獲得時血條顯示的顔色."
  610. L["Disable threat coloring for this plate and use the custom color."] = "對特定的目標停用仇恨顏色,並使用定制顏色"
  611. L["Discipline"] = "戒律"
  612. L["Display a class icon on nameplates."] = "在血條上顯示職業圖標."
  613. L["Display a healer icon over known healers inside battlegrounds or arenas."] = "戰場或競技場中,為已確認為補職的玩家標上補職圖示."
  614. L["Display combo points on nameplates."] = "在血條上顯示連擊點."
  615. L["Display level text on nameplate for nameplates that belong to units that aren't your level."] = "若單位目標等級不同於己,在血條上顯示其等級"
  616. L["Enemy"] = "敵對"
  617. L["Enhance Threat"] = "仇恨強化顯示"
  618. L["Filter already exists!"] = "過濾器已存在!"
  619. L["Filters"] = "過濾器"
  620. L["Friendly NPC"] = "友好的NPC"
  621. L["Friendly Player"] = "友好的玩家"
  622. L["Good Color"] = "安全色"
  623. L["Good Scale"] = "安全的比例"
  624. L["Good Transition Color"] = "安全過渡色"
  625. L["Healer Icon"] = "補職圖示"
  626. L["Hide"] = "隱藏"
  627. L["Holy"] = "神聖"
  628. L['Low Health Threshold'] = "低生命值閥值"
  629. L['Low Health Warning'] = "低生命值警報"
  630. L['Mistweaver'] = '織霧'
  631. L["NamePlates"] = "姓名面板(血條)"
  632. L["NAMEPLATE_DESC"] = "修改血條設定."
  633. L["Personal Auras"] = "個人光環"
  634. L['Players'] = "玩家"
  635. L["Prevent any nameplate with this unit name from showing."] = "不顯示特定目標的血條."
  636. L["Remove Name"] = "刪除篩選名"
  637. L["Restoration"] = "恢復"
  638. L["Select a filter to use. These are imported from the unitframe aura filter."] = "選擇一個過濾器使用. 這些從單位框架的光環過濾器中輸入."
  639. L["Set the scale of the nameplate."] = "設定血條的縮放比例."
  640. L["Small Plates"] = "小型模塊"
  641. L["Tagged Color"] = "被設為目標色"
  642. L["Tanked/Loose Color"] = "獲得/失去最高仇恨色"
  643. L['The backdrop of the nameplates color is scaled to match the color of the nameplate by this percentage. Set to zero to have no color in the nameplate backdrop.'] = "依據血條生命值與顏色的變化而調整血條背景色,若不希望設定血條背景色,請將此值設為 0."
  644. L["This color is displayed when gaining/losing threat, for a tank it would be displayed when gaining threat, for a dps/healer it would be displayed when losing threat"] = "做為坦克將獲得仇恨,或做為DPS/治療將失去仇恨時顯示的顏色"
  645. L["This color is displayed when gaining/losing threat, for a tank it would be displayed when losing threat, for a dps/healer it would be displayed when gaining threat"] = "做為坦克將失去仇恨,或做為DPS/治療將獲得仇恨"
  646. L["This is displayed when you don't have threat as a tank, if you do have threat it is displayed as a DPS/Healer"] = "做為坦克時未獲得仇恨, 或做為DPS/治療時獲得仇恨的顏色"
  647. L["This is displayed when you have threat as a tank, if you don't have threat it is displayed as a DPS/Healer"] = "做為坦克時獲得仇恨, 或做為DPS/治療時沒有獲得仇恨的顏色"
