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Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. You were woken up by a tremendous rush of warm air, your hair blown back past your face - giving your slowly opening eyes a perfect view of a gigantic mouth, lined with teeth that could chop you in half and a tongue that was bigger than you were. A strangely familiar scent hit you a few seconds later, though you couldn’t quite tell what it was…and the painfully tight pressure against your sides drove the recollection from your memory.
  3. "That? That was you. I had to keep on eating you and reloading until there was nothing but you in my stomach to make sure there wasn’t anything else in there.”
  5. You shook your head, hair flying about as you remembered where you were and what had happened. You tried to move your body free, but Asriel’s massive fingers didn’t even move in the slightest – they just gripped on slightly tighter, forcing you to contort your body and cry out with a shock of pain.
  7. “And in case you were wondering, yes, I can read your internal narration.”
  9. You kept holding on… and the pain went away. All of a sudden those huge fingers pressing against your side moved away, and you fell down through the air, only to land on something big, white, furry and soft. Slowly clambering up onto your feet, you finally got a good look at Asriel. The towering goat-boy was smirking down at you, reclining on something you couldn’t see in an endless black void. You could feel the warmth of his bodyheat all around you, the ground slowly rising up and down with the giant’s breath.
  10. “Hear that rumbling? No, you don’t.”
  12. A second later a massive finger came down from above and pressed you down against that massive stomach, your nose suddenly filled up with the smell of Asriel’s body… and your ears with the sounds of his stomach digesting what must have been your body, several times over.
  14. “I’m the closest thing there is to a god in this world, and you still haven’t given up? I guess you just need more pain. I think I’ve just about done everything I can with my stomach…but there’s a lot more of me than just that.”
  16. The huge finger pulled away from your body – only to suddenly flick you painfully down to the featureless black ground below. Directly in front of you was one of Asriel’s fluffy toes, the huge digit easily taller than your entire body. As you slowly got up, the huge toe rose up into the air with the foot it was attached to, giving you a clear view of the deific goat’s sole. A second later it moved forward and came down on you from above, flattening you between warm, irresistible pressure and the solid, unyielding ground. The smell of Asriel’s feet was slightly different to the smell of his stomach, but you didn’t have long before the growing pain drove the thought from your mind. The pressure exerted on you by the massive foot increased and increased, growing more and more painful – before you broke.
  18. You woke up a moment later, whole again but still caught beneath the massive sole. The pressure wasn’t nearly as great now, and although it still hurt you weren’t in immediate danger of dying… until Asriel shifted his giant foot about, rolling you between it and exerting that unbearable pressure on every single part of your body. The pain grew and grew before you lost consciousness again... and again and again and again.
  20. Eventually you came to once more, your body sandwiched between two massive toes. The huge digits slowly rubbed up and down, rolling your body between them as your face was dragged to and fro against Asriel’s toes. You weren’t being killed anymore, but that just meant you had the same body long enough for the smell of the giant goat’s feet to be rubbed into you. Eventually the huge digits slowly pulled apart, letting you slowly slide down to rest on the floor before a massive, white-furred toe. The smell of Asriel’s foot clung to every part of your body, and you actually felt slightly cold after spending so long surrounded by his toes.
  22. “There’s more power in one of my toes than your entire body, and you still haven’t given up?”
  24. That huge toe slowly crept forward, before roughly rolling you onto your back – forcing you to stare up as it came down on you from above. You tried to hold your arms up to keep it off you, but there wasn’t enough strength in your limbs to even slow the massive digit down as it came down on your chest with enough speed and weight to force the air from your lungs.
  26. “There’s still plenty more of me to go.”
  28. The huge toe then came down hard again, and you felt your consciousness slip away. When it returned you weren’t on the floor anymore – you were laid out on the same black surface that Asriel was sitting on before. The featureless ground was still slightly warm…and it still smelled like Asriel. When you opened your eyes, you received further confirmation – your childhood friend was towering before you, your own body at the level of his thighs. This was also when you realised that Asriel was naked, given that you hadn’t seen his entire body for quite some time. That nakedness meant that there was something pointing directly at your body, the tip of it close enough that you could reach out and touch it, not to mention smell it. It was a lot bigger than you remembered it being when the two of you were kids.
  30. A few seconds after you came to, the giant turned around, the rush of air created by the motion of his body blowing your hair back as the reverberating boom of his footsteps reached your ears. A second after that he sat down – a massive wall of rounded, white –furred flesh coming down from above and instantly making everything go dark. You could feel yourself returning to consciousness again and again, each time lasting only a few seconds before the giant behind shifted about and crushed you once again. Each time you died and came back you lasted a little bit longer, the sensation of the curved wall of flesh touching a different part of your body. Eventually, you found yourself in a spot where you lasted for more than a few seconds. You were in between the two massive cheeks, your field of view entirely taken up by Asriel’s butt. The two walls of flesh on either side of you shifted about, knocking you down and leaving you staring ahead – at a wall of soft, white-furred flesh.
  32. “While you were dying again and again I thought of something. I’m going to give you a bit more of a chance…if you crawl out from down there.”
  34. You didn’t feel like giving in and obeying – but then Asriel simply leaned back once more, crushing your body again.
  36. “Of course, I could simply keep on doing this all day if you don’t feel like obeying.”