  648. L["Threat"] = "仇恨"
  649. L["Toggles the nameplates off when not in combat."] = "脫離戰鬥時,自動隱藏血條."
  650. L["Use this filter."] = "使用過濾器"
  651. L["You can't remove a default name from the filter, disabling the name."] = "你無法自篩選器移除,請停用預設名稱."
  653. --Skins
  654. L["Achievement Frame"] = "成就"
  655. L['Alert Frames'] = "警報"
  656. L["Archaeology Frame"] = "考古學框架"
  657. L["Auction Frame"] = "拍賣"
  658. L["Barbershop Frame"] = "美容院"
  659. L["BG Map"] = "戰場地圖"
  660. L["BG Score"] = "戰場積分"
  661. L['Black Market AH'] = "黑市"
  662. L["Calendar Frame"] = "行事曆"
  663. L["Character Frame"] = "角色"
  664. L["Debug Tools"] = "除錯工具"
  665. L["Dressing Room"] = "試衣間"
  666. L["Encounter Journal"] = "地城導覽"
  667. L["Friends"] = "好友"
  668. L["Glyph Frame"] = "雕文"
  669. L["Gossip Frame"] = "對話"
  670. L["Greeting Frame"] = "歡迎框架"
  671. L["Guild Bank"] = "公會銀行"
  672. L["Guild Control Frame"] = "公會控制"
  673. L["Guild Frame"] = "公會"
  674. L["Guild Registrar"] = "公會註冊"
  675. L["Help Frame"] = "幫助"
  676. L["Inspect Frame"] = "觀察"
  677. L['Item Upgrade'] = "裝備升級"
  678. L["KeyBinding Frame"] = "快捷鍵"
  679. L["LF Guild Frame"] = "尋求公會"
  680. L["LFG Frame"] = "地下城"
  681. L["Loot Frames"] = "拾取框架"
  682. L['Loss Control'] = "失去控制"
  683. L["Macro Frame"] = "巨集"
  684. L["Mail Frame"] = "信箱"
  685. L["Merchant Frame"] = "商人"
  686. L["Misc Frames"] = "其他"
  687. L["Mounts & Pets"] = "寵物"
  688. L["Non-Raid Frame"] = "非團隊框架"
  689. L["Pet Battle"] = "寵物戰鬥"
  690. L["Petition Frame"] = "回報GM"
  691. L["PvP Frames"] = "PvP框架"
  692. L["Quest Frames"] = "任務"
  693. L["Raid Frame"] = "團隊框架"
  694. L["Reforge Frame"] = "重鑄"
  695. L["Skins"] = "美化外觀"
  696. L["SKINS_DESC"] = "調整外觀設定."
  697. L["Socket Frame"] = "珠寶插槽"
  698. L["Spellbook"] = "技能書"
  699. L["Stable"] = "獸欄"
  700. L["Tabard Frame"] = "外袍"
  701. L["Talent Frame"] = "天賦"
  702. L["Taxi Frame"] = "載具"
  703. L["Time Manager"] = "時間管理"
  704. L["TOGGLESKIN_DESC"] = "啟用/停用此外觀."
  705. L["Trade Frame"] = "交易"
  706. L["TradeSkill Frame"] = "專業技能"
  707. L["Trainer Frame"] = "訓練師"
  708. L['Transmogrify Frame'] = "塑型"
  709. L['Void Storage'] = "虛空存儲"
  710. L["World Map"] = "世界地圖"
  712. --Static Popups
  713. L["A setting you have changed will change an option for this character only. This setting that you have changed will be uneffected by changing user profiles. Changing this setting requires that you reload your User Interface."] = "你所做的改動只會影響到使用這個插件的本角色, 你需要重新加載介面才能使改動生效."
  714. L["Are you sure you want to delete all your gray items?"] = "是否確定要刪除所有灰色物品?"
  715. L["Are you sure you want to disband the group?"] = "確定要解散隊伍?"
  716. L["Are you sure you want to reset every mover back to it's default position?"] = "確定需要重置所有框架至默認位置?"
  717. L["Because of the mass confusion caused by the new aura system I've implemented a new step to the installation process. This is optional. If you like how your auras are setup go to the last step and click finished to not be prompted again. If for some reason you are prompted repeatedly please restart your game."] = "由於大量的問題導致光環系統需要一個新的安裝過程. 這是可選的, 最後一步將設置你的光環. 點擊「完成」將不再提示. 如果由於某些原因反復提示, 請重新開啟遊戲."
  718. L["Can't buy anymore slots!"] = "無法再購買更多銀行欄位!"
  719. L['Disable Warning'] = '停用警告'
  720. L['Do you swear not to post in technical support about something not working without first disabling the addon/module combination first?'] = true;
  721. L["Hover your mouse over any actionbutton or spellbook button to bind it. Press the escape key or right click to clear the current actionbutton's keybinding."] = "移動滑鼠到快捷列或技能書按鈕上綁定快捷鍵.按ESC或滑鼠右鍵取消目前快捷鍵."
  722. L['I Swear'] = '我承諾'
  723. L["One or more of the changes you have made require a ReloadUI."] = "已變更一或多個設定, 需重載介面."
  724. L["One or more of the changes you have made will effect all characters using this addon. You will have to reload the user interface to see the changes you have made."] = "你所做的改動可能會影響到使用這個插件的所有角色, 你需要重新加載介面才能使改動生效."
  725. L["Save"] = "儲存"
  726. L["You have changed your UIScale, however you still have the AutoScale option enabled in ElvUI. Press accept if you would like to disable the Auto Scale option."] = "你改變了介面縮放比例, 然而ElvUI的自動縮放選項是開啟的. 點擊接受以關閉ElvUI的自動縮放."
  727. L["You must purchase a bank slot first!"] = "你必需購買一個銀行背包欄位!"
  729. --Tooltip
  730. L['Always Hide'] = "總是隱藏"
  731. L["Anchor Mode"] = "定位模式"
  732. L["Anchor"] = "固定位置"
  733. L["Combat Hide"] = "戰鬥隱藏"
  734. L["Count"] = "計數"
  735. L["Cursor"] = "游標跟隨"
  736. L['Display guild ranks if a unit is guilded.'] = "当目标有公會時顯示其在公會內的會階."
  737. L['Display how many of a certain item you have in your possession.'] = '顯示當前物品在你身上的數量'
  738. L['Display player titles.'] = "顯示玩家稱號."
  739. L['Display the health text on the tooltip.'] = '鼠標提示中顯示生命值.'
  740. L['Display the players talent spec in the tooltip, this may not immediately update when mousing over a unit.'] = "顯示玩家的當前天賦 這個功能可能不會立即顯示在提示上"
  741. L['Display the spell or item ID when mousing over a spell or item tooltip.'] = '鼠標提示中顯示技能或物品的ID'
  742. L["Don't display the tooltip when mousing over a unitframe."] = "當滑鼠指向單位框架時不顯示滑鼠提示."
  743. L['Guild Ranks'] = "公會會階"
  744. L['Health Height'] = "血條高度"
  745. L["Hide tooltip while in combat."] = "戰鬥時不顯示提示."
  746. L['Item Count'] = '物品數量'
  747. L['Never Hide'] = "从不隐藏"
  748. L['Player Titles'] = "玩家稱號"
  749. L['Set the height of the tooltip healthbar.'] = "設定鼠標提示中血條高度."
  750. L["Set the type of anchor mode the tooltip should use."] = "設定浮動提示定位模式."
  751. L["Smart"] = "智能模式"
  752. L['Spell/Item IDs'] = '技能/物品ID'
  753. L['Talent Spec'] ="天賦顯示"
  754. L["Targeted By:"] = "同目標的有:"
  755. L["Tooltip"] = "浮動提示"
  756. L["TOOLTIP_DESC"] = "浮動提示資訊設定選項."
  757. L["UF Hide"] = "單位框架提示隱藏"
  758. L["When in a raid group display if anyone in your raid is targeting the current tooltip unit."] = "顯示團隊中目標與你目前浮動提示目標相同的隊友."
  759. L["Who's targeting who?"] = "目標關注"
  761. --Tutorials
  762. L['A raid marker feature is available by pressing Escape -> Keybinds scroll to the bottom under ElvUI and setting a keybind for the raid marker.'] = "你可以通過按ESC鍵-> 按鍵設定, 滾動到ElvUI設定下方設定一個快速標記的快捷鍵."
  763. L['ElvUI has a dual spec feature which allows you to load different profiles based on your current spec on the fly. You can enable this from the profiles tab.'] = "ElvUI可以根據你所使用的天賦自動套用不同的設定檔. 你可以在配置文件中使用此功能."
  764. L['For technical support visit us at'] = "如需技術支援請至"
  765. L['If you accidently remove a chat frame you can always go the in-game configuration menu, press install, go to the chat portion and reset them.'] = "如果你不慎移除了對話框, 你可以重新安裝一次重置他們."
  766. L['If you are experiencing issues with ElvUI try disabling all your addons except ElvUI, remember ElvUI is a full UI replacement addon, you cannot run two addons that do the same thing.'] = "如果你遇到問題, ElvUI會嘗試禁用你除了ElvUI之外的插件. 請記住你不能用不同的插件實現同一功能."
  767. L['The buff panel to the right of minimap is a list of your consolidated buffs. You can disable it in Buffs and Debuffs options of ElvUI.'] = "小地圖右側的光環條是你的整合Buff條, 你可以在你的ElvUI光環設定中關閉此功能."
  768. L['The focus unit can be set by typing /focus when you are targeting the unit you want to focus. It is recommended you make a macro to do this.'] = "你可以通過/focus 命令設定焦點目標."
  769. L['To move abilities on the actionbars by default hold shift + drag. You can change the modifier key from the actionbar options menu.'] = "你可以通過按住Shift拖動技能條中的按鍵. 你可以在Blizzard的快捷列設定中更改按鍵."
  770. L['To setup which channels appear in which chat frame, right click the chat tab and go to settings.'] = "你可以通過右鍵點擊對話框標籤欄設定你需要在對話框內顯示的頻道."
  771. L['Using the /farmmode <size> command will spawn a larger minimap on your screen that can be moved around, very useful when farming.'] = "使用/farmmode 命令可以切換小地圖的顯示模式為大型可移動小地圖, 這在你Farm的時候會很有用."
  772. L['You can access copy chat and chat menu functions by mouse over the top right corner of chat panel and left/right click on the button that will appear.'] = "你可以通過滑鼠滑過對話框右上角點擊複製圖示打開對話復制窗口."
  773. L['You can see someones average item level of their gear by holding shift and mousing over them. It should appear inside the tooltip.'] = "你可以通過按住Shift並將滑鼠滑過目標看到目標的裝備等級, 這將顯示在你的滑鼠提示框內."
  774. L['You can set your keybinds quickly by typing /kb.'] = "你可以通過輸入/kb 快速綁定按鍵."
  775. L['You can toggle the microbar by using your middle mouse button on the minimap you can also accomplish this by enabling the actual microbar located in the actionbar settings.'] = "你可以通過滑鼠中鍵點擊小地圖或在快捷列設定內選擇打開微型系統欄."