  38. You decided to try and push on ahead. Getting up, you walked forward until the slowly descending curve of Asriel’s body forced you back down onto the ground. The giant goat’s body was all around you, and you found yourself starting to sweat due to the oppressive heat of it. As you moved forward, the smell filling your nose started to slowly change – you didn’t know why, but brought a slight flush to your cheeks. Eventually you found yourself in front of a wall of flesh that stretched down to the floor, but this particular wall was a lot softer.
  40. “Push through. You may be tiny and powerless, but you can drag your way out.”
  42. Asriel’s voice was still incredibly loud, but slightly muffled, presumably because it had to pass through his gigantic body to reach your ears. Filled with determination, you started to push through and kept on going. There was just enough give in the soft, furry flesh ahead of you that you could clamber through, but it rolled down and over your body, clamping to your skin. That peculiar smell was omnipresent now, so thick on the air that you could taste it as you slowly moved forward. You could feel it getting rubbed into your clothes as you moved, every single one of your senses consumed by the giant goat’s body. As that warm, oppressive wall of flesh weighed down on your body and clung to your skin, you slowly pushed your way through – and eventually made it past.
  44. Taking a big gulp of relatively fresh air once you’d extricated your legs from underneath Asriel’s body, you had to take a moment to collect yourself – before realising that you were cast in a tremendous shadow. Turning over and looking up, you saw the underside of the far larger male’s member, the huge thing longer and thicker than your entire body. It was still soft, and you could see the head resting on the floor in front of you.
  46. “Good job…now you’ve got a chance to get humiliated and killed in even more humiliating ways.”
  48. The towering goat stood back up and turned around once more – the head of the huge organ you were standing under before just in front of you once again. You could see every last detail of it…moments before it rose up and came crashing down on your body, crushing the life out of you with a meaty thwack. You came back to life the moment the huge organ lifted up off the ground organ – only for it to come crashing back down, again and again. Every single time Asriel slapped his cock against the surface you were standing on your life came to an end, and every single time you came back to life you felt the sensation change slightly. After a while the giant male’s head started to poke out as his cock grew bigger and harder, crushing you more painfully each time.
  50. Eventually Asriel grew completely erect, a bit of warm, clear fluid seeping from the end of his cock. He kept on smashing you with it for a while, but when you came to in a pool of the stuff he stopped for a moment, that massive head hanging above your body as another drop fell down and splashed in your face. You could feel the stuff clinging to your features and the inside of your mouth, your sense of taste and smell utterly consumed by the huge goat’s flavour. You could feel it on your back as well, soaking your outfit and coming away in soft ropes when you raised your arms.
  52. “Still? To tell the truth I’m starting to get bored of just killing you. I think I may as well use all this godly power to have a bit of fun. Not much use in being omnipotent if you can’t enjoy yourself.”
  54. A huge pair of fingers came down and roughly picked you up between them, before lifting you up and suspending you in the air before Asriel’s tip. The smell was as overpowering as before, but the taste suddenly grew stronger as you were pushed forward, your face rubbed against the massive, drooling cockhead. You tried to close your mouth, but the huge fingers against your sides suddenly pushed together, forcing the air from your lungs…and forcing your mouth open at the same time as the giant force-fed you. Your entire body was dripping and your stomach full as you were slowly dragged over the massive erection, circling the tip in a motion that elicited a moan from the massive goat above. Eventually you were dragged down the side of the huge shaft and pressed against it by a massive palm. Your body was dragged up and down, back and forth as Asriel pleasured himself. The friction of your tiny form must have felt good to the giant, and you could feel his pulse as his erection throbbed against your body in tune with the beat of his heart. Eventually the motion started to slow as you were held against Asriel with even more force, the pressure growing painful. An ear-splitting moan filled the air moments before the huge hand pressed down harder, the giant’s erection throbbing at the same time – crushing your body completely.
  56. You came to immediately, but your body was somewhere else – you were back on the seat you’d just been crawling about earlier. You could see Asriel’s grip on his erection, still pressing down in the same motion that killed you…seconds before a torrent of white stuff shot out the end of it, arcing through the air and coming straight down on your body. You died again almost instantly, surrounded by the hot, thick goo, only to come to again while still inside of it. You lost consciousness and came to again and again in the mess, just capable of feeling every successive burst. The smell and taste of your childhood friend are utterly overpowering, and it feels like you’ll never get them out no matter how hard you clean and rinse. Eventually the flow came to a stop, your life lasting long enough to try and swim your way up to the top. It took you three deaths before your head broke above the surface, frantically struggling as you took a breath of fresh air – only for another drop of the stuff to come down and fill your mouth instantly, sending you plunging back down.
  58. You didn’t give up, continually making your way up to the top. Each time you do, another big bead of white stuff falls down on you again, but you can tell that they’re getting smaller each time. Eventually you have a few seconds to look up, wiping the cum from over your eyes before you can open them. You can see Asriel smirking down, the last drops slowly falling from his flaccid endowment, the sight slightly obscured by the steam rising from his “handiwork”.
  60. “That was more fun than I was expecting. I-“
  62. Asriel’s words were interrupted by another droplet falling down on your head, pushing you under the surface and ending your life once more.
  64. “-gain and again. I don’t think I’m ever going to get bored of that.”
  66. Your determination to stay alive wasn’t faltering at all – but you could feel your drive to resist Asriel’s whims start to flag…
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