  776. L['You can use the /resetui command to reset all of your movers. You can also use the command to reset a specific mover, /resetui <mover name>.\nExample: /resetui Player Frame'] = "使用/resetui命令可以重置你的所有框架位置. 你也可以通過命令/resetui <框架名稱> 單獨重置某個框架.\n例如: /resetui Player Frame"
  778. --Threat
  779. L['ABOVE_THREAT_FORMAT'] = '%s: %.0f%% [%.0f%% 以上 |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r]'
  781. --UnitFrames
  782. L['%s and then %s'] = '%s 与 %s'
  783. L["%s frame(s) has a conflicting anchor point, please change either the buff or debuff anchor point so they are not attached to each other. Forcing the debuffs to be attached to the main unitframe until fixed."] = " %s 個框架錨點衝突, 請移動buff或者debuff錨點讓他們彼此不依附. 暫時強制debuff依附到主框架."
  784. L['2D'] = "2D"
  785. L['3D'] = "3D"
  786. L['Above'] = "向上"
  787. L["Add a spell to the filter."] = "添加一個技能到過濾器"
  788. L["Add Spell"] = "添加技能"
  789. L["Add SpellID"] = "添加技能ID"
  790. L["Additional Filter"] = '額外的過濾器'
  791. L["Affliction"] = "痛苦"
  792. L["Allow Whitelisted Auras"] = '允許白名單中的光環'
  793. L['Arcane Charges'] = "秘法充能"
  794. L["Arena Frames"] = "競技場框架"
  795. L['Ascending'] = "升序"
  796. L["Assist Frames"] = "助理框架"
  797. L['Assist Target'] = "助理目標"
  798. L['At what point should the text be displayed. Set to -1 to disable.'] = "在何時顯示文本. 設定為-1 禁用此功能."
  799. L["Attach To"] = "附加到"
  800. L['Aura Bars'] = "光環條"
  801. L["Bad"] = "危險"
  802. L["Bars will transition smoothly."] = "狀態條平滑增減"
  803. L['Bars'] = "條"
  804. L['Below'] = "向下"
  805. L["Blacklist"] = "黑名單"
  806. L["Block Auras Without Duration"] = "不顯示沒有持續時間的光環"
  807. L["Block Blacklisted Auras"] = "不顯示黑名單中的光環"
  808. L['Block Non-Dispellable Auras'] = "顯示可以驅散的光環"
  809. L["Block Non-Personal Auras"] = "顯示個人光環"
  810. L["Block Raid Buffs"] = "不顯示團隊BUFF"
  811. L['Blood'] = "血魄符文"
  812. L['Borders'] = "邊框"
  813. L["Boss Frames"] = "首領框架"
  814. L["Buff Indicator"] = "Buff 提示器"
  815. L["Buffs"] = "增益光環"
  816. L['By Type'] = "類型"
  817. L["Camera Distance Scale"] = "視角鏡頭的距離"
  818. L["Castbar"] = "施法條"
  819. L['Center'] = '置中'
  820. L["Check if you are in range to cast spells on this specific unit."] = "檢查你是否在技能有效範圍內."
  821. L["Class Backdrop"] = "生命條背景職業色"
  822. L['Class Castbars'] = "施法條職業色"
  823. L["Class Health"] = "生命條職業色"
  824. L["Class Power"] = "能量條職業色"
  825. L['Class Resources'] = "職業能量"
  826. L["Classbar"] = "職業特有條"
  827. L['Click Through'] = "點擊穿透";
  828. L["Color all buffs that reduce the unit's incoming damage."] = "減少目標受到的傷害的所有 Buff 的顏色."
  829. L['Color aurabar debuffs by type.'] = "按類型顯示光環條顔色."
  830. L['Color castbars by the class or reaction type of the unit.'] = "施法條以職業色顯示."
  831. L["Color health by amount remaining."] = "按數值變化血量顏色."
  832. L["Color health by classcolor or reaction."] = "以職業色顯示生命."
  833. L["Color power by classcolor or reaction."] = "以職業色顯示能量."
  834. L["Color the health backdrop by class or reaction."] = "生命條背景色以職業色顯示."
  835. L["Color the unit healthbar if there is a debuff that can be dispelled by you."] = "如果單位目標的減益光環可被驅散, 加亮顯示其生命值."
  836. L['Color Turtle Buffs'] = "減傷類 Buff 的顏色"
  837. L["Color"] = "顏色"
  838. L['Colored Icon'] = "圖標色彩"
  839. L['Coloring (Specific)'] = "著色(具體)"
  840. L['Coloring'] = "著色"
  841. L["Combat Fade"] = "戰鬥隱藏"
  842. L["Combobar"] = "連擊點"
  843. L['Configure Auras'] = "設置光環"
  844. L["Copy From"] = "複製自"
  845. L["Count Font Size"] = "計數字體尺寸"
  846. L['Create a custom fontstring. Once you enter a name you will be able to select it from the elements dropdown list.'] = "輸入一個名稱創建自定義字體樣式之後, 你可以在組件的下拉菜單中選擇使用."
  847. L["Create a filter, once created a filter can be set inside the buffs/debuffs section of each unit."] = "創造一個過濾器, 一旦創造, 每個單位的buff/debuff 都能使用."
  848. L["Create Filter"] = "創造過濾器"
  849. L['Current - Max | Percent'] = "目前值- 最大值| 百分比"
  850. L["Current - Max"] = "目前值 - 最大值"
  851. L["Current - Percent"] = "目前值 - 百分比"
  852. L["Current / Max"] = "目前/最大值"
  853. L["Current"] = "目前值"
  854. L["Custom Health Backdrop"] = "自訂生命條背景"
  855. L['Custom Texts'] = "自定義字體"
  856. L['Death'] = "死亡符文"
  857. L["Debuff Highlighting"] = "減益光環加亮顯示"
  858. L["Debuffs"] = "減益光環"
  859. L["Deficit"] = "虧損值"
  860. L["Delete a created filter, you cannot delete pre-existing filters, only custom ones."] = "刪除一個創造的過濾器, 你不能刪除內建的過濾器, 只能刪除你自已添加的."
  861. L["Delete Filter"] = "刪除過濾器"
  862. L["Demonology"] = "惡魔"
  863. L['Descending'] = "降序"
  864. L["Destruction"] = "毀滅"
  865. L["Direction the health bar moves when gaining/losing health."] = "生命條的增減方向."
  866. L["Disable Blizzard"] = "停用內建框架"
  867. L['Disabled'] = "禁用"
  868. L["Disables the blizzard party/raid frames."] = "停用Blizzard內建的隊伍/團隊框架."
  869. L["Disconnected"] = "離線"
  870. L["Display a spark texture at the end of the castbar statusbar to help show the differance between castbar and backdrop."] = "在施法狀態條的末端顯示一個火花材質來區分施法條和背景條."
  871. L['Display Frames'] = "顯示框架"
  872. L['Display icon on arena frame indicating the units talent specialization or the units faction if inside a battleground.'] = "當處於競技場或戰場內, 在框架上顯示天賦圖示"
  873. L["Display Player"] = "顯示玩家"
  874. L['Display Target'] = "顯示目標"
  875. L['Display Text'] = "顯示文本"
  876. L["Display the rested icon on the unitframe."] = "在單位框架上顯示充分休息圖示."
  877. L['Display the target of your current cast. Useful for mouseover casts.'] = "顯示你當前的施法目標. 可以轉換成鼠标滑過類型."
  878. L["Display tick marks on the castbar for channelled spells. This will adjust automatically for spells like Drain Soul and add additional ticks based on haste."] = "若為需引導的法術, 在施法條上顯示每跳週期傷害. 啟動此功能後, 針對吸取靈魂這類的法術, 將自動調整顯示每跳週期傷害, 並視加速等級增加額外的周期傷害."
  879. L["Don't display any auras found on the 'Blacklist' filter."] = "不顯示任何'黑名單'過濾器中的光環."
  880. L["Don't display auras that are not yours."] = "不顯示不是你施放的光環."
  881. L["Don't display auras that cannot be purged or dispelled by your class."] = "不顯示你不能驅散的光環."
  882. L["Don't display auras that have no duration."] = "不限時沒有持續時間的光環."
  883. L["Don't display raid buffs such as Blessing of Kings or Mark of the Wild."] = "不顯示團隊BUFF,如王者祝福和野性印記."
  884. L['Down'] = "下"
  885. L["Down"] = "下"
  886. L['Duration Reverse'] = "持續時間反轉"
  887. L['Duration'] = "持續時間"
  888. L['Enemy Aura Type'] = "敵對光環類型"
  889. L["Fade the unitframe when out of combat, not casting, no target exists."] = "非戰鬥/施法/目標不存在時隱藏單位框架"
  890. L["Fill"] = "填充"
  891. L["Filled"] = "全長"
  892. L["Filter Type"] = "過濾器類型"
  893. L["Focus Frame"] = "焦點目標框架"
  894. L["FocusTarget Frame"] = "焦點目標的目標框架"
  895. L['Force the frames to show, they will act as if they are the player frame.'] = "強制框架顯示."
  896. L["Format"] = "格式"
  897. L["Frame"] = "框架"
  898. L["Frequent Updates"] = "立即更新生命值"
  899. L['Friendlies: Show Buffs'] = "友好:顯示增益光環"
  900. L['Friendlies: Show Debuffs'] = "友好:顯示減益光環"
  901. L['Friendly Aura Type'] = "友好目標光環類型"
  902. L['Friendly'] = "友好"
  903. L['Frost'] = "冰霜符文"
  904. L["Ghost"] = "鬼魂"
  905. L['Glow'] = "閃光"
  906. L["Good"] = "安全"
  907. L["Group By"] = "隊伍排列方式"
  908. L['Group Size'] = "隊伍尺寸"
  909. L['Growth Direction'] = "增長方向"
  910. L['Growth direction from the first unitframe.'] = "增長方向從第一個頭像框體開始."
  911. L['Harmony'] = "真氣"
  912. L["Heal Prediction"] = "治療量預測"
  913. L["Health Backdrop"] = "生命條背景"
  914. L['Health Border'] = "生命條邊框"
  915. L["Health By Value"] = "生命條顏色依數值變化"
  916. L["Health Text"] = "生命值"
  917. L["Health"] = "生命條"
  918. L["Height"] = "高"
  919. L['Holy Power'] = "聖能"
  920. L["Horizontal"] = "水平"
  921. L['Horizontal Spacing'] = "水平間隔"
  922. L["How far away the portrait is from the camera."] = "人像和鏡頭間有多遠"
  923. L["Icon"] = "圖示"
  924. L['Icon: BOTTOM'] = "圖示: 底部"
  925. L['Icon: BOTTOMLEFT'] = "圖示: 底部左側"
  926. L['Icon: BOTTOMRIGHT'] = "圖示: 底部右側"
  927. L['Icon: LEFT'] = "圖示: 左側"
  928. L['Icon: RIGHT'] = "圖示: 右側"
  929. L['Icon: TOP'] = "圖示: 頂部"
  930. L['Icon: TOPLEFT'] = "圖示: 頂部左側"
  931. L['Icon: TOPRIGHT'] = "圖示: 頂部右側"
  932. L["If no other filter options are being used then it will block anything not on the 'Whitelist' filter, otherwise it will simply add auras on the whitelist in addition to any other filter settings."] = "若沒有啓用其他過濾器,那只會顯示'白名單'裡面的光環."
  933. L['If not set to 0 then override the size of the aura icon to this.'] = "若設為 0,光環圖示大小將不會變更為此值."
  934. L["If the unit is an enemy to you."] = "如果是你的敵對目標"
  935. L["If the unit is friendly to you."] = "如果是你的友好目標"
  936. L['Ignore mouse events.'] = "忽略滑鼠事件.";
  937. L['Inset'] = "插入"
  938. L['Interruptable'] = "可斷法的施法顏色"
  939. L['JustifyH'] = '橫向字體對齊';
  940. L["Latency"] = "延遲"
  941. L["Low Mana Threshold"] = "低法力閾值"
  942. L['Lunar'] = "月能"
  943. L["Main statusbar texture."] = "主狀態條材質"
  944. L['Make textures transparent.'] = "材質透明"
  945. L["Match Frame Width"] = "匹配視窗寬度"
  946. L['Middle Click - Set Focus'] = "鼠標中鍵 - 設置焦點"
  947. L['Middle clicking the unit frame will cause your focus to match the unit.'] = "鼠標中鍵點擊單位框體設置焦點."
  948. L['Mouseover'] = "鼠標滑過"
  949. L["Name"] = "姓名"
  950. L["Neutral"] = "中立"
  951. L['Non-Interruptable'] = "不可斷法的施法條色"
  952. L["None"] = "無"
  953. L["Not valid spell id"] = "無效的技能ID"
  954. L["Num Rows"] = "行數"
  955. L['Number of Groups'] = "每隊單位數量"
  956. L['Number of units in a group.'] = "團隊隊伍數量."
  957. L["Offline"] = "離線"
  958. L["Offset of the powerbar to the healthbar, set to 0 to disable."] = "偏移能量條與生命條的位置, 設定為0 禁用此功能."
  959. L['Offset position for text.'] = "偏移文本的位置."
  960. L["Offset"] = "偏移"
  961. L['Only show when the unit is not in range.'] = "不在範圍內時顯示."
  962. L['Only show when you are mousing over a frame.'] = "鼠標滑過時顯示."
  963. L["OOR Alpha"] = "超出距離透明度"
  964. L["Orientation"] = "生命值增減方嚮"
  965. L["Overlay the healthbar"] = "頭像重疊顯示於生命條上"
  966. L["Overlay"] = "重疊顯示"
  967. L["Override any custom visibility setting in certain situations, EX: Only show groups 1 and 2 inside a 10 man instance."] = "複寫可見性的設定, 例如: 在10人副本里只顯示1隊和2隊."
  968. L["Party Frames"] = "隊伍框架"
  969. L["Party Pets"] = "隊伍寵物"
  970. L["Party Targets"] = "隊伍目標"
  971. L["Per Row"] = "每行"
  972. L["Percent"] = "百分比"
  973. L["Pet Frame"] = "寵物框架"
  974. L["PetTarget Frame"] = "寵物目標框架"
  975. L['Player Frame Aura Bars'] = "玩家光環條"
  976. L["Player Frame"] = "玩家框架"
  977. L["Portrait"] = "頭像"
  978. L["Position"] = "位置"
  979. L["Power text will be hidden on NPC targets, in addition the name text will be repositioned to the power texts anchor point."] = "NPC 目標將隱藏能量值文字."
  980. L["Power"] = "能量"
  981. L["Powers"] = "能量"
  982. L["Priority"] = "優先級"
  983. L['PVP Trinket'] = "PVP 飾品"
  984. L['Raid Icon'] = "團隊圖示"
  985. L['Raid-10 Frames'] = "10人團隊框架"
  986. L['Raid-25 Frames'] = "25人團隊框架"
  987. L['Raid-40 Frames'] = "40人團隊框架"
  988. L["RaidDebuff Indicator"] = "團隊副本減益光環標示"
  989. L["Range Check"] = "距離檢查"
  990. L["Rapidly update the health, uses more memory and cpu. Only recommended for healing."] = "實時更新生命值會佔用更多的內存的和CPU, 只推薦治療角色開啟."
  991. L["Reactions"] = "陣營聲望"
  992. L["Remaining"] = "剩餘數值"
  993. L["Remove a spell from the filter."] = "從過濾器中移除一個技能."
  994. L["Remove Spell"] = "移除技能"
  995. L["Remove SpellID"] = "移除技能ID"
  996. L["Rest Icon"] = "充分休息圖示"
  997. L["Restore Defaults"] = "恢復預設"
  998. L['RL / ML Icons'] = "團隊隊長/裝備分配圖示"
  999. L["Role Icon"] = "角色定位圖示"
  1000. L["Select a filter to use."] = "選擇使用一個過濾器."
  1001. L["Select a unit to copy settings from."] = "選擇從哪單位複制."
  1002. L['Select an additional filter to use. If the selected filter is a whitelist and no other filters are being used (with the exception of Block Non-Personal Auras) then it will block anything not on the whitelist, otherwise it will simply add auras on the whitelist in addition to any other filter settings.'] = "請選擇一個過濾器, 若你啓用的是'白名單', 則只顯示'白名單'裡的光環."
  1003. L["Select Filter"] = "選擇過濾器"
  1004. L["Select Spell"] = "選擇技能"
  1005. L['Select the display method of the portrait.'] = "選擇頭像的顯示方式"
  1006. L["Set the filter type, blacklisted filters hide any aura on the like and show all else, whitelisted filters show any aura on the filter and hide all else."] = "設定過濾器類型, '黑名單'會隱藏名單裡面的光環, '白名單'則顯示名單裡的光環."
  1007. L["Set the font size for unitframes."] = "設定單位框架字體尺寸."
  1008. L["Set the order that the group will sort."] = "設定組排序的順序."
  1009. L["Set the priority order of the spell, please note that prioritys are only used for the raid debuff module, not the standard buff/debuff module. If you want to disable set to zero."] = "設定該法術的優先順序. 請注意, 優先級只用於Raid Debuff模塊, 而不是標準的Buff/Debuff模塊. 設定為0 禁用此功能."
  1010. L['Set the type of auras to show when a unit is a foe.'] = "當單位是敵對時設定光環顯示的類型."
  1011. L['Set the type of auras to show when a unit is friendly.'] = "當單位是友好時設定光環顯示的類型."
  1012. L["Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style."] = "設定橫向字體的對齊方式."
  1013. L['Shadow Orbs'] = "暗影寶珠"
  1014. L["Show a incomming heal prediction bar on the unitframe. Also display a slightly different colored bar for incoming overheals."] = "在單位框架中顯示即將回复的的預測治療量, 過量治療則以不同顏色顯示. "
  1015. L["Show Aura From Other Players"] = "顯示其他玩家的光環"
  1016. L['Show Auras'] = "顯示光環"
  1017. L["Show Party"] = "隊伍時顯示"
  1018. L["Show Raid"] = "團隊時顯示"
  1019. L["Show Solo"] = "單人時顯示"
  1020. L["Show When Not Active"] = "顯示當前無效的光環"
  1021. L["Size of the indicator icon."] = "提示圖示尺寸"
  1022. L['Size Override'] = "尺寸覆蓋"
  1023. L["Size"] = "尺寸"
  1024. L['Smart Auras'] = "智能光環"
  1025. L["Smart Raid Filter"] = "智能團隊過濾"
  1026. L["Smooth Bars"] = "平滑化"
  1027. L['Solar'] = "日能"
  1028. L["Spaced"] = "留空"
  1029. L["Spark"] = "火花"
  1030. L['Spec Icon'] = "天賦圖示"
  1031. L["Spell not found in list."] = "列表中未發現技能"
  1032. L['Spells'] = "技能"
  1033. L['Stagger Bar'] = "醉酒列"
  1034. L["StatusBar Texture"] = "狀態條材質"
  1035. L['Style'] = "風格"
  1036. L["Tank Frames"] = "坦克框架"
  1037. L['Tank Target'] = "坦克目標"
  1038. L["Tapped"] = "被攻擊"
  1039. L["Target Frame"] = "目標框架"
  1040. L["Target On Mouse-Down"] = "鼠標按下設為目標"
  1041. L["Target units on mouse down rather than mouse up. \n\n|cffFF0000Warning: If you are using the addon 'Clique' you may have to adjust your clique settings when changing this."] = "按下滑鼠時設為目標,而不是鬆開滑鼠按鍵時. \n\n|cffFF0000警告: 如果使用'Clique'等點擊施法插件, 你可能需要調整這些插件的設置."
  1042. L["TargetTarget Frame"] = "目標的目標框架"
  1043. L['Text Color'] = "文字顔色"
  1044. L["Text Format"] = "文字格式"
  1045. L['Text Position'] = "文字位置"
  1046. L['Text Threshold'] = "文本閥值"
  1047. L["Text Toggle On NPC"] = "NPC 文字顯示開關"
  1048. L['Text xOffset'] = "文字X軸偏移"
  1049. L['Text yOffset'] = "文字Y軸偏移"
  1050. L['Text'] = "文本"
  1051. L['Textured Icon'] = "圖標紋理"
  1052. L["The alpha to set units that are out of range to."] = "單位框架超出距離的透明度."
  1053. L["The following macro must be true in order for the group to be shown, in addition to any filter that may already be set."] = "為了顯示設定過的過濾器下面的巨集必須啟用."
  1054. L["The font that the unitframes will use."] = "單位框架字體."
  1055. L['The name you have selected is already in use by another element.'] = "你所選的名稱已經被另一組件佔用."
  1056. L['The object you want to attach to.'] = "你想依附的目標."
  1057. L['The point of which you are anchoring to in relation to the attach to object.'] = "你所需要依附目標的錨點."
  1058. L['The spell "%s" has been added to the Blacklist unitframe aura filter.'] = '法術"%s"已經被添加到單位框架的光環過濾器中.'
  1059. L['This filter is used for both aura bars and aura icons no matter what. Its purpose is to block out specific spellids from being shown. For example a paladin can have two sacred shield buffs at once, we block out the short one.'] = '這個篩檢程式作用於光環條和光環圖示,不管是什麼,其目的是為了用阻止特定技能ID的技能被顯示. 例如: 聖騎士可以一次有兩個神聖之盾BUFF, 我們阻止了時間短的那個顯示.'
  1060. L['Threat Display Mode'] = "仇恨顯示模式"
  1061. L["Ticks"] = "週期傷害"
  1062. L['Time Remaining Reverse'] = "剩餘時間反轉"
  1063. L['Time Remaining'] = "剩餘時間"
  1064. L["Toggles health text display"] = "顯示/隱藏生命值文字"
  1065. L['Transparent'] = "透明"
  1066. L['Turtle Color'] = "減傷類的顏色"
  1067. L['Unholy'] = "穢邪符文"
  1068. L["UnitFrames"] = "單位框架"
  1069. L['Up'] = "上"
  1070. L["Up"] = "上"
  1071. L["Use the custom health backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main health color."] = "自定義生命條背景色."
  1072. L["Value must be a number"] = "數值必須為一個數字"
  1073. L["Vertical"] = "垂直"
  1074. L['Vertical Spacing'] = "垂直間隔"
  1075. L["Visibility"] = "可見性"
  1076. L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."] = "增益光環框架於其依附框架的依附位置."
  1077. L["What to attach the buff anchor frame to."] = "Buff 定位附加到的框架."
  1078. L["What to attach the debuff anchor frame to."] = "Debuff 定位附加到的框架."
  1079. L['When set the Buffs and Debuffs will toggle being displayed depending on if the unit is friendly or an enemy. This will not effect the aurabars module.'] = "當單位是友好或敵對, 切換顯示Buff和Debuff不會影響光環條模塊."
  1080. L["When true, the group header is shown when the player is in a party."] = "若啟用, 當玩家進入隊伍中時顯示."
  1081. L["When true, the group header is shown when the player is in a raid."] = "若啟用, 當玩家進入團隊時顯示."
  1082. L["When true, the header includes the player when not in a raid."] = "若啟用, 隊伍中將顯示玩家."
  1083. L["When true, the header is shown when the player is not in any group."] = "若啟用, 將顯示玩家."
  1084. L["When you mana falls below this point, text will flash on the player frame."] = "當法力低於此值時, 將在玩家框架中閃爍顯示警告文字."
  1085. L["Whitelist"] = "白名單"
  1086. L["Width"] = "寬"
  1087. L["xOffset"] = "X軸偏移"
  1088. L["yOffset"] = "Y軸偏移"
  1089. L["You can't remove a pre-existing filter."] = "你不能刪除一個內建的過濾器"
  1090. L["You cannot copy settings from the same unit."] = "你不能從相同的單位複制設定"
  1091. L["You may not remove a spell from a default filter that is not customly added. Setting spell to false instead."] = "你不能移除一個內建技能, 僅能停用此技能."
  1092. L['TEXT_FORMAT_DESC'] = [=[請填入代碼以變更文字格式。
  1094. 範例:
  1095. [namecolor][name] [difficultycolor][smartlevel] [shortclassification]
  1096. [healthcolor][health:current-max]
  1097. [powercolor][power:current]
  1099. 生命/能量值格式:
  1100. 'current' - 目前數值
  1101. 'percent' - 百分比
  1102. 'current-max' - 目前數值 - 最大值,當兩者相同時,僅會顯示最大值
  1103. 'current-percent' - 目前數值 - 百分比
  1104. 'current-max-percent' - 目前數值 - 最大值 - 百分比,當目前數值等同於最大值時,僅會顯示最大值
  1105. 'deficit' - 顯示損失數值,若未損失生命/能量值,將不予顯示
  1107. 名稱格式:
  1108. 'name-short' - 名稱上限為 10 個字元
  1109. 'name-medium' - 名稱上限為 15 個字元
  1110. 'name-long' - 名稱上限為 20 個字元
  1112. 若要停用此功能,此欄位請留空。如需更多資訊,請至]=];
